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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama had to lift up the heavy sewer grate on her own, Lucia was crying and trying to go back for the prisoners though the one blocking the door wouldn't budge. After she tossed the grate aside, she did indeed have to sling the inconsolable priestess over her shoulder and jump down the short distance into the sewer. Not long after they jumped down, a magical explosion tore through the door. Strangely enough, none of the guards pursued Ama and Lucia into the sewer.

It didn't take her too long to come across one of the goblins, though it wasn't Lev. "Mistress! You must get out of here!" The small goblin was clearly freaking out. He was couldn't sit still and was extremely agitated. "They're all over the place down here, I don't know where they came from but we had to flee our hideout. If you know what's good for you, you two will go up to the topside as well."

The goblin pointed out a sewer grate that was just down the tunnel that they could take. He also outlined a path through the sewer that would be easy enough to follow and would take Ama and Lucia to within a block of the hideout.

The trade offs with the first option were that Ama would be unlikely to encounter any aliens, but they would have to take a longer route on the surface that may not be ideal while naked. Additionally, they ran the risk of encountering someone who would recognize them as escaped prisoners. And Ama was almost entirely naked.

The trade offs with the second were that it would take time to navigate through the sewers and there would be numerous chances for them to run into aliens. Of course there wasn't likely to be any guard presence down here given the aliens and the fact that no one had pursued her from the cellblock. That said, even if they ran into aliens, there was a small chance that they would leave the pair alone after they got what they wanted, which would likely be sex.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Powerless as she was Ama wasn't about to risk an encounter in the sewers, nor did she want Lucia's first time to be in such a filthy place. "Be safe little one." Caressing the little goblins cheek Ama made her way to the exit. If they ran into someone it would be simple enough to run away. Of course she needed to head to Clare's and June's to get them and Amy out.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The trip across the streets of Larice was fairly eventful. They got about a quarter of the way to the safehouse with little more than some errant catcalls. However, they soon began to attract more attention. Some less than reputable individuals were following after them, lusting away and drawing more attention to the two scantily clad women. What's worse is they were starting to draw the attention of guards. A nearly naked and a scantily clad woman in the streets were a pretty big attention draw. They might need to find somewhere to let the heat die down for a bit. Turning a corner through an alley, their pursuit had briefly lost sight of them. This gave them the chance to slip away.

There were only a couple of options on where they could hide. There was a homeless shanty with a couple hobos in it as well as some spare blankets. It would be possible for them to conceal themselves there assuming the hobos agreed to not give away their position. There was also a man standing at an open door in the alleyway. There was music coming from the open door, and the man gestured at them, gesturing for them to come inside with a nod of his head.

Of course, the two women could also take their chances that they could outrun their pursuit and keep running the final three quarters of the way to the safe house.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Frowning at her options Ama ducked into the room with the man. "Good sir we just escaped some demented men could you shelter us a short while." Ama tried to sound scared but knew this could be just as dangerous as staying on the run. Of course she could always take the hobo's blankets but that would just seem wrong and no doubt Lucia would stand against it. She of course was already in a rough state having to leave the men behind.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama and Lucia found themselves in a relatively dark room for the time of day it was. As it was early evening, the room was kept at a surprisingly dark pitch. There were a couple of burly men in the room with the one who let them in, they kind of looked like the hired muscle type. While Ama pleaded with them, Lucia looked around the room quizzically.

"Oi we'll shelter ya here, but nothing's free!" The man closed the door behind her and locked it. Then he absently kicked a cabinet before the women could get too alarmed and it fell open to reveal some very revealing silk dancing outfits.

Lucia gasped as she suddenly came to a realization. "I know this place! That's the uniform for the brothel workers of the Maiden's Kiss!" The nun was clearly less than thrilled about being in a brothel, and she looked plaintively at Ama, clearly not wanting to wear the whore's garment.

The man just laughed. "Ain't no body gon' make you do nothing, but if you won't work then you can fuck right off back outside and.." He leaned over and stuck his head past a curtained window before quickly withdrawing it. "...it looks like there's some surely types out there looking to play with you. So, what'll it be?" The man was offering them a choice, work for a bit as brothel wenches, or take their chances outside.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked right at Lucia and then to the men. "Ill do it Ill even throw in a little extra effort as long as my friend here doesn't have to work." Ama waited to see if that was acceptable or not. "Besides you need us if your just picking woman off the streets. Ill dance and Ill even give you guys a ride if you want, but it has to be only me. Anyone touches her and there will be hell to pay." None of them really noticed except maybe Lucia that Ama's shadow cast in her true form.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The man who let her in laughed. "You've got some tongue to you, girly! But unfortunately for you your bargaining position is not so strong. As a simple business rule, when good looking, mostly naked ladies find their way into your brothel, you get them to make you money or make you cum!" The rest of his cronies laughed at the women. Lucia shrank behind Ama some more.

The bouncer considered Ama's proposition. "Tell you what, in the interest of free labor I'll make you a deal. You get to be a whore for the day and we'll let the little blonde one get off with serving drinks." The stance of the bouncer and hard looks from the others made it obvious this was the best offer they would get.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

They had them that was all there was to it. Turning to Lucia Ama brushed a hand against her hair caressing her face. "Your call Lucia I cannot make it for you, but this is the best offer we are going to get from these pigs." Ama awaited Lucia's answer it would be rough for the young priestess but she was brave and Ama knew she could do it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia bit her lip and looked between Ama and the rough men. It took her almost a minute, but finally sighed and relented. "I...I...fine...I'll do it..."

The men laughed and the one who let them in, by now established as the ringleader, gestured to the closet again to indicate the same clothes as before. "Well grab some uniforms and get out front! You can just go ahead and change right here...heh...heh."

It appeared they both got the same uniform. It consisted of two pieces. The first was a purple bra made of semi-transparent cloth with a thicker fabric that barely concealed the women's nipples. Of course it was still thin enough that an observer could still see the shape of protruding nipples.

The bottom consisted of two long strips of fabric that hung to the wearer's, one that hung down in front and the other in back. The one in front was an opaque purple that was just shy of a foot across. The strip in back was a light purple and a little wider than a foot, but was also fairly transparent.

It looked like the men were going to make Ama and Lucia change in front of them. Lucia looked to Ama, taking her cues from her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Taking a uniform in hand Ama looked over at Lucia and stood in front Sheltering her as much as she could. Helping the young nun with her outfit Ama whispered encouraging words to her. "Do you boys have some makeup?" Turning back to Lucia as she dressed her Ama whispered. "Don't worry if they have it handy Ill make sure no one can tell its you alright." If they didn't have any on hand Ama would take a piece of another outfit to make a veil, even if it meant she had to go with out a bra. Not that it would bother her. Once Lucia was set up she herself would change and get ready to face the challenges ahead.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia managed to ignore the catcalls directed between her and Ama. Of course the majority of the calling was directed at Ama, given her supernatural beauty. At the request for a veil one of the men reached into a box and pulled one out, throwing it at the girls.

When the nun stripped, Ama was treated to a sight she had likely been waiting for for quite awhile. Unbound, Lucia's breasts were probably D-cups, it must be hell for her to keep them compressed to a more modest size in her nun's habit all day. Her skin was a beautifully creamy and blemish free. It was clear she maintained a high grooming standard, there wasn't a visible hair on her below her eyebrows. Even her pubic region was bare. Though it did beg the question as to why she did it, because if she wore her habit as much as Ama suspected she did, then no one would ever see it.

Eventually the two were dressed, with Lucia captivating Ama's attention with her incredibly sexy serving wench outfit that was more truthfully a brothel whore's garb. Ama of course had the attention of everyone else, even Lucia could not resist eyeing her up multiple times as the fabric seemed to highlight the demoness' every curve and accentuate her perfect nudity.

Once the girls were ready, the ringleader ushered them out the door and into a loud, smokey, den of whores. It seemed like any other bar, however there were numerous booths that were closed off and rooms that all seemed dedicated to private sexual acts. There were dozens of tables in the large hall, and scores of whores and dancers moving between or on top of them to seduce men into giving them their money. Lucia looked horrified but swallowed down her fear, knowing they had to do this to stay free women. The man they were with pointed a few things out for Ama. "You just go to tables in this area right here," he gestured to an area in the middle of the room, "and do whatever you have to do for them to take their money. If they pay five denarii they get to do it in a private booth, fifteen gets them a room for as long as they need it. Really simple stuff. And you, serving wench, you bring them drinks and take their money, everything we serve costs one denarii except for the stuff that goes to the rooms, that costs two. You're probably going to get touched walking around, just deal with it. And for god's sake if you feel like taking your top off and dancing on a table, or doing anything else to get people to spend money, go ahead and do it." If they didn't have any questions or once he had answered them, he would push Ama out into the sea of tables and Lucia in the opposite direction, towards the bar.

Okay, good to go, sorry about that
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Indeed the sight Ama had been wanting to see greeted her though it was hardly how she wanted to see it. Knowing full well what the secluded woman was going to face Ama took a moment to nod at her and speak. "This is going to be a trial like never before Lucia, but sense you've ignored all my advances Im sure you'll do fine." Smiling Ama slapped her lightly on the butt before heading to begin her duty. Thankfully with her supernatural assets and other abilities she would be the center of attention in her part of the room.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia actually seemed surprised at how reassured she was by Ama's words. The poor nun gave a shocked squeal and a dirty look to the demon as she received her parting gift to the ass. Then she hustled off to the bar to get some instruction from the barmaid who would serve as her boss for the day. This left Ama to start administering to her section.

There were several tables without anyone attending to them in her section. There was one that had a small party of drunken guards, another that was occupied by a single, unusually wealthy businessman that had only just arrived, and a third table that looked to be taken by a two men who looked to be of below average wealth that were also fairly drunk.

Ama also had the option of finding a table that already had a whore with them, though it would need to be a fairly big group for the worker to be willing to share her earnings.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The rich man was trouble. If he was here slumming then she doubted the reward would be worth the price. At any rate the goal wasn't to make money it was to stay free. Altering her face out of sight Ama changed her eye color and her features slightly to match her Amy persona. After all she didn't need a bunch of drunk guards reporting that they saw her so close to her safe house. Once that was done she would entertain the guards by dancing for them.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama was able to shift without incident. The guards she proceeded to dance for greeted her arrival with a chorus of cheers, sloshed ale, and increasingly rowdy catcalls.

Meanwhile, she was able to catch glimpses of Lucia. The nun was ferrying drinks from the bar to the many thirsty patrons. She would get groped periodically, letting out cute cries of shock nearly every time before shooting dirty looks at the men who took advantage of her. Still, it didn't look like anything other than her dignity was in danger at this point.

Back at Ama's table, the soldiers were enthusiastically throwing down denarii for her performance and cobbling together a large pile of coin for what was sure to be a more involved request. Sure enough, once they had enough, they attracted several other women as one of them drunkenly propositioned Ama. "Hey sweet cheekssss..." The guard was drunk enough to slur his words. "We're renting out a couple of private rooms, care to get in on this pile of coin in return for us getting in you?"

A quick check of Lucia showed her taking a large swig of beer at the behest of one of the patrons, earning her another smack to her ass as she hurried back to the bar. This time without the dirty look at the man who touched her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It seemed little Lucia was getting a little relaxed though that could be trouble. "Looking to the guard Ama smiled. Sure thing sweetness but first I need to check on something. If you wait for me you can be first. No sloppy seconds humm. How dose that sound?" Hopefully the guard would relent so she could check on Lucia's situation.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The man shrugged drunkenly. "Yerr...okay...your loss if'n you don't come up with us..." Ama was left to go after Lucia, catching up with her between the bar and most of her tables.

"Hey Salina..." Lucia had a slight flush to her face, apparently she was a little bit drunk. "How's your stuff going? My job got a little better after one of the bartenders gave me a drink to help me relax." To Ama it appeared that she had loosened up a good bit. She probably wouldn't be making bad decisions because of the beer she had already drunk, however if she continued to accept beers from the patrons there was a chance she would reach that point.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh dear look at you Lucia. Getting a little too buzzed. You probably shouldn't have anymore of this cheep beer it will stain your teeth." Ama lied of course but the girl needed a reason to hold off on the beer and it was obvious that she cared greatly for her bodies appearance. "No more beer for you young lady." Bidding Lucia farewell for now Ama moved to complete her promise to the guard.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I know what beer does...Salina!" The nun stuck her tongue out at Ama. "You don't have to make up stories about teeth, you can just say I'm getting...DRUNK!" She seemed startled at how loud she said that and looked a little embarrassed. "I guess I have had too much to drink...sorry, I'll lay off of it."

Ama could see the group of soldiers and whores from where she was. They were going up the stairs and into one of the rooms now, she could follow them up now if she wanted.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Good!" leaning in Ama took the opportunity to kiss Lucia. After all she was drunk might as well get something out of this besides frustration. It really wasn't fair Lucia was probably the most slutty thing she would ever consent to wearing and Ama couldn't even enjoy it, stupid inquisitors. Breaking the kiss from the no doubt surprised nun Ama walked away. "If anyone is going to have you its going to be me." Ama could feel her heart beating fast a feeling that was familiar but... strange to her. Moving on she tried to put it out of her mind before her time with the guards.