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Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

The man silently moved past Pale and led the way back into the large entrance room of the church. He turned right, and crossed the room along the wall until he met another door, which he opened and entered. He flicked on a small lantern that hung from the wall and said; "Here you are. There isn't any hot water, but it's still war enough that it shouldn't be a problem. We've got plumbing, so all you've got to do is just turn on the taps and wait for the tub to fill. I'll get you a towel and a change of clothes."

The room was fairly small, and an iron tub lay on the far side of the room. Other than the tub and the lantern, the only decoration in the room was a wicker chair that sat beside the tub and a towel rack that hung next to the door. Pausing as he turned to leave the room, the man said; "The name's David, by the way." He waited a moment, obviously wondering if she would return the favor and give him her name.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale lets herself be led, finding the church oddly pleasant place. Nodding absently as the older man speaks, she looks curiously at the tub. Iron? That's...weird. How come it's not rusty?

Hearing the man introduce himself, Pale can't help but smile shyly. I come here, covered in blood and carrying a dying man who is this man's companion and he still hasn't asked my name. After a slight, barely noticeable hesitation, Pale replies in a quiet voice, offering a hand: "Usually I'd say it's nice to meet you, but under the circumstances... Anyway, I'm called Pale."

Turning on the taps to see which is cold and which warm, Pale leaves the warm on and starts stripping herself as the man leaves, the bloodied leather armor carefully folded next to the chair and the thankfully intact expensive silk shift going on the chair, Pale reveals her slim yet muscular form and slips into the warm bath. The water warm water feels almost luxurious, yet Pale doesn't allow herself to relax for long before starting to wash herself.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

The man nodded and said; "Pleasure to meet'cha miss Pale, circumstances be damned. You saved a friend of mine's life tonight." He didn't seem bothered by her odd name, and gently took her offered hand and brought it up to his lips, laying a kiss on her knuckles. "I'll be right back." He said, and then left the room.

The warm tap is lukewarm at best, but at least it was better than cold water. Once she had stripped off her things and lowered herself into the water, Pale was alone for a short while before a knock came at the bathroom door, and David's voice spoke out through it; "I've got a change of clothes for you. It's not much, but it's all I could find that could fit you. Do you want me to leave them out here for you, or put them on the chair?"

(Basically, if Pale just tells him to leave them outside, her bath isn't going to see any interruptions.)
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

As the man leaves, Pale smiles to herself. Hearing the knock from the door followed by David's words, she doesn't even hesitate before answering. "Oh, bring them in." Not really bothered by her nudity, Pale continues washing herself, sparing a smile to the man as he comes in.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

David opened the door and walked in, carrying a set of clothes that looked suspiciously like a nun's habit, though the garments of that type given to the priestesses of Doraleous were often more functional than the usual outfits, the Skylord being a martial deity and all. They were in the Thunderlord's colors, blue and gold, but that was about all that she could tell about them from her place in the tub. Maintaining a fairly convincing poker face, David comes in and lays the garment on the chair. "It was all I could find that might fit you, but at least it's clean. If you need anything else, just call for me."

He turned to leave, and though he had definitely taken an eyeful of her naked form he hadn't really let it affect him too much, at least not that Pale could detect. His heartbeat hadn't even sped up.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

"Thank you. I will." Pale replies simply, with a smile still on her face. Washing herself thoroughly, she eventually gets up and dries herself, putting on her own underwear.

Well, I shouldn't need armor today. Pale thinks as she picks the clothes up to look at them more closely. With a shrugs she puts them on, looking herself critically. Looking at her armor she grimaces That's going to be a bitch to get clean. Hesitating a little, she bends down to pick up her purse, leaving rest of her equipment there for the time being. Opening the door, the vampire steps outside and starts to wonder where David is.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

(Pale has acquired Thunderpriest's Robes, take Battlemages Robes and add 1 to their DU and 5 to their TP.)

Despite their ceremonial nature, Pale felt several sections, mostly over vital areas, that had some metal reinforcements hidden beneath the cloth. When she examined herself, she couldn't tell at all that the dark blue robes offered any added protection, but she could just barely feel the metal plates hanging in place. While they didn't accentuate anything, the formal robes were definitely well tailored and fit her well enough.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she found the main room of the chapel empty and dark, but a bit of light was coming out of the doorway into the the room where the injured man lay. It was open a crack, and she could hear a muffled voice coming from it. It was the only source of light that was present currently, until Pale felt a slight twinge on the back of her neck, and turned back to the window behind her to see the first rays of the sun falling upon Lockacre.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale walks to the door and knocks quietly before opening. Stopping for a moment to compose her words, she speaks in a quiet, uncertain tone: "Could I have some place to sleep here? I spent all night trying to find some safe place to stay, and... I really need some rest." Pale finishes, eyes downcast.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

David was seated on the bed, looking over the still unconscious man, and turned toward Pale as she knocks and then enters. "Sure, yeah that won't be a problem. It's the least I can do for you, I suppose." He rises off of the bed with a groan, and she notes how tired he obviously is. "The kid's got my bed, and you'll get the guest bedroom, so it looks like I'm sleeping on a cot tonight." He glanced outside and chuckled, "Or this morning, I guess."

He led her through another door, this one opening into a hallway with a few others in it. "This room's on the west side of the building, so you shouldn't have to worry about too much light coming in and keeping you awake, least not until late afternoon." He opened a door into a small bedroom, a single window the only potential source of hazardous sunlight. The bed was already made, and looked clean enough from here. "You need anything else, or do you just want to get some rest? I'll try to scrounge up a proper reward for you by the time you wake up."
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale lets herself be led while looking around, admiring the beautiful architecture. To David's question she answers quietly: "I don't need anything else right now. And...thank you." She gives him a light kiss on the cheek before going in and closing the door. Once the door is closed, she goes over to the window and pulls the curtains closed, making sure no light can come in, before undressing again and going to sleep.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

David simply blinked in surprise at the kiss, and replied; "You're welcome." With that, Pale laid down to rest, the curtains and blankets protecting her from the sun as she drifted off to sleep.

A soft knock on the door awoke her some time later, and a glance up revealed the sun still streaming in through the window, though it looked to be setting soon. The curtains blocked it enough that it would only be irritating rather than painful, and David's voice came through the door; "Miss Pale, you've slept most of the day away. Do you want something to eat, or something to drink maybe? I put the things you left in the washroom beside your door, and I tried to clean off your clothes. It... Didn't work that well, but most of the smell is gone at least."

From the sound of things, she was free to stay in bed a bit longer if she wanted to, as David's voice didn't hold any urgency that she could detect. It would be a little strange though, and she only had at most an hour before the sun set fully anyway.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale gets up feeling well-rested. "I could use something to eat, thanks." she calls through the door. Grimacing from the stray rays of the sun, Pale decides to quickly wash herself before seeing what food she'd be offered.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

"Alright. I'll be back in a minute." He said through the door, and Pale heard him walk away. Rising from bed, it was a question that ought to be answered where exactly she was going to wash up, given that the washroom was down the hall and across the main room of the chapel and she was still currently naked. David was back before she could get out of the room, and knocked on the door as he said, "I've got some food for you in kitchen, and I scraped together a little reward money too."
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Quickly pulling on her underwear and the robe she was borrowed, Pale opens the door with a smile on her face. "Thank you. I'll borrow the robes for a little while longer, if you don't mind."
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

"Of course. What, did you think I was gonna have you walking around naked?" David replied jokingly, and then led her through the church to the kitchen. She had to pass through the well lit main chamber, but she kept from going into any of the direct rays of the dying sun that streamed in through the windows and thus came out only slightly singed. There was some food laid out on a plate for her, and David quickly produced a small jingling pouch and laid it on the table as well. If she bothered to count it, Pale would find it filled with a healthy 100 denarii.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living miss Pale? You were up pretty late last night to have stumbled across Tommy. I don't mean to pry or anything, and if you'd rather keep it to yourself, that's fine." David said, taking a seat at the small table in the room and gesturing for her to do the same so she could eat. "Where did you find him? Tommy, that is. That's the name of the boy you saved by the way. Did he say anything when you found him?"
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Taking the offered seat, Pale hesitates slightly before answering: "Oh, I'm a hunter of sorts. I just arrived to the town late last night and when I found Tommy a few blocks from here in an alley, I was just looking for a place to sleep. He wasn't in the shape to say much anything." Having answered David's questions, Pale starts eating, not really paying much attention to the taste.
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

"A hunter eh? You didn't look like how I imagined a hunter to look.... But what do I know, I guess." David replied, and then scratched his head. "Well, I guess it was sort of a lucky break for everyone involved then, eh? You found a place to sleep for the night... Or day, I guess, and he got to live. I really can't thank you enough for what you did... It was downright heroic, carrying him all the way here. Not many in Lockacre would do the same, least not that I've met." He continued, his voice ranging from awkward to genuine and back rapidly, but he kept his gaze centered on Pale as he spoke (and she ate.) As far as she could determine, he'd meant everything he'd said, and that was what counted in the end.

Clearing his throat as he glanced around the small, dingy kitchen of the church, David continued; "So, I suppose I ought to ask... What are your plans now, Pale? You're welcome to a bed here for as long as you need it and then some, but I imagine you must have some business in the city, if you came in here rather than staying at an inn outside of the city limits."
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale smiles at the man's words. "I couldn't just leave him to die there. How is he, by the way? Taking a few more bites while listening, Pale's mind is racing to come up with explanation. "I haven't had a good hunt in days, so I came to the city to rest for some time and maybe find a few odd jobs. This isn't a very good season for hunting."
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Fine

"He's recovering. You got him here fast enough that my magic kept him from getting an infection, so I'm fairly sure that he'll survive, and if he does there shouldn't be any permanent harm. He hasn't woken up yet though, and I don't know when he will. Or if he will. I can heal the body, but if he lapses into a coma.... I don't know what I'd do." David said with a pronounced sigh, and then seemed to realize something.

He drew out a small large pouch and left it on the table in front of her, "Well, let it not be said that heroism goes unrewarded. I wish I could give you more, but times are tough in Lockacre these days." He glanced behind her and into the hallway and added; "Looks like night has fallen. I'm guessing that you're sort of a night owl then, being a hunter and all? Must be rough work."
Re: Nightly Rambles (Hentaispider)

"My prey mostly moves in nighttime." Slowly Pale gets up and gives David a modest hug. "I probably should get going. Thank you for the hospitality, I might drop by again to talk or something." Not one for long good byes, Pale picks up the purse and waves good bye to David, heading for the door.