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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lev nodded his head, seemingly still in a state of shock and fear from the goblins' disastrous encounter with the aliens. However knowing goblin nature, breeding his wife under Ama's orders would likely raise his spirits.

Getting to the safehouse without incident, she found her two priestesses there, with a potential 'convert', nothing out of the ordinary.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama watched the potential convert wondering if it was the same woman she had seen before or someone new. Either way she waited a moment watching her priestesses work. Eventually she would call one of them over and discuss the topic at hand. "Priestess I have additional orders for you from the Goddess. You must find a safe haven outside the city during your free time. Do not travel alone and continue spreading the word of the goddess to those would hear." They where simple orders and hopefully her priestesses would be wise and careful during their search. With the new orders given Ama left the safehouse and headed for the refugee camps in the guise of Selina the half-elf whore. She wasn't sure if she was being followed but she needed to at lest keep up appearances.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Closer inspection revealed that it was the same girl from before. Giving her orders, the priestess nodded, and after a cheery exchange with her partner and the new girl, the three of them got up and left.

Transforming and finding her way to the refugee camp, she entered into a world of crowded greens covered in tents and lean-to's. It was here that people displaced by the surrounding conflict with aliens and raiders gathered, living in poverty and unhappiness. These people had only a handful of denarii to there name at the moment, and there was a general air of glumness and unhappiness to them.

After spending a few hours searching, she was able to find the three girls. Two pretty eighteen year olds, not related, and a mother. The information she had on the mother said she was forty years old, but she certainly looked far younger. That said, her curvy figure, large breasts, and wide hips lent her a look of maturity. Though she was a mother, it seemed her children had grown up and moved their separate ways, as it was just her now, no husband either.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It seemed such a waste to send these woman off to likely be harvested by the Aliens but what could she do. Confronting her partners would only lead to disaster not to mention well inquisitors tend to be able to match her power for power. Sighing Ama pondered her actions a moment. Best be done with it. sighing once more at the waste Ama proceeded to charm each woman. If she managed to get all three she would lead them to the drop off point and see what would happen next.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Yea...they're just your average civilians. No rolls necessary.

It was almost sad how easy the women were to charm, rather like they wanted to be charmed with how low their resistance was. Perhaps living as a refugee for so long just made them more vulnerable to such resistance-based attacks.

Regardless, Ama led the three women back to the house in the lower class district where she had first made her deal with the inquisitors. They were ushered inside, and she as well as her three charges once more found themselves in front of the blindfolded woman.

"Good work...I hardly expected you to bring all three at once." The woman gave a pause, allowing Ama to ask something, if she desired.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Humm I do have to wonder about whats gonna happen to them. After all I could use them to further my ends. It would be a shame to see them wasted on the slave trade." Ama was fishing for information though likely she would either get nothing or a lie.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman smirked. "Oh we wouldn't dream of wasting them in such a fashion. You wouldn't...no...you wouldn't want to...See what we use them for...would you?" The woman stood up and walked to a concealed door against a wall, pushing it open to reveal a stone set of stairs that looked like something one might find in a dungeon. Despite her blindfold, the woman had had no trouble finding the door. There was an expectant smile on her face as she stood by the stairwell. Ama could sense a strong magical barrier further down the stairwell, there was no telling what was down there without going to see for herself.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Well this was one way to find out though she had to count on them still wanting to use her gifts. Ama took a few steps into the stairwell to see what horrors where in store for these woman.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

There was another door at the bottom of the stairs, Ama could clearly sense the barriers at the door. She would have to step through the door, and the barrier, to find out what lay beyond. The blindfolded woman grinned at her. "Well go on! Don't get cold feet now! You want to know what we're about, don't you?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Not to be shown up by a blindfolded puppet Ama moved forward and opened the door to see what lay beyond. If she saw what she assumed she would see then Ama would have to find new friends and soon. Still she could be wrong but one dose not employ aliens very often.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Unsurprisingly, Ama found herself in a dungeon, of sorts. There were women everywhere in the basement area, which was surprisingly large. All of them were currently getting fucked by various aliens, though the 'grabbers' were certainly the majority, there were also some hunter lizard-creatures present as well as a couple of slime girls. All of the women seemed to be enjoying it, though Ama was well aware of the aphrodisiac nature of the slime most of them produced. However, some of the women were chained to the wall, others were not.

"So, what do you think? A good operation, no?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Just as she thought Alien breeding. "Humph dangerous don't you think? Why do you need alien breeders in the first place?" Ama had seen enough and turned around to head back up the stairs. This of course had to stop but she hardly had the power to do such right now and it was best if she play it cool. Aliens where dangerous competition of the worst kind.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Ohh touchy subject?" The woman responded in a mocking tone. "Well as I told you before, we are unhappy with the current leadership of the city. Having an army for backup is always a good thing." The woman shut the door behind Ama and followed her back up the stairs, on her way out, Ama recognized the rapist she had turned into a woman. (S)he was chained to a wall, pregnant, and blissfully taking tentacles in all three holes.

"You know...your powers would be very helpful in controlling the city in a more...behind the scenes sort of way. We wouldn't even have to use rely on the aliens nearly as much. If you were interested in perhaps taking a ruling position...The darling female baroness, charming the hearts of the citizenry and ruling the city with her velvet touch...Sounds nice, doesn't it? You just agree to let us conduct our own activities unhindered, and we would be happy to install you as the ruler of this fair city..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

That would make her plans easier. "Its a tempting offer really but if that where to happen our relationship would have to change." Ama moved up the stairs walking back up to the main floor. "First off the Aliens would have to go after all your inquisitors can more than keep me in line and I despise competition for food. As for your other operations the less I know the better I assume." Ama looked to the blindfolded woman waiting for her answer.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Hmm..." The woman tapped her chin, thinking about what Ama had said. "Well, how about a bit of a compromise? You see, as good as you are at what you do, even you will be hard-pressed to subvert the entire city. Make no mistake, we are the minority here and there are those with the abilities and means to resist us who will certainly do so. The governor of the city is the former head of the city's inquisitors, and he has surrounded himself with fanatically loyal guards. When the time comes, we will have to take the Governor's mansion by force most likely. It would benefit us greatly to have aliens to storm the mansion and deal with the guards. With that done, we can...renegotiate our contract with them. I am sure you will find it more to your liking." The woman shut and locked the hidden door to the basement. "Also, the aliens are most concerned with breeding. I think you will find for the most part that they leave their women in a state even more conducive to your feedings and manipulations. What say you, will you reconsider? We would very much value your cooperation. As a gesture of good will, should you so desire it, you can go right back down there and fuck to your heart's content.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama thought about that for a moment. "I think I can live with that. How long do you think you will need to increase their numbers?" The other offer was tempting but Ama had other things that she needed to do. "Sadly I have other plans I need to attend to but if you would allow me to take the two young woman I brought with me Im sure I can find a more productive use for them."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman grinned. "You are most reasonable." When asked how long they would need, she wore a thoughtful look. "Three weeks should be sufficient for our end. Of course, we could always use more time if you need more as well." In response to Ama's request for the young women, the older woman sighed but nodded. "May they serve you well."

As the woman led her out, she made a last offer to Ama. "Oh, and if you ever need to get fucked silly...Our guests downstairs would be happy to oblige. In fact...if you felt charitable enough to offer the use of your womb...We've never observed the result of an alien mating with a demon, I'm sure the experience would be most...educational and enjoyable..." With a odd smile, the woman let Ama out regardless of her answer.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked over at the woman. "They would breed more of the same due to their beastly nature." With that Ama left with the two young woman in tow. She felt sort of bad that she left the matronly woman to her fate but asking for all three would have been to much. Leading the two to the safe house Ama got to work. First off she would purge their minds of the past 24 hours and replace their memories with her true form saving them from being rapped in an alleyway. The memories she included where of her bing the avatar of the goddess Amasael and to seek out her priestesses. With that she ripped their cloths and sent them away back to the refugee camp.

Three weeks would bring big changes to this town and Ama needed to build a sufficient power base to do so. First off she needed to expand her flock and while those to woman would help she needed more priestess and fast. Getting up Ama headed for the religious section of the city to scope potential targets herself.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The smirk on the woman's face indicated she was not surprised by Ama's decline of her proposition or her answering what the actual result of her mating with an alien would be.

Wiping the women's minds and planting the fake memories took some time, but in the end it was successful, and after several hours, the two bewildered women were released and sent on their way to the refugee camp with a strange desire to find priestesses of Amasael.

By the time Ama had finished, it was dark out, but there was still sufficient foot traffic to merit a look around the religious district. In her investigations, Ama found places where the nuns would set up to take collections for various charities, and where they would minister to the town-folk, holding conversations with any faithful or potential converts. These booths were empty for the night, however, and what nuns were out were travelling in large groups.

As Ama was ready to call off her search, she heard a commotion in a nearby ally, notably the distressed cries of two girls and the coarse laughter of some rough men. It wasn't hard to imagine what was going on, if Ama wished to intervene. However she did have better things to do with her time, like help her two favorites, Claire and Jane, take their step up to supernatural concubines.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Likely the woman where going to be rapped though completing her work on Jane and Claire sounded good her efforts with the woman earlier had left her fairly hungry. Heading off in that direction Ama investigated what the situation would be.