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Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 46/51, Status = Fine

"Oh really? How scandalous~" Elizabeth replied with a soft giggle to Pale's lie about her steward, and then quirked her eyebrow and said; "Ahhh, a couple of weeks? That's fairly long for a visit, isn't it? I suppose your family must have some sort of business to take care of in the city if you're staying that long." It was fairly obvious from the look on the woman's face that she was digging for gossip of some sort, but whether Pale would try to brush her off or attempt to come up with some sort of lie was up to her.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

"Something like that. I don't pay too much attention to such things. If my aunt and uncle thought I was smart enough to deal with actual business, I'd get buried in books." Pale parries the inquiry off-handedly, letting her gaze wander around in the party while taking another sip of her drink.
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Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

"True enough! It seems you lucked out on your lack of wisdom then, hrm? It means you'll eventually be married off, but at least you get to have a bit of fun now, right?" the lady replied lightly as she played with her drink, her tone playful.

(I'm going to assume you mistakenly said "parents" there.)
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

"The freedom is worth some condescending comments." Pale idly replies while wondering how to best be rid of the inquisitive woman. Spotting an attractive looking man who seems to be alone, the vampire directs a smile at him.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

The man she picked, coming to the bar to order drinks, smiled back hesitantly at Pale but paid her no further heed. She was given little time to ponder that, however, as the woman beside her idly turned about to lean her back against the counter, a sweet smile on her face, and said; "Really? I suspect that you genuinely think that way, don't you?" She tilted her head oddly, and suddenly Pale realized that a trio of men dressed in armor showing symbols suggesting that they were private security rather than city guardsmen started walking toward her. "I would suggest not making a scene out of this," the woman said quietly, "I was responsible for compiling the guest list, you see, and knew everyone on it. Not only was your name not present on the list that I compiled, but I happen to know for a fact that no members of the Guardhill family are present in the city of Lockacre at this time. If you'd care to give a reason for breaking into our party and attacking our retainers, I confess myself to be curious about it, and might suggest only a few weeks in a jail cell rather than a few years to the city guardsmen when we hand you over to them."
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

"IF you hand me to them," Pale replies sharply, now quite annoyed with the woman. Setting down her cider, she wills a half-sphere of darkness centered on herself into existence, only to step into the shadows and appear somewhere on the roof of the building.

Using patch of darkness followed by Shadowstalker
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 46/51, Status = Fine

Resistance: Pale loses.

Three guards try to grab her.
Attack: All miss.

The woman merely rolled her eyes at Pale's declaration, and as the vampire worked her essence into a cloud of shadows in front of her, intending to step into it and vanish, she found her energies seized by some outside force and scattered. Her cloud of darkness appeared and vanished, the spectacle causing those nearby to gasp in surprise and drawing a lot of attention. The three approaching guards rushed in and tried to grab her, but even with the surprise of whatever magics had prevented her from conjuring her half-orb of shadows didn't leave her stunned enough to put her on flat feet. She managed to avoid the three men, weaving between them and moving away from the counter. The other partygoers backed away from the spectacle, men trying to shield women away from Pale and her pursuers, all save for the woman to whom she had been speaking who remained where she'd been with a flat look on her face.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

As her powers fail her, Pale swears out loud, dodging the men trying to grab her. Realizing that the woman must be behind whatever is stopping her from using her powers, she leaps into the air and launches a kick towards the annoying bitch's face.

Attack the woman with shattering blow. Attack: d20+66 Damage: (1d8+24)*2
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 17/97, PP = 52, EP = 46/51, Status = Badly Wounded

Pale jumpkicks the woman in the face!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 24 = 30, 30 * 2 = 60 damage. Down she goes!

The guards pull guns and point them at her.

A mage from somewhere casts Intensified Eldritch Blast and aims it at Pale.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 2 = 20 * 4 = 80 damage.

Weaving between the guards, Pale leaped and rose her foot, delivering a savage kick directly to the woman's face that she would feel crush bone. Blood erupted from the noblewoman's shattered face, and she crumpled to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The guards, seeing this, promptly drew guns on her and pointed them at her face, but apparently she had misjudged the source of the magic preventing her from escaping, as before they could open fire a spell hit her first. A ray of brilliant light lanced out from a balcony, one that tore through her supernaturally toughened body like it was so much tissue paper and left her briefly paralyzed with agony.

As shivers of pain tore through her body, that single spell having very nearly killed her in a single shot, a voice called out, booming and commanding over the frightened cries of the retreating nobles. "Hold! Hold your fire!" The guards, despite their obvious distaste with the order, didn't take the opportunity to finish the vampire off.

Up above, she would be able to see the figure now standing on the balcony, a man with a serious expression, sharp features, and short dark hair scowling down at her. He was clad in a uniform that she would know well, that of an Imperial Battlemage, and he was well out of reach of any hand-to-hand reprisal that she might attempt, if she even could escape from the guards surrounding her. "I don't know who you are, why you decided to come here, or why you felt it necessary to resort to violence, but you most likely either killed or permanently disfigured that woman. A noblewoman. Think about that for a second. You will stand down, allow yourself to be sealed and bound, and face trial for the crimes you have committed. Try to escape, either by fighting your way out or by more of whatever foul sorcery allowed you to slip in here, and you will die. Surrender is your only option if you wish for a chance to get out of here alive," he said, and the guards held their guns trained on her and waited for what Pale's response.
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Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Full defence: +30 dodge for 85 total

The vampire quickly gets back to her feet, doing her best to ignore the searing pain her entire body was enveloped, and lifts her eyes to look at the mage. "If not for you, I would have left without the need for violence. I would still like to do so, but if you'd rather continue fighting while she's bleeding to death..." Through some miracle, Pale manages to make her voice sound confident even though the pain must be clearly evident on her face. Not only did she need to get out of here, she also needed some blood rather quickly.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 17/97, PP = 52, EP = 46/51, Status = Badly Wounded

"You really think you can still walk out of here?" the mage said incredulously, "surrender. Save your own life. We can't just let you leave, and you know it!"
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Full defence: +30 dodge for 85 total

"Shall I demonstrate why it isn't about letting me leave? She must have really pissed you off if you want her to die along with all these guards." Pale retorts sharply, the pain in her back dulled by adrenaline as she raises her face to look at the mage.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 6/97, PP = 52, EP = 46/51, Status = Critically Wounded

4 guards shoot at her with revolvers.
Attacks: Miss, miss, miss, miss.

The battlemage hits Pale with magic missile.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 8 + 2 - 2 = 11, 11 * 2 = 22, 22 - 1 = 21, 21/2 = 11 damage.

"Fine. Die like the fool you are," the mage shot back in annoyance, and then the guards around Pale simply opened fire on her. People screamed again, and the bullets smashed against glass as she weaved between them, avoiding four shots in a row before the mage muttered a word and sent a bolt of shadow spiraling toward her. That too Pale would have dodged, shifting around it, but it suddenly stopped in place, swiveled, and dove into her ribs painfully before exploding, sending small flecks of bone flying outward mixed in with a modest amount of gore. Even then she still lived, to the mage's amazement, but it didn't seem likely that she would last through another barrage, as that blow had driven her to her knees. Now was her last and only opportunity to do something to save her own life.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Forcing herself back to her feet, Pale simply dives towards the nearest shadow, hoping to escape that way.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 6/97, PP = 52, EP = 41/51, Status = Critically Wounded

I am guessing that Pale tries to Shadowstalker away, which is uncontested.

Vanishing into the shadows and leaving the bewildered guards and the cursing mage behind her, Pale would appear again outside of the mansion, in the garden, with her body still in a sorry state and her pain threatening to knock her unconscious.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

As she lands on the garden, Pale, usually so graceful, stumbles and almost collapses. For a few breaths it is all she can do to stay on her feet, but finally she manages to stagger into the shade of a bush before she falls down. I hope someone comes along soon. I'm not sure I'll be able to walk very far otherwise.

Straining to stay awake, the vampire starts tearing strips off of the hem of her dress to bind her injuries, too hurt and tired to give a damn about decency.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 6/97, PP = 52, EP = 41/51, Status = Critically Wounded

As she bound up her injuries from strips of her dress over the course of a couple minutes, Pale heard guards rushing out of the main house, shouting at one another to start searching. She had cover here, but if she were discovered she could easily be in a lot of trouble.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Forcing herself not to panic, Pale starts slowly and stealthily making her way towards the place she hid her other clothes
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 6/97, PP = 52, EP = 41/51, Status = Critically Wounded

Stealth: Success.

Pale would find herself harried even as she limped towards the bushes on the edge of the estate, where she'd left her other things. Guards were quickly out patrolling in groups of three or four, usually with someone from the party with them who would know her by sight, but she managed to hide whenever they were around for long enough to put them off her trail. She got to her things just as she was able to spot the mage coming down the lane, a lantern casting a pale blue light floating over his head, a squad of guards arrayed around him and a determined look on his face. He was heading right toward her, but was still far enough away that she would have time to make good on her escape if she gathered up her things and took off.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Using Dark Armor for 6 EP = 3x+wings -> Melee damage +9(unarmed 2d6+32+9), grapple to +73, AV to 10, stealth to 44, upkeep 2.

Using shattering blow to attack from above: Attack at +54, damage (2d6+31)*2

Pale hisses as she sees the battlemage again. Hardly thinking at all, she calls upon her natural powers to spread corporeal shadow around her and form enormous bat wings, large enough to carry her weight as she flaps them fiercely, quickly gaining height until she's more than two hundred feet above ground and circling the wizard and his team. From behind them she aims straight for the battlemage and like a raptor hunting its prey, she drops into a dive. At the last second the vampire pulls her legs under her and aims a kick towards his center of mass, bringing her entire mass to the strike, multiplied by the velocity of her dive.