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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire was busy kissing at Ama's face, so she didn't notice the approaching fingers until they started stimulating her. At first she latched her lips onto Ama's moaning softly into the demon's mouth, but as Ama's skilled fingers continued, she couldn't hold the kiss, instead clutching to the redhead for dear life as she was rapidly brought to another orgasm. As she road out the shock of pleasure, she sunk her face down to Ama's neck and latched on fiercely, clamping down so she didn't scream out her passions for all the neighbors to hear.

When the last of her cum had squirted onto the bed and Ama's hand, Claire bashfully let go of Asha's neck, gently kissing her bite mark. "Oh godess that was fantastic! Ummm...sorry about the mark I just gave you...whoops..." She giggled in an embarrassed manner.

"Oh! Where are my manners? You've done such a great job fucking me, and I haven't made you cum even once. Why don't you lay back and let me eat that delicious little pussy you have? It's practically calling my name." She put her hands on Ama's shoulders and gently rolled her over onto her back before slowly making her way down to her snatch. Of course, if Ama had another idea in mind, it wouldn't be hard to change the shopkeeper's mind as Ama could make her cum almost without trying.

Corruption resets, gain mutation
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama laid back with Claire maintaining contact for as long as she could. Their positions changed Ama let her legs spread slightly inviting Claire to explore her own depths. "This night was supposed to be all about you though." Ama looked at Claire a blush coming to her face. She had intended to tease, lick, and fuck Claire for most of the night to drive her over the edge but it seemed her goal was closer than Ama realized. Poor Claire must have been denying herself for a long time.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire rested her chin on Ama's abdomen, just above her pussy and looked at her with a giddily. "Awww...that's so sweet! But I wouldn't be a good hostess if I didn't return the favor!" The pheromones wafting up from the demon's pussy did seem to have an effect on her though as she continued, "Well...one orgasm. Let me make you cum just once and I'll let you run the show for the rest of the night, you can just fuck me silly!"

With that, Claire went down and used her fingers and tongue to pleasure Ama's pussy as best she could. She wasn't as skilled as Jane had been, though she wasn't a bad lover, she could definitely use some training if she was going to be a concubine.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire while unskilled seemed passionate about what she was doing so Ama let her continue. After all experience was the best teacher though she wondered if she wouldn't mind a little coaching from Jane. That girl could teach Claire all the tricks she would need. Eventually Claire managed to bring Ama to orgasm and while not mind shattering it was still pleasant and simply gushed at Claire encouraging her efforts.

Laying there only a moment Ama brought Claire up to her face to kiss the woman and fondle her butt while doing it. Breaking the kiss Ama smile and spoke. "Oh Claire your so sexy and cute. Lets go for the big finally. Just close your eyes and enjoy the sensations okay." Ama spun Claire around so she was sitting on her lap. Ama moved her hands up and began to play with Claire's sensitive breasts. Ama loved the feel of Claire's skin it had the right tough of soft and she smelled of flowers. Leaning forward a bit Ama whispered into Claire's ear "Just keep your eyes closed and enjoy let me handle everything." Once she got the woman nice and worked up Ama manifested a cock and slide home tweaking Claire's nipples as she entered and began to thrust into the woman's soaked sex. Quickly Ama fell into her favorite rhythm bouncing Claire on her demon cock rapidly shooting load after load into the woman's womb. (Ama is using Rhythm X=5 and will continue to fuck Claire senseless until she has cummed twice and draining Claire's ep so she passes out. If Claire reacts poorly to being railed by the cock Ama will use mindworm after the sex to erase that part of the encounter.)
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire gave an embarrassed blush and licked Ama's cum from her lips as though it were a savory treat. True to her word, she went with what Ama was doing, happily returning the kiss and then leaning back against Ama as she was pulled into her lap. She was breathing heavily and clearly excited to see what Ama would do. "Alright Amy, show me the finale! Take me away!"

With her eyes remaining closed, Claire gave a startled gasp as Ama slid the cock into her damp pussy, "Oh gods, Amy? Amy what is-Ohhhhh!" The first squirt of precum entered her love canal and her protest was lost. In fact, she seemed to love it, even bouncing along happily to the rhythm Ama had set. Amy! Yes! Amy ohhh yesss! AMYYY!" Claire cried out to the demon as she reached her first orgasm, losing a large amount of energy to Ama in the process.

After the first orgasm, Claire was definitely feeling fatigued. She gave up on bouncing with the rhythm, unable to muster the energy to keep up. However she did reach down and stroke the cock as it plunged in and out of her, leaving no doubt that she was enjoying herself. The relentless pace Ama set soon had the exhausted shopkeeper on her way to yet another orgasm, regardless of how tired she was. "Amyyyy...AMYYYY! Oh! Oh! Oh! AHHHHHHhhhhh..." She was brought to a second screaming, passionate climax which trailed off as she bucked her hips a few more times, trying to coax a little more of Ama's demonic seed from her cock before she slumped back against the demon, panting heavily as the demon feasted on her spirit.

Her third and fourth orgasms were far less involved. She could hardly move during her third round, only able to stroke at the dick lightly, it was mainly a gentle rub as she groaned in pleasure, her jaw going slack.

After her third orgasm, she could only place a soft hand over the sopping entrance to her cunt simply feeling the cock go in and out of her as her jaw hung slack, drooling over herself and her tongue hanging out limply. Her fourth and final orgasm hit at the same time as Ama's second, adding to the demon splooge and femcum that coated her lower body and a large portion of her bed. It was clear that she was done after this, unable to do anything but slump against her demon lover, leaning over to the side, unconscious.

Claire has 4 orgasms to get Ama to 2
200 corruption gained
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama laid Claire Gently down and covered the girl up with her blanket. Claire tasted good and Ama was glad she had picked her to be one of her first concubines. Undressing from her outfit for the party Ama redressed in her own cloths before cleaning up after their love making session and in a moment of kindness cleaned up the remains of dinner having some more of the lovely dessert that Claire had made. Twisting the lock behind her so her concubine would be safe Ama took on the form of Salina and went for a walk. No doubt Janet was worried about her or at lest desiring her but they would meet up in due time after all she wasn't going to spend the night out on the streets. Still a good flight after sex was something Ama had always enjoyed but given her current situation it was probably best to stay land bound for now.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As Ama took her walk, she wandered through the high class areas, they were mostly empty, the shops closed and people in their homes or on their way home from the high-end nightclubs. As she moved into the lower class areas, some of the low-end bars and taverns still had some activity going on, and their were some of the sketchier people out on the streets, but other than some cat-calls, she didn't attract too much attention. Yet. She wasn't far from Jane's house, so she could go back, or she could explore the city a little bit.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Feeling rather confident Ama decided to walk for a little while longer. After all these was much to see in the city even at night not to mention she could get a sense of how dangerous the city could be. She wasn't worried about any of the thugs that may live about here after all they wouldn't hardly know what they would be getting themselves into. Still it was getting late and after a half hour or so of walking Ama would head to Janes.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Walking around a little more, Ama found herself in the religious center. There buildings were made of grand stone construction, towering temples to the gods. They seemed to be closed for the night, but she could tell that the cloisters for the nuns and priests were inside the walls. It would be easy for her to fly over the walls if she so desired. The call of innocence to be lost was very tempting indeed, though to just fly in was probably a bad idea.

Assuming she didn't decide to try to infiltrate the religious buildings, she found her way back to Jane's house without incident, though she was beginning to feel eyes upon her. As she knocked on the door, glanced idly across the street, and saw none other than the weird woman who had come in on her first day of work. She caught only a glimpse of the woman, their eyes met as the woman walked into an alley and Ama lost sight of her.

As soon as the woman passed from her sight, the door in front of her opened and Jane stood their in an open bathrobe. She wrapped the demon in an embrace as her robe fell open, eagerly kissing her as she pulled her in, shut and locked the door, and finally released her. "Hello my sexy little elf-slut, how was business? I was beginning to think you would stay out for the night..." She stood before Ama, not making any overtly sexual moves, except for remaining completely naked.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled at Jane and kissed her on the mouth only to break it to speak. "It was a slow night finally got a customer towards the end of the night." Ama caressed Jane's side feeling her soft skin trying to ease her troubled mind. That woman she had seen before at Claire's shop worried her. "Jane have you noticed anyone strange around here lately? I think I might have angered a local pimp with my freelancing and I want to be sure that your safe."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane frowned at Ama as she asked about anything strange. "No, I haven't noticed anything, but I'll be sure to keep my eyes open..." A mischievous smile broke over her face. "And don't you worry my sexy little elf, I can take care of myself a little better than the average woman..." She hit the wall behind her with an elbow and a hidden panel fell away. This revealed a hidden cupboard with a startling amount of weapons. There were three warhammers and two pistols, one a repeater and the other a hand cannon.

Jane replaced the hidden panel and scooped up the slender half-elf and started for the bedroom. "Now come on my fellow working-girl, let Jane make your problems go away." It seems Jane's libido was a little lower than usual, perhaps due to all the sex they had had in the past few days and her body having to adjust to the sudden increase in corruption.

If Ama didn't resist, Jane would take her into the bedroom and lay her on the bed, helping the demon remover her clothes for her, and crawling into the sheets after her, settling and seemingly happy to cuddle and make out with Ama, apparently trying to relax the demon and help her forget about her troubles with allegedly not getting many customers and having an angry pimp after her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama didn't resist and gasped in surprise at the collection of weapons Jane had. Being carried by the strong woman Ama relaxed a little at lest for now she felt a little at ease. It was pleasant and relaxing to say the lest but after awhile she feigned sleepiness and cuddled next to Jane waiting for her concubine to fall asleep. When Jane was well asleep Ama gently got out of bed and headed for the other room out of sight of Jane. Looking about Ama found a window and cracked it slightly. With that done she used her warp-shell power to turn into a black house cat to slip out of the house and investigate the ally where she saw the woman.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Stealth: 27
Ama had no trouble cuddling Jane back to sleep. Slipping out of the house in the guise of a cat, she made her way halfway down the alley when the odd woman stepped out at the other end. "Why hello there kitty, out for a stroll? Looking for a...meal, perhaps?" From the look in the woman's eyes, it was apparent she didn't buy the warp shell routine.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Moving into the ally way more Ama sighed to herself. She knew this woman was trouble. Ending her power Ama took on her true form and eyed the woman coldly. "No I was actually enjoying a rather calm night with a friend of mine. So who are you then? I should warn you that I don't much like being followed."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." The woman displayed a disturbing lack of concern over Ama revealing her demonic nature to her.

"But since you're here, demon...I was wondering if you might be open to a...partnership of sorts. You see, I represent a very powerful entity in the city, and your arrival changes that entity's plans greatly. My...employer thinks that perhaps, if you are indeed planning on staying in the city and conducting your business here, all involved would be better served if we worked together." She cocked her head to the side and stared at Ama. "Though it begs the question, what are you doing here, exactly? We can't accommodate your goals if we don't know what they are..."

This woman seemed to be offering a partnership with some powerful person or group in the city, though what this organization would want from Ama was unclear at the moment. Now that she was in such close proximity to the woman and talking to her, she could feel a corrupted presence about her, though not the kind of corruption that indicated demonic influence. No, something else tainted this woman. But what?
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"And I don't share my plans with people who have yet to share theirs. If your employer wants to know then he will have to share first or at lest set up a meeting in neutral territory." Ama had been tempted to just pillage the woman's mind for the info she sought but given that she could see threw Ama's disguises was a hint that she possessed real power. Not to mention she had an unfamiliar stink to her. Could she be working with the invaders that had plagued the lands. Either way she would have to be careful.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

When Ama gave her own demands, the woman gave a very disconcerting smile. She didn't seem bothered at all by the demon's attempts to control their conversation.

"Well...that's one way to do it. But I have a better idea." The strange woman's smile went from disconcerting to downright predatory. "You come with me and sit down with the leader, and I don't bring the other inquisitors down on your pretty demonic head." With a sweet smile that hinted at a vicious nature underneath, the woman pulled out a badge and tossed it to Ama. She recognized it as a badge that denoted her as a member of the group infamous for hunting down and killing those believed to be demons and witches. If what she said was true, there were more of them in this city.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's concerns seemed well voiced when the badge went flying into the dirt. Ama kept her face neutral but inside she was concerned if she killed the woman than clearly she would have to face her boss and the other non-corrupt members of her little origination. Then again this could just be a trap then again if it was the inquisitors would have just out right burned down the house with out so much a shrug. It was a tough situations and it was probably best to play along. Once she figured out what was going on however the woman would pay for her disrespect. "Well then once you put it that way lead on oh inquisitor."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman gave her characteristic weird smile and led Ama off away from Jane's house and towards the center of the lower-class district. "You may want to disguise yourself, people might be alarmed to see a demon walking around at night. Just a thought." She gave a sarcastically kind smile and continued on. After walking for about ten minutes, They stood in front of a single-floor rundown house that looked like it should have been condemned months ago.

Opening the door the woman said, "Well come on now, we mustn't keep him waiting..." The inside of the house appeared rundown and foreboding as well. Though Ama wasn't able to discern who, what, or how many others were inside, she could sense a field around the house that would inhibit attempts she might make to use magic or powers. If she went inside it would be difficult for her to use powers if things went bad.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama shifted as they walked taking on a human form that was very similar to her true form. Her new appearance invoked a high class noble with raven black hair and yellow eyes. Her new form was rather tall for a woman ending up about 5'10. She didn't have the cloths to pull it off just yet but she could carry herself in the appropriate manner. Nearing the building she looked at the inquisitor "Ladies first" and made a gesture for the woman to enter.