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Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth and Colette roll off (+DEX) to determine who gets to the vial first: 7 vs. 4, Mireleth wins. (No exp here, since it wasn't a real failure, just a way for me to decide who gets to try first)

Mireleth swings at the vial: 6. Misses, and it flies over her head. (+1 Exp)

Colette gets her try to catch it: 12. And does so.
And throws it at the big dog: 10. The big dog gets a facefull of something nasty.

Nagan uses her spirit totem: 7. Succeeds, binding the spiked wolf, but takes a -1 to future Spirit Talks.

Wyndyl takes a shot at the Beastmaster: 6. But misses. (+1 Exp)

Sable attempts to use Tools of the Trade: 6. But has nothing. (+1 Exp)

Mireleth uses I'm Your Opponent: 10, the barbarian is successfully challenged and cannot attack others.
Mireleth than attacks: 7, and hits for 7 damage. That is lethal damage, and because of her weapon's reach he can't make it into range to counterattack before being taken down despite the partial success.

Sable then attempts to dodge the charging dog: 7. Only a partial success, but the dog is debilitated by the facefull of poison it got, so that's enough.
Mireleth - HP 16/23, No Status
Nagan - HP 19/19, No Status
Sable - HP 17/21, No Status
Colette - HP 20/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 17/17, No Status

Enemies Remaining:
Beastmaster: at the back of the room.
Barbarian Guard: charging at Nagan and Wyndyl.
Spiked Wolf: Bound in place halfway between the cages and the door.
Big Black Dog: Near the door, in between Sable and Nagan and Wyndyl.

Both seeing the Beastmaster's thrown vial as the threat it was, Mireleth and Colette rushed to intercept it before it could hit its mark. The swordswoman, being closest to the front, was the first to reach it, swinging her blade in a high arc to try to cut it out of the air. Her blade nicked the stopper, sending the vial into a spin in the air, but ultimately failed to divert it significantly from its course. Fortunately Colette wasn't far behind her, the nimble thief leaping into the air and managing to deftly snatch the fragile glass without shattering it.

As her feet touched the floor again, she turned and threw it at one of the charging dogs. It struck the large black one square in the face, the beast letting out an enraged howl and faltering in its charge as whatever poison was in the vial went to work. It didn't stop, still charging blindly forward, but it was certainly visibly affected by whatever it had been hit with. The other beast, the spiked, wolf-like one, was halted mid-charge as an ethereal python wound around its legs and body, bringing it crashing to the floor. The summoning strained Nagan's abilities though, despite its effectiveness, the spirits' voices growing more distant even as she called upon their aid.

The beastmaster looked visibly shocked by the snake's appearance, seeming conflicted for a moment before ducking down quickly to avoid an arrow loosed at her, glaring at Wyndyl from across the room but holding her ground instead of actively pursuing the elf. She uncoiled her whip, ready to defend herself if anyone approached, but didn't seem eager to join the fray. She merely watched with a frown, inching closer to the door behind her as it looked like the ambush wasn't going according to plan.

Meanwhile Sable, seeing the beast still bearing down on her, did manage to avoid the dog's charge, though she failed to come up with anything she could use to take advantage of the beast's mad dash. It was evidently feeling the effects of the poison as it wheeled around to face her, growling loudly, but it was still a threat. She had been forced to dodge away from the rest of her party, leaving the hulking beast now positioned between herself and Nagan and Wyndyl. That made it difficult for her to intervene as one of the two guards charged at the two, axe raised above his head and shouting what Nagan and Wyndyl, the two native to the region, might recognize as a traditional battle cry.

The other guard was engaged by Mireleth as he tried to do the same, intercepted on his path to strike down the archer and magic-user by the swordswoman. He turned to her, swinging a vicious-looking axe, but she was easily able to step back and out of the path of the wild swing, using her blade's unusual length to her advantage and carving a deep gash into his shoulder as he tried to close the distance. His weapon fell from suddenly limp fingers, leaving him easy prey for a follow-up strike that finally brought him down.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

The barbaric warrior's sweeping axe was slow, predictable, and Mireleth stepped back and away, using her greater reach courtesy of the length of her blade to keep away while she waited for an opening. He was kind enough to supply her with one, and after a brief exchange she hakced through his armor and into his shoulder, severing muscle and artery alike and carving down to the bone on the arm he used to hold his weapon. Whatever he might have been before today, Mireleth left him a bleeding, sputtering mess with another quick slash that opened his throat, and turned without watching him fall and hurtled back down the hallway.

The dogs had mostly been dealt with, at least, but one of the guards was advancing upon Wyndyl and Nagan, and that simply wouldn't do. Colette or the elf could handle the beast tamer before she fled, and Nagan and Sable could finish off the hounds. This one was hers, and with a sudden sprint she rushed to the man's side and swung up, aiming to catch his axe beneath the head and prevent its descent. "No coward," she growled, "you will fight me!"

Flicking her blade, Mireleth made to put him off balance, slashing down at his knees next and then aiming to cut his throat much like she had his companion.

Second verse etc, I'm Your Opponent and then Hack and Slash, prevent damage on 10+ if I'm so lucky.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Colette was pleased that her toss had found its mark, and her continued success in combat only served to add to her confidence and cockiness - for better or worse.

Swinging her blade in a flashy motion, she leapt into a light jog, locking eyes with and setting course for the beastmistress who was trying to flee the combat. The dogs had set upon her companions and apparently ignored her, so the thief would run ahead and either engage the woman if she chose to fight, or pursue her if she did not.

Colette moves to engage with the beastmaster, slashing at her with fancy quick strikes if her enemy fights her, or giving reckless chase if the woman flees.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Quickly running through her mental catalogue of tools, Sable frowned momentarily as she realized she didn't have anything she could use to enact her plan on short notice. She'd have to correct that the next time she had a chance to resupply, such a thing could be valuable in the future. For now though, she needed to avoid being barrelled over.

She dodged to the side at the last moment, stumbling back another step as the beast only narrowly missed her. The hound seemed focused on her for now as it wheeled around to face her again, which was probably for the best considering its charge had brought it close to Nagan and Wyndyl as well. She needed to keep its attention away from them.

Bringing her sword to bear Sable charged forward to engage the hound. Raising her blade, she made a diagonal strike at its foreleg as she stepped in, hoping to take advantage of its seeming weakness after being hit with the beastmaster's poison to quickly cripple it.

Just closing the distance with the hound and hacking and slashing.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Though she was taught that, as a shaman, the risk of the loss of her life and her knowledge meant her duty was not to answer the taunts of her foes, Nagan's bones ached to meet the warriors that called to them in battle.

Had Mireleth not jumped in before she could, Nagan thought she would have. Instead, the tribeswoman screamed the response, and drew her knife instead, to plunge into the blinded beast beside them. Though this might not have been a true warhost that her tribe would have gathered in, it was a host, however small, of warriors; she would follow the rites of battle as she must, just as she would follow the rites of supplication to Chu'a, when they had ended the foes here, and earned glory.

I am going to KNIFE the DOG.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Wyndyl loosed her arrow and watched it fly as she fetched another, notching it and pulling back the string as the beastmaster dodged out of the way of her first shot. No matter. There was another right behind it. She heard the primal scream of a warrior coming her way, but she paid it no heed. Sir Wolf would protect her, she was sure of it. She loosed her second arrow at the beastmaster and began to ready a third, hopefully this one to take down a different target.

I cast ARROW on the beastmaster. This time hopefully I am not useless.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth challenges the warrior: 12, and is successful.
She then attacks: 9, dealing 6 damage and taking 2 (After Armour) in return. Warrior is dead.

Wyndyl fires a shot at the Beastmaster: 8, for a partial success, dealing reduced damage.
Deals 3 - 1 = 2 damage to the Beastmaster, though it is further reduced by her armour.

Colette reaches the Beastmaster and attacks: 8, hitting her but unable to prevent her escape.
Initially rolled 1 damage, but was rerolled by Mireleth's racial ability, dealing 7 (Minus armour) instead.
The Beastmaster is severely wounded, but still standing, and flees the room.

Colette's Defy Danger roll to avoid being entangled in the thrown net: 13, easily dodging it.

Sable attacks the big dog: 10, dealing 10 damage minus armour.

Nagan tries to attack the dog: 6, but fails. The dog turns and pounces on her, dealing 7 damage and pinning her down. (+1 Exp)
Mireleth - HP 14/23, No Status
Nagan - HP 12/19, Prone, Pinned.
Sable - HP 17/21, No Status
Colette - HP 20/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 17/17, No Status

Enemies Remaining:
Beastmaster: Badly wounded, alone with Colette in the next room to the north.
Spiked Wolf: Bound in place halfway between the cages and the door.
Big Black Dog: Wounded, pinning Nagan down.
Before her first opponent had even hit the floor, Mireleth was already moving to intercept his companion. Despite neither understanding the words of the other, the man seemed to recognize her shouted challenge for what it was. He turned in his charge to meet her, his axe coming around in a deceptively fast diagonal swing that she only barely missed intercepting and caught her on the shoulder. Fortunately her armour held, the blow only enough to jar her and send a jolt of pain down her arm. He wasn't so lucky, too unbalanced by his own powerful swing to avoid her return strike. Her blade caught him behind the knees, sending him to the floor with a cry of pain and leaving him easy prey for her finishing blow.

Now safe from the charging warrior, Wyndyl was able to line up another shot on the fleeing beastmaster. This time her arrow struck true, but yet again what looked like it could have been a crippling strike was foiled by her armour. She visibly recoiled as the arrow drew blood along her side, but the leathers she was wearing seemed to have robbed it of enough of its force that it only carved a shallow gash through armour and flesh as it deflected away rather than penetrating.

Colette reached the beastmaster as she was still recoiling from the elf's arrow, whip striking at her assailant in an attempt to keep her at bay as she made for the door. The nimble thief was able to dodge around the attempted strike though, rapier darting out to strike. At first it looked like her attack would also be foiled by the woman's armour, but a last moment shift of her blade found a weaker point in the thick leathers, sinking into the flesh beneath, just above her stomach. With what the thief could be fairly certain was a curse, the beastmaster managed to shove her away before she could make the final blow, staggering back and slamming the door in Colette's face as she fled, but couldn't delay the thief for long.

Meanwhile, Sable and Nagan took on the larger of the two dogs, debilitated by the poison but still very dangerous. The swordswoman took the lead, the beast still focused on her with its back to the other two. A quick slash from her blade cut deep into its leg, drawing blood and a howl of pain. It tried to strike back, jaws snapping shut only to catch air where she'd been standing moments before, but was rewarded with another gash on the side of its neck. Such a strike would have easily brought down a lesser beast, but the hound's flesh and muscle seemed exceptionally tough, her blade not cutting deep enough to cause a fatal wound.

The shamaness tried to take advantage of the beast's distraction to plunge her dagger into its unprotected flank, but while wounded it wasn't down yet. With another howl the beast spun around and pounced, sending Sable stumbling back a few steps and colliding headlong with Nagan, bringing down hard onto the floor beneath it. Her hand still grasped her dagger, but it was pinned awkwardly at her side under the hound's bulk as the beast snarled down at her, its massive head only inches above her own. Across the room, she could hear snarling as the other beast strained against the magic holding it in place.


What Colette found when she threw open the door to follow the fleeing beastmaster was another room of similar size to the one she'd just left, though evidently of a very different purpose. To her left, the wall and a few tables were covered in implements of all sorts. Some were recognizable as tools to be used in the training of animals, others quite obvious tools of torture, while yet more were of indiscernible purpose. Some were crude while others were finely made, probably stolen in raids if these people didn't have the means to smith them themselves. The opposite wall had ancient-looking manacles hanging on the wall from chains, blood and other indeterminate fluids staining the floor and walls beneath them but currently remaining unused. A quick glance was enough to confirm that they were probably intended for use on humans though, not beasts. Finally an empty bookshelf made for a makeshift divider blocking the back corner of the room from view, and another was pressed up against the back wall.

The beastmaster had made it over to the tables on the left, one hand clutching at her stomach wound and her whip lying discarded on the floor. With surprising quickness for how badly wounded she seemed, the woman spun to face the door as Colette entered, hurling a weighted net much like those she'd seen used in the attack on the town. Fortunately the thief was quick on her feet, able to dive out of the way as the net harmlessly struck the half-open door. The beastmaster seemed to be on her last legs now, and was growing desperate, but still drew her sword, obviously having no intention of surrendering, leaving the thief to decide how to deal with her..
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth grunted and rolled with the blow, lessening it and seeing much of its power glance across her armor, though her blood still flowed, dripping onto the floor. She offered no mercy to the kneeling barbarian who had wounded her before she had taken out his legs, cleanly decapitating him with a single smooth swing before she turned to the melee with the dog.

It was a disaster on both sides. Nagan was down, and from where she stood Mireleth wasn't sure if the shaman was conscious, or even if she was still alive. That didn't matter, however. Whatever Nagan's condition, Mireleth couldn't allow it to survive, and if that served to prevent the shaman from further harm all the better. That in mind, she lunged in front of it and slashed, trying to shove her sword's blade into its mouth and force its head back, cutting all the way through.

I'm Your Opponent to distract the doge and also hack and slash, preventing damage to self if 10+, sort of as the same action.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Colette hurried after her fleeing quarry, feeling that it would be best to not give this beast master time to set up another trap or summon any more nasty mutant dogs to her aid. Safe in the mindset that her friends could handle themselves, the daring rogue opened the door and ran through to the other side.

She took in the torture chamber around her.

"Love what you've done with the place," she said, smirking, only to have her grin disappear as the weighted net came hurtling her way. Displaying fine dexterity and flexibility, she leapt forward and sank into a front split, allowing the net to sail harmlessly over her head. She then stepped up and with another flourish of her rapier, edged closer to the wounded foe.

As she did so, her keen sense for danger told her to scan the room briefly for a trip wire, a pitfall, or any other means of entrapment. If she found none, she would move forward to engage the beastmaster in a one on one duel, sword against sword, in the way she'd been taught by the best members of the capital's Thieves Guild.

Use Colette's detect traps ability to scan for traps. If none found, engage in swashbuckling duel.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Knocked off her feet with the unnatural hound above her, Nagan elected to worm her way underneath, and then hopefully back out from under the dog and onto her feet. With her back on the floor and the dog above her, the shamanesss scooted a bit awkwardly forwards on her elbows; hopefully, the dog would be too preoccupied with whatever else may have been going on to bring its teeth upon her. And if not... well, her mask was quite sturdy...

Defy Danger to try and wiggle free. Dex, hopefully?
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"Colette, wait!" Sable nearly turned to chase after the thief, worried about what might be waiting in the next room, but the beast she was fighting took that moment to pounce on Nagan, knocking her back with its sheer bulk as it did. Cursing, she gripped her blade in both hands, driving it into the hound's flank and tearing it outwards, hoping to take it down quickly before they lost one of their number—either the shaman pinned beneath it or the reckless thief who'd run off alone.

Just using Hack and Slash and choosing to deal +1d6 damage on a 10+.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Wyndyl's mouth curled down into a scowl as her arrow struck the beastmaster, the heavy leather armor she wore blunting the blow enough that she was able to carry on running away, though Colette caught up to her and gave her a stabbing before she jumped through the door. The elf thought to give chase, but then one of the massive beasts lunged at Nagan and knocked the shamaness onto the ground under it. A dangerous situation indeed, and though the others quickly moved to deal with the wounded creature Wyndyl couldn't just trust that it was taken care of, and she loosed an arrow at it. At the same time, she wasn't completely without options in helping her roguish companion... <"Sir Wolf, please go and help Colette, I'll catch up soon"> she called in Elvish to the direwolf, hoping that he would help her through the danger she was likely to be in just a short ways away.

Shooting an arrow at the beast on Nagan, trying to get muh direwolf to support Colette
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Colette searches for traps (9) and finds nothing in her way, although the bookshelf against the far wall looks suspicious.
Sir Wolf attempts to aid her, and she then goes in for the kill... (5) but takes a hit for 4 damage herself instead. (+1 Exp)

Mireleth challenges the dog (9) drawing its attention away from mauling Nagan, as she stabs it in the mouth, (10) for 9 damage, nearly killing it.

Meanwhile, Nagan manages to pull herself out from under the massive dog safely (12)

Sable tries to finish it off (7) dealing 3 damage and finally bringing it down, but gets hit for 8 damage in return.

The other wolf finally breaks free from Chu'a, taking 3 damage in the process, and charges at Wyndyl.

Wyndyl takes a shot at it (8) but fails to wound it through its natural armour.
Mireleth - HP 14/23, No Status
Nagan - HP 12/19, No Status
Sable - HP 9/21, No Status
Colette - HP 16/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 17/17, No Status

Enemies Remaining:
Beastmaster: Badly wounded, alone with Colette in the next room to the north.
Spiked Wolf: Slightly wounded, charging at Wyndyl.

Quickly scanning the room she'd chased the beastmaster to, Colette found no sign of any further traps, at least within the room proper. While they'd trapped the entryway at least, they seemed less eager to fill their living spaces with such deadly contraptions. Her keen eyes did catch something suspicious, scuff marks on the floor around the bookshelf against the far wall suggesting it had been moved more often and more recently than the rest of the furniture in the room. That wasn't relevant to the matter at hand though, and despite her wound the beastmaster met her first strike and deflected it aside.

A growl came from behind her, perhaps even enough to distract her for a moment as the sound of paws on the stone floor grew closer, but it wasn't one of the mutant hounds that emerged from the doorway behind her. It was not quite so massive, and easily recognizable as the dire wolf that was Wyndyl's companion. The wolf snarled and snapped at the beastmaster, but she easily fended him off as well, not looking intimidated by the beast. Another parry and strike tore through Colette's skirt, slicing easily through the tights beneath and only barely breaking the skin, the thief managing to dodge just in time to avoid a much deeper gash. The beastmaster followed with a shoulder check that slammed the physically smaller thief into the shelves behind her. The blow left Colette winded, and a few tools and other implements or uncertain function clattered to the ground around her feet, but she was far from out of the fight, and her opponent was still on her last legs despite having gained the upper hand for now.

Meanwhile, the fight against the mutant hounds was going better than Colette's duel with the beastmaster. Mireleth lunged forward, the tip of her blade stabbing into the beast's open mouth and sinking into the soft flesh within. The beast snarled, pushing the swordswoman back as it struggled to sink its teeth into the arms holding her sword. It didn't even seem to register the pain, even as its efforts made her sword sink deeper until finally striking bone, but the blood running freely from its mouth told enough about how badly she'd wounded it.

Mireleth's intervention also left Nagan plenty of time to pull herself out from under the beast that was no longer attempting to maul her. The shamaness was bruised and sore from the impact and fall, but otherwise uninjured. Fortunately the black hound seemed to be faltering, unable to dislodge Mireleth's blade from its mouth and bleeding steadily from the wound. It was too focused on the swordswoman in front of it that Sable was able to land a strike of her own unopposed, her blade carving deep into the hound's side. Recoiling in pain, it finally tore itself off of Mireleth's blade, opening the wound even further as it turned on the other swordswoman. Sable's heavy swing had left her momentarily off balance, having needed to put all her strength into piercing the hound's thick hide, and wasn't able to avoid the hound now bearing down on her even as it seemed like it should be falling over dead.

Its head slammed into her chest, throwing her back and forcing the breath from her lungs. The hound's teeth tore at her armour and the flesh beneath. A chunk of the leather of her chestguard came away in its teeth as the hound finally stumbled and fell, toppling to the floor beside her, finally dead. Sable found her entire body protesting as she tried to stand again, bruised and battered after being thrown around so much and part of her armour now hanging in tatters, the cloth beneath the damaged chestguard full of tears and barely seeming to hold together. It could be repaired, but that would take time they didn't have now—Already the last of the hound could be seen struggling against its bonds, and winning.

Nagan could feel Chu'a's hold on the other beast slipping, and a quick glance would confirm that the spiked wolf had pulled itself at least meter forward from where she'd first trapped it, the ethereal serpent straining to hold it back. It wasn't unscathed by the struggle however, several of its bone-like spikes snapped off, and blood soaking its white fur from a pair of puncture wounds on its shoulder. Finally, with a grunt of effort it broke free, charging straight at the nearest target in the open, the elven archer who has just been lining up a shot at the other hound. At the last moment she was able to twist around and fire at the charging beast, but her arrow deflected harmlessly off of one of the mutant's bony protrusions, and she had only moments to decide how to stop or avoid the wolf if she didn't want to be barreled over.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

The bookcase. The markings on the floor. Colette was certain there must be some sort of hidden passageway, but she didn't have time to spend much more thought on it before the injured and cornered beast master charged at her, meeting her initial barrage in a flurry of parries and battered deflections.

"Hya! hyaa! Erk... Ooff!"

A charging shoulder from the amazonian woman bumped the city thief back against the wall, and this had come after the savage woman's slashes had torn a strip away from Colette's skirt and bit into her tights. Thankfully the cut wasn't too deep.

"Oooh... you'll pay for that!" Colette said, and raised her rapier again, thrusting back out to find a way to finish this woman off. It shouldn't be too hard, what with Wyndyl's animal companion backing her up.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth grinned broadly as she shoved her sword into the mutant wolf's mouth, forcing it back and keeping it from harming Nagan further. The shaman managed to scamper away, and the beast only gored itself further in its struggles to get at her in the process. Mireleth leveraged her strength and her blade, always giving it the most resistance and the most sword to fall on as it writhed, ultimately allowing Sable to score a lethal blow. Eventually it pulled away, allowing her to retract her sword and prepare to deliver the killing blow, but it ended up being unnecessary. The beast revenged itself upon Sable and then collapsed, leaving Mireleth to turn and see the other mutated animal breaking free of whatever Nagan had done to it.

Though some of the bony monster's protrusions were broken, it charged at them anyway... Straight towards Wyndyl, who was now without her own wolf, though Mireleth wasn't sure where it had gone. "Key-yah! Here!" She shouted, rushing to intercept its path to the elf, aiming to roll past and under it while sweeping at its legs with her blade before coming back to her feet.

Third verse, same as the first. I'm Your Opponent aaand Hack and Slash.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Nagan had not even a moment to gather herself, once she'd managed to squeeze out from under their foe's malformed beast. She felt Chu'a's grip fail, and then she saw the spiked dog spring to its feet and hurtle towards the elf that had been her companion the longest. Snatching up her staff from where it had fallen, the shamaness shouted, and flung it, sending it whirling though the air at the hound charging her friend and ally.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"Ugh..." Sable pushed herself up off of the floor, body protesting the whole way. She was no stranger to pain or injuries like these, something her multitude of scars could attest to, but that never made it any easier in the present. A quick glance down confirmed that the injury wasn't too bad, the hound's teeth having mostly torn cloth and armour instead of the flesh beneath and nothing felt broken. The breastplate of her armour was in tatters now, and her body felt like one giant bruise, but she could still fight.

Once she'd staggered back to her feet she quickly surveyed the battlefield, finding only one enemy left to deal with, the other hound that had broken free of Nagan's magic. Colette was still unaccounted for, but Sable could only hope the thief would be alright on her own for now. All she could do for now was try to reach the giant wolf before it reached Wyndyl, charging across the room with her blade ready.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Her wolf companion dispatched to help Colette, Wyndyl returned her focus to the battle at hand. She reached back to her quiver and pulled out another arrow, notching it and taking aim at the beast the others were fighting, though Mireleth and Sable had managed finally to kill it in the interim, though at great cost. For a moment the elf dared to think the battle was won, the remaining wolf constricted by Nagan's spirit magic, though that delusion was quickly shattered as the creature grunted and burst towards her. She spun herself around and quickly shot her arrow at it, but the shaft merely glanced off the creature unable to bite. She found herself now facing down the huge, toothy beast without the aid of Sir Wolf. Her allies would surely remedy that, however, she had only to maneuver to make it so. She moved quickly, rushing towards the side of the room while reaching for another arrow, trying to shorten the distance between the beast and Mireleth before launching another arrow at its snarling maw.

Trying to get behind Mireleth and shooting at the beast. Sir Wolf will continue to aid Colette's attack
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Colette attacks the beastmaster (7), and hits, dealing 7 damage (with the aid of Sir Wolf), but being struck in return for 4 before the beastmaster goes down.

Mireleth successfully draws the wolf's attention (9) and attacks it (8) for 4 damage. She takes a hit for 1 damage in the process.

Nagan attempts to throw her staff at the wolf (6), but fails. (+1 Exp)

Sable attacks the wolf (12), dealing 4 damage and avoiding any retaliation.

Wyndyl fires at the wolf (11), dealing... 1 damage through its armoured hide.
Mireleth - HP 13/23, No Status
Nagan - HP 12/19, No Status
Sable - HP 9/21, No Status
Colette - HP 12/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 17/17, No Status

Enemies Remaining:
Spiked Wolf: Badly wounded, trying to flee.
Despite having briefly seized the advantage, Colette's opponent was very clearly on her last legs. Rather than follow up after shoving the thief into the shelves she backed off, trying to keep the wolf from getting behind her as she caught her breath. She swiped with her sword to keep the wolf at bay, only barely able to react in time as Colette recovered and came at her again. The beastmaster tried to strike first, lunging forward for a quick slash of her own, only to stumble and cry out in pain as claws raked her back. Her sword caught cloth and leather, but only barely scratched the flesh beneath while Colette's own strike had found its mark.

The point of her rapier sunk easily through the woman's leathers, piercing through her chest in what was very clearly a mortal wound. Momentum forced Colette back into the same shelf again as the beastmaster's body collided with her, but other than another knock to the back of her head and the new slash through the breast of her outfit she wasn't badly hurt. The beastmaster slumped back off of her with a light shove, sliding off of her blade and collapsing to the floor a moment later. This left Colette and Sir Wolf alone in the room, though the sounds of combat still echoed from the open doorway, leaving her free to take a closer look around the room or rejoin her companions.

Meanwhile, the other four had all turned their attention to the last of the mutant hounds. The oversized wolf had broken free from its magical bindings, charging at full speed towards Wyndyl, who was lining up another shot while trying to reach the protection of her allies. Mireleth was the first to reach it, intercepting it halfway and trying to divert it from its course. The swordswoman avoided its snapping jaws with a nimble roll, slashing one of its hind legs as she slid underneath it. Blood splashed across the floor from the gash and the beast slid to a stop, claws scraping against the stone floor as it turned to this new threat. A wide swipe managed to catch Mireleth in the chest while she was regaining her footing. She was forced back a step from the force but her armour held against its claws.

Taking advantage of the beast's distraction, the rest of the party acted at once. With little else with which to harm the beast, Nagan hurled her staff at its side, though the weapon only seemed to clatter harmlessly off the bony protrusions along its side. Sable found more success, approaching from behind and carved a deep gash along the flesh of its flank, between the armour-like plates and spines. Finally, Wyndyl's arrow struck true as well, striking the top of its head as it snapped at Mireleth. The arrow cut a bloody line across its scalp, but didn't seem able to pierce the creature's thick hide and natural armour.

Nonetheless, the creature was obviously suffering from the combined wounds they'd inflicted, moving with an obvious limp as it backed away from the two swordswomen with blood matting its white fur in several places. It snarled, snapping at anyone who moved too close, but it didn't seem like it was going to charge again. Instead, it was backing off towards the open doorway the beastmaster had retreated through, looking ready to bolt as soon as it saw an opening.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth grinned, rife with the thrill of battle and freshly shed blood. The beast was retreating, on its last legs, but she was of no mind to let it go. She stalked after it, blade held ready at her side, ready to slash for its throat if it pounced at her, and ready to do the same when she got close enough. It was time to end this.

(Hack and slash, trying to avoid damage.)