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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: full defense +30 dodge, resistance and +15 perception (75, 55, 37)

Hunter 2 vs Ama miss, Grabber 1 vs Ama miss, Grabber 2 vs Ama miss, Grabber 3 vs Ama miss

Focusing solely on defense and using her powerful demonic body to dodge nimbly from side to side and her wings to hop over one of the grabbers, she managed to avoid all of their attacks this time. Of course, she couldn't dodge forever and with so many grabbers around she would likely be overwhelmed soon. Even if she managed to avoid them, it wouldn't be long before reinforcements came and overran her.

That wouldn't be an issue though, some blinding chains of light shot from the floor and grabbed the hunter, pulling the surprised beast down to the ground and searing it's flesh. Then just as the grabbers were closing on her again while she floated over the hunter the ground all around her burst into pure white flames. Strangely though she didn't feel any heat from the holy fire. Under every other circumstance when she had been exposed to holy magic, being in such proximity to the flames had left her with severe burns as well. This time, it burnt the aliens to a crisp and left her unharmed.

Seeing the surprised and frightened expressions of the nuns, it didn't seem like they had been the ones to help. When she turned, however she was greeted by Lucia standing in one of the hallways. She looked positively radiant, her blonde hair flowing behind her and over the chaste white robes she wore as power made it ripple as if wind were blowing it and her eyes sparkled with divine magic, even her skin had a slightly golden glow to it while she wielded a large, golden warhammer in both hands. "Hello again, demon. It is good to see you here, to help us fight if I may be so bold as to assume that?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Was this an effect of the power she channeled or was it an act. Something stirred in Ama but she had to quench it down. Though she had to admit if asked then and their she would forsake all her power for just one night with Lucia right now. "I found myself in the area and decided that Aliens needed killing." Ama flicked her hair, it was of course an act any talented spirit user could see Ama's spiritual state and any one familiar with the succubi could see she was on the verge of hunger. "I suppose with you here I should leave this holy place?" In truth if this was Lucia's power than Ama was really just wasting her time here. Ama couldn't look directly at Lucia for fear of her heart fluttering and those strange emotions clouding her vision.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well regardless, I have to thank you once again for coming to the aid of my sisters. You are certainly a credit to your kind." The spirit-wielding nun's face was marred by a frown as she picked up on the hunger gnawing at Ama's spirit. She reached into her robe and pulled out a blue vial that was full of a spiritual restoration potion. "Here, take this, it might take the edge of your hunger. It's the least I can do, even though I did technically save you this time." With a glance over her shoulder she wheeled around and slammed the warhammer down onto a grabber, pulverizing it.

"Actually..." From behind the corner peeked the attractive governess that was apparently Lucia's lover. The nun sighed.

"Yes...I suppose we are in the position of needing your help. See, thanks to you I was able to meet my longtime friend...and lover, Governess Elizabeth, the ruler of this city."

The governess bowed respectfully to Ama. "I am told I have you to thank for returning Lucia to me. I am in your debt. But I am afraid I no longer rule this city. I haven't for awhile. In truth, Minister DeGraff lauched a coup almost a five months ago, completing his efforts that had been over a year in the making. He has been in control of the city secretly for that time, I've been forced into hiding lest I face death or enslavement." With a sigh she dropped her gaze to the floor before looking up to meet Ama's gaze. "I'm not sure what exactly he wants, but I know he intends to use the population of this city to increase his power. Knowing him it is a method most foul and bodes ill for everyone within the walls of Larice and even in the surrounding countryside."

Lucia chimed in at the end. "Elizabeth says he's in her mansion on the royal island. It's probably safe from aliens for now, but there are sure to be guards and inquisitors protecting him. We've got some boats hidden in the factory district that can take us across to a secret entrance into the island. We'll take you there and fight him if you're willing to help us, but first we need to evacuate the temple. Will you help us?"

It sounded like in addition to the alien uprising, the minster had some foul plan for the city that was on the verge of completion. Lucia and Governess Elizabeth wanted her help to stop him, but first they had to save the nuns in the temple if Lucia wanted to fight the minister with their help.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama caught the potion and downed it easily. "I must be a fool...... or deranged any other of my kind would have let your city rot. I will help after all I've come this far." Ama looked at the nuns cowering in the corner. "Its a shame the use of spiritual energy is so constrained by the laws and prejudices of the land. If these nun had even a barest hint of training you would have had a decent army." Ama bowed to the girls and winked at them blowing a kiss before turning to Lucia again. "Lets go save your sisters."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The nuns huddled in a corner, glancing at Ama with mixtures of fear and awe before Lucia went over to them and gathered them up and herding them down a hallway before pulling a torch to reveal a secret door. After ushering the women inside, admonishing them to remain silent, and promising that she would return for them, she sealed the hidden door again and returned to Ama's side. "Well I am grateful to have your help once again, whoever you are. One day I hope you will allow me to thank you by your real name." With a tight-lipped smile she led the way into the temple, with Elizabeth following close behind. "Ah yes, Elizabeth will be accompanying us, though I have tried to convince her to wait in a safe room."

With a haughty sniff, the governess lifted her head imperiously. "I am the Governess of Larice. My duty is to the people, and because of my weakness and DeGraff's machinations, I have failed in that duty for the past year. Now I will make up for it! I will not stand by while my citizens are in danger!" She pulled a longsword from her hip and continued her march to confront the aliens with Ama and Lucia.

The conversation reminded her that the impression she had gotten from her time in bars was that the townspeople held a strong dislike for the governess. Could DeGraff have secretly deposed Elizabeth and ruled in her stead without anyone knowing? She couldn't know for certain, but her brief encounter with the man gave her the impression that he was certainly capable of such deceit. Especially with the backing of the Inquisitors.

The trio moved down several hallways without seeing anything before reaching a great hall. Standing outside the hall and peering in from the shadows, they saw six adult grabbers, a dark slime, and an even larger grabber, like the one she had fought when freeing Lucia from the prison in the Inquisitor's old headquarters. The scene was heartbreaking, a large group of nuns were stretched out on the floor in various poses as the the tentacled grabbers violated them in any number of ways. The ones that weren't currently taking a tentacle orally were moaning and crying out loudly in pleasure. They had clearly been at this for awhile as all of the sisters had abandoned restraint and were gleefully fucking back against the tentacles and had bellies swollen with cum. Or were they swollen with alien offspring?

Ama's gaze was attracted to the dark slime, which held a young woman suspended in the middle of it. The nun's head was free of the slime, but the rest of her body was stuck inside the slime. Her clothes had faded away to nothing more than a few rags that clung to her without actually preserving any of her modesty. This allowed Ama to see that the girl's nipples standing firmly erect while her pussy gaped open, doubtless filled with slime. She imagined the poor woman's back door was in a similar state. Her belly too was pregnant with slime-cum, or was it just slime?

Whatever the case, the first move currently lay with Ama's trio. Elizabeth had advised her that she was a skilled swords-woman with a range of magical options that could also lend her an edge. Both women looked to Ama for guidance since she was probably the most experienced among them, though Lucia's gaze was quickly drawn back to the great hall, powerful fury clouding her face as her eyes glowed ever brighter. They should probably make a move soon, Lucia's soul was glowing like a lighthouse and would start to attract the attention of the room's occupants soon.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Ahhh I see why the corrupt inquisitors tried to tempt me with your position. They needed a figure head as well." Ama gave a slight smile before looking to the governess once more. If the woman insisted on coming along Ama would suggest she lose the dress it would only hinder her fighting mobility and these things where not something you wanted to get caught by. She even offered the woman some cloths though they where her whore outfit as Ama was dressed as a peasant. Still no matter the girls choice they moved on.

The first group they came to was a set of nuns that had already been defeated. Thankfully for Ama and crew but not so much for the nuns. Ama pointed to the large grabber and the slime. "Those are our biggest threat the slime can cast magic be careful. Ill take on the smaller grabbers. Ill need to reserve my energy or else.... well you don't want to see me hungry. With that Ama dashed in and attacked one of the smaller grabbers hopefully the creature was too busy with its prey to put up much of a fight.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

HP:70/70 EP:55/55 PP:55/55 Resistance:11/25
Ama sword attack vs adult grabber 1: 70 vs 47 hit! 47 damage, dead grabber

Elizabeth enchants blade with lightning, BC autosuccess
Elizabeth lightning strikes, death from draw on the first vs adult grabber 2,3, and greater grabber: 67, 55, 62 vs 63, 47, 61 hits all 3 50, 40, 43 dead, badly wounded, moderately wounded

Lucia vs Dark Slime Binding: 32 vs 25 slime is bound and immobilized

Grabber 3 and 4 attack Elizabeth: miss, hit grabber 4 grapples Elizabeth
Greater Grabber attacks Elizabeth: hit, grapples Elizabeth
Resistance damage: 17

Grabber 5 and 6 attack Ama: 72, 66 vs 53, 62 Ama is grappled by both grabbers
Resistance damage: 14

Slime tries to escape: Fails

With a wry grin, Elizabeth shook her head and declined Ama's clothes. "I'll be alright, I may not look like much, but I can hold my own in combat. Even if DeGraff was more politically adept than I."

Charging in first, Ama caught the first grabber completely unaware, her enchanted blade cutting through the round slimy ball of alien easily. She wasn't alone, as more of the grabbers turned to her, Elizabeth came out of nowhere, her dress not hindering her at all as she placed a hand on her long sword's hilt and sending a wave of lightning crackling down the scabbard. With shocking speed she drew her sword in a flash, cutting through the closest grabber with practiced ease. With shocking grace and agility she continued the movement into the a slash against another grabber, before delivering a final strike to the larger grabber. Wounding both of them seriously.

In the meantime, Lucia rushed towards the slime as it slowly started glowing, indicating it would soon cast a spell. Before it could, the nun called up her blinding holy chains once again. They wrapped around the slime and pulled tight against it, the divine power keeping the slime restrained and preventing it from escaping. The bindings also put a stop to its spell casting, the spell fizzling out before it could manifest.

The remaining grabbers started to turn the situation around though, the wounded grabber and greater grabber managing to wrap her up in their tentacles before she could get away. They started moving up her torso, arms, and legs, spreading their slime over her. Ama received the same treatment from two other grabbers as they quickly wrapped her up in their own tentacles. The slime quickly incited a burning in the demon's loins and in moments she found herself ready for the tentacles to bury themselves in her. She only had moments to escape before she would be a horny wreck.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Not good! Though thankfully Ama was a tough cookie but the insidious alien slime would be far more damaging if she lost control though. Looking around Ama focused her powers on the dead grabber. Using telekinesis she lifted the dead creature up and hurled it towards the grabber holding her.

Ama Uses Telekinesis option 1 (1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X Force damage, but it has to move in a straight line.) X = 11
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

HP:70/70 EP:44/55 PP:55/55 Resistance:11/25
Ama throws dead grabber at grabber 5: 36 vs 35 hit 66 damage grabber 5 killed

Lucia Casts Holy fire on greater grabber and grabbers 3,4: 40 vs 43 miss 1/4 damage grabber 3, auto-hit grabber 4 and greater grabber 10, 15, 35 damage, all dead

Elizabeth uses murder with sword on grabber 6: It's dead

Slime is still bound

Despite their dire appearance, Team Ama worked well together and quickly brought the situation under control. Ama telekinetically picked up one grabber and smashed it into one of the ones grabbing her, turning both into alien pulp. Then Lucia freed Elizabeth by trapping all three grabbers that were attempting to fuck her with her holy fire spell, burning the lot of them to a crisp while leaving her governess unharmed. The now-freed Elizabeth used her freedom to swiftly dispatch the last grabber that was holding Ama.

All that was left was the slime... It bubbled and churned violently beneath the chains, but was unable to free itself. Still, it posed a tricky problem. "It's got Sister Edna..." Lucia was glaring daggers at the beast, it's captive nun still moaning in its embrace. The rest of the women were collapsed on the ground, most were groaning and fingering themselves while the more energetic pleasured each other.

"Well shit...I can't attack it with my swords or spells, that would kill her right along with it. Can't you just use your holy fire again?" Elizabeth was talking to Lucia, but not taking her eyes off of the slime.

The nun gave a grunt and shook her head. "That would work in theory, but that slime has a trick of its own. It can drain energy from its captures and convert it into health. Any damage I do to it, it will heal by draining her. It would just be a loop that wouldn't end until Sister Edna was dead, and even then such a task would be a significant drain on my energy. We need another plan.... Can you do anything without hurting the sister, demon?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked at the situation it was bad. If this continued the girl would die for sure or be turned into a mindless slave or worse into another slime. "I-I can.... but....." It was risky Ama could suffer as much as the nun but besides trying to charm the slime which was a doubtful result this would help the girl. "You may have to restrain me Lucia......" Opening herself up Ama used her empathy on the trapped girl if it was sucessful she would steal all the pleasure and damage that the girl was feeling freeing the girl and imposing her situation on Ama herself. The slime would starve as it could no longer drain the girls energy threw physical pleasure. If it worked Ama would signal Lucia to start and hoped she kept control.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ohh that's clever...The wording of soul eater says that drain EP for 1/2 pleasure they cause, so unless there's a precedent set up elsewhere I think it'll still drain EP. Option 3 might have worked better.

HP:70/70 EP:25/55 PP:33/55 Resistance:11/25 Status: Horny
Ama casts empathy: 8 EP

Slime fucks Sister Edna, pleasure transfers to Ama: 22 PP damage, 11 EP damage

Ama easily established the empathy link with Sister Edna, her resistance had long since shattered. Unfortunately, the slime was quite good at pleasure, and Ama felt her breasts, pussy, and ass instantly heat up like her whole body was a lust-fueled furnace. What was worse was that she felt energy sap from her body and flow towards the slime. The thing was still able to drain energy, this time from her!

As her energy plummeted, her instincts began to take over again. This time, however her energy was too low to deny herself. Her lust and need to feed spiraled out of control. There wasn't any option, she needed to fuck, and there were plenty of targets. Helpless women laying on the floor, the governess was very attractive too, then there was Lucia...her virginal cunt and radiant power made her a delectable target.

However her eyes then picked up one more target, very rich in energy. The dark slime in front of her. It pulsed with energy, and at the corners of her mind, her burgeoning morals pleaded with her dominant hunger not to take the women, to take the slime instead. But would Ama listen to her hunger, or the shreds of her conscience?
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Hunger.... it burned in her and food was everywhere. Eyes glinting with a feral light Ama lunged at the riches energy source in the room the Dark slime would no doubt welcome another host the question was did it understand the danger it would be in or better yet could Ama out feed the creature. It would be a race. Like a wild animal Ama would force herself onto the slime taking what she could and holding nothing back.

Umm sex combat???
Ama will attempt to feed off the slime using her sexual prowess. Ama wants to get into a rhythm with the slime if possible X = 5
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

While the chains kept the slime in place, Ama landing on it's soft, slippery, very arousing body prompted it to extend part of itself through the chain and begin to envelop her lower half and insert itself into her holes. At the same time it began to stimulate her breasts. Unfortunately for it, Ama was a professional pleasure dealer, and she dropped into a rhythm instantly and took a solid lead in the race to feed. Initially, it didn't bother trying to resist her pleasure, however as the feeding continued and the slime shrunk and shriveled under the drain it did start to resist her. It was too little too late, however, and in minutes it was over, the slime reduced to a puddle on the floor, the binding chains faded, and Sister Edna lay unconscious in the puddle, breathing shallowly.

Ama was fairly bursting with energy at this point, more than enough to suppress her needs, however the slime remnants still clung to her, arousing her further and refusing to let her lust abate. However, before she could act on her lust, she felt a soft hand on her shoulder followed by a small influx of magical energy. With the small influx of energy, she felt the fog of lust clear away and the remainder of the slime fell off of her. A look over her shoulder would reveal that Lucia had cleared away her lust.

"Elizabeth, get Sister Edna!" She knelt next to Ama and checked her for injuries, looking in her eyes and saying, "That was brave of you, demon. We owe you for doing that. I owe you my peace of conscience, and Sister Edna owes you her life. Thank you again." She softly brushed her hand against Ama's cheek before standing up and seeing to the other girls. "Dammit, these girls aren't going anywhere. It'll take forever to get them to a safe room, we'll have to carry them all..." She stopped talking for a moment and took a deep breath. Then she placed her hands on the ground and channel more of her power, and shortly after, three kobolds appeared in a glow of light. The three dimunitive fey warriors looked at Ama in horror before baring their weapons aggressively at her. "Don't! She's...a friend..." Lucia placed herself between them and Ama, raising a hand protectively and panting heavily, clearly tired after burning through so much of her energy.

"Aliens have invaded the city, I need you three to protect these women. Here, I'll show you a secret passage you can hide them in." Ama pressed a brick on the wall, causing a passageway to open up. "This passage will take you to more survivors. Get the girls into the passage, then press this brick to seal it behind you and take them to the end where you'll find the rest of the survivors and wait for me there." The kobolds nodded and immediately started carrying the women into the secret passageway. Leaving Ama to recover with Lucia and Elizabeth.

"Are you two okay? There still more ground to cover in here. More Sisters to save." Elizabeth looked from Ama to Lucia, seemingly concerned with how winded the nun seemed.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked up at Lucia her lust fading away as if soothed by the nuns touch. Getting up Ama took a defensive stance as the kobolds readied to attack. Thankfully Lucia managed to sway their fear and give them orders. "You should tell them to kill any offspring that spawn. Unless you want this whole mess to start again." Looking about Ama nodded and looked to Lucia and frowned. "She is burning threw her power quickly she will need a rest or at lest an energy potion. Thankfully I can.. refuel in my own way." Ama let that in the air and awaited for the girls to decided on a course. It would be difficult and Ama would lead the way letting Lucia rest for a moment.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The kobolds heard Ama's comment and assured her that they knew how to deal with alien children.

Elizabeth agreed with Ama's assessment, saying, "You need to rest, Lucia. We'll wait here a minute for you to catch your breath and then we'll keep moving." At Ama's remark about an energy potion she shook her head negatively. "Unfortunately, we're both down to one potion each. We need to save them until we're positive we need them."

After a minute or two, Lucia's breathing slowed and quieted. Then the trio set out with Ama in the lead and Lucia giving her directions. They reached a staircase and swiftly ascended to the second floor, and swept through it but encountered no one. Then they hit the third floor, but the story was the same. A grim sight awaited them when they reached the roof, however. Looking down at the street, they saw a large group of aliens moving away from the temples, carrying women garbed in the robes of Lucia's temple. The nun swore and called up a circle of holy fire in the middle of the group, badly burning several grabbers and a hunter that turned to glare ferociously at her before hurrying on. The three women saw that the aliens were filing into a hole in the pavement that had been blasted up from the sewers, carrying the nuns towards a horrible life of sexual servitude as breeding slaves for the aliens.

"Demon! We have to stop them! We have to! We...gods dammit!" The nun punched an ornamental spire on the roof in frustration and sank to her knees as she watched her sisters being carried off to a fate worse than death, powerless to help.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Seeing the situation Ama burst threw the window causing stained glass to rain down from her effort. She could feel the minor cuts from the reckless stunt but for some unknown reason she felt driver to save these woman. Unraveling her wings as she went Ama's shadow over took the demons as blast of lighting back lit her in the sky. Using the speed from the dive she zoomed over the mass of writhing enemies trying to beat them to the hole. If she managed it she would send a blast of devils lighting at the creatures legs hoping to stop them. If however it didn't look like she would beat them to the hole she would use her charm on the hunter and order it to kill any grabber it saw. Either way she would end up near the hole her claws sparking on the cobble stone as she stopped and readied to defend herself.

So if she can get the lighting off X=11 if not then charm on the lizzard man
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama: EP: 44/55
Elizabeth and Lucia both gasped and covered their faces as Ama took off towards the alien column; flying through wind, rain, and lightning. As she flew overhead, the demon had trouble lining up a shot where she wouldn't also hit the captive nuns. Luckily for her, the vanguard of the alien withdrawal was all aliens, no nuns, and she was able to unleash her lightning at them. The blast electrified a large number of grabbers and hunters in the lead of the formation, the heavy rains and wind making it almost impossible for the creatures to dodge the attack from the demon that had just dive-bombed them out of nowhere. Of course, this now left Ama facing down a small horde of aliens that were intent on getting past her with their captives.

Before Ama could valiantly make her last stand against the aliens, she caught sight of something unexpected. After a bright flash of light from where she had left Lucia heralded the sudden arrival of two female and one male angel. The heavenly trio swept down and visited destruction upon the aliens in the forms of magical lightening, fire, spiritual explosions, and enchanted blades. What had once been a horde, was reduced to a street of alien corpses. It was all over in a matter of seconds, leaving Ama to look on as her kind's mortal enemies slaughtered the last of the aliens and gently touched down on the ground, one of the women fixing her with a hard stare while the other two picked up two nuns each and prepared to take off. Strangely, she found that she didn't just feel animosity towards the angels that she would have expected. There were hints of something else...respect? "Come with us..Amasael. It will take too long to move these women as it is." There was no questioning the command in her voice. It would not serve Ama well to disobey her.

After several minutes, the supernatural quartet had transported all of the nuns into the entrance hall of the temple. At about the same time Ama finished helping bring in the last of the nuns, Elizabeth staggered in, supporting an alarmingly pale Lucia, trails of blood running from her mouth, nose, and eyes. She gently lay the nun on the floor, stroking her hair and speaking soothing words to her as the woman's breath hitched repeatedly in her chest. One of the female angels walked over and with a moment's focus radiated wave upon wave of healing energy out from her body that spread out around the room. Collective sighs rose up as the restorative energy healed the wounds and weariness of the gathered women.

Lucia's eyes slowly opened and she gave Ama a faint grin. "Even."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama watched as the angelic trio finished off the remaining aliens. For a moment she thought the heavenly being would cut her down as well but surprisingly they didn't. Still as they finished up one of them turned to her adn called her by name. Shocked Ama obeyed how in the hells did this woman know her. She had been very careful and in no way did she have enough power to even be noticeable by the heavens. Still the woman's voice demanded obedience and sadly years of such treatment and the fatigue of the night worked against the succubus and she obeyed. Once it was secure she waited for the angels to finally deliver justice against her and her hand gripped her blade tightly. Strangely while she was afraid of that fate it didn't drive her to hate the heavenly beings and in a way she felt grudging respect for the angels. She indeed must be a terrible demon. That feeling only grew as Lucia was brought in near death. Panic almost over took her but thankfully the angels healed all the woman in the room. Hearing Lucia say even just spurned a slightly angry tone in her voice as she spoke but it was with a faint subtle smile. "Fool you're far to important to get yourself killed." With the immediate threat dealt with as far as the mortals were concerned Ama looked to the angels and waited.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Be at ease...demon. Sister Lucia told us you are not like other demons, that you are rather selfless...at times. In any event we are not here to strike you down. We were called to protect the temple and its sisters and that is what we shall do until the current crisis has passed."

With Elizabeth's help, Lucia clambered to her feet. Before bowing respectfully to the trio of angels. "Thank you so much, mighty angels. We all truly owe you our lives. And if I can sleep soundly after this, I will thank you for not having the visions of my lost sisters to keep me up at night."

"It is too early to thank us. Our task is not done, and our services will be far from without cost for the likes of you. Most humans with the capability would hesitate to summon even one of our number once in their lifetimes, you have summoned three of us in one night." The female angel's voice echoed through the temple, ringing of authority. "Go now and finish what you set out to do. Afterwards, we will discuss the three wonders you will perform as payment."

The color that was returning to Lucia's face seemed to drain out of it at the mention of three wonders. "T-three? I-yes, yes of course Lady Angel. It will be my honor to do so." With a stiff bow she turned about to face Ama and Lucia, drawing them off to the side. "Let's go, they can protect the others here. We've got to get to the docks and get into Elizabeth's mansion."

The deposed governess growled. "I'll make DeGraff pay dearly for kicking me out of my own home." When Ama was ready, the group would set off towards the factory district.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama headed out with the Lucia and Elzibeth but couldn't resist a parting shot at the trio of angels. Maybe it was the tone she took with Lucia or the fact that Ama was a demon but it was said and the price would probably be paid later. "Ya know the other temples are being raped as we speak you might want to go do the right thing and save more lives." Ama didn't wait for what ever retort the angel had in at hand and left with the woman making their way to the docks.