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New RP Poll


Demon Girl
Oct 23, 2010
Reputation score
The Role Playing section here seems a little... dry. So I wanted to see what people's current interests are to role play to stir up some excitement! Maybe we can work together to get something everyone will enjoy. Please post your ideas!
Re: New RP Poll

Dry? As far as I can tell there's at least 7 active RP's.
Re: New RP Poll

I think what our newbie friend is saying is that posting is slow in all of the current RPs and would like to get in on a more active one.
Re: New RP Poll

Well the slowness of some of the RP's cant be helped because not everyone is in the same time zone. That and people's social lives is a factor in the amount of time any one person can post/update an RP.
Re: New RP Poll

I wasn't arguing the point, I was just expressing why this newbie seems to think some of the RPs are dead.
Re: New RP Poll

I see... Sorry to jump to conclusions, though with this many members, I was anticipating a little more activity. But while we're here... any one want a new RP? n.n;;
Re: New RP Poll

Well I wanted to get everyone's ideas together, so I wouldn't just be doing it for myself. I'm thinking something like Shadowrun though, if anyone's familiar with that.
Re: New RP Poll

Well, for the most part, we have two kinds of crowds here. The kind that like erotic-RP's, and the kind that don't. Obviously some people will play both, but the others like me usually stick to one extreme of the two, unless it greatly appeals to our interest.

That said, if I were you, I'd form a basic idea first, and then throw it out to everyone and ask for their ideas. Ideas like whether or not it will contain ero-content, if dice will be involved, and the basic foundation for the RP. Then you can do things like ask for what things people would like to see/do in it. And how they would like to play.

Shadowrun seems like a pretty unique form of RP, after grazing over it's contents present on the web. Haven't heard of a futuristic form of mythological fantasy before. But will the game run just off of Shadowrun's rules? Will it only use the story and setting behind it for the time that we play? Will we roll dice during questionable outcomes like fights?

And most importantly for me... Will there be sex?
Re: New RP Poll

You have my interest @ shadowrun. I've never played but I pick up RP systems insanely quickly.

Well, it's much the same with most types of systems actually. Useful gift, that.
Re: New RP Poll

Well I never really played Shadowrun, I just heard about the background it had and it sounded fun... I'm not sure if I could be GM for something like that yet. n.n;;
Re: New RP Poll


Yeah, it's a full official system, so yeah, to run it properly I recommend at least playing in a few Shadowrun games first...
Re: New RP Poll

Well we don't need to use the dice and stuff... we can just use the backstory for freeform RP... right?
Re: New RP Poll

You can use anything you want to for an RP, even if you take from another background/setting, and don't have too many ideas on what it's about. And most people throw their own twists in on things anyway, to make it seem more interesting, usually.

Freeform 'can' be more fun than systems with dice, but the only concern it has, are people that do absolutely ridiculous things. And that's not just godmodding. Some people 'need' stats in order to have any structure in their characters, otherwise, they can be unbelievable, and very much not fun to play with, and especially no fun to GM over.

Dice are more suited to people who have trouble making decisions on how certain parts progress, such as combat. Or those who just hate freeform, because they had bad experiences with people who didn't use it properly.
Re: New RP Poll

I don't like freeform for a reason not listed; because it's just too arbitrary for me. If I want to do something, I can do it, unless the person in charge tells me I can't. So either I'll always succeed at everything I do, or I won't because someone decided I don't, for whatever reason.

Generally, I'm not the sort to be doing things I don't believe my character should be capable of, so when I can't do something, it can feel like arbitrary failure. Failure because the GM wants me to fail. In an ero game especially, it tends to be "you failed because the GM wants to rape your character" which rubs me the wrong way.

So basically, in theory I would be fine with a freeform if it had a GM I trusted. But I'm not exactly the trusting sort.
Re: New RP Poll

I don't like freeform for a reason not listed; because it's just too arbitrary for me. If I want to do something, I can do it, unless the person in charge tells me I can't. So either I'll always succeed at everything I do, or I won't because someone decided I don't, for whatever reason.

Generally, I'm not the sort to be doing things I don't believe my character should be capable of, so when I can't do something, it can feel like arbitrary failure. Failure because the GM wants me to fail. In an ero game especially, it tends to be "you failed because the GM wants to rape your character" which rubs me the wrong way.

So basically, in theory I would be fine with a freeform if it had a GM I trusted. But I'm not exactly the trusting sort.

You seem to be a living catch-22 XD.

But I see, but I don't know of a freeform RP that requires GMing... I guess I can look into Shadowrun. Just need to find the books.
Re: New RP Poll

I guess I can look into Shadowrun. Just need to find the books.

HA! Good luck with that. As I understand it, the original books are insanely hard to find, and they're not being printed anymore either. There was a d20 adaption of Shadowrun in the works, but that got shut down for some reason or another. I actually was able to play (read: make a character for) something of a beta for the system as a friend owned a small gaming store at the time.

My suggestion would be to look over the concepts and ideas of the setting and either run a freeform, or come up with a simple system for what you need. Most rule sets that work fine for table-top gaming are very inefficiant for forum based games. The less dice that have to be rolled, the faster you can get to the role playing and the fun part of a game.

Shadowrun's an awsome setting though, up there with Dark Sun for cult gaming classics.
Re: New RP Poll

By "original books" do you mean the first edition? Because yeah, they would be hard to find since it's up to 4th.

And yeah, I'd be interested in Shadowrun, too.
Re: New RP Poll

Every question you ask is heightened in cuteness 500 times over because of your avatar.