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Nigeria, Africa.



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

This time the creature fell to the floor, twitching for several moments.

A second later though it got back up and came after him one more time ...

Only to get it's head kicked off from behind by Chris. Unfortunately, this freed the plaga, and it extended outward, trying to use it's teeth to chew on someone.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira takes aim from behind a few rocks and lets loose several shots, having been watching the scene from a few feet away, "I would be careful if I were you guys! I'm not a good shot yet!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

((I'm going to assume several allows for four shots.))

Akira didn't have much to worry about with her aim. As it turned out, three of her four shots struck the plaga dead on, and it exploded in a shower of blood. Apparently it wasn't a very durable one once the host face was gone, and the headless body crumpled to the ground.

The fourth shot was off however, and raced towards Chris, who simply used a micro-burst of his speed to avoid getting hit. While most figured getting shot probably wouldn't harm him any way, what was the point in going through unneeded smackings when you didn't have to?

Chris regarded the body, then nodded over to Akira.

"Three out of Four solid. Not bad at all. Sometimes your better off not thinking about the shot, but just doing it. Takes a lot of the pressure off when you have no time to think about IF you miss. Thanks."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Dammit. He got my coat." Kevin would say, taking off his hat and tossing it aside, his upper body now revealed. The entire left side of his body, including his head, was wrapped in what looked like thin red vines, and none of his hair grew out from underneath it. His hairline was zig-zagged across his head, from certain areas of his mutation spreading farther than others. His teeth showed through the mutated area of his flesh, his lips unable to move in that area. Down near his wrist, it looked as if his claws extended from beneath the skin. He would look at Chris, and it would become apparent why he wore sunglasses under his hat. His left eye emitted a faint blue glow, and was nothing BUT a blue glowing orb. "Now you see why I dress the way I dress? I'm nothing but a freak!" he yells, his claws actually folding down and forming over his fingers as he makes a fist. "You aren't going to shoot me, are you?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris only shook his head.

"No. Your no worse off than I am. No one is shooting you. Well, from our side anyway, I'll bet if Wesker has any men alive they will though, but that's their mistake. You forget Kevin, I'm not human either."

He removes his own shades briefly, allowing the demonic red glow in his eyes to be seen by all.

"I was hoping though we could leave your secret as a surprise for Wesker, but that won't happen now."

((Time to introduce a new semi-NPC now, this should be fun.))

Chris suddenly raised his hand, his head tilting to one side as he heard something. A moment later the faintest outline of a young woman could be seen in front of the group. When she suddenly realized that Chris was looking RIGHT at her, she turned and bolted for one of the small huts near by, vanishing inside.

Regina too had seen the woman, and she couldn't contain herself.

"An invisible girl? How the hell? How can she do that and not have her body reflect any sunlight?"

Chris's reply came swiftly, and almost a bit ashamed that he could answer it.

"Um ... she's not reflecting any sunlight because she's not wearing any clothing. I only knew one person who could do that kind of thing, and he died six years ago, but supposedly passed on his abnormal power to his grand daughter. I wonder ... Do any of you remember the rumors and stories of Nigel Griffin?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah too had noticed the movement, though didn't quite notice the person behind it. "Ehwat? That much invisibility is stronger then even my eldrich serum..." she muses to herself. "Though I doubht she has the psychic skills..."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin sighs as Chris reassuers him, but quickly raises his guard when he hears the woman's footsteps, bolting for the same small hut and standing in the doorway "Explain yourself. What are you doing here, and how did you survive the massacre?" he asks, not wanting any enemy knowing about him, and trying to make sure she wasn't one.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris nodded to Sarah.

"No she doesn't. Kevin, ah god damnit."

He bolted in to the hut, opening the door and raising a hand to hold Kevin.

"Hang on Kevin. Clara, that you? It's Chris."

After a very long moment a young woman became visible. The first thing Kevin would notice was that she nodded her head in reply to Chris, and seemed to pose no threat. Then he would notice the nasty cut across her stomach, which was still bleeding. Obviously she hadn't made it out unscathed.

"Thank god. I was starting to think I was going to die here of all places. To answer your question ... Kevin was it? When those THINGS attacked they took most of us by surprise. I got gashed by one of them carrying a pitchfork. The only reason I'm even still alive is because one of the soldiers shot the thing and killed it, then got his head cut off by one of those chainsaw freaks. I didn't see any other option, so I ran. I managed to get to one of the other huts and ... well, yeah I stripped and went invisible then moved again. I think that's the only reason they haven't gotten me again yet is because they can't find me while I'm invisible. So uh ... yeah, your cute."

With that, she half pitched over to the floor, and the only thing that kept her from face planting there was Chris catching her. Once he'd settled her on one of the tables, he garnered something like a table cloth and covered her up. Before he did though, Kevin would confirm easily that the poor woman was completely nude.

"Hmm, well I'm not a doctor by any means, but this wound does not appear to be life threatening at the moment, unless it gets massively infected. Luckily I had Regina bring some stuff for the possibility one of us might need it. I'm pretty sure she just passed out from shock and surprise. I don't suppose any of you thought to bring extra clothing that might fit her?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I dunno about clothing, but my coat would work..." Sarah said a bit hesitantly, before sighing and getting the black trenchcoat from her bag. "Just have her take good care of it? It's been through hell and back."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin had listened to her entire explanation, completely ignoring the fact that she had no clothes, turning away when Chris caught her "Looks like she's not an enemy. But make sure no one finds out about me. If the Institute found out I was still alive, you'd all be in danger." he says, beginning to walk towards his coat laying on the ground and grasping his radio from it "I'm not good at standing around waiting. I'm going to go search for survivors." he says, then walks off into the village, searching hut by hut, trying to find a sign that someone, anyone, survived.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen had been staying to the back of the group, keeping an eye on their back and flanks. She spoke up when Chris asked about the clothing however. "I've always got a few extra layers, hold on a sec." She says, ducking into another of the huts and giving it a quick check. She returned a moment later, tossing him a pair of sweatpants and a Black Sabbath t-shirt, the latter looking to have a few gashes in it, most likely made by claws.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris nodded to all three of them.

"Thanks Ellen, Sarah. And Kevin, she's not going to let your secret out beyond our network, she works for Dr. Magnus at the UK Sanctuary. She IS one of us really."

He placed the clothing next to her, not wanting to try to clothe her himself and be disrespectful. Then he gave them a little bit of history while they waited for her to wake up.

"Clara is the grand-daughter of Nigel Griffin, one of the original five who first used the source blood as an experiment. You've met two of the others. Nikola Tesla and John. Dr. Magnus and James Watson were the other two, you haven't met them yet. Nigel passed on his invisibility to her it seems, which means her skin is photo-sensitive. It's strange, each of them got different abilities. James Watson's mind became sharper, to the point he became the basis for the Sherlock Holmes stories. Dr. Magnus garnered longevity and is ... well, I'm not really sure how old she is but she wasn't young even back during the Nazi reign. John and Tesla you've already seen their powers, so no need to explain."

He seemed about to say more when Clara suddenly groaned and half sat up, before realizing she was still nude.

"Oh um .... Sorry about that. Gimme a sec."

Before they could move, she had sat up, dropping the sheet and began to get dressed. It didn't take long before she was done, and finally she spoke.

"So ... I'm guessing you folks are here tracking Wesker? Dr. Magnus sent me here to help you folks navigate through since I can speak the natives language but ... I'm afraid the natives have gone plaga on us. As far as I know, I'm the only one left alive other than you folks. Oh, and Chris, I was told to tell you that Henry believes Wesker may have everything he needs to launch his attack except for cracking the launch code for the bomber. It's only a matter of time if Claudia is helping him before he does though, so we don't have more than two days tops. I uh ... I'm not leaving, I want to help still if you'll let me?"

Chris didn't say anything yet, letting the information sink in for now. It seemed too he was going to let the rest of the group get to know Clara now, rather than test her reserves or try to question later.

Meanwhile, Kevin found that there were no signs of anything left alive past his group, though strangely the smoke trail was now gone. However, there was a stack of papers that had blown near his position marked with a very strange seal on it. Perhaps it would shed some light on things?

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira wanders around, playing with the radio to try to pick up any frequencies, as well as trying to see where all the security cameras in this place were.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin sighs as he finds no sign of survivors, then looks down at the papers and picks them up, reading what was on the top page, trying to find any kind of information that might lead him to Wesker.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira was unable to find anything on any frequency at all. It seemed as if all radio channels were silent, or there simply wasn't anyone alive to be chattering. She would find one camera in the area, and it had been smashed almost to the point of being unrecognizable.

Kevin found quite a bit on the pages as he read.

March 1st, 2009

I've finally hit it big. I've managed to garner a buyer for the most expensive of the B.O.W's that Wesker has been trying to sell. Two months ago we managed to beat the odds and finish Uroboros. The first test subject was a remarkable success, though the S.O detail wasn't quite prepared for such a formidable foe. In the end we were forced to destroy it to prevent it from escaping and endangering the mother plan. Since that breakthrough, I've been selling specific B.O.W's to the highest buyer, be they government or terrorist cells, it doesn't matter. The Licker is still one of the best sellers on the market, as has the U-227 behemoth. I'm to meet with a bunch of buyers today, which will further progress our funding to the ultimate step.

April 7th, 2009

A minor setback. We've discovered we'll need to release Uroboros into the atmosphere at a specific altitude to ensure a global infection rate. To make matters worse, we've discovered that Uroboros will only accept certain hosts and allow them the beautiful, powerful changes we desire. Wesker assures me he now has the hosting problem solved, but we still need to garner an aircraft with precision missiles. To do so, he and I have once more put forth B.O.W's into the market, funding a massive search for someone capable of getting us what we need.

May 8th, 2009

After more than a month of searching, we've come to the conclusion there is only one person with the knowledge and skills capable of landing us what we need. Her name is Claudia Donovan. Research on her indicates that she's been working for a place labeled only as Warehouse 13 for the past year. Her employer seems to be a woman who only goes by the last name Frederick, and that is all we've been able to garner on her. Despite this, Albert seems to know exactly where this place is, and how to lure her to us. The only problem is that she likely won't cooperate, so we've created another R-351-CV pod to be placed on her upon her acquisition.

The device, once placed usurps the victims mental control over their own body, and makes them 100% compliant with given orders to any who possess the control device. For now, Albert has kept the control for himself, which sits well with me. We mutually trust each other, and I'm hoping when this is all done we will rule the new age at each others side. Our mutual attraction has only strengthened, and that is a good thing.

Our only remaining task is to launch the retrieval sweepers and capture the girl. Once this is done we can move to our final phase of the plan.

May 11th, 2009

Another minor setback. The sweepers were defeated by a small group of Warehouse agents, and Claudia was not acquired. I was afraid that Albert would be furious, as this whole thing hinges upon what we can acquire with that girl in our possession. Much to my surprise, he was very calm as he explained to me he would be delayed in returning to my side.

As it turned out, the sweeper had in fact injured Claudia and the paralyzing agent had taken effect. However, it was due to the failure to capture her that we discovered the Progenitor Artifact was in the Warehouse's possession. With this information in hand, coupled with the knowledge that the vampire had healed her, thus creating a beginners bond with her, Albert carefully told me of his plan.

He would attack the vampires closest friend while instructing his men to release a small sample of the plaga generation two into the populations of Seattle, Washington and Atlanta, Georgia. With the local authorities, and the annoying BSAA agents occupied by these, my beloved Albert would be free to trick the vampire woman into walking into his trap. The idea originally was to use her bond in a forceful way to leave Claudia no choice but to come to us.

May 12th, 2009

Things went better than expected with the lure. Instead of having to force Claudia to come to us, she arrived with the vampire, willingly walking into our hands. Albert wasted no time in immobilizing both, and converting Claudia to our side. He then sent her back to the Warehouse to bring home the Progenitor Artifact, which has allowed us to finalize the delivery system for Uroboros. With this in hand, Albert took Claudia and Allison with him and took the mini bomber we needed by force. We shall soon bring a new genesis upon the world, and save it!

May 14th, 2009

Two small setbacks. First, the codes needed to allow the craft to reach the altitude we need have proven tougher to break than expected, and have delayed our schedule. Secondly, it seems that the Nigerian BSAA office may have acquired some intel on their missing bomber much sooner than we figured. Because of this, we've had to enact our fail safe plan. As of this morning, the type 3 plaga has been released into the general populace in the surrounding area. This will serve as a distraction while we have our best agent, Julio complete phase two of the fail safe.

Julio originally was to conduct a meeting with buyers today for selling the armored B-322 insectoid. Instead, he's now playing the role of informant. For the last seven years, Julio has been our insider in the BSAA network, keeping us informed of what intel they have on our actions. The fools never suspected him since his cover is that his family was murdered by Umbrella, which is true. However, WE are not Umbrella, and we gave him the chance to strike them down. Since then he's helped us tremendously.

This morning, Julio will hand in his report to his immediate superiors, who will take six fully armed squads with him to the supposed meeting point where a major B.O.W deal is to go down, and where information can be gathered about project Uroboros. However, when they arrive, instead of the buyers they expect, they themselves will gain first hand knowledge of Uroboros's power. I fully expect the teams will be consumed by the minor Uroboros creature we've released, and any teams who come to investigate the sudden silence of this branch will easily meet the same fate as their comrades. With this in place, Julio will return in time for the launching, which Albert and I expect will occur in less than 48 hours.

On a side note, this will be my final update to you son. If all goes well, we shall be reunited in a few days, and you won't have had to react to this at all.

Your Mother, Excella Giovone.

It would take Kevin a moment to realize he'd actually read through the whole damn thing without meaning to. Less time to realize this woman was a complete lunatic, and believed that Wesker was going to be her husband. He might wonder how this got here, but perhaps she'd been in the area and dropped it? Or had her son been here?

Either way, the final date on the paper was today's date, which meant the doomsday counter was ticking.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin had indeed read the whole set of notes, and pulled out his radio to contact Chris "Chris. You're not going to like what I found. It seems Wesker plans to release Uroboros into the air, and infect the entire planet, within forty-eight hours. They also have an informant on the inside, who might already have disappeared. That was how they stayed under the radar." he says, memorizing the notes and then folding them to fit inside his pant pocket, resuming his search.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira pokes at the camera for awhile, then picks it up, waving at Chris, "If you need me for anything, I'm going to be either working on this or sleeping!" Akira looks around for a nice secluded spot to try to salvage what could from the camera, holding onto it carefully while breathing, "What did you see?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira would find most of the footage on the tape was distorted, but not badly enough to be unable to make some things out.

A person entered, the time stamp saying roughly six hours ago, into the camera's field of vision. What happened next was disturbing to watch.

Several women had taken cover in that very room, and the person who had found them was CLEARLY a plaga infected person. Said person opened their mouth, and several spider-like creatures flew out, each one grabbing at one of the four women in the room. One of the women managed to avoid the creature and crushed it under her foot, while her comrades were grappled, then forcefully fed the plaga through their mouths.

The woman panicked, running for the door. Unfortunately, the plaga controlled human male saw this, and moved. It easily blocked her escape, and then before she could react, it grabbed her in it's arms and came in. Akira could only watch as the male forcefully pressed his lips against the woman's own, and then forcefully kissed her. A second later, Akira could see the bulge in the woman's throat as another plaga was forced into her, her struggles suddenly ceasing as the plaga took control.

After several moments, the five exited the room, though not before one of the possessed humans took what seemed to be a broom handle and smashed the camera with enough force to kill the video feed.

Chris only half got the first part of Kevin's message, it being nothing new save the time frame. However his eyes darkened when Kevin mentioned an insider working with Wesker inside of the BSAA's ranks. How in gods name had Wesker managed that?

"Kevin, come back, you said they had an informant on the inside? Any name stated? And where did you get that from?"

Kevin now would also begin to hear some kind of chanting in the distance. It sounded like some sort of ritual was being done, and close by too.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira picks up the radio and pauses, consider calling Chris over, but decides that it would be kinda pointless, seeing that he probably wouldn't be able to see the film, "Hey Chris, have you ever seen a plagas carrier shoot spiders out of it's mouth? Or for that matter, a carrier being smart enough to destroy a camera?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris was silent for a moment before replying.

"No, I can't say that I ever have heard of either of those. Wait, your saying a plaga infected human shot out spider-like plagas that weren't it's OWN?"