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Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn suddenly found the paws of the girl under her on the sides of her face, claws attaching, threatening to cut if Jenn tried to pull away, and pulling her face slowly in towards the cat girl's own heated face. The girl then gave Jenn a long lick along her nose. "I want you..." she told Jenn, "Please... Fuck me... Or else..." Jenn felt the girl's claws dig into her head, "... I'll go crazy..."
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

What, she's not already crazy? Holy crap...

Still blushing furiously, Jenn doesn't pull away - those claws are already very near to drawing blood - but still has trouble acting. "I... I don't know what you mean! Please!"
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn choosing to not play along with the sex crazed catgirl proved to be a very, very bad idea. The girl's face went feral, and she seemed about ready to claw Jenn's face apart, when she tried to use her legs to do an odd maneuver, which made Jenn's legs be pushed outwards, so that her lower body fell down, and both her, and the cat girl's private parts slammed into each other. While it didn't effect Jenn too much, given her panties muffled the stimulation she'd likely receive, the cat girl's anger was suddenly replaced with a look of shock, and orgasmic pleasure, letting out a mewl from the stimulation.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Acting on a probably ill-advised reflex, Jenn tries to pull her privates away from the cat woman's. Fortunately, perhaps, in doing so she plants one leg between the other woman's legs and she feels her thigh rub against the crazed woman's surprisingly hot pussy.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat woman lets out another moan as Jenn's thigh rubs against her, now appearing to be a helpless, writhing heap of a lustful cat woman beneath her. She moaned, and mewled beneath Jenn, her writhing only causing her hot, wet slit to slide along Jenn's leg, only further causing her to go insane with sexual pleasure.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn is dumbfounded by the apparent overreaction of the girl to what is actually relatively minor stimulation. She quickly takes advantage of the situation to pull herself up to her knees while the cat-girl is apparently unable to pay attention, carefully keeping her leg in contact with the girl's slit.

The warmth is still surprising, and the lubrication running down her leg makes Jenn feel rather awkward. She feels heat rising in herself as well, as if in sympathy, as she watches the naked girl writhing on the ground and feels the girl's pussy rhythmically up and down her leg, and she suddenly finds herself ruthlessly suppressing the begging of a purr....
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

While Jenn was dumbfounded, an educated person in this regard would notice that the cat girl, being so highly aroused, along with the apparent fact that she, having feline genes, most likely had heightened senses, beyond that of any normal human. And thus, things such as even a small pinch, or say a simple rub along the individual's womanhood would give a great reaction.

While the movements of the feline kept up for a time, Jenn would find that simply remaining in place, not doing much at all asides from battling her own sexual demons, rendered what used to be a moaning, lustful cat-woman a little more conscious of herself, albeit barely, as her eyes slowly open during the rocks of her hips, and looked at Jenn with a dumbfounded expression of her own. Likely, if the feline was continued to be unsatisfied, being in such a crazed state would only bode ill intentions for Jenn.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn leaned back in fear from the look in the girl's eye - pushing her knee a little harder against the woman's slit. This time Jenn caught on. She... really does want me to, to... touch her.

As much as Jenn really just wanted to run, she had a strong feeling that the girl was faster then her. And while with her hands free she could now easily draw the knife out of her sleeve, she had a similar feeling that the girl's claws would prove more then a match for her meager skill. And so she shifted her weight to her other leg and started methodically grinding her thigh against the girl's nethers. Watching the girl's obvious sexual pleasure stirred strange feelings within her, though, so she closed her eyes. Which as it turned out was worse, her imagination taking the girl's moans and the feel of her wet pussy rubbing Jenn's own leg, and filling in the blanks in most embarrassing ways. Finally she settled on looking away instead, and even then she was nearly shaking with her efforts to stop herself purring, as her nipples hardened and slowly a tiny spot of damp started forming on her panties...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

During the cat girl's squirming, Jenn suddenly felt her whole body jolt with a sudden, pleasurable sensation, as the cat girl had lifted up her own leg by some random reflex, and slammed it against Jenn's crotch. The leg itself still seemed to want to go somewhere, likely about to spread wide open, before it met Jenn's own womanhood, as Jenn soon felt it doing the same to her as she was doing to the feline woman, rubbing along her wet panties, and stimulating her womanhood, rubbing along her already soaked panties, only further causing Jenn's primal, sexual instincts to influence her thoughts...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

As the other girl's leg pushes against her own crotch, Jenn gasps at the intensity of the sensation. She leans forward in an attempt to relieve the pressure, resting her weight on her hands, but as the cat-girl begins rubbing up and down it isn't nearly enough, and now her face hangs a foot above the girl's heaving breasts. She can no longer stop a low purr rising up from deep inside her, and it must be obvious to the woman below her - if she's capable of registering anything other then her own pleasure - that Jenn's panties are quickly soaking through.

Unable to look away, unable to move away without risking the wrath of the cat-girl, and with a flush still as much from embarrassment as from arousal, Jenn clenches her eyes shut rather then stare at the cat-girl's chest.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

During the time that Jenn is overtaken by pleasure of her own, she forgets to continue pleasuring the cat girl during that time, which allowed the feline to slowly gather as much of her wits as her heated state would allow, and to subconsciously note the behavior of the one she had pounced. Her paws wrapped around Jenn's back, while keeping her leg pressed against Jenn's womanhood, as she hugged the woman to her, her claws sometimes digging into her back, not in a painful way, but almost as if she were trying to use them as fingers, to grip, and hold Jenn against her affectionately...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn lets out a whimper at the combination of the pleasure and pain, on top of the quiet but persistent purr. Gathering her own wits, she resumes stimulating the other woman slightly more vigorously, hoping it will be enough to make the girl lessen her own stimulation.

Is this real?

In the back of her mind a thought pops up briefly but goes mostly unnoticed, so far.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat girl's writhing continued, and as Jenn continued her efforts to pleasure the girl beneath her, Jenn noticed the girl's squirming increase, before she made a sudden jolt with her whole body, and covered Jenn's leg in her cum, before collapsing beneath her in a tired heap. Her arms, and her claws, still dug into Jenn, once again, not in a painful way. Rather, in a way that simply implied affection. Even a small pinch of the skin would be considered more painful. And as the cat girl hugged Jenn to her, Jenn heard a small purr of satisfaction to match her own...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

When the other girl spasms and sends a small stream of liquid running down her leg, Jenn freezes, afraid she's done something wrong and somehow hurt the girl. When the purring starts, though, she realizes that maybe this is finally over. Keenly feeling the wetness on her leg and more importantly on her panties, Jenn feels dirty and turns away from the girl, slowly mastering her purr now that the stimulation is gone. When the girl doesn't seem to be making any aggressive moves, Jenn tentatively starts trying to pull herself away...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

As Jenn tries to pull away, the cat girl lets out a whimper, and simply pulls Jenn back into the firm hug she had her wrapped in. "No... Don't go..." she whimpered.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn tries again to pull away, a hint of disgust - at herself and the cat-girl both - looking slightly out-of-place on a face still flushed. "What... what is wrong with you!?"
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat girl snarled at her, ears drawing back, and teeth baring at her, "What's wrong with you! I told you, you were mine! So, if you try to run away again, I'll scratch you!" she threatened.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

"Well, what if I don't run away, then what?" Jenn says, trying another approach. "If I 'belong' to you, then you're going to have to find me food and water and shelter and more clothes and all kinds of things."
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat girl didn't seem to like that idea, as she narrowed her eyes at Jenn a little, before, in a flash, let Jenn free, and stood on her feet, which were actually paws. "No way!" she said simply, almost like a tyrant. A very selfish tyrant, "Since you're mine, that means you're supposed to take care of me!" she announced, before leaning forward at Jenn, "And even if you had clothes, you won't keep them for long here. No human like you really does, before something comes along and tears it apart before having their way with them." she told Jenn.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

(quick grammatical clarification, when she said "no human like you [keeps their clothes long]" did you mean:
1.) Any human (with Jenn as an example of a human) is going to end up naked.
2.) Some subset of humanity that happens to include Jenn (women? young women? people from off the island?) is sure to end up naked.
3.) That was deliberately vague.
4.) Something else.)