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RPG Patreon Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [Nerion] Fountain of Mana

Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

As I mentioned before game is free. Patreons will have access to new versions two weeks earlier. I hope this is fair for you.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

As I mentioned before game is free. Patreons will have access to new versions two weeks earlier. I hope this is fair for you.

ohh oke, thats cool m8
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

new version is out :D
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

uuuuh, for patrons right?
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

uuuuh, for patrons right?

Yes, everyone else would have to wait till DEC 20. Sorry.

Old saves are not compatible so I guess it's best to wait if you haven't tried it yet.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

Yes, everyone else would have to wait till DEC 20. Sorry.

Old saves are not compatible so I guess it's best to wait if you haven't tried it yet.

well a couple more weeks aint so bad, itll be worth the wait.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

I'm stuck at the part where I have to wait for everyone to get ready before going out scouting the forest. I believe I have to sleep till the next day, but clicking bed tells me I need to go places and talk to people. I'm about to give up.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

I'm stuck at the part where I have to wait for everyone to get ready before going out scouting the forest. I believe I have to sleep till the next day, but clicking bed tells me I need to go places and talk to people. I'm about to give up.

Just talk to Thomlin in Armory then go to the Commander.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

After talking to Thomlin, the commander only had 3 options, ask about goblins, forest, and that thing that starts with a W (forgot what it was)
Then I found my way up to the trade representative in the city, talked to him, and now I can't talk to the commander.

Did my playthrough bug out as a result of me talking to too many people?

Edit: I skipped the sparring in the beginning. Could that have done it?

Edit2: Now I played through it again, and the game crashed when accepting a spar with the second guy. And I didn't save beforehand.
I would appreciate a save-file to get past this.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

After talking to Thomlin, the commander only had 3 options, ask about goblins, forest, and that thing that starts with a W (forgot what it was)
Then I found my way up to the trade representative in the city, talked to him, and now I can't talk to the commander.

Did my playthrough bug out as a result of me talking to too many people?

Edit: I skipped the sparring in the beginning. Could that have done it?

Edit2: Now I played through it again, and the game crashed when accepting a spar with the second guy. And I didn't save beforehand.
I would appreciate a save-file to get past this.

It is really strange. I will send you private message with details. I don't want to spoil too much for those who hasn't played yet.

I will also post walktrough on my patreon page. but for now it's not working properly for me.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

looking forward to see that horse mana event. ;)
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

I think this has some potential. The art is borderline accetable and the gameplay is really good.
But as a guy who learned English as his second language i know that it's kinda hard to completly write and create a story in an unfamiliar language.
You are probably only using English to chat in forums and play English games/watch English movies/shows. This is blatantly obvious to anyone who plays the game.... The writing is simply awful, not because of the writing itself but because of your lacking English skills. Please just check your patreon description.

Fountain of Mana is a RPG hentai game where you play as a young girl named Ravy. She is a smart and beautiful female mage which is the exception in a world dominated by male mages. But there is a reason why things are like that. Our journey starts on her birthday, when Ravy becomes an adult. From now on she will have to leave her home-(written together)town where everyone respects her father and travel around the country. The Good thing is that she has friends.

This is not meant to hurt you but your grammar is probably even worse than mine :O
I can't really create acceptable English texts because i just don't need to write in English.... I can spot mistakes quite easily because i watch shows and movies in English and also play games in English.

What will people (especially people who use English as their main language) think when they see your description?

The main problem is that these sentences are weird! Noone talks like that it sounds unnatural because these kind of simple sentences are only used to teach students English!
In short: You never hear people who speak English use these sentences in real life because frankly people would think they are stupid or foreign and can't speak properly.

The game is written in the same kind of garbage English which completely ruins the mood.
I see barely no difference between this English and using a machine translation while playing a japanese game.
You should probably find a guy who speaks perfect English and can at least correct and improve your writing a bit.... would be even better to just create the story and a rough draft of the script and let someone else create the dialogue.

As i said please don't take this wrong i am only writing this because i honestly thought that this game has some potential and since this is a huge board i hope someone can help you with that.

NVM my mistakes :p I know that i can't create a good game in English ;)

EDIT: Apparantly i played the older version and the English (at least the numerous mistakes) was improved?? Gotta wait till you update the version here on ULMF
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game


The game is written in the same kind of garbage English which completely ruins the mood.
I see barely no difference between this English and using a machine translation while playing a japanese game.

my first language is english and believe me, Nerion is doing a heck of a lot better than a machine translation. it might have been rough on him at the begining, but his writing is showing more promise with each version.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

Ronin89 The game is written in the same kind of garbage English which completely ruins the mood. I see barely no difference between this English and using a machine translation while playing a japanese game. my first language is english and believe me said:
I know man..... i played hundreds of japanese games with simple machine translations.
This is obviously better.... but it still feels like "5th grade textbook English" to me even if you correct all the obvious mistakes.
I can't get in the mood or get excited if the story is presented in such a way.... Especially if it comes to Hscenes... i am not trying to be hurtful i just thought i rather write a honest opinion and urge him to find someone to help him a bit instead of writing something which i obviously don't really think.

Since you mentioned that he improved a lot it makes even more sense that he finds someone to correct him a bit.... if he can make progress while doing everything alone his progress will be even more impressive when he works together with someone right?
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

Since you mentioned that he improved a lot it makes even more sense that he finds someone to correct him a bit.... if he can make progress while doing everything alone his progress will be even more impressive when he works together with someone right?

im hip to what yer sayin, its just too bad more game makers dont atleast tryda make games in english, atleast one game. IMO, it would givem more recognition/popularity. keep it Nerion, youll go far.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

I am excited just joined as a patron, now I get to wait :( atleast next time I will be there.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

What will people (especially people who use English as their main language) think when they see your description?

As an American who has been using English as his primary language for most of his life, I really don't think this is a big deal. Sure, the grammar might be a bit off, but for hell's sake, this is ULMF. When I saw that the game was in English, I was too excited to care about how broken the grammar was(which, in my opinion, is hardly noticeable in the actual game). Of course, if anyone was willing to proofread Nerion's text for him that would be an improvement, but in terms of quality this is really low on the list of things that needs to be fixed.

Edit: When quoting somebody make sure that you have end-brackets (]) and the end-quote command ([/QUOTE]) in the right place. It gets really hard to read when the formatting gets screwed up.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

Enough with the grammar Nazi B.S., if anyone is so hung up on the grammar offer your services as an editor. I was able to understand everything that was put in front of me without any problems, how many times can you say that about a machine translation. I love your game Neroin, signed up as a patreon.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

Is that demo that ends after the scene at night still the only version that is available? Maybe I'm missing something? It looks like a decent start to a game though.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English Hentai Game

I'm glad that you like gameplay.
You have made valid points about my English. I'm trying my best and I hope my skills will improve in time. There is one guy who is proofreading for me so there shouldn't be too much grammar mistakes left. I'm open to suggestions so if anyone is willing to help just PM me. I can send a link to the script on google docs.
I'm planing to update my Patreon page soon. I was focusing on game related stuff and I haven't updated it since day one.

neocon1, cvonsuela85:
Thanks for your support. You will have to wait just few more days. As for grammar Nazi stuff, I guess people who don't care about grammar won't complain if it will be better, right?

Yes it ends there. Current version has a lot more stuff in it.