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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

At the bit about receiving a cold shoulder from those of holy professions, Lucia cast her eyes to the side, apparently feeling guilty, before she remembered it was a demon that was speaking to them and not some run of the mill prostitute. Her gaze firmed back up after a second to remember that fact. "Of course. Rest assured, we don't judge you for your choice of work. It is a hard time for many, and we don't begrudge you doing what you must to provide for yourself. Especially if you then share what you make with the less fortunate. Truly, we are grateful." The smile on Lucia's face seemed less forced this time, reminded as she was that Ama, whatever she may be, was making donations to charity.

Mary smiled happily, "I couldn't have said it better myself! Lucia really has a soft spot for the orphans, that's why we're in charge of collecting for the orphanage." Lucia sighed, obviously she would have preferred if Mary hadn't mentioned that.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Orphans.... something rang deep in the back of Ama's mind. Feeling slightly woozy Ama steadied herself. The ringing was it a church bell?" Shaking her head Ama cleared her thoughts. "Thats such a noble cause. I hope the little tikes appreciate all the help you are giving them." Ama felt her heart pound faster and her head hurt slightly maybe it was best if she left. Stumbling slightly Ama backed away a little before turning to the nuns. "Well Mary and Lucia I should probably go I need to earn a place to rest tonight." Ama waved and began to move away her confidence returning. She would be gone soon unless the two nuns stopped her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia gave a pained smile as Ama mentioned the orphans, it seemed like it wasn't because Ama was saying it. Rather it seemed like it brought back painful memories. Her look changed to one of concern when Ama stumbled. "Are you well, d-...Salina?" Mary ran up and took her by the wrist, holding the back of her hand to Ama's forehead. "Hmm...you don't feel feverish, have you had anything to eat today?"

Lucia sighed, seeming to regret what she was about to say before she had even said it. "How long has it been since you've had a proper meal?" Though she obviously meant it in terms of real food, the look on her face made it clear she was well aware of the sexual feedings common to demons. "Here," she pulled a canteen and a small sandwich from under her stand. "you may have some of my food if you need. I would be morally poor indeed if I let our savior leave hungry. Are you sure you're alright, you don't seem well..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"No really I've already eaten well today." Ama smiled she couldn't help herself. "Just to much time in the sun I think. Maybe if I go sit in the shade for a bit." Ama wasn't sure what had come over her. This had never happened before was it an attack or something else. Still a rest would do her good and besides she needed to take a load off her feet.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

While the insinuation went over Mary's head, it clearly didn't escape Lucia's notice. The nun just rolled her eyes, but nevertheless she approached Ama as well before beckoning for Mary to return to the collection stand. "Mary, why don't you watch the stand and I'll escort our friend to a nice alcove. We wouldn't want her to just pass out in the street." Mary nodded enthusiastically and made her way back to their stand while Lucia guided Ama towards bench that was currently shaded by part of the monastery.

Perhaps surprisingly, Lucia sat down with Ama. She sighed, saying, "Are you sure you can't just tell me what you want. Somehow you don't strike me as the type to go around making donations..." The air was cool around them as Lucia looked at Ama, curious despite herself.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Sitting down Ama felt a little better but the strange feelings still tingled at the back of her mind. "Oh but if I tell you then that would ruin the game." Ama smiled as she rested trying to keep her looks in Lucia's direction from becoming to lewd. "Anyway I have nothing against orphans and we both know I'm not saving my soul by donating. It could be as simple as wanting to talk to someone."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia huffed when Ama once again left her in the dark as to her purpose in the city, but didn't press her on the issue. She cracked a grin despite herself when Ama mentioned not donating to save her soul, clearly appreciating the demon's sense of humor if nothing else. A confused frown came to her face though when she mentioned wanting to talk to someone.

"Well...why would you want to come talk to us? It seems like we wouldn't be the sort of company you would want to keep. Why not talk to some of the people you've seduced instead?" Lucia seemed confused, unable to understand why Ama, a demon, would possibly want to talk to a couple of nuns when there was a whole city of people she could talk to instead.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked back at Lucia returning her confused look. "Well people under my charms are not themselves and they prove rather dry conversation. Besides talking to you feels good. I'm not sure why but it dose." Ama shrugged sure she was attracted to Lucia but for her it was more than just a physical attraction. Perhaps it was the bright light in her soul that drew Ama in much as the moth drawn to flame. Only time would tell if this fire proved fatal.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia appeared to thoughtfully consider Ama's words. It seemed that while she distrusted demons, she wasn't one to automatically discount what one might tell her. "Well, I suppose that's as close to a straight answer as I'm going to get from you." After a moment, she stood up and made ready to go back to her stand. "Unfortunately, I cannot neglect my duties to sit around and converse with you. However..." She hesitated a bit before saying, "Do you really have nowhere to sleep? I am sure I can find a shelter that would take you. I don't know what your views are on the value of your body, 'Salina', but you shouldn't have to sell it to put a roof over your head at night."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh don't worry to much after all I can take care of myself. Thank you for your time Lucia I hope we can have more in depth conversation later." Bidding goodbye to the nun Ama made her way to check up on Lev. After that she was free to do as she would maybe find some trouble or teach some more rapists a lesson or two.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"That would be...nice...I think..." After nodding in farewell to the demon, Lucia stood as well and went to take care of whatever duties called upon her at the time. The look on her face suggested she was still trying to figure out how she might come to regret a more in depth conversation with a demon.

It didn't take Ama too long to find Lev, however from the concerned look on his face, it seemed like things weren't going as well as they could be.

"My apologies mistress, I don't know how it happened, but it seems the Inquisitors have caught wind of your plans...and not the ones that are helping the aliens, these still retain their old loyalties. My scouts don't believe they know the full extent of what is going on, they just know there's a demon causing 'mischief' within the city."

Lev looked understandably upset as he related the news. Attracting the attention of the Inquisitors was as bad for him as it was for Ama.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

This was no encouraging news and thankfully Ama knew it wasn't Lev's fault. "Lev I want you to send scouts to find a secure location outside the city for you and your tribe to hide until this gets cleared up. Once you have such a place I want you to send me a message so I can find you later. Now lay low I shall await your messenger." With that out of the way Ama had a few moments to think things threw. Sadly her partners didn't leave a way for her to contact them but undoubtedly they would know of new inquisitors in the city. Sighing She walked about the city lost in her thoughts trying to form a plan.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The afternoon wore on as Ama walked through the city, trying to come up with a plan for dealing with the Inquisitors. Several ideas came to mind, all of them difficult.

She could always try seducing and charming them, however considering how Inquisitors were specially trained to resist such techniques, that avenue of approach would be especially risky and difficult and would require a great deal of careful planning on her part.

Another angle she could pursue was playing the true Inquisitors and the corrupt Inquisitors against each other. This would also require some planning and careful work on her part in order to lead the true Inquisitors to discover the corruption within their ranks, as it wouldn't due for the corrupted ones to discover she had betrayed them and the true Inquisitors would likely kill her even if she did help them.

Ama could always try to take on the Inquisitors, they could die as readily as any human. Though they were most assuredly skilled fighters, and it would not be a simple matter to dispatch even one of them, let alone an entire group without some sort of plan in place.

Of course, Lev said they didn't know anything too specific. She could always bide her time and keep a low profile. It was possible the aliens would breed enough cannon fodder to begin their takeover before the Inquisitors could find out the true nature of the plan. The obvious risk here is that they would find out the truth before the aliens and corrupt Inquisitors were ready. What's more, even if they didn't find out before hand, they could still cause plenty of trouble during and after the uprising if they weren't taken care of.

As darkness edged into the sky, Ama had some ideas, but there were surely other ways she might think of to handle the situation. Additionally, her concubines and various thralls might be able to help her in some way shape or form.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It was troubling indeed and perhaps getting some other opinions on the issues would be best. Heading out Ama's first stop was the safe house to check in on her priestesses. If they where alone she would ask about any new recruits and the status of the Milf outside the city. With that update out of the way she would then ask her priestesses about where the inquisitors tend to stay. Afterwards she would head to Claire's home to meet her devoted concubines and discuss the issue with them at length.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Stopping by the safehouse in the city, the priestesses informed Ama that they had found a couple of potential converts within the refugees as well as an upper class woman. When the demon told them about the inquisitors, they were understandably upset and told her that they would put their recruitment efforts on hold and be much more discreet in their meetings with the people they were already talking to. When Ama asked, they told her that they resided in a tall, white building in the center of the Goverment District. It housed both their offices and their sleeping quarters.

Once she had finished with the priests and found her way back to Claire's place, she explained the situation to Claire and Jane. Both women paled at the mention of the inquisitors. While they were humans, Ama's mutations made them decidedly more than human, and the inquisitors would likely treat them the same as they would treat Ama herself. "Oh dear..." Claire put a hand to her swelling stomach, both her and Jane's pregnancies were advancing rapidly.

When she asked the two for advice, they both emphasized the need to deal with the inquisitors, rather than hoping they wouldn't bother them. "What do you think we should do, mistress?" Jane gave Ama a worried look, something the demon had never seen on the supremely confident woman's face before.

It's the building next to the 25 on the map
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Do not fear dears. I have my scout looking for a safe place that you may retreat to until this matter is closed. After all we must protect our children." Ama caressed the bellies of her concubines. "For now stay low and keep out of sight. How are the new workers I sent you today Claire? Are they trustworthy enough to run the shop in your absence?" It would undoubtedly take Lev a day or so to find a good place for her lovers to hide so until then she wanted to make sure Claire and Jane where safe.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh the girls you sent me are wonderful! They're awfully thirsty though..." She laughed lightly as a memory eased her worry about the inquisitors. "They can't get enough of my milk, they won't even let me pleasure them until they've suckled both of my teats and given me the first orgasm...Such polite dears to look after my pleasure before letting me take care of them..." She blushed and gave an embarrassed laugh at the look Jane gave her. "I decided to do a little side recruiting, I'm sure they'll be happy to serve Amasael in short order." Turning to Ama she said, "I suppose that was the long way of telling you that yes, they are trustworthy."

Jane looked to Ama, saying, "We'll be sure to keep a low profile. Don't worry, I remember the job you gave me, and I will do it well. In fact..." She thumped a wall and a hidden panel slid out, revealing a row of weapons. "...Claire let me move some of my things in. And in case you were wondering, I did bring my...toy collection over as well. Which is good, if we are going to be laying low, we'll have plenty of time to kill." Claire got a sultry expression on her face, and Ama's keen gaze noted a slight bulge beginning to form at Jane's crotch.

"Is there anything you need us to do in the meantime, mistress?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled and took both her loves hands. "Oh Ive been waiting for this for a long time." Grinning Ama took on her true form and guided her lovers up stairs. "Tonight we find out how good Jane is with the real deal." Moving a hand to her concubines crotch Ama began to slowly tease the member getting it nice and firm. While her hand got Jane ready Ama let her own cock grow stroking it to its own firmness. "Mhhmmm Jane take me from behind while I take Claire..." Letting Jane's member go Ama brought herself around to Claire fully. Using her superior strength she hoisted the tainted woman up and unto her cock. Cooing as she slid home she moved to the bed and hoisted her own ass into the air for Jane. "Come pets lets have some fun and forget our worries tonight....."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane and Claire both followed Ama eagerly, if a little confused at the change of tact. However the confusion vanished when Ama explained what she wanted. "I guess you won't be able to fight the inquisitors if you're stressed and in need of release...I'm honored to help..." With a sultry wiggle of her hips, Claire indicated she viewed what they were about to do as a good deal more than one of her duties. She was eager to get fucked.

"I guess you haven't gotten much of a chance to get familiar with your gift to me...mistress..." Jane confidently purred the mistress part as she disrobed and took up her position behind Ama, eager to get started.

Claire let out a delighted cry of pleasure as Ama picked her up and pulled her down onto her cock before bending her over the bed to fuck. Jane of course was quick to assume her position behind Ama as the demon bent over to fuck Claire, making a short doggy-style train. Despite her confidence, Jane still waited for her goddess to give the go-ahead, even if she was the one in the dominant position. Once Ama signaled she was ready though...Jane would push into the demon's wet sex, rutting like an dog that had just found a bitch in heat. "Mmmm...yessss goddess, let's just forget everything that isn't in this room right now!"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama grunted as Claire thrust into her warm depths. It felt good but she could be a little bigger for her own liking but that can wait. Taking a hold of Claires tits Ama felt out Jane's rhythm before starting her thrusts timing it so she was meeting Jane's thrusts before driving into Claire damp sex. Happy with how things where working out she began to urge her lovers on. "Jane harder Jane HARDER!" As Jane complied Ama started to ram into Claire faster her long tongue stretching to lick along the girls back. The sound of slapping skin soon reached a peak as the bed creaked loudly.