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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well...I guess that is the only option left to us." The nun hesitantly followed behind Ama as she walked down the corridor. There were a number of jail cells, however they were closed and empty.

They walked down the hallway without incident as it ended in a door that led to a staircase that went up while the hallway continued to right before making a left a few meters further down. She couldn't hear anything coming from up the stairs or down the hallway.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Up it is....." Heading up the stairs Ama gripped the sword. She wasn't skilled in its use but still it was better than her hands. "Okay.... lets hope we don't run into anyone." Reaching out Ama opened the door....
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama perception check: 37
Ama stealth check: 33

The duo found themselves at the top of the stairs after a brief walk. As Ama reached for the door, she caught the faint murmuring of voices on the other side. After a moment's search, she found the keyhole and was able to peer into the room through it. There were three soldiers in the room, each a little bigger than the one sent to bring them food. They were probably stronger too.

After a moment of this, Lucia had caught on to the voices in the room as well. Right now they weren't talking of anything of consequence, however there was no way they could sneak past them, the room was too open for that. Lucia tugged at Ama's sleeve and the demon could see her beckoning back down the stairs, wanting to get away from the soldiers. As Ama looked back through the doorway, she saw one of the soldiers walking towards the doorway. She hadn't heard him say anything about checking the door, and doubted anyone knew she was there, but if the man was coming down anyway to check on the prisoners, there was nowhere to hide on the stairwell!
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama wanted to trust her disguise but if the man was coming to look for the missing guard then she would be in trouble as she didn't know his name. Quickly she followed Lucia down and decided to hide.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Following the nun down the stairs, all that was really available was a small broom closet. It did give Ama an advantageous position by forcing the two together so that Lucia's breasts were pressing into Ama's chest. The priestess was fairly well-endowed, though her habit did a good job of concealing the fact.

After waiting a minute without hearing anyone coming down the stairs, Lucia whispered, "Let's keep going on this floor, I'm sure there's other entrances and exits, both to the next floor and to this building. Besides, this space is rather...tight..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama blushed and having a male form as she did it was almost inevitable that something would slightly press against Lucia's body. "I don't know this place has a certain charm to it. Still its best to move on before something makes me do something. Stepping back Ama opened the closet before leading them out letting the cool air calm her boner. Thankfully she was wearing pants and with her in the lead she could keep it hidden. Still she hoped Lucia was right and they could find a less guarded entrance.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

From the blush on Lucia's face as she glanced down between them, it seemed she did indeed feel something, however she was professional enough not to mention it.

Moving on, the two continued past the bend in the hallway, passing a few more cells. These had prisoners in them, however they were too wasted away to be recognizable and did little more than glance in their direction as they lay on the floor of their cells. Moving past the cells, Lucia shuddered and mouthed a silent prayer for the poor souls. The next hallway they found them in had prisoners who were not quite so decrepit. There were five men in cells in this hallway. They all looked rough and worn down from their time in there, but they were able to stand up and peer through the bars of the cell as the two went through.

It was in this hallway that they faced another choice. There was a door ahead of them that let the hallway continue on this floor, and a staircase that led down a level, though to what Ama did not know.

"It may seem counter intuitive, but maybe we should go down? That might make us closer to the sewers, unless we're already level with them on this floor in which case I'm really not sure. It may just put us further away from any exit." Peering through the door, at the end of the hallway, Ama saw that it opened up into a darkened store room, it looked like the food was kept in there for storage. There was a light at the other end of the room where it let out into the rest of the floor they were on.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Nodding in agreement Ama hefted the keys. "Sounds like a plan just give me a moment." Turning around Ama shifted back into her Selina form before stripping out of the guards cloths. She would then open the doors to the other cells letting the prisoners free before heading off with Lucia.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The prisoners gaped at Ama as she shifted from her guard disguise to her Salina disguise. They looked fearful as she came over and unlocked their cells, six in total, but as it became apparent that she didn't intend to hurt them they began to trickle out. One man who looked about forty shuffled over to them and pointed to the downstairs route. "That is where we should go. There is a sewer entrance down there, that's how I broke myself into this joint to begin with. It's also guarded, they just started doing that recently. I don't know what all is in the other direction, but I know they've got animals, quite a few of them. We can hear them from time to time when people go that way...sounds like a right nasty bunch... Wouldn't recommend it."

The prisoners and Ama and Lucia moved down the stairs. Unfortunately, Ama didn't have as much clothing as Lucia did since she had needed to disguise herself as a guard. She did have enough to preserve some modesty, though not much else. Of course, it probably wasn't much of a problem for the demon's sensibilities, and it also seemed to boost the morale of the prisoners. It seemed the sudden relative freedom from their cells and the prospect of escape was giving them some life, wasted away as they were.

"Don't know who or what you are, but thanks for freeing us, lady." The other men grunted in the affirmative. They finally reached the bottom of the staircase. There was a long hallway with two doors on either side and one at the far end. The only prisoner who had spoken directly with them so far indicated that the door at the far end was the one they wanted, but he had no idea what was behind the other two doors.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh I won't lie to you boys I'm a demon." Heading down the stairs Ama thought a moment before moving to see if the doors had windows and if not she would put her ears to them to hear. If nothing seemed to stand out she would lead on hoping the entrance wasn't too well guarded. Still she had to admit it was the first time she was in a room with a half dozen nearly naked men and it wasn't her fault. She chuckled a little to herself finding mirth in it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The men all stopped and stared at Ama as she said that. "She's actually not that bad, and she's helping us escape from this place so let's just ignore that, shall we? I'm sure that whatever happens, it will be better than the jail cells you all have undoubtedly spent far too much time in." Lucia stuck up for Ama fairly quickly, and the men, after some shared glances shrugged and nodded approval. The fear that the demon was just freeing them so she could feast on their souls might worry them, but they seemed so sick of their cells that they would be willing to trust a demon if it meant escape. From their condition they had probably been locked up in those cells for years after all.

Unfortunately there were no windows on the side doors. There was no sound from one, while at the other she could her a man muttering to himself. It sounded like some sort of science experiment. The man was muttering on about 'reagents this', 'solutions that', she didn't really understand it at all.

Moving down the hall, there was a barred window in the door at the end. Through it she could see two soldiers with longswords. They looked pretty bored and were just shooting the breeze with each other. Lucia peeked in too and saw the men and looked worriedly at Ama. Sure they outnumbered the guards, but the guards had some very sharp looking swords while they themselves had nothing. The other prisoners were waiting partway down the hallway. It occurred to Ama that there weren't any sort of alarms sounding off, this hopefully meant that no one had discovered their escape yet. However they had been out of their cell for a solid fifteen minutes, so it was likely that they would get found out very soon.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

If they rushed the door undoubtedly some of them would die. However a lone alchemist would be far easier to subdue. Motioning for one of the larger men to come closer Ama whispered her plan to him. She would try to seduce/subdue the man or woman inside but if a fight started she would need help. Nodding and hoping he understood Ama gently opened the door and slipped inside trying to be stealthy.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama stealth: 24 vs 34 spotted

Ama perception 44
Ama edged the door open and tried to creep in while the larger though still frail looking man waited outside. Unfortunately, the door was actually quite old and creaky and the hinges gave a noticeable squeal as it opened inward. The younger mage working at a table at the other end of the lab looked over towards the door rather quickly, giving her a sharp look. "Who goes there?" He called out. There were a few bodies on tables in here, and while Ama couldn't be certain what was going on, it definitely wasn't the good and helpful kind of sorcery. This looked closer to a mad scientist's lair. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a wavering shape in a shadowy corner of the room that she recognized as a ghost.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Spotted damn it. Still she couldn't just run away. Moving in bold as could be Ama approached the mage. "Hey there honey." If she reached the mage she would pull him close and fondle his/her gentiles in a teasing manner. Of course if she was attacked she would attempt to grapple the person instead.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Ermm...you aren't supposed to be down here, who are you?" The young man seemed thrown off balance by Ama's forwardness. He was definitely inexperienced, it was likely he wasn't the wizard in charge of this lab and was just an assistant to whoever was. As Ama got even closer, he got more nervous. "Hey! I said you can't b-oohhhh..." He groaned in pleasure as Ama started fondling his modest package. "Umm...huuu...really, you shouldn't be here..." At the very least, Ama's natural beauty and skill were keeping the man occupied. No way he could notice the prisoners outside the room. The ghost in the corner wasn't making any action at this point.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Shhhssss" Ama kept the pace up. Though some of her more dangerous powers where locked away by the collar some of her more entertaining ones didn't relay on energy. Of course now that she had him she would have to do something with him. She doubt she could beat him senseless with the ghost watching and a quick look at the chemicals left her clueless as to what if any of them did. No doubt the mage would blow his load soon but Ama kept the tease going kissing the man if he started to get close. Taking one of his hands he pressed it against one of her breasts. Encouraging him to play with it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's natural talents were more than enough to overwhelm the inexperienced acolyte. With a groan he came inside his trousers, a large and rather embarrassing stain forming on them as he fell back onto a table, panting heavily. On the way down, his hand hooked the remains of Ama's top, pulling it away and leaving her completely nude from the waist up, with some rags barely preserving the modesty of her crotch and ass.

Unfortunately it seemed someone realized there were prisoners on the loose as a loud alarm bell was sounded throughout the floor. She heard the door at the end of the hall burst open as the two guards shouted. "Hey! You can't be down here! Up against the wall, dirt bags!" It didn't sound like they were charging yet because the prisoners outnumbered them, but Ama definitely heard the guards ringing another bell, likely signaling that they needed help. The ghost was still remaining against the wall for now. Perhaps it would stay out of the fight so long as no one harmed the acolyte.

Acolyte: Stunned for 1 round
Ghost: fine
Guard 1 and 2: fine
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Pulling the acolyte with her Ama stepped out and pushed him towards the guards. "Get them slave!" It was a nasty trick but she was hoping the guards took the bait. If the action hungry guards hit the mage than the ghost would likely join in his defense, letting Ama and the escapees get out of harms way. Of course it could all backfire in a horrendous way.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ghost: Base Casting Success: Casts force spell
Prisoner 1 picked up and slammed into wall 18 damage
Lucia: Attacks guard 2: misses
Prisoner 1: Stunned
Prisoner 2: Tackles Guard 1: Fails
Prisoner 3: Tackles Guard 2: Success
Prisoner 4: Tackles Guard 1: Success
Prisoner 5: Pushes heroines through the door.
Guard 1: Grapples with prisoner 4: fails
Guard 2: Grapples with prisoner 3: Success

Unfortunately the guards weren't much fooled by Ama's trick. It seems they either didn't know she was a succubus, or knew that the sealing collar stopped her powers. There was also the fact that the acolyte was blithering pathetically as he was pushed towards them, practically crying, "I'm not with her! Don't kill me, kill them!" He still looked pretty pathetic, what with his cum stained pants and the tears running down his face.

Still, that left the ghost and the guards, both of which rushed Ama's group. The ghost moved first, blasting one of the bedraggled prisoners against the wall with a powerful force spell, the poor man seemed stunned and was left wriggling on the floor as he tried to get back to his feet. Lucia took a swing at one of the guards but missed as another prisoner tried to tackle one of them and was beaten away. Fortunately, the prisoners were able to overwhelm them with numbers and soon both guards were on the ground grappling with the prisoners. This was only going to be a temporary advantage, however, because the acolyte was getting back to his feet, and the ghost was charging up another spell. The prisoners would be mowed down in short order, they were simply too weak to put up much of a fight, especially once the mage started throwing spells and the reinforcements pounding down the stairs showed up.

The man who had spoken to Ama earlier grabbed her and Lucia suddenly and propelled them down the hallway in a surprising burst of strength. Lucia pushed the mage aside as they were forcibly run into the room with the sewer exit, the sounds of fighting behind them continuing on. The man slammed the door shut and sat against it to bar others access for a time. "Go! You've done enough here! These few minutes of freedom have been the most we've had in years! We aren't going to make it out alive, but you two can! Escape through the sewers and bring this corrupt city down!"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama nodded glumly and if Lucia refused to run with her would scoop her up and take her along. Leaving the man gave the succubus a deep pain. Though she couldn't place it she felt an ache in her chest and a lone tear dripped down her eyes. Her fist stop would be Lev and then her little family with Clare and Jane.