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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Raptor Jesus, Shiva's base damage looks like it would be a 6 and her Arousal damage works out to 14 (Physical + Combat Value). Her point totals add up correctly and I don't see any math errors on her sheet. Let me do a little bit more checking and I'll approve her for the Town Hall.

Janna, Morgan looks like she adds up, too (that's not a huge surprise, though xD). I'll let you know when she's ready for the Town Hall.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Okay. Is my charrie ready for the town hall?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Testing and checking is taking some time for all of the characters. I'm hoping to get through everybody by tomorrow.

One thing that I'm noticing and I just want to clarify. We have a whole lot of characters showing up with high Medical skill.

Keep in mind that any character can only be healed one time per scene. It doesn't matter how many people we have that could potentially heal; only one check can be made for any injured person during a scene.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Toxic, your character looks good so far, though don't forget to add +1 character points for Focus! You should have 39/41 to spend, which means that if you want to spend it on training, 'combat training' would add +1 to your combat value (so it would become 5 instead of 4), +1 to your defense value for 'defense training' (bringing it to 7 instead of 6.) Massive damage would give you +5 to your base damage (so, 9 instead of 4.)

Keep in mind that you could use specialty training and then buy two of the above, but only if Buster is using, say, hand to hand combat, or a knife, or a gun. Seems like you know what's going on with everything else so far. Once you add in those last two points-worth of training or whatever you want for him, I can test him out and then let you know if you're approved.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Oh I did add it in, I just used the flaw as a -1 instead of +1 to max, so I was treating it as 38/40. That's why it went from 26 to 27 by my derived attributes, then 36 to 35 in flaws.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

I should ask this out in the open before I make any further changes.

Is anybody not okay with slight cosmetic changes to their character? (I don't mean futa-fying your characters, I mean markings or changes to hair or eye colour at most.)

If you are, I'll avoid them. I don't want anyone pissed off because I changed their character's hair white or gave them a branding that marred their perfect flesh. xD
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Futa-fying our character could be interesting, though.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

I'd prefer that she kept her hair color... You would have to ask me about markings to be honest some I wouldn't care about others I would mind....

Also about eye color I wanted her to have brown eyes but my friend only draws characters with blue eyes... Ass.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Futafying characters might be interesting, but it's not a part of the game at the moment. xD

I'd prefer that she kept her hair color... You would have to ask me about markings to be honest some I wouldn't care about others I would mind....

Also about eye color I wanted her to have brown eyes but my friend only draws characters with blue eyes... Ass.

I may stay away from alterations to your character at all, in that case. :rolleyes: Thanks for letting me know. If there's kinds of markings that you don't want, you'll have to list 'em here or else I'll just avoid having Kaci altered that way.

As for eye colour changes, I don't rely nearly as much on the image that you provide as on descriptions, so it wouldn't bother me if you used a picture with blue eyes and described her as having brown ones. ;) I figured that making slight alterations to characters is going to make them different from their initial images anyways, hence why I said that written descriptions are just as good (if not better. :D)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Slight alterations are fine. I'd prefer nothing too extreme, but hair color, eye color, tatoos or whatever are fine.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Oh when I thought about markings for some reason I thought about scars... LOL

Almost all tatoos are fine for me.

And the reason I didn't change the eye color is because that's part of a comic she's drawing and it would be hard for me to imagine her with brown eyes rather then blue.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Cool, can we take a peek at the comic (is it online?)?

Also, I'm fine with alterations. XD I'm actually better with alterations like you mentioned than futa-fying, so yeah, go nuts if you want. Doesn't sound like they'll be too bad!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Is anybody not okay with slight cosmetic changes to their character? (I don't mean futa-fying your characters, I mean markings or changes to hair or eye colour at most.)

I'm fine with that, but since Shiva is already way out of the ordinary, I don't know how any alterations to her would have their desired effect. :p Asides from tattoos.

Or, rather than alter anything, you could say that Shiva's white hair and red eyes was an already placed sign, or alteration. I'd be fine with whatever you came up with along those lines, as long as Shiva gets to keep the white hair. :D
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

As long as there's a reason for the changes, I'm okay with it. Like Janna said, nothing too extreme, please ;)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

YO YO BUSTA! (ill never do that again) I don't think would mind markings on the skin like tattoos, not like scars, and almost all hair color changes would be taken in stride. Don't know about eye color. Maybe the color, as long as they remain bright and wide.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Yeah, if you couldn't guess from my previous comment, I'm good with cosmetic changes, although that does remind me. The picture I chose had the girl's eyes closed, so I'll make a note on my character sheet of her eye color.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help


Please done neg rep me!

It will be interesting to see how often these changes come up. *imagines having a Cara all decked out from head to foot in ink, Maori tribesman style* X333
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Ka mate, ka mate! Ka ora, ka ora!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Do the tattoos of tattoo based abilities get larger if the ability strengthens?