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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Tbh, it might make stuff easier to a) police for mods) and b) be more accessible, tidy, and on-topic for users if we did reduce the RPG-maker thread to a single stickied post that was only editted to to list new rpgs and then new threads could be created (and linked) onto said post. Off-topic rants I suppose are the problem, that and I guess this thread was created for a type of game only distantly related to the forum's intended topics, which evidently is what is grinding a certain mod's gears.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I keep saying that will be a severe blow to the forum's traffic and it will make it no different than Hentai4daily. But go ahead and ruin the forum, people will just move to another one.

Not syaing this to sound like a threat, I'm saying this because I've seen it happen, they try to change something that works because of technicalities and because "it's not supposed to work like that" and "too much spam" and kill it.

I remember one of the most high traffic forums in Portugal that had a off topic area that didn't count posts, and people used it as a chat, you could type whatever you want and the forum was great, one day they said that area had way too much spam and closed it, aaaaand sure enough the forum died.

I'm not saying if you come here with your dick in the hand it's fucked up looking for fap material when there's conversations you don't even care about such as games that haven't been launched but only announced, walkthroughs, opinions, etc. but if you DESPERATELY want a fucking game, how about you post a thread for it with the correct tag (make sure you freaking use the search function first!) and ask for it there.

But hell, I had this conversation personally with ToxicShot and Nunu and they know what I think, they're still against it, ultimately it's their call, and one day THIS thread will eventually get shot down because although they listened and accepted my opinion, they let it know that theirs was strongly unchangeable so just accept a good thing while you have it.

But anyway, Toxic says this thread is well, toxic lol, and the most pratical way to deal with it would be close it....

How about move it to Everything else and remove post count from it..?
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I agree with Starke on this one i've seen it happen too. I enjoy coming inside this thread everyday to see the conversation about certain games, and seeing new games get posted and the discussions about it.

I don't want to have to go back and forth from a site to see new games then see discussions about it. I'll admit maybe it can be more organized but honestly maybe just make another seperate thread with just the RPG Maker games in them. And leave this thread the way it is.
- So people can go to one for a good discussion + the new games (i.e the thread the way it is now) / or to another thread with just the new games post with no discussion.

Honestly i just think if it aint broke... Learn how to search :p
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I typically don't post all that often, but I agree a lot with what Starke had to say. I can see why moderators would like to trash this thread, along with many (newer) users who wants to find games more easily accessible.

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with how this thread works. I'll argue the original intent of this thread is very different to the way it is now, but it is a great source of information for upcoming releases. Once the game comes out, it goes into discussion for about week, until the next game comes along. If a high quality game is to be released, someone usually takes the initiative to make its very own thread.

The RPG Maker thread imo is definitely the most active thread on this entire forum. There is no need to change the formula of this thread. I understand the number of pages of this thread is terrifying for all users alike.

But if the mods really feel the need to do something, then this is what I suggest. Lock and sticky this thread somewhere. Create a RPG Maker Hentai Games 2 thread. Have it continue to do what it's always done. Only moderate what needs to be moderated. This way, the thread will have a much cleaner feel.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hey guys, I'm new here.
I was wondering if theres a clean list of 80%+ english RPG Maker Games?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

There's no reason the thread should even be RPG Maker specific. Just make a "new H-games thread" instead. If a game gets enough posts, someone will create a dedicated thread for it, but for 90% of games that don't gain traction, that's totally unnecessary.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I'm bugging out a crap ton in [アルビノゲームズ] モンマスII~魔物娘と闘技場~ (rj106956). Any updates available?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Biggest problem about this thread is that it's not simply a request thread. Some people ask for help in certain games or just simply go off topic, which makes it a hassle for moderators who don't really even care about low quality RPGmaker games to moderate through. Not to mention DESPITE ULMF HAVING A POLICY AGAINST ALL THINGS LOLI, people STILL request loli material. Some even post loli material.

It may be okay in YOUR country that cartoon CP is legal, but most likely ULMF's jurisdiction is in a place where this is illegal. If you want to discuss that crap, Hongfire is your place, just go to ULMF for non-loli RPGmaker games.

Plus in addition to that, there are always new account fuckers such as the host of Hentai4shit posting "Hey I found a new link for RJ01337 at hentai4shit plz clik i need to feed mai 4 kids".

I check this thread for new games mostly. I crossreference this with the Hongfire thread since etigoya posts walkthroughs most of the time there.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

This thread, appart from the rules which obviously abides by, is a thread completely appart of the rest of the forum, hell, this thread alone is as active as the rest of the forum, but I didn't come here to see all hentai, I don't like porn, I like RPG Maker / Wolf Engine Hentai Games, that's the only thing I like.

The only reason I turn my eyes to the side on some loli / abusive stuff, is that I don't like moderating when I'm not a mod, in some forums that's even bannable, I don't like to slap people in the wrist, and I do agree that some people make Toxic and the other's job a pain in the ass.

Honestly I even believe this thead is so big in it's existence, that it should have it's own mods, but that's just me, and my influence next to the administration in this forum is zero or below zero, hell I like Toxic even tho we had some divergences in the past, I like Nunu although she loves trolling me, Aika strikes me as a cool cat, but that's it, no matter what I say or do I won't change a thing so we just have to believe in the administration's good judgment and accept the decision whichever it may be.

Now even tho that's not off-topic per sé, to keep on topic:

Monkeyman don't want to pressure you, just want to know... How's the translation for Virgin Island going? *.*
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Ironically, Virgin Island has its own thread for discussions of that nature >:/

Also, I might remind folks that I suggested less than a year ago that there be a required input field on this thread for what game you're discussing, which would have eased TS's workload and possibly avoided this problem.

We might as well decide where we're going to go lest we be scattered to the four winds when the thread goes. There's always going to be a need for a water-cooler thread that can handle both discussions and sharing of more minor games that don't warrant their own thread.

Hongfire's mostly out, because you can't have links, which is actually pretty important to a watercooler thread, as they discovered to their sorrow. So what's left? LAH? The jerk running nihonmaru? The hentai4daily site? Other ideas?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

required input field on this thread for what game you're discussing

And what would that be?
DLSite number? What about the games without one? Like re:Anise.
English name? Different people translate them differently, and automatic-translator usually butcher the actual name.
Japanese name? Umm, there's people who can't read Japanese, how would they know which one is the actual name.

There's no specific method that'd guarantee it'll work, or that the...less coherent people will even follow that order.

It's probably better to just have all the chaos in one place, and then cherry pick out the cherries out of it.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well, since all three (rj number, jap name, english name) are legitimate names for the same game, I'd envisioned allowing all three. Anyone looking for the game who knew more than one name could just search for both terms, since the search field here is a forced OR anyway.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

This thread, appart from the rules which obviously abides by, is a thread completely appart of the rest of the forum, hell, this thread alone is as active as the rest of the forum, but I didn't come here to see all hentai, I don't like porn, I like RPG Maker / Wolf Engine Hentai Games, that's the only thing I like.
yeah i think too if you remove a thread that has a lot of game it will turn into a spam of threads on the forum or people will just get bored and leave.
also funny i would say the same aside the fact that i do like clothing destruction so i can say i do like ecchi but not hentai... weird
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

The problem with separating out the RPG Maker-esque stuff into their own threads is that maybe 1% of the games deserve a thread based on content and worth, and there are 10 that can come out in a week. You're going to have threads starting all the time that ask for link, ask for help with one thing, ask for walkthrough, 100% save, and then die off. All the conversation that is worth this thread takes place during play, downtime, and interim. As usual, the anti-loli brigade is overlooking the fact that links don't get posted, and if they do, they're either taken down by the poster after figuring the content really does have "loli," or are easy to be rid of once reported.

The "problems" with this thread are all flash, no fire, and a matter of interpretation. I think the idea of 100 RPG Maker threads filling up the forum would be worse than condensing those 100 into this thread.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I do not contribute much, but are browsing this thread on daily basis... because if I allow one day off, then I'm completely off, what people are talking about. Thread is mostly "disconnected", it is hard to find out about what game each post is, etc. Personally I like an idea of dedicated RPG Maker / Wolff RPG sub-forum with separate thread for every game, starting with game announcement. Threads of games that people show no interest into will die quickly, going down on thread list. Those with good, interesting games will stay on top. If one have particular interest in any game, then he will know where to find all info about it, without need to, for example, filter all etigoya posts in this thread to manually look for this one message on page 383 (or something) when he mentions how to do something in one game or the other (thanks etigoya!).

I do not expect that kind of change to "kill community", but those things do tend to have live of it's own, so any result can come out from change - either good or bad.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Allow me to recap a little of the history of this thread: (yeah I am feeling like an old man at the moment)

1) This forum has been around for far longer than this thread. Back then the traffic volume was a lot smaller, but it was still active. Very few games were shared, but there were still a few noticeable ones.

2) At the same time, there was a thread in Hongfire forum called . It was created to find games where the heroine or hero would get raped after losing. As the name implied, the first few games proposed actually ends when you lose. However, let's face it, game that "rewards" the player when you lose is actually more entertaining than games where you have to win all the time. Most of the games posted were RPG maker games, even though that has nothing to do with the thread topic, but people got used to it.

3) The Hongfire thread operated in pretty much the same way as this thread. People will post a new game, everyone will download it and start asking questions. Fun was had. The Game Over Rape thread in Hongfire became huge. You think this thread is bad? By huge I mean it eventually hit the thread limit of 1000 pages. A thread was created.

4) However, sometime before it hit that 1000 page limit, Hongfire changed their file sharing policy. DL links and torrents are no longer allowed on that thread. At around the same time, this thread was created in ULMF (I think it was actually around for a while before the Hongfire ban. I can't remember the time difference). There was a very noticeable increase of traffic in this thread after the ban, indicating that at least some of the new comers were displaced by the Hongfire ban.

That's just the history as it is. I am taking a neutral stance in this issue. I think it's great that we have a place to discuss the games we like, but at the same time we need to remember that this isn't an off-topic discussion board. This forum won't die simply because this thread is closed off, just as the Hongfire thread didn't die, but simply turned into a walkthrough thread. People will adapt and get used to it.

That said, how many of you actually visit the rest of the forum?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

The Hongfire ban was the reason why I moved here. Making a RPGmaker subforum wont make me leave the forum as its the only one I know thats a bare minimum nopopup ads everywhere you click.

It would hurt the forum population, but not by much. RPGmaker threads are only a handful of people compared to other ones posted in the Hentai forums.

The mods wouldnt care either. They're not getting major ad revenue from us or anything.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Monkeyman don't want to pressure you, just want to know... How's the translation for Virgin Island going? *.*

PHLERBLH. That's pretty much my estimation of it :L Well no it's not THAT bad, I have made a little bit of progress but what with Christmas, New Years and my exams coming up it was a REALLY bad time to start it
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

ok i need some help i have a game in rpg maker xp, i download the game everything looks fine, but i cant see any text any at all, they are there since i can press it, but i cant see them. is a japanese game in rpg maker xp
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

if you have this game could you upload it/pm me a link please?

EDIT: Holy crap! I should check sometimes on other topics as well... xD

Anyways i feel thast the discussion about the future of the thread should have its own topic.
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