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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"There we go, toasted slime..." Sarah sighed a bit at the destruction, shrugging off the flamethrower. "All safe now, and one less troublespot..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger tossed the keys at her, knowing she'd likely catch them, "Here, go nuts."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Agreed. I wonder where they are though? Figured they would have shown up about now."

She did in fact catch the key and nodded to Roger.

"One opened locker coming up."

Carefully she moved into the truck, moving up to the locker while not looking long at the bodies. Then, she placed the key into the lock and opened said locker.

A low whistle could be heard from her before she spoke.

"Something tells me you may like this present Roger. I think it's a grenade launcher."

She climbed down, offering him the massive weapon, which was indeed a grenade launcher. If he bothered to check, he'd see it had twelve high powered, liquid napalm flame rounds already loaded into it.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger grunted as he was handed the grenade launcher, straining a little as he held the heavy thing, "I was never a big fan of large, clunky weapons..." He braced the stock against his shoulder blade, as if he was about to fire, "Nice ego boost though, I'll admit," he said with a chuckle.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Good question..." she asked, sitting down. "Dunno what else to do, we did as I asked instructions for..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I bet it is. Was the only thing besides the bodies there. Doesn't make sense though, why try to ram us if you only have bodies back there?"

The Alarune shrugged slightly.

"Maybe try to radio them? Something must have ... what was that?"

A loud clang was heard from the tunnel, as if something or someone was coming towards them.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah gave a loud sigh as she unslung her shotgun. "Great, just what we need, more problems..." Even still, she swung it to a firing position and waited. "Come to papa..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger chuckled, holding the weapon against his chest, "That's a dumb question, he must have wanted more bodies. Or maybe he knew we were the enemy, and wanted to kill us." He sighed, lifting his shoulder, while leaning his head down to it in order to wipe his brow of the sweat that had accumulated from the terrible heat. "Well, I guess I should have made sure this piece of shit was in a better condition before I decided to blow it to hell... Guess we're still walking."

He sighed, "Don't know where to, but that's for you to figure out, my almighty-tour-guide." he titled her, switching to an upbeat attitude.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She chuckled.

"I meant why use a vehicle in bad shape or that isn't loaded with a fail safe weapon? Poor tactical decision there. Then again, I suppose these things are rather stupid."

Once more she began to walk, her eyes darting every now and then to the skies, as if she heard something, but didn't know what.

They'd gone about a mile when they came across a sewer network.

"Just great, I don't suppose you have C-4 with you, cuz that road is blocked real good."

The road in front of them was blocked by numerous overturned trucks, some of which were still running. It seemed the only option was to go into the sewer network, a place that would be close quarters and dangerous to have to fight in.

After several moments, there was a metallic noise, and a single flash grenade came flying into the room. The Alarune grabbed Sarah and wrapped her petals around her, throwing them both to the floor.


The resulting flash hurt even through the petals, but didn't blind them. When Sarah stood, she turned to see over a dozen well armed soldiers dressed in desert combat gear had entered, each of them holding full automatics at them.

A black man walked to the front, clearly the one in charge and spoke.

"Well, who the hell are you? Our intel told us there were no uninfected left here. Identify yourself now."

He seemed to purposely ignore the Alarune, focusing directly on Sarah only.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah growled, still keeping her shotgun ready as her red eyes glared at the one questioning her. "You odviously heard wrong. The better bloody question is who thee bloody hell are you?!?" she hissed. She didn't care if they got a good look at anywhere inapropiate from her torn shirt, she was more worried about that twelve heavily armed men were in a perfect position to harm Mirian- harming herself, well, that was another can of beans entirely.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"All you need to know is that I serve an agency known as the Cabal, and that I am in charge here. I will ask questions, you will answer. Now who are you, and where are the guardians of this place?"

A smile crossed his features as he stared into her eyes.

"I've not encountered your species yet. This should prove interesting."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She glared back. "Species? I'm a human like you, your point?" She still didn't lower her shotgun any. "And if you think rattling off a name of some faceless group is going to intimidate me, I daresay you are sadly mistaken..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Mirian however had a different reaction than Sarah did to the name.

"Sarah ... be careful how you tread. They're very powerful and well connected. One wrong step and we could have thousands of creatures on us instead of these goons."

She had whispered it low enough that the man didn't hear her luckily.

"Humans don't have red glowing eyes my dear, so don't try and lie to me. We know abnormals when we see them, we're .... how shall I put this. A rival organization to Dr. Helen Magnus and her crew. I'm sure you've at least heard of her name? Now, your name, and what happened to the guardians of this place? They should have swarmed us by now, you must know something."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger twisted his lips, pulling the grenade launcher away from himself as he considered how it would interact with the sewer system underground, "I guess we're going to have to take the sewers... Although, with this thing, I'd be an idiot to use this in such conditions... I'm handicapped so long as I hold this thing." he explained aloud, both to himself and to Vine.

'If I remember correctly, C-4 and grenades are two vastly different things. Grenades don't rely so much on their explosive force, as they do the shrapnel that's inside them. Given this fact, even those who are far away from the explosion can still be badly injured from the blast of a grenade.' He opened up the contents of the launcher, inspecting it, 'And this is liquid napalm anyway... Would probably put a nasty mark on what's-his-face, Hesker... Greggor?' Roger began trying to recall the name of the man behind all of the terrorist events, but was completely unable to. 'Fuck it, I'll just keep referring to him as bitch and pussy, fits him.'

Roger cleared his throat, "C'mon," he started to walk towards the sewer entrance, "take this 'nade launcher out of my hands to, will ya? I'd like to have a sword and gun arm ready... Oh, and there's been something I've been meaning to ask."

He turned his head around a little to look at her, "... Are there any others like you? Should I expect something to show up wanting a 'little' more than just a fight?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Oh, the invisible brats that tried to gut us? Fried like the doomsday missiles. And as for what I am... as I said, I'm still human... if only just." She pointedly skipped naming herself, why give them something they could trace to the warehouse? Quietly though, she tried to whisper back, "If things get bugshit crazy I want you to run, hide, whatever you can do to last about 5 minutes time, and I'll be able to save ya..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The dryad took the weapon after a moment, adjusting it within her vines to ensure it didn't fire, or get wet.

"Alright. The system should be simple enough to follow, should only be one other exit, either a ladder going up or similar to the entry we're about to go into built into the ground. I'm guessing you want to take point here to avoid having to swing through me?"

After a moment pause to reflect on his question she shook her head.

"Like me, no. The others of my kind have already fled the area, I doubt any would be bold enough to return. I only remained due to stubbornness, and the simple fact that I am very old. I don't have many years left, and I wish to die on my own terms if I am to die. I refuse to die on the run, I will die fighting, if I am to die at all. Now, there may be other types of abnormals who may mount a resistance, but so long as we are together they will listen to reason. But none of them will likely be in the ... sexual mood."

The man seemed to pause for a moment, then a small grin crossed his face once more.

"Well then I must thank you for removing not one, but two obstacles from our agenda. We've come here to shut down the bio-operation going on here, perhaps gain some intel from it. I will assume you've come for a similar purpose, though likely you don't care about the knowledge here. A shame, but be it as it may be. Detaining you will only slow us down, and take fewer resources off the battlefield, so I am going to forgo the usual hostilities and allow you to both live, and go. Under normal circumstances I would never do such a thing since you work for Magnus, but ... given the current situation I would be foolish to waste potential distractions to the enemy. Know this though, when this is over, if we meet again I will not hesitate to capture or kill you, whichever is deemed to be more prudent at the time. Oh, and one final thing. If you happen to speak with Dr. Magnus, tell her we have not forgiven, nor forgotten her intrusion upon our territory and the loss of the sisters. We will make her pay, but not today. Men, leave them, let us leave, there's nothing here."

The group walked out the back exit to the mine system, an exit Sarah hadn't even seen until they walked through it. They were very careful to ensure weapons trained on both women until they were out of visual sight, and then they heard the group as one take off at a sprint.

Mirian sagged against the wall, shuddering slightly.

"You have no idea how lucky we were right there Sarah. They likely want a sample of Uroboros for knowledge and terrorist gain. Or maybe not, no way of knowing. What I do know is they usually capture abnormals and force them to serve their organization. They're belief is that humans are superior in intellect to abnormals, and they should be revered as such. For all purposes, they force slavery upon our kind, slaughtering those that they can't control, stating they are 'too great a threat to humanity' to be allowed to live. I've heard of the woman he spoke of, almost every intelligent abnormal has. I don't know what she did to anger them, but they won't let that grudge go until she's dead."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah didn't relax her shotgun until they left, lowering it slowly only when they were long gone. "I spent enough of my life behind a fence, then in some dumbshit facility. I'm not gonna let some racist bastards hold me back," she said, her voice venomous and vowful. "And the same goes for the rest of your lot too..." Giving a loud sigh, Sarah went to cue her mike. "This is Sa- er, ok... shit, where did it go?!?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"What? Oh, maybe I knocked it off during our ... moment earlier?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah blushed again. "R-right... hope noone's stepped on it though...." she muttered as she started quietly looking along the ground for the earmic.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger adjusted his hood, momentarily noting that he should thank the one who gave him such an aired out cloak to help keep him cool, "I see... It's odd that you'd maintain a sexual drive when your life is actually close to ending... Though I'm not saying I know squat about how non-humans work, either." he told her, wordlessly taking point.

Meanwhile, as he began to enter the sewer, the smell being ignored as best he could, for little other way to go around it, he decided to mention a fact about himself that he'd been studying aloud. "I brought this up... Because when I decided to agree to your... 'offer,' I thought I'd fight back to as soon as you'd try to come claim me... As you noticed, I didn't exactly put up much of a fight... For some reason, my power only works when my opponent holds malicious intent towards me... Then I can predict their movements..."