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[Complete - Full] 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

using resource hacker you can edit CardWirth.exe, theres a lot of japanese text that can be replaced, also the icons can be extracted, edited and then replaced. a bit of work but doable if you want to spend time with it translating it to english. im not sure if its worth it or not.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Maybe I did something wrong but its not at all complete.

I'm still thankful for what you've done so far though.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

What surprise me is that there are translated piece from the first partial that are missing here
But really great job anyway, translating cardwirth game looks hard!
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

using resource hacker you can edit CardWirth.exe, theres a lot of japanese text that can be replaced, also the icons can be extracted, edited and then replaced. a bit of work but doable if you want to spend time with it translating it to english. im not sure if its worth it or not.

Don't bother with those strings. Looks like error messages to me.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

What surprise me is that there are translated piece from the first partial that are missing here
But really great job anyway, translating cardwirth game looks hard!

Are there? There might be a version discrepancy. I'm not sure if I'm up to the task of trudging through WirthBuilder again, though. This engine was made in 1998.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Are there? There might be a version discrepancy. I'm not sure if I'm up to the task of trudging through WirthBuilder again, though. This engine was made in 1998.

Yeah. The first partial had most of the interface stuff translated if i remember correctly.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Thanks for the translation!
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Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Not sure if I did something wrong it says completed full but there is still a TON of stuff in japanese.

edit: played a bit more and its not a huge deal. the bulk of the stuff that matters is translated for sure. appreciate the hard work
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Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Mushi no Kangoku has been updated (v0.70)

Unsure if current translation files are compatible with new module version.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Hey, original creator of the interface TL here. I'm gonna have a look at the game again since there's a notable update and consider redoing my partial, hopefully a bit better than before.

I don't wanna promise anything though. The interface TL was never all that hard, just tedious work, so it's easy to get burnt out on.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

At least I didn't see so many changes and new events are few. Anyway, there are some changes in the dialogues of the dog event and the jellyfish (I think)
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Yeah looks like they rewrote them... The dog scene previously didn't have many variables for how lewd the char was, so they prob wanted to update that. They also reorganized the event files, it looks a bit cleaner than i remember. The flies also got an art update and the event's slighty different.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

I used a file comparison software to check the files that were not changed from 0.68b to 0.70. With that, I was able to get the working translated files onto 0.70 without much issues. So far it only translated the basics like the UI, skills, items, etc but most of the translation was lost. However, the translator could pick this up so that he doesn't have to translate everything again by scratch.


Can't guarantee that this is the best fix since I just compared the files - still trying to play the game anyway.

Hope this helps.

Also for the OP, you don't need to pack everything back to CAB, just having the folder works. It's actually much faster to load the scenario as well, so it's best to change the instructions to simply extract CAB file, put translated files, then play the game.
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Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Image tutorial for better understanding no?
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

I used a file comparison software to check the files that were not changed from 0.68b to 0.70. With that, I was able to get the working translated files onto 0.70 without much issues. So far it only translated the basics like the UI, skills, items, etc but most of the translation was lost. However, the translator could pick this up so that he doesn't have to translate everything again by scratch.


Can't guarantee that this is the best fix since I just compared the files - still trying to play the game anyway.

Hope this helps.

Also for the OP, you don't need to pack everything back to CAB, just having the folder works. It's actually much faster to load the scenario as well, so it's best to change the instructions to simply extract CAB file, put translated files, then play the game.

This version suffers from the broken images problem.
Hey does anyone still have version 0.68? I would like to have it.
Not sure if there's still anyone working on this - but I'm 90% done in moving all the translations from the previous V0.68 to V.70. The main reason why the old translations couldn't just be added to the new patch is because the game creator modified a lot of his work, cleaning it up and removing redundancies (it's like a bunch of if statements and repeating the same content again and again). Also, he added new scenes and modified the other ones. He did a lot of work on the dog and jellyfish, so I had to translate new lines. Note however, I don't really speak japanese and had to rely on MTL (that I proofread) as alternative. I hope it's still understandable.

Anyway, I'm just finishing up the rest, like the Shop, mining, and gallery for example. Combat, H-scenes and UI has also been translated now. The days / status has also been translated, even though it was annoying to find on the builder.. I may be able to post the full translation today, or if you guys want to, I can upload my current progress now.

EDIT: There are snippets wherein the text weren't translated. Tracking the issues now, hopefully I can release it tomorrow instead.
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Wow, that's wonderful news! although no rush needed. I believe most of us would rather have a properly checked work over a rushed one.
Yeah - I'm playtesting it now and looks like I've been missing some translations here and there.. so yeah, might delay the release a day or two..
Update: I'm pretty sure I'm done with all the translations, except for the shop (selling stuff for money). The reason - creator was horrible at coding (he already fixed some of his work for V0.70, but still a lot of fixing to do). There are 55 items that can be sold to the shop. However, 35 of them is coded so that you can sell 1, 5, or 10 at a time, including the "cancel" button.
The problem:
The choices itself are japanese. So I have to translate 140(35 items x 4 choices) from that alone. While that's not too bad, each amount you can sell has two interactions, one saying that she doesn't have enough materials, and the other is the store owner saying "Thanks for your patronage". All in all, for just one item, I have to translate 4 choices with 2 interactions per choice, hence 10overall. So I have to do 350 of them for those 35 items.. (I might be wrong at my math, but meh.) Edit: Oh, forgot that just by clicking on an item, she has to say how much is the material... + 35. :|

It's just plain redundant and annoying to do IMO. I'll see if I can get away from the boredom and translate them all anyway, but I might just release the translation as is.

The other thing I'm experimenting on is adding two scenes that's not accessible by default - Dragonfly and Flower. The pictures are there, it's just that it's not really 'coded' within. Hence, I'm technically modding the work so that it's viewable even though you're not in Debug mode. They're only animations, so no sounds or anything, but it looks really good IMO.

Once I'm done with adding the two, I'll create a new thread or post it here. Let me know if I should create a new thread for it or not, it's technically a translation update.

I'm done. Thanks to the power of AutoHotkeys, I was able to translate all the shop items as well. Link: https://ulmf.org/threads/no-mushi-no-kangoku.11745/
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