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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

ol download links dead
have where this translatet game
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

If its that un killable angel/demon that you are forced to fight I remember having to learn some skills from a shop in town (run by a blonde girl).

just got them all, (cheated for cash)

also, searched "お気の毒" and all i found was your post, tried the name in english too, and the RJ number, no dice, nothing useful.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

anyone else playing

the english name seems to be "its too bad, the hero has become a girl"

i just finished the second floor of the dungeon and it made me go back to town (something oneshot me then it made me run home) and now it wont let me leave again.

something about talking to people in town? but i'm pretty sure i spoke to everyone.

what am i supposed to be doing here?

is there a torrent of this game some where because those i dled were fake :/ in other sites
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

is there a torrent of this game some where because those i dled were fake :/ in other sites

Yo,here are some links that i found:

Note that i haven't tested these,but size wise they seem legit...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Yo,here are some links that i found:

Note that i haven't tested these,but size wise they seem legit...

the version i used was a five part mediafire one, if these links dont work, then let me know and i'l post the links i used.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

the version i used was a five part mediafire one, if these links dont work, then let me know and i'l post the links i used.

Well i found these links for that guy that posted above my previous post,but i realized that i might as well try this game as i haven't played it so far(i guess i just weren't in the mood to try it back when it was released)...

Anyway i have just started DL-ing the game from the links that i found to test them,so i still don't know if these links are legit(well i guess i'll find out soon enough)...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well i found these links for that guy that posted above my previous post,but i realized that i might as well try this game as i haven't played it so far(i guess i just weren't in the mood to try it back when it was released)...

Anyway i have just started DL-ing the game from the links that i found to test them,so i still don't know if these links are legit(well i guess i'll find out soon enough)...

well, i might as well drop them here anyway,


Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

As long as you credit Phantasy for it...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I thought i would check back in on this after my previous decree, why oh why are there not only links being shared here but there appears to be a lot of specific discussion happening.

Now i know how things can tend to stray easily from news to discussion but i would really rather you branch off into specific threads. I am also getting around to renaming this thread. I do hope that with that you will start splintering off and linking to the threads where discussion happens. Next time i wander back here i expect not to be so disappointed.
Re: NEWS! - New RPG Maker Hentai Games

May I suggest not using "NEWS!" to describe this thread? I personally couldn't even tell what it meant and thought it was the creator of the thread updating the first post with links to every game until I read your post.

Edit: Forgot to mention this but no matter how many times you remind people there's gonna be those who miss your posts so unless you somehow edit it into the first post and the thread title to "Read the first post", those who don't frequent this thread will miss it and not know that the rules of this thread have changed and even then you'll still get the occasional people who don't even read the thread title and will ignore the first post and rules altogether.
Last edited:
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I thought i would check back in on this after my previous decree, why oh why are there not only links being shared here but there appears to be a lot of specific discussion happening.

Now i know how things can tend to stray easily from news to discussion but i would really rather you branch off into specific threads. I am also getting around to renaming this thread. I do hope that with that you will start splintering off and linking to the threads where discussion happens. Next time i wander back here i expect not to be so disappointed.

Well .- . after DarkFire said to keep it only about RPGMakers I kinda stopped posting links because:
1. A lot of the things I post are just updates about author making their game, so there's no trial or sometimes not even enough info to bother with (like, say, "THIS GUY IS MAKING A NEW GAME")
2. Once limited to RPGMaker, there's not that many that I'd care to post about, I think the ratio of RPGMaker game vs not-RPGMaker game I find worth posting to let people know is probably 50:50.
3. After the previous decree, I did post a non RPGMaker game once here, then it got deleted so I took that as "ABSOLUTELY NO NON-RPGMAKER!!!" and just stopped.

If it's ok to post about News of games in general though, then today there's this on release:

Seem to be about sneaking into a house and setting up wiretap/hidden camera/drugging things to blackmail the residents.
Re: NEWS! - New RPG Maker Hentai Games

May I suggest not using "NEWS!" to describe this thread? I personally couldn't even tell what it meant and thought it was the creator of the thread updating the first post with links to every game until I read your post.

Edit: Forgot to mention this but no matter how many times you remind people there's gonna be those who miss your posts so unless you somehow edit it into the first post and the thread title to "Read the first post", those who don't frequent this thread will miss it and not know that the rules of this thread have changed and even then you'll still get the occasional people who don't even read the thread title and will ignore the first post and rules altogether.

considering these things effect you all, i suggest you start chastising (in private, such as reputation or profile messages) people who do not obey the rules. I remember when people came complaining about how toxic closed the thread and how he had handled the situation so badly, but i feel that these people fail to realise that this attitude places the blame for the actions of every member on the librarians. Why should they be responsible for all of you? sure they have they have a little more flexibility in what they can do, however if they are forced to use their abilities instead of their words, this seems purely reactionary.

For instance, why was the thread closed? its because the rules were not being followed. Toxic tried and failed to resolve the situation in other ways and was then forced to bring the house down. The obvious solution is for people to follow the rules.

Now, i've noticed that when the rules are broken, occasionally someone might ask politely if the links can be removed. you are mostly good kids so the links are generally removed, sometimes there are arguments about this but who cares right now. slightly more often, people will comment about the lifetime of the links. Why are they commenting about the lifetime of the links? they are admitting they are against the rules but are seemingly indifferent to this breach, even though it puts their convenience at risk.

The most common response is no one notices or people comment on them and ignore the rules. this is what gets threads closed.

so foamy what i'm trying to get at is, if one in ten people acted responsible and helped keep this thread in line, this thread probably wouldn't need visiting from the librarians. They can try and enforce the rules and keep this place organised, but if you all helped they wouldn't need to visit. If you start a fire indoors don't be surprised if someone comes and puts it out. So in short, make sure people know the rules and don't start fires in doors, its a bad idea (fireplaces are exempt for obvious reasons... and stoves).
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

This thread makes no sense in the form you suggest. The people already started to create new threads for upcomming games. So what exactly is the purpose of a
"RPG Maker (fox) news thread?"

Just close it for good and put it in your archives or whatever and be happy about it.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm glad you can so easily speak for everyone kohlmi, lazy cat seemed to be fitting in nicely with this new direction.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I am incredibly Bias as I have my own thread for collecting RPGMAKER links but the new concept of this thread would make that task much easier for me so I'm all for it.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm glad you can so easily speak for everyone kohlmi, lazy cat seemed to be fitting in nicely with this new direction.

Why not just close it and create a new one? What exactly is the purpose to force a thread into a new direction? Why keep it around? 392 pages is big enough :p

And what about the people who don't come here anymore? Who is talking for those? ;)
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Why not just close it and create a new one? What exactly is the purpose to force a thread into a new direction? Why keep it around? 392 pages is big enough :p

And what about the people who don't come here anymore? Who is talking for those? ;)

That logic is a little flawed, that is like asking a corpse to vote in an election, the dead simply do not hold a vote for they lack something essential to holding an opinion life. As those people no longer are active for all purposes in this situation they are "dead".
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

so, did you all hear about that new hentai rpg maker game, i heard it was pretty good.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

That logic is a little flawed, that is like asking a corpse to vote in an election, the dead simply do not hold a vote for they lack something essential to holding an opinion life. As those people no longer are active for all purposes in this situation they are "dead".

This only makes sense if the mods and you killed those guys. :D
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

so, did you all hear about that new hentai rpg maker game, i heard it was pretty good.

um that helps nothing at all, no information, not even a hint or clue what RPG maker game you are referring to....

Also what is the difference now, I see there are changes to this thread, but what are they, cause I didnt understand jack from what was said... sorry....
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