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Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

Dear god, please say your thinking of c(++) as the language to use. It really is the standard for this sort of thing.

would be the base engine we'd want to use, with plugins to support the rest.
If the product would be free, I would suggest as a modeler/animator/texture because it's fucking awesome. But that'd up to the graphics team.
And possibly if you wanted some high quality pre-renders.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

Dear god, please say your thinking of c(++) as the language to use. It really is the standard for this sort of thing.

It'll probably be much easier to go for a precompiled engine given that programming from the ground up is hard; regardless of the language used.

C++ is probably going to be the harder to use language if we decide for some strange reason to go from the ground up, mainly because of the fact that it's not easy as Java is (Mainly the lack of garbage collection... oh god why is there no garbage collection etc).

Java on the other hand, is going to be much easier and I know it has that built in weird 3D engine which I never touched despite the fact that I should've, mainly because scaling/drawing tends to be a little easier. The problem? It's native support is .WAV files, and those things are heug.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

i've seen some good things come out of the unreal engine, hell they even managed to make lost odyssey with it. best part about that is the game comes with the full dev kit. although given i wont be doing any actual programming its not my choice, i'm just throwing it out there.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

*Points at Ogre(engine) and libgc(garbage collection)*

Language pros
- Java would probably be better for non-professional programmers. C++ can get kinda confusing if your not used to it.
- C++ starts up faster and allows for a quicker debugging process.
- Java doesn't need to be compiled.
- Java is a bit easier to set up for cross platform dev.
- C++ is more flexible.
- C++ is more efficient.
- C++ can have code pre-compiled if your done with it. Thus speeding up the compiling process.
- Java has a simpler OO system.
- Everything you'd be using in Java's already there. C++ would require separate libs.

That being said. I'll only be helping when time permits. And I'm fine working in either.

PS: You might want to check on . I've heard some good things despite never using it myself.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

I have Java, and Python, and I could get C/C++ pretty easily. Whichever you decide on is fine.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

you heard raptor Jesus, GET TO WORK!!! we have a blessing! the game shall be ordained as a holy relic!
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

Any consensus on how people want this to work out? Lurker is obviously going to be the writer, but who else is working on this and what can they do?
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

/me puts up hand.

"proofreader, and general all-round happy lady!"
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

I has also noted earlier that I had Bob and Ili saying they could helps with the art and 3-Ding nonsexy stuff. I also will be doing concepts as well ((Sorta haveta, as it's my world >///>))

Anyway, the real biggies we need is a erotic 3-D artist and a scripter, plus stuff like engienes and how we're gonna do it.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

You might want to look into C# (Csharp) It's the next step up from c++ and is supposed to be easier to code in.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS


Jeeeaarrrrrrg, the C++/Java bastard child and it's windows only compatibility are burning my brains!

On a less asshole-esc note, I don't think C# would be your best option.

If you're going to go that route, at least go with java. A language that wasn't created by a company that consistently seems to fail epicly ever year.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

Hehe, did C# fall flat? :)
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

Hehe, did C# fall flat? :)


So, here's what this boils down to, I think.

Concepts and game mechanics - Lurker
Proofreading of above - Shrike7
Coding -
Graphics -
Animation -
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

If only hentai developers made games like this, then they'd actually make a good hentai game for once in a decade.
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

Hmm, I got Blender, now to see if I can learn it to make some models >:3
Re: Newest Idea: PoA: The FPS

I am also adding my support to this.

Unfortunately, I limit myself to one unpaid project at a time, and I am already sworn to Tentacle Defense. =(

You can come to me if you need someone to bounce ideas off of though. I'm more experienced in c# than c++, but... meh, they can't be too different.