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New horizons, A fairy's journey

After thinking about it:
Lily tries to hide and leave the fighting to Ivy, but stays close enough to (try to) help if things go badly for Ivy.

Ivy flies up and starts shooting at the armor, aiming for the joints and any rusted spots she can see.

Last time Ivy tried the "fly up and shoot from a safe distance" tactic it did not work so well. Let's hope things will work out better this time, since there are fewer (if any) trees the enemy can climb to get to her.

The joints should be the weak spots in the enemy's armor, but any rusted spots should also be weakened, hence my choice of targets. Hopefully the armor doesn't have any good ranged attacks...
Got the update scripted and now as it won't have any effects I'll ask people's opinions on a few mechanical matters.

Should I keep using my D20 system or swap it to rolling D10s.
The former gives people with lower stats a higher chance of rolling an overwhelming success. E.G it an elite swordsman with +3 attacks Ivy and rolls a 5, it's an 8 meaning she needs only a 7 or more on a 20 sided dice with her skills to evade.
The d10 system however removes the range and by extention makes every +1 more valuble. Which in turn in theory speeds a combat up, be it for or against her as overwhelming successes are much less likely. Fumbles/crits would will be on the max/minimum so in theory are more common.

I ask opinions as it might change the way the story unfolds.

As for the other, pregnancy, when something eventually unloads in a party member, should it be a high roll sucess (male needs to pass) or low roll (female needs to fail) Figure I'll see if anyone has prefrences before it matters as the rules I'd set for this were lost in that data crash I had.

The update should be soon. I'm on a short course so if I'm delayed by it, it ends this week so it will be a minor delay.
On the choice between d20 and d10:
Ivy is not a fighter, so opponents are likely to have an advantage in combat bonuses. Therefor d10 would benefit the opponents more than Ivy. So my preference is to stick with d20

About pregnancies:
High roll sucess (male needs to pass).

Speaking of party members, could you add Lily's stats and skills to the first post, so that we will know what to expect from her if she is frced tofight?
Alright, now that little IRL distraction is over...

"Hide!" Ivy orders loudly, the sudden noise casuing the Armours helms to turn towards Ivy who darts back to lure it away before gaining altitude and looses an arrow that strickes true into the albow joint of the sword arm, a dark purple ichor leaking from the 'would as it makes a shreaking noise."
"Alright, good start... OH!"
Ivy getting cut off from her excitement at not having a repeat of the plant beasts as the armour on it's offhand opens up and tenticles launch at her.
Leaping back she avoids most of them, but one wraps around her ankle and pulls her over.
"Get off! that's creepy and gross!"
The Appendages seems to be stronger and tougher than the plants becuase she pulls away, tries to wriggle free and cuts at them with little success as they draw her back to the approaching armour.
"Tch, at least the swords out of order right now." she thinks to herself as the tentacles bind her, only starting to worry when her legs are pulled apart and some of them start running up her legs
"Hey, HEY! Stop that!"
It's at this point what she is up against truely dawns on her as the front of the armour opens up into a bed of wriggling slime covered tentacles, the thing clearly intends to lock her inside.
"Ivy!" Lily shouts as she breaks cover, hurling a bolt of magic at the armours back, the bolt fails to hit it's mark but it's sudden sharp movment to evade the attack gave Ivy the opening she needed to pull free.
As it turns to lash at Lily, the arrow stoppnig the arm's movment finaly snapping under the presure of it's strngth, narrowly evading her ear Ivy fires an arrow into the still open chestplate causing more ichor and screeching. She takes a metal note of it's being weak on the inside but also the risks of getting it to open up as the gains some altitude.
Lily tries to flee and hide but the armour beign far swifted than expected rushed up and grabs her by the neck it's visor glowing menicingly and it making a shallow hissing noise.
"Let he go!" Ivy demands as she shoots another arrow, the armour deflecting this one with it's sword but one more proving to be just the distration the other girl needed to escape.
As Lily Ducks away into the undergrowth and vanishes from sight the armour turns it''s attention to it's airborne foe.
It swings it's sword at a rock smashing it and lanching fragments of rock and splintered sword at Ivy's hand, the shrapnel catches her causing shallow wounds but caused her to fumble her bow.

(Both of them managed to disable one of each other's attacks, that's unusual considering the rolls that needs.)

Ivy HP 8/10 EN 5/5 Ar 3/10 (Currecntly has a +2 flight bonus to defence (3 total))
Lily HP 1/5 EN 9/10 Ar 0/10
Corrupted Armour taken 5/? Wounded

Plan time:
a) Swap to magic, it reacted violently to it for some reason and it may be worth doing and will maintain distance.
b) Retreave the bow, costs defence but it prevents it looking for Lily.
C) Other

Note on altitude: while almost everything will still be able to attack in some form (i.e. throwing things or waiting for her to be closer to the ground for whatever reason. After all if she could solve every problem by flying up and being invunrable that wouldn't be interesting.) only things with real ranged attacks like bows, fire breath and the ilk will be able to negate it being an issue unless they too can fly. Underwater combat would work similarly.

I'll add Lily's stats as you requested, I wasn't originally gonig to bother as she might not be a permenant member.
The best I can come up with:
Ivy remains in the air and keeps her distance. She creates some ice daggers for attacking, but focuses on avoiding enemy attacks. She tries to spot any weak points in the opponent's armor (such as the joints) and aims for them. If the chest plate opens again she should try to hit what's inside with an ice dagger; if not, she should try to find a weak spot in the chest area (like a rusty spot, or one that is already damaged) and aim for it.

As for her bow: Leave it where it is for now. If the opponent moves away from it and Ivy can swoop down and take it safely, without giving the 'armor' a chance to attack her – she should do so. But if not – she should just leave it there and take it back after the battle.
First of all, living armor is fucking hot so ya got me :D

And then as for what to do, I was almost leaning toward going in for the bow and if it gets Ivy she can attack the insides...
But then I noticed how stupid that is, considering we might not be able to kill it right away and one tentacle was already strong enough to pull her, so more of them are probably nearly impossible to get away from!
So as always (he's just always faster than me) I agree to go with moonblacks' safe playstyle.
If that doesn't work out tho, we could have to get creative; like baiting out an opening by flying in a swooping maneuver above it (to get it to open up), and then throw daggers or something in and hope our momentum is enough to get us outta there quickly when we "pull up" again. :p
(a bit like a or dive bombing)
Just a notice, I'm probably going to start taking some artistic licence on writing, while everything that happens will be subject to the predetermined script and rolls in combats, I'm likely to fluff the actions for more interesting dynamics. No-one wants to read the pair floundering at each other for five turns unless it's amusingly inept.

"Tsk." Ivy after a moments consideration opts to keep her distance and not give it an opening and sculpts some daggers from the residual moisture in the air, the thing's visor flashes a little when it does. "Yes, definitely annoys it." She thinks to herself as she throws the first. The armour being quick on the reaction parries the blade out of the air and follows it up with a jumping slash.
"Woah!" Ivy ducks back, it didn't clear close to enough distance but it's mobility once more caught her off guard as she hurls the next dagger, clipping the armour's shoulder. The shoulder sizzles and crumbles swiftly. "So that's why, they are weak to magical attacks." She notes.
The armour twists around and opens sending forth a huge volley of long reaching tentacles that reach well over twenty foot." What, WHAT?!" Ivy tries to dodge it but her moment of surprised hesitation allows it to grab her legs and pull her towards the surface.

(Unfortunate luck, this attack is powerful but if it misses leaves it open for retaliation against it's interior while it retracts its mass it just shot out.)

Ivy tries to pulls free using her daggers to try and cut at it without much luck, it slowly drawing her in until she is on the ground. Using her sudden traction as a potential she tries a new tactic of trying to stand and run from it, however, she underestimates it's strength and finds her footing pulled out from beneath her. She lands face down and rump up with her skirt flipped up giving the armour a clear path to its goal.
It however also topples over due to the sudden shift in weight caused by its outstretched tentacles.
Ivy being the most fleet of the two takes this chance to get free and hurl a rock that was to hand. The rock viers slightly but causing the armour to lose it's grip on the sword as it swings it at the fleeing fairy, the sword landing a few feet from its hand.
She backs away from its immediate reach as taking flight at this range leaves her open and hurls her third dagger, this one connecting with its throat as it rights itself, it makes a roaring hissing noise as more ichor spills. It lunges for its sword, keeping it's armour quite closed at this point, taking the fourth dagger to its leg as Ivy keeps the pressure on as she back towards her bow.
The armour jaunts towards Ivy with a leaping thrust biting deeply into the girl's flank. She screams out in pain a little as she rams the last dagger into its visor, purple ichors spilling everywhere and all over her arms as the armour and its contents rapidly disintegrate.

"eww eww eww!" Ivy rapidly tries to wipe the gunk off her arms, a few moments later once she is certain it's clear Lily comes over to help.
"I'm sorry I was so useless..."
"You're not useless, I'm the one who should be sorry, I'm supposed to be escorting your safely and you got attacked..."
"I was the weaker target, taking me out first was a tactical move, it seemed to have some kind of rudimentary intelligence after all..."
"True, it focused on those with magical attacks as those were effective."
"And clean, let's keep going, I'm tired and hurt but the scent of corruption here is sickening."
"I agree."

The pair continues towards their destination after Ivy collects her bow and any salvageable arrows. They find as they cross a nearby hill in the plains they can see a huge walled town, their destination, albeit still a long way away.
They can also make out a ranch to their left and a river to their right, across the river seems to be a mountain with a small village on its slopes.
There also seems to be a wooded area just beyond the drawbridge to enter the town.
Ivy is also finding an odd longing itch in her groin, too, but that's probably nothing to worry about.

Should they...
a) Not waste time, head for the destination
b) That ranch looks interesting...
c) Explore the riverside.
d) cross the river and head to the village.
f) We have some time left, maybe check out the wooded area.
g) Rest, both girls are tired and hurt. (You may suggest an action afterwards)
h) Other.

Ivy HP 5/10 EN 4/5 AR 2/10
Lily HP 1/5 EN 9/10 AR ?/10
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So, if I understand correctly, the ranch and the river are closest to Ivy and Lily's current location (just in different directions). The mountain village is further away, then the wooden area, and the town is the furthest.

If the above is correct, then:
Vote: First rest for a bit so that Ivy can recover at least a little. Then head towards the ranch.

Hopefully the people at the ranch are friendly and will be willing to answer a few questions about the nearby town and the rest of the area. If the people at the ranch turn out to not be friendly the girls should just leave/flee.

I am curious about the mountain village, but I figure they can visit it later (for example, on the way back).
crude map.png

It was thrown together quickly so it isn't too scale but hopefully, it gives a basic idea.
Thanks for the map. :) That's pretty much what I imagined when voting, so no changes or additions to my vote.
Well, I waited to see if any more opinions showed up, Ranch it is.

"We have a little time right? Once we recuperate shall we check out that Ranch? We might be able to get information."
"True, we will be cutting it a bit fine but we should have time if we don't rest for too long."

The pair being on top of a hill where they can clearly see anything approaching, stop to have a lunch of berries and nuts stuffed into fruit and then roasted over a small fire. They stay vigilant but the smoke and smell of cooking doesn't seem to attract anything allowing them to eat in peace.
Afterwards, they make their way to the ranch, it's by no means a short walk for the small fairies but the planes are peaceful and nothing seems to be planning on making themselves lunch of fruit-stuffed fairies. As such the pair gets to the walls of the ranch without too much difficulty aside from the lack of a road from saving time with the direct route.

+2 hp each for the rest +1 for time spent travelling

"Are ranches usually walled off like this?" Ivy asks
"Hmm, probably depends on the area, they probably make it harder to graze your cattle, that said these plains are meant to be dangerous at night so it's probably a security thing for whatever the danger is."
The pair head inside the gate quietly looking around to get an idea of the situation, they see what seems to be a house and an attached storeroom, on the other side a barn that leads into an enclosure.
Within the enclosure seems to be all of the cows to the pairs joy and excitement, having never seen a cow before. However there is also a young woman, she has yet to notice the pair but she seems to be cleaning off one of the cows.

As they creep closer the see an angry looking man mucking out the barn and another in the storage counting crates with a frown.
"Something seems tense here Lily maybe we should g.."
"Hi miss! Whatcha doing?"
As Ivy turns to Lily she sees she already went ahead and has climbed halfway up the gate to talk to the milkmaid. Worried Ivy rushes over in case it goes badly.
"Hmm?" The woman turns around. "Children? well aren't you both far out today, I hope you didn't run into any dangers." She looks back at the cow "as for what I'm doing... something has been menacing our herd at night so I'm trying to sooth them. Our milk is our livelihood after all and if they are unsettled they don't give as much. So what bring you ou.."
"Faries! You're the ones messing with the herd!"
As the pair turn, they see the man from the stables pointing a pitchfork at them
The girl interjects "What do you mean?"
"Their sort are always causing trouble, we need to get rid of them or the cow's milk will curdle in their udders! You know the stories!"
A quick glance around shows that only one of them seem to be hostile and he seems to be nothing more than a farm-hand.

Ivy HP 8/10 EN 5/5 AR 1/10
Lily HP 4/5 EN 10/10 AR ?/10

Choice time:
1) Leave quickly
2) Stand your ground and...
a) Call him out on his attitude
b) Dismiss him as a non-threat
c) Something else, but do consider his demeanour
3) Other
I knew what I wanted to vote, I just couldn't put it in words. Here's the best I came up with:
Indirectly call him out on his bullshit by speaking to Lily loudly enough for both humans to hear, but still keep an eye on the humans in case either of them (or another one) attempts something hostile. Something like this:
“What the fuck? First that corrupted wolf, then that corrupted person that raped you and might have done the same to me if given the chance, then that thing in the old suit of armor that was definitely going to do something to us, and now some random guy is blaming us for stuff that is not our fault. And it's just because of some stories he heard! At least he's not trying to rape us, but still: What the fuck?”

(brief pause for Ivy to catch her breath)

“Since we are not wanted here maybe we should just go and leave them to deal with their own problems. Maybe the people in the city will be a bit more reasonable... what do you think, Lily?”

Any improvements to my idea are more than welcome.
Just checking, any more final votes? I'll be away for a few weeks in less than 10 days so I'm planning to get this and hopefully one more update out.
Seems not. alrighty. Sorry for the delay, prep work was annoyingly complex.
I'll change what is said to be more in character but I'll keep the intent.

"Wow, you hear this nonsense Lily, first humans we ever meat after leaving the forest for the first time and this is his reaction? Not the corrupted armour or whatever spawned it and the rest of the corrupted monsters causing it, no. It has to be the fairies that have kept to themselves for longer than I've even lived."
"Yeah, the old guys a jerk..."
"He can get that way sometimes yeah..." the girl says softly
"Don't side with them Maria! They steal away maidens!"
"... why would we steal maidens? We are an all female race" Ivy asks rhetorically
"Well, I'd get it if it was men but not this hairy old geezer, yuck..."
"W..well to serve at wet-nurses to your monster babies obviously, just look at her, clearly why they are here!"
"What's a wet-nurse?"
"I have no idea."
"That's quite enough!" A large booming voice comes out of the main house and a tall muscular man steps out. "What's with all this commotion? I have enough work trying to fill our orders with our lack of produce."
"Frank, I caught these fairies trying to.."
"Faries?" His expression softens "Why didn't you call me, I've not seen any of them for years."
"... what do you mean, they are clearly the source of our troubles!"
"Harold, when you've been at this as long as I, you know that the worst fairies will do it mischief, not sabotage, ignore the old fairy tales, those are not about our neighbours. I told you about my adventuring days did I not? Go on get back to work, I'll chat with our guests."
Despite his protests, Harold is brushed off and sent back to work.

"It's been years since I saw any fairies, not since I travelled, how can I help you both?"
"Well we were checking out the area on the way to the town and hoping to get some information as it's the first time out of the forest for us both."
"Well strange creatures have been spied wandering the plains at night, so you might not want to linger long, I fear the herds fear is related to this, something getting close, other than that the adventurers guild has been offering bounties for killing them and missions for investigating the increase in corruption that has sprung up over the past year if you need work. It's dangerous though, very. There have also been rumours of monsters dragging women away for.... well..." He trails off
"I did think I sensed a hint of corruption nearby, so I think you're right." Lily adds.

As time is ticking foes the pair
1) Thank him and make for the town swiftly as it's getting late
2) Offer to help with the issue lurking at night
3) Try to barter a place to stay for the night
4) Something cunning I've not thought of
That was hilarious (and also better than what I imagined). Nice work!

I'm not sure what the time of day is, so:
If there's enough time for them to reach the town before nightfall:
1) Thank him and make for the town swiftly as it's getting late. If necessary make use of their wings to fly over obstacles in their way

If it looks like they won't be able to reach the town before nightfall:
3) Try to barter a place to stay for the night. If necessary offer to help with the issue lurking at night
They would need to be swift, any real delays and they might not make it. So late afternoonish. exact travel times are in my lost notes. I need to fix those later.
Okay, after thinking about it some more I'll go with:
Try to barter a place to stay for the night. If necessary offer to help with the issue lurking at night.

If that doesn't work out, then they should head directly for the town as quickly as fairily(?) possible, flying over any significant obstacles.
Sorry for being absent for a bit, my thread watch status decided to cancel itself apparently, and now that I manually look up if this thread is dead I see that it is not. Yay! Okay so what if we take care of the thingy at night, can we stay for bed and breakfast then? Bc I also don't wanna get murdered by Harold with a shovel or whatever in my sleep because he still doesn't trust us, so I guess we should just do the thing that gets us their trust easiest, if we can just help Harold with shovelling cow shit or something that's convenient but the night quest monster if we really have to
Alright, back from my trip and will start scripting, unfortunatly, it looks like my pc has fragged again, weird as it worked perfectly before I left. (Using a basic houshold laptop I'm going to axe the history of)
I'm going to try and get a recovery disk and repair my os, otherwise it's data loss again. thankfully it's fresher in my mind and some of it should be backed up. it's just a matter of how recently it was done.

However onto the story itself (Welcome back Ren). I'll read these as try and work for lodging, only dealing with the issue if their is no other way.
This board look so dead, but yet you replied today, so I guess there still a little bit of life yet.
Sorry to hear about your pc issues.

I will keep an eye on this thread and participate, since I really like this format.
I would have voted 3 as well.