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Next translation project


Demon Girl
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
So I just got done with my first complete translation and now I'm considering starting up a new project.
I'm not sure what game I'm going to do next but I have a list of ideas.
I don't really know if anyone else is translating these games so let me know if a game I list is already being worked on.

dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG22175.html - Anything from this circle I think Squark is doing a complete on Akos?

dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ145726.html - Popular circle someone is surely already working on a complete for this right?

dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ052839.html - Same as above.

dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ090386.html - Read above.

dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG06441.html - Just about anything from this circle (I avoid loli).

dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ119127.html - This will probably be my best bet.
Re: Next translation project

Well, one vote for scale garden!, i think rhodes fortress is alredy done, but the others circles proposed while being good (They have a ton of fans) the main characters are to busty for my tastes and the corruption is to fast and well, it has pregnancy that is not my cup of tea (But i can tolerate if its necesary i guess xD)

But if you have one that you think is your best bet, isn't it best to start with it? you will be more comfortable and translate faster!

whatever it wins, more translated games are good, don't matter the fetishes on it
Re: Next translation project

The last one in my opinion. They used to be one of my favorite circles.
Re: Next translation project

The one from scale garden, I'm a big fan of sg. But do whatever you think is best, we all win with translated games.
Re: Next translation project

All of those are good choices. If I had to choose one I'd go with the circle gyu one (6th)

I was going to say the 2nd one at first but iirc he's going to release an update with more scenes and story eventually, so maybe you'd want to hold out on that one.
Re: Next translation project

I'd agree that choice 6 is your best bet. I remember liking the artwork and gameplay in that one, but wouldve loved to know what I was doing.
Re: Next translation project

what about this one? RJ138052

i think i'm not lying if i say the large majority of the h-game community would bow to you in thanks, as this one is a heavy candidate for "h-game of the year" (last year, that is. sequel released soon)
Re: Next translation project

Pretty sure this:火と鉄のブレス already has a translation if I remember correctly.

That said all the selections look boring to me.
Re: Next translation project

I'd vote anything from Circle Gyu!

I'd love to see Assassin Sara getting a translation, but I'd love it even more if you translate Sword Princess Sisteina.

I mean, c'mon, nothing can beat Gyu's NTR, amirite?
Re: Next translation project

I'd vote anything from Circle Gyu!

I'd love to see Assassin Sara getting a translation, but I'd love it even more if you translate Sword Princess Sisteina.

I mean, c'mon, nothing can beat Gyu's NTR, amirite?

I know what you Mean, but if Sword Princess Sistene is not one of the choices, I'd pick the last one Assassin Sara to be translated.
Re: Next translation project

Girl God emily due to pregnancy.

TBH I really really want to do to Girl God Emily, but dlsite has it tagged as loli, even though she really doesn't really look that loli imo.

So it's looking like it's between Breath of Fire and Iron, and Assassin Sara which is cool since I've already done partials for both and have most of Breath's pictures translated.
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Re: Next translation project

If you're planning to do Scale Garden, there are some titles that are already translated like Sangeki of Gear so you would be better off checking before hand otherwise your efforts will be in vain hahaha
Re: Next translation project

I would love to see Assassin Sara translated! But lets not be picky here guys, just be glad that this awesome guy is offering and asking ur opinions what to translate next!
Re: Next translation project

Why don't you open a pool and put all those games in there if you really want to know forums opinion on which game to translate.
Re: Next translation project

Why don't you open a pool and put all those games in there if you really want to know forums opinion on which game to translate.

I made this thread mainly to find out if any of the games listed were already being translated by someone else so I wouldn't waste my time.

I've already got a good idea of which game I'm going to do next regardless of demand.

But don't worry if I pick a game that's not very popular, I intend to translate most of these games since they are from my favorite circles.
(well minus the few games that have loli)
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Re: Next translation project

I made this thread mainly to find out if any of the games listed were already being translated by someone else so I wouldn't waste my time.

I've already got a good idea of which game I'm going to do next regardless of demand.

But don't worry if I pick a game that's not very popular, I intend to translate most of these games since they are from my favorite circles.
(well minus the few games that have loli)

So may we know which game you're aiming for?
Re: Next translation project

Assassin Sara, Breath of Fire and Iron, TS-Agent, Sister Yuri.

It will most likely be one of those. Once I make a final decision I'll be sure to let you guys know.
Re: Next translation project

Awesome, glad to see more translators joining in. Best of luck no matter which you choose. :)
Re: Next translation project

Major heartfelt thanks! Really appreciate your efforts, and I love playing these games when translated. The Scale Garden game would be great to play translated. I've never tried the 6th, but people seem excited about it, so awesome! I look forward to trying it. :D