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Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Niko slowly started to awaken, his mind aching in pain as he slowly came to, and memories of the night before slowing coming to him as the blue sky of day greeted him. He remembered he'd been on board a ship, when it was suddenly attacked by an unknown foe. He didn't manage to see whoever boarded the ship, possibly pirates, but not soon after their invasion, the ship caught aflame, and the gunpowder stored in the ship's lower depths didn't take long to explode. And when it did, Niko's world went dark... Although, he did have slight memories of seeing a beautiful woman, apparently with the lower body of a fish, appearing to save him... The rest was blank.

Finally managing to open his eyes after he'd recollected himself, Niko would be greeted by the beach sand under his back, and the sounds of seagulls above him, cawing seemingly for no reason at all...

He was laying on a beach, that seemed to extend for some distance in either direction, as if a welcoming mat for any man or woman that might met an unfortunate fate at the hands of the sea. There was also a patch of woods beyond the small beach, and given how clear it appeared, people or large creatures must visit this area quite often...

And finally, given the position of the sun, when he looked to the West, he saw a rather intimidating mountain range... Where rainy clouds seemed to reside over them.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"Great start, Niko;" he muttered to himself, as he rose to his feet. He brushed off his leather armor, and walked off of the beach, stopping at a rock to empty his boots of sand. "Might as well get moving. To, wherever the hell there's something other than sand and trees on this island. Or whatever this is...." He muttered to himself, and started walking, skirting along the woods until he found a path.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The forest was rather clear, and Niko had no trouble at all finding a path with which to walk through. However, after walking some distance through the green grass, and trees growing from the land, Niko heard what sounded like two women talking coming from somewhere ahead. It was difficult to make out what they were saying, but there was no doubt, they were getting closer...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko calmly kept walking down the path toward the voices, not making any effort to hide his presence. He'd rather be caught in the open by something coming down the road than something sneaking around in the woods while he hid in the bushes.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

With that, it wasn't long before Niko happened upon who the voices were coming from. Two elves were walking down the path through the mostly open woods, conversing with each other in a language Niko didn't understand. Suddenly, one of the two elf women, their main difference from a human woman being their mystic looking face, long legs, and rather pointy ears, directed her next words at Niko.

"Look!" she called out, "It's one of the humans from the report."

Her friend nodded, but seemed to keep a weapon handy, "Yes... But be wary, these men from other worlds are often unpredictable." she said, before directing her words at Niko, "You there! What's your name, and business coming to this island!" she demanded.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko, seeing the elves, became a great deal more relaxed. Elves, the regular variety at least, were usually reasonable enough. He stopped walking, and said; "My name's Niko. And I don't want to be on this damn island, I'm stuck here after the ship I was on was attacked."
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The lead elf who demanded an explanation nodded, "We know, but all the humans who near our island have a reason for coming here, are you one of the simple explorers who thought to colonize this island? If so, I'm sure you've realized by now that that is a foolish ambition..."

The other elf stepped forward, "You may come with us, human, and stay at our village. However, if you do stay, you will become a functioning member of our establishment, like everyone else, or else we'll force you to find somewhere else to stay. Do you understand?" she asked him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko inwardly grinned. 'Banter with a pair of elves in the middle of the woods on a strange deserted island? How can I resist?' He thinks to himself.

"One: I'm a mercenary. I was going somewhere else, the captain of the ship said he would be taking me to my next contract once things on this island had been taken care of. The ship sunk. I got screwed."
He smiles before continuing; "Two: Why would I want to stay in a village with a bunch of elves who lack the good manners to introduce themselves when accosting a stranger alone in the woods?" He puts a good deal of mirth into his voice, enough to make sure the elves know that he's just joking. Hopefully.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

One of the elves suddenly had her bow in her hand, notching an arrow at Niko's head, "Do you want to die, human!" she yelled, before her friend lowered her bow.

"You think yourself deserving of proper manners, human? You'd better learn your place, and learn it fast. You humans are a lowly race, barely able to think beyond your primal, perverted instincts. Find yourself fortunate that we're kind enough to offer a place in our village at all. Most others of our kind would kill you for trespassing on sacred elven ground."
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

(Just going to assume he has his stuff on him.)

Niko smiles at the elves threat, 'No one can take a joke these days,' and casually raises his hand up, as if offering peace. "Arrogance does not suit you, my good ladies. Nor does hypocrisy or ignorance. If I were controlled by my... 'primitive primal instincts,' why would I not have attacked you upon sight?"

Suddenly, a throwing knife appears in his hand, which he'd kept in a holder on his wrist; "Why would I have not defended my self when you so needlessly threatened me? Now, may we please end this game? I am willing to behave politely and appropriately from here on in, and pull my own weight in your community, if and only if you agree to do the same. Do we have a deal?" He says, the knife disappearing once more.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"What a disrespectful, arrogant human! Truly the lowest of his race." the elf with the bow claimed, growling at him. "I'm giving you ten seconds, human, to apologize for your disrespect for a higher race, if you don't, you'll be lucky if I let you die after I'm done making an example of you."

The other was silent, a blade similar to Niko's appearing in her hand out of the blue, signaling him that he is likely dealing with women, possibly about just as skilled as he. Not a battle he'd likely come out as the victor. She seemed as equally offended, following Niko treating them as not only equals, but pointing out flaws as well. Something the high elven race would not tolerate.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko sighs, his grin disappearing. He shakes his head, letting the disappointment show only a little in his voice; "Alright. I apologize. But let me tell you something. We humans have the same high opinions of ourselves as you, I've heard people talk about your kind in the same tone as you're talking to me right now. Sometimes it was while they were staring at one of you through the bars of a slaves cage they were locked in."

He took a step forward, his arms at his sides while he stared at the face of the elf with the bow; "Now, lets see you answer this for me. When have any of us earned the right to say we're better than anyone else? Was it when we started enslaving each other for sex? Was it when we started slaughtering each other over land? Was it when we started killing each other over pride? Can you tell? Because, I don't know. Look, I'm sure you've got better things to do than pull arrows out of somebodies corpse and clean them. So, I'm leaving. Have a nice day." He finishes, and turns around, walking back toward the beach.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The elf that was the main one who threatened him let out a 'hmph' and sheathed her arrow back in it's quiver. "Of course such a lowly race would refer to itself highly. Imps and Goblins do the same." she turned to her cohort, "I think this fool doesn't know the difference between us, and dark elves. A true elf would never take a prisoner. Those we fight are either killed, or set free." she said, Niko still within earshot.

The other elf then spoke up, "Let it go, sister." she said, and when her sister gave her a reminding look, she continued, "We were order to save the stranded humans, yes. But, from what I can see, this one is in no danger, and is not willing to be saved..." she turned to look at Niko's back as he slowly walked out of earshot, "The monsters of the forest will claim him, if it makes you feel any better..."
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Ignoring the elves, Niko kept walking until he got back to the edge of the forest, and started skirting around it once more. He had no real destination in mind, he was just wandering. He kept the monsters in the forest comment in mind though.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

During his walk, with no destination in mind, Niko faintly heard what he thought was giggling. It seemed to disappear for a time, even if he looked for it, before he heard it more clearly, the sound of a human girl, giggling from somewhere in the forest. Then, he heard the little girl eventually speak, "You lost? Little human?" the voice laughed. Then, Niko heard what sounded like another little girl speak, "Stupid human, he gonna make good slave..."

The voices laughed sadistically, before suddenly leaping out of hidden places in the trees, in all directions, and all but a second later, Niko was surrounded by strange little girls, with horns sticking out of their heads, and large, blunt clubs in their hands. They didn't seem to have anywhere near the strength to hold such things, but they seemed to be carrying them with ease. They were all grinning evilly at him, with malicious intent...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"Afternoon. Having a pleasant day? Yes? Good. See ya later." Niko said, not at any point changing his pace. He walked around any of the creatures that tried to get in his way, and kept his hands ready for a throw in case they attacked him. He'd pop a knife into the ground in front of the first one to move, not wanting to start killing the inhabitants of the island he was stuck on. If they didn't stop him, he'd keep going. He kept his ears alert, not wanting any of the strange creatures behind him to bash him in the back of the head.
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Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko didn't have to listen, rather, the goblins announced their attack when one shouted, "Let's get him!" before leaping almost all at once at Niko. He managed to plant a few knives in some of the goblins attacking, but there were too many, and they were too fast, not to mention strong, as one of their clubs connected with his shoulder, sending him to the ground.

"He killed Penny!" one shouted, and then one of the goblins standing over Niko, too hurt with his shoulder to do anything yet, sneered at him, "Smash him up!" she ordered the rest of them, and that's when the goblins started attacking Niko maliciously, clubbing him, and kicking him until he could no longer move from the pain. Once they had finished, and they were sure Niko could not move, they each started to run their hands through Niko's belongings, taking his knives, as well as anything else on his person, before laughing as they painfully began to tie his hands behind his back, tying his feet together as well.

Then, once they had stolen all of his things, two of the dozens of goblins reached under him, and lifted him up above their heads, "Heave-ho!" they shouted together in unison as they lifted him. One of the two chuckled, "Should we eat him, or fuck him first?"
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)


Niko remained calm as he was bound and lifted, largely ignoring the pain. 'That's gonna be a bruise tomorrow.' He thinks, and waits for an opportunity to escape.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

One of the goblins walking in the group, taking their prey through the woods laughed, "We're gonna fuck him, stupid! And if he ain't a good fuck, we'll eat him!" she laughed, before the rest of them laughed with her. One of the ones in the group shouted, "I can't wait, I'm horny, AND hungry!" Another yelled, "I think we should torture him! Make him pay for killing Penny!" These words caused an uproar of agreement. The goblins yelled, and shouted their childish battle cries,

"Make him pay!"

"Make him pay!"

"Make him pay!" They chanted.

After some time going through the woods, Niko was brought to a small clearing, where many small huts, meant to be a living space for creatures the size of children, the goblins, obviously, where standing up. All of the goblins in the group eagerly spread out, wordlessly preparing for Niko's punishment, and rape. They obtained four large stakes, carrying them with ease, when Niko himself would find difficulty, and came running towards where the two goblins still held him. The two goblins gave another *Heave!* and tossed him to the ground. That's when the dozens of goblins hoarded him, quickly taking his binds off, holding him under their control with their superior strength, and effortlessly, no matter how much he may have struggled, bound his hands and legs to the stakes with the same rope they tied him with before, and then used their clubs to hammer the stakes into the ground, so he could not escape.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko didn't respond other than to roll his eyes at the strange little creatures proclamation of punishing him. He didn't fight back as they staked him to the ground, knowing better than to try to resist when he was this badly outnumbered. He simply waited, biding his time, and if it cost him a little more discomfort, he could live with it. When they finish, he does grumble; "How am I supposed to be a good fuck if I can't move?" quietly to himself.
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