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ACT Abandoned Vore Loli Guro [Noisy Crown] クロノスフィアー / Chronos Fear (development halted)



Demon Girl Master
Feb 14, 2012
Reputation score
I'm thinking of letting this thread die and be just for the flash/act version. Then a new thread can be made by someone for the RPGmaker one. As they'll be essentially two completely different games. I'll try to tidy up my original post and add enemy types available on the incomplete flash version.


Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score
The dev has created their Ci-en , will be weekly update it seem. Chronos fear will be two part, chronos fear and chronos fear X. Still sad that the game is no longer side scrolling action game but glad they not abandon the game.
I thought they releasing whatever they have left of the action version together with their new game. Would the action game be one of the parts or we getting 2 parts + the old action game?


Jungle Girl
Oct 4, 2012
Reputation score
I thought they releasing whatever they have left of the action version together with their new game. Would the action game be one of the parts or we getting 2 parts + the old action game?
I mean the new game will have 2 part, once they release chronos fear, there will be a sequel named chronos fear x, atleast that's what google translate told me. Anyway from the screenshot, the game would still be action, just not side scrolling.
Aug 28, 2013
Reputation score
Ci En Update said:
We are currently in the process of rewriting the story parts from the Flash version of the game.

Originally, the main character Ichika was more of a psychopath, but now we are in the process of rewriting into a more empathetic, straightforward, justice-loving person.

The ADV part of the Flash game will be included as an extra on the main game, so you may find it interesting to compare the old Ichika to the new one.
Sounds like the flash version has been significantly updated from the last demo we got if there's actually story segments included in it. A little bit of hope grows....

Other than that, there isn't a terribly large amount of information in their first post. As said, the story will cover two games, Chronos Fear being the first one and Chronos Fear X (Cross) being the second.

It looks like the main story is going to be 44 parts, of which 19 have finished the writing phase. Once all of them have been written, they will begin working on the actual in game cutscenes and stuff.

And also as mentioned before, it looks like it's going to be a top-down Roguelike rather than a traditional RPG. Still trying to decide whether that's a good thing or not, but it...probably is?

And for those who are interested, here's their list of CI-En plans:

Free- Access to the BGM collection that will be used in the game
100 Yen per Month- Access to weekly updates on game progress, released every Sunday
500 Yen per Month- Access to trial versions of the game when they become available*, and a coupon every month for a discount on their older games
1000 Yen per Month- Access to previews of the CGs that will be used in the game as they come out. Also, access to the old Flash version is planned for this tier in the future.
1500 Yen per Month- Name added to the game's end credits.

*Caveat on the demos: they mention that the majority of the R-18 content will be added relatively late in the development process, so don't expect much of it in the early demos.

Curious what state that 1000 yen per month Flash version will be in. Am I 1000 yen curious? Guess we'll see when they actually add it.


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score
I'm thinking of letting this thread die and be just for the flash/act version. Then a new thread can be made by someone for the RPGmaker one. As they'll be essentially two completely different games. I'll try to tidy up my original post and add enemy types available on the incomplete flash version.
But the version that they're saying they will release with the RPG game will be the "incomplete" version of the flash game. If the thread is going to be locked, I think it should be unlocked for discussion when the RPG game releases so we can add whatever more enemies there are in the half-faked version.
Such a shame these two couldn't get their act together. It looked like this could've made a good action/adventure game.


Grim Reaper
Jul 10, 2012
Reputation score
Hmm, looks like they are reusing the previously hinted character designs that were never implemented into the demo, but were featured in some artwork.


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score
Good news, everyone! The game's not out yet. But...

They've finally done it. They released the final prototype of the flash version of the game.
The developer says it has many bugs, and they're not kidding. Upon starting both executables, the MC is stuck in a looping dodge animation and the controls are unresponsive.

I can decompile the game's resources, but I'm no good with whatever language Flash uses. I could probably figure out how to fix the controls on my own, given enough years.
Is anyone here well versed in kill-your-CPU-script?


Oct 20, 2012
Reputation score
Damn, now that's a game I remember being so hyped for... So sad what happened to it.

So does this mean this prototype has all the content they had previously teased before it got abandoned? Or is it roughly the same as the old demo?


Demon Girl Pro
Aug 24, 2011
Reputation score
Holy shit this old, like really old:
I still remember when the first demo came out.
And now they added censors and shit on the new trial after testing it out again.

Was pretty sure this game was dead for years, sending it to the graveyard.
#the old demo i had disappeared along with my computer due to how old it was... unfortunate.


Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score

Welp time to try it out


Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score
Prepare to be disappointed -> it's like a downgrade than an upgrade. :ROFLMAO:
Didn't get to try it yet BUT NAUUUUURRR

EDIT: ....what did they do? Pre much everything that made this great is all gone. Not even talking about how buggy this game is
Last edited:


Oct 20, 2012
Reputation score
Glitches and softlocks aside I think this actually has LESS content than the old demo.


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score
I actually didn't think anyone would still show up for an update to this game/thread.
I still haven't figured out how to fix the dodging softlock, but I've had some time to look into the game's files.

There were two demos released to the public before this. I recall one was in October 2013, the second in March 2014.
It appears to be true that the final prototype has less content than the original two demos from 2013/2014.
The following enemies that were previously in the March 2014 demo are now missing in the prototype:
Bompkin (pumpkin)
EgoDevil (small purple cyclops that sticks to you)
Golem (found above the plant boss in both demos)
Homunculus (cyclops with knife)
Mummy Man
Pig Man
The 2013/2014 demos also had files for some enemies that were not placed in their demo maps. These enemies still had animations, and some were actually complete enough to have actually worked in the demo.
Monster Flower (hangs from ceiling)
Octopus (was incomplete, but he had some animations)
RocketLauncher (May have been in 2013 demo)

The prototype includes improvements to some of the enemies that existed previously, and files for a few new enemies not seen before.
Ichika's facial expressions have been changed for some animations. She has more expressions and some have a more refined "kawaii" look.
Some of the rape animations now have fluids added to them?
LizardMan's rape animation now seems to progress to a game over if you don't struggle free before he finishes (even if health is above 0)
The flower enemy's rape animation now seems to progress like Lizard Man's.
Snaky (incomplete 3-headed dragon) renamed to Snake
Chest (incomplete mimic?)
Dark Elf (ryona)
Frog (vore)
Sea Anemone
Sword (ryona)
TTroll (pink character seen in the production materials)
I haven't gone through everything in the prototype, but I've seen there is more new stuff. There are files for new characters with almost as many animations as Ichika.

It looks like development of the game basically stopped after 2014. I'd been keeping up on this for a while and throughout 2015/2016 the developers would occasionally post screenshots of the game showing the new stuff they were working on. Their old blog has been taken down but I think it's up on the internet archive now.
I had begun to suspect by mid-2015 that the developers were only pretending to work on this game and were trying to keep up a facade that "we're doing actual work, look!"
This prototype confirms the suspicions that some people had. If this prototype really is as far as the developers made it into development (as they say), then some of the videos and most of the screenshots they've ever shown must have been staged, as they included (a lot of) content that isn't even present in the final prototype.
I think they said somewhere on their original blog that they were very busy with development because they had "around 100 stages" already made that they had to bugtest. In hindsight, this was clearly a lie.
If you look back at the timeline of the developers, it really does make them look pathetic now.
Noisy Crown is a duo of two developers.
They spent years pretending to work on the game before eventually closing their blog.
During this time, it was the lead programmer posting updates. He actually seemed to be trying to work with what little he had, however in a now deleted post on the now locked blog, the programmer revealed that his partner, the artist, was always slow on communication and was never getting her work finished (or something along those lines).
Eventually the blog posts became fewer and further apart, and the blog became decrepit and dead before finally being closed.

They randomly released 1 RPG maker game (Sanatio) out of the blue. It was made mostly by the lead programmer, who seemed tired of waiting around all the time for the artist.

In 2019 they started a Ci-En page (basically a Japanese Subscribestar). They seemed to be projecting an image that they were officially going back into full production, and they would begin producing content over the next few months. They were even talking about starting development of Chronos Fear from scratch in RPG maker.
At this point we knew they still had no actual content, because they hadn't really made anything in years, but they released a few OSTs from their past games as filler while they presumably got to work.
Over the next few months they're talking up development of the new Chronos Fear while releasing some animations from the Flash version (that everyone's already seen), and a few never-before-seen CGs of the game done in a new art style as filler.
Supposedly these CGs had been done a long time ago, but never released because Chronos Fear's development went into limbo. Now that they're restarting development, they're posting past stuff while they... Presumably do actual work that we'll see in the coming months.

A few months go by and they very actively post a mix of CGs from past games, including more Flash Chronos Fear animations we've already seen, and some more screenshots of the RPG maker version.
They actually start to release a few early alpha versions to their Ci-En subscribers. Work is actually getting done?
Going into 2020, they eventually run out of Flash animations to post, so they start to mix in CGs of the original Chronos Fear, in the old art style.
Some of these CGs were teased on their now closed blog, but the paid tier allows access to multiple images that have never been shown before (Ichika is caught > raped > etc).
They continue to post RPG maker alpha updates until July of 2020. The latest alpha version is now 0.09.

Through the rest of 2020 they just post CGs and tease the new version of Chronos Fear as they supposedly still work on the RPG maker version. The latest alpha version is 0.09.
They seem to completely run out of (past) game CGs to regurgitate, so for some reason they randomly decide to post a few high-res pages of a past Hanakanmuri comic, followed by CGs of their Sanatio game at the end of 2020. The latest alpha version is 0.09.

They go half of 2021 just regurgitating high-res versions of their Hanakanmuri comic. The latest alpha version is 0.09.
They completely run out of past content to repost. I think by this point they've probably reposted everything they've ever made on Ci-En to their paid plan.
So they start taking a few art commissions. They have some rules that commissions have to be of Noisy Crown characters or something.
The rest of 2021 all the way into 2022 is just Hanakanmuri commissions with a few Hanakanmuri reposts sprinkled in. By the way, the latest alpha version is 0.09.

Early 2022 they begin teasing the new Chronos Fear again, announcing they will be releasing some new CGs. They post some more never-before-seen CGs of Flash Chronos Fear in the old art style that they must have dug up.
Through the rest of 2022 they post mostly commissions, with a few CGs or teasers for the new Chronos Fear sprinkled in. The latest alpha version is 0.09.
They even start re-releasing CGs they've already reposted a year prior, with more images that they withheld the first time they reposted it.

2023 up until this point has just been art comissions of Noisy Crown characters. I don't think they've actually even spoken about development of Chronos Fear in over a year.
The only reason they released the buggy Flash prototype is because someone asked for it.
By the way, the latest alpha version for the new Chronos Fear is version 0.09. Development is definitely still ongoing!
TL;DR Noisy Crown basically spent 10 years pretending to work on new stuff, doing just the bare minimum they could get away with to string people along on their "projects"
All things considered, I think Noisy Crown is finished, and they know it. I think that's why they released the sorry excuse of a game prototype.
It's too bad. I heard a lot of people really loved their Hanakanmuri games for their story. Now they look like crypto fraudsters.


Oct 20, 2012
Reputation score
Fascinating write-up. I didn't even know they were still doing stuff (or pretending to) and actually taking money for it. I honestly thought they had simply shut down and I vaguely remember them announcing Chronos Fear was officially cancelled.

Has anyone actually collected their works and materials by the way? I've always had a soft spot for their stuff, would love to see the old CGs and such. I can't find uploads for Hanakanmuri anymore either (although I'm probably perfectly serviced by just looking up the CGs rather than trying to play that game again)


Jungle Girl
May 18, 2012
Reputation score
I remembered that the development of Chronos Fear was gonna slow down or halt at some point which is sad because Noisy Crown games was the one of the first games I played but then 2019 came around, and seeing they moved to RPG maker for the game of the same name, theres hope, but eventually the hope died down seeing how in 2 or so years all they do is release a prototype and spamming a bunch of CGs. Maybe in like 10 years we'll get a Beta version of the RPG maker version we see back in the days.


Apr 19, 2009
Reputation score
Where do I find Harpy and Sea Anemone on the prototype?


Grim Reaper
Dec 7, 2010
Reputation score
I thought the issue with their development was that they lost contact with each other? Or at least that's what I remember one of them saying.


Tentacle Monster
Mar 30, 2012
Reputation score
Truthfully, I cannot find any enemies besides the ones in the straightforward path.
There seems to be no restart buttong now after dying? tho you canteleport with the right click.
Also, after beating big snek thingy boss, I'm just stuck at a black screen, if that's intended


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score
Has anyone actually collected their works and materials by the way?
I think I have all of Noisy Crown's Stuff, from Hanakanmuri 1 & 2 all the way to their latest Chronos Fear prototype. The only thing I might be missing is a small flash minigame with the pink Touhou-esque vampire girl.
Some of them (particuarly Hanakanmuri) will be in a very deep and disorganized part of my archives though, so finding them intact would probably take me a while. (I have a copy of Demonophobia's source code (that I recall being in unusably shattered state) as well as an english version of Demonophobia, in very close proximity to these games)
I've even downloaded nearly all of the free-released CGs, and used image editing tools to half-ass edit together versions of the CGs that have not been released for free. (mostly just facial differences)
They're very rough but I used the cropped teaser images from the paid-only posts, and some images that are no longer available because they were from the ill-fated blog.
Somewhere, I definitely have images from the old blog that (I think) are no longer available. There was a series of CGs with the fly, done in an art style similar to the old Flash art style, but nothing like the new art style seen recently. It resembled the old Flash art style, but Ichika wasn't flat-chested in these CGs. (Jog my memory, I remember one of the two saying that Ichika was originally flat-chested because the artist had trouble drawing breasts)
Where do I find Harpy and Sea Anemone on the prototype?
I can't get the prototype to work, but it might be like in the previous demos and they're unimplemented enemies.
I thought the issue with their development was that they lost contact with each other? Or at least that's what I remember one of them saying.
That was part of the issue. As the original blog got quieter and it started to look really bad, the programmer spoke out in ~2015 ish and said that the the artist was very reclusive and did NOT like being bothered, so his pinging her for getting work done was very ineffective. He didn't want to piss her off, so he said he'd delete the post after a short time, and the post disappeared after a day or two.
I think you can see us talking about it in this very thread, some years back.

I'm speculating but to me, it looks like the programmer left and it's the artist running things now. She's done nothing but take commissions for years at this point, and maybe she knows she'll never finish any games without the programmer, which could be why she decided to just release the prototype to the fans who've been waiting.
... Which would also make even more sense that she (the artist) would have the less-complete, more buggy version of the prototype...
How the times have tabled.