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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

Bianca looked wobbly, as she laid back down on the bed, putting a hand to her forehead.

"Oh..." she said plainly, emotion still not apparent, "No... I just need to rest a while... I feel rather... Drained..." she claims, resting on the bed.
Re: Need to feed

Aya nodded after her sister spoke. If all she needed was rest then everything should be fine, for now anyways. Aya slowly got up from the bed, stretching a bit as she did. She spent five minutes collecting her underware and pajamas, then putting them back on. With her red silk pajamas now covering most of her snow white skin Aya got back on the bed with her sister, laying back next to her with her head resting on the girls bare cheast. Aya then softly spoke something to Bianca as she began to shut her eyes.
"Lets get some rest... "

Aya was not tired at all. However she did not want to leave her sisters side. With her red eyes shut she planned to lay there until Bianca felt rested.
Re: Need to feed

After a couple hours, Bianca began to move around.

Shifting herself so that she was facing her sister, she began to move her hand so that it was running up and down Aya's body, spending most of it's time on her ass, as it went up and down, sending a tingling sensation through Aya's body from the gentle touch of Bianca's hand.

"I feel better now..." she told Aya, "Aya... Hold me... I love it when you touch me..." she admited, turning herself so that her back was facing Aya, and pushing herself in closer, so that her back was pressing against Aya's breasts.
Re: Need to feed

Aya's face was blushing as her sister pushed her bare back into Aya's chest. Aya obeyed her sisters request as she wrapped her arms around the girls nude body, holding her in a hug. Aya moved her head over to the girls neck. Aya opened her mouth and let her warm red tounge come out. Aya pressed the tounge against the girls neck then slowly licked it, getting her saliva on Bianca's bare neck flesh. She then stopped, not licking again.

A short moment passed when Aya finally spoke up. Her voice had a lot of concern in it now.
" Bianca... We can't stay here... We need to get up and leave the room at some point... "

People were going to start looking for the girls at some point. They had to leave before someone found them like this. Besides that Aya was very worried about Bianca. She hadn't eaten in hours...
Re: Need to feed

Bianca snapped herself out of her sexual daze, realizing that she'd lost herself in the feeling her sister had been giving her for so long. She quickly rounded up her clothes, and slipped them on.

"Aya..." Bianca asked Aya, "What if mother and father found out about us? What would they think?" she asked, concerned about their new relationship.
Re: Need to feed

Hearing what her sister said Aya felt fear at the thought of their parents finding out about what they had done to one another. Aya thought the worst, there was a good chance that they would throw Aya out on the streets. Aya had always felt that her parents had thought she was a freak because of the way she looked and had only kept her around to keep her sister happy.

Aya gave her sister a look of pure seriousness as she spoke in a tone that matched her look.
" Bianca... We must never tell them... They wouldn't understand... "

Aya got up from her spot on the bed and walked over to her sister. Aya felt awkward at the moment, the sexual daze she had been in was long gone now. Still looking at her sister with her red eyes Aya spoke again, talking softly.

" Come now... Lets go get something to eat... "
Re: Need to feed

Bianca nodded, and they both walked out of the room, and headed for the kitchen area of the mansion.

As they opened the double doors, they happened across several maids with serious expressions gossiping.

"-Haven't heard from the mistress since yesterday! Not to mention that life in the city just seems to have vanished!"

"What will we tell the girls?"

"We mustn't make them panic, we'll just tell them that their parents are going to be away longer than expected, until we find out just what has-"

She broke off, as all four of the maids noticed the girls were standing there. Each of them stood in shock upon noticing the two had overheard a part of their conversation.

Bianca stood in place, not knowing what to think of the situation... Awaiting Aya to break the silence.
Re: Need to feed

This was weird. What were the maids talking about? Life in the city was gone? Their was no word from their mother? As Aya stood there side to side with Bianca Aya wondered what she should say. Finally, after a short and awkward moment Aya spoke up. She spoke with dead seriousness as her eyes staired at the girls. Aya attempted to make herself seem a bit intimidating.
" I... Demand to know what is going on. "
Re: Need to feed

All of the maids flinched when Aya spoke, and they all seemed to want to run away.

"A-a-a-ah... M-m-milady!" the youngest of the four exclaimed, "N-nothing's going on! Everything is fine!" she lied, and the others seemed to nod in agreement.
Re: Need to feed

Aya watched as the young one flintched and began to speak.Aya knew that she was telling lies, she could feel it. Aya's face grew a bit frustrated. Ayas eyes began to show that she was not in the mood for this. Aya wanted the truth and now. Aya looked dead in the eyes of the young one who spoke and began speaking, a bit of frustration and anger showing now.
" Please... Do not lie to me. Tell me what is going on. "
Re: Need to feed

The eldest one stepped forward, "Something has happened in the city. All contact has been lost with the whole place. Your mother and father were there at the time, last we heard." then the woman shook her head, "Something very bad has happened, and it seemed to start right about when you caught your fever..." she stated almost in an accusing tone. The maids, on top of the people at school, seemed to think that Aya was Satan's daughter, and it's likely that this whole situation has made then more suspicious.

Bianca stepped in between Aya and the maid.

"You're not suggesting that Aya had something to do with this!?!" she defended Aya.

The woman shook her head, pointing a finger at Aya, "Look at her! She's not normal! What human being has natural red eyes and white hair!!?"

Bianca took a step back as the maid yelled at her, lowering her head to the ground.

"But... She's my sister..." she whispered.
Re: Need to feed

Aya wanted to cry then. Her parents who took care of her, maybe even loved her, were now missing. Now she learned that even her own maids thought she was a freak because of how she looked. Aya looked away from everyone, turning away as she lowered her head. Her red eyes looked at the ground as she fought back tears. Aya began to quietly speak, in a sad voice. Her quiet voice was hard to hear, but hearable.
" So... Even you four think I'm a freak because of how I look..."

Aya had always hated how people thought she was a freak or monster because her skin and hair were snow white and her eyes were blood red. Was she really that weird, that scary to people? It seemed that the only person who accepted Aya for who she was is her sister Aya.

Aya continued to look down for a moment, then she continued to speak again, no change in her tone or volume.

" Right now it doesn't matter if you all look at me as a freak of nature and hate me... If something bad has happened then we all best be ready... "

Aya didn't know what was happening, but for ther sake of her sister she was going to make sure they were all ready.
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Re: Need to feed

The maid shook her head, "No, I'm almost certain that you have something to do with this, whether you know it, or not!" she looked to Bianca, "My lady, for your own safety, we must exile Aya from this house, it's too risky to have her around."

Bianca shook her head in defiance,

"No! If you send her away, I'm going with her! I'll never leave my sister!" the maid tried to speak once more, but Bianca didn't allow her to speak, "Don't you dare!" she warned, "As second lady, you will listen to me! We will not be sending Aya away!"

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "Now, we're all stressed about this, what say we just calm down, and maybe have some breakfast to calm out nerves?" Bianca negotiated.

The maids grudgingly obliged with a, "Yes, milady" and returned to their duties, one of them began to cook for them, as Aya and Bianca sat next to each other at the large dining room table.

Bianca put her hand on Aya's, "Please don't be angry, I'm here for you, and I'll never let you go..." she comforted Aya, as they began to smell breakfast on the way.
Re: Need to feed

Aya was in a swirl of confusion and sadness. What was going on at the city? Were her parents alright? Would everyone be alright? Speaking of everyone, everyone thought she was a danger, a freak. Everyone except her sister Bianca. Aya was happy that there was at least one person who didn't think she was a monster. Someone who didn't think she was causing whatever was happening.

Aya looked looked over to her sister with her red eyes, feeling the warmth from her sisters soft hand. She weakly tried to smile at her as she began to speak. Aya's voice was sad, very sad. It was also somewhat quiet.
" Thank you Bianca... "

Aya didn't notice the smell of food, she just continued to speak.

" Bianca... You don't know how much you mean to me... You're the only person who... Who doesn't think I'm a freak... Even when we were little girls you were the only person who wasn't afraid of me... "
Re: Need to feed

Bianca lowered her head,

"I felt sorry for you when we were young, I knew that everyone else would only want to make fun of you, and hurt you. I knew that I was probably the only person who could protect you from that fate, and I'm not about to go back on it. I'm with you till the end!" she declared, vigor in her voice.

The maid brought in their food, delicious looking eggs and ham, Bianca's favorite ever since she read the children's book, "Green eggs and ham," she's never wanted anything else for breakfast ever since.

Digging in, Bianca looked to Aya, "Don't worry sister, just enjoy your food for now, we'll figure it all out later." she ensured Aya.
Re: Need to feed

" A-alright... "

Aya said planly and quietly. Listening to her sister Aya slowly began to eat, picking her fork up and bringing the food to her mouth, slowly chewing and swallowing as her red eyes looked at her plate, her head facing it. Aya was not in the least bit hungry at the moment, she simply just wanted to make things easier and just eat like she was told. Even if she couldn't even enjoy it.

The entire time Aya ate she thought of what her sister said and how she wanted to protect her until the end...
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Re: Need to feed

As they finished up their meal, Bianca smiled at Aya.

"How are you feeling? Don't be sad sister, even though things may look bad, mother always told us to never give up, to have faith that everything will work out okay."
Re: Need to feed

Hearing her sister Aya looked back at her, no real change in her empression. As Aya looked at her sister and her warm smile while hearing her words Aya started to feel a little better. Bianca Always made Aya feel better, even sense she was a baby and Bianca was three. Aya began to speak to her sister after she finished talking. Aya tried to take the sadness out this time, tyring to sound normal and not depressed.

" Yes... You're right... So sister... What shall we do now? "

Aya had no idea what she should do now. Wait for something to happen? Go to sleep? Pack out in case they had to leave? Aya had no clue.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca blushed,

"Um... Anything you want... Aya..." she said her name so passionately, almost just like the woman did in those movies to the man they were in love with, except Aya wasn't a man, but Bianca was now definitely in love with her, not as a sister, but as a lover.
Re: Need to feed

Aya blushed and looked away from her sister hearing her say her name with such passion. Aya didn't know how she should react. Aya knew what she wanted, It seemed that Bianca wanted nothing more then Aya to take her to one of their bedrooms and love her again. Aya had loved it when she had violated the girl, she had guessed sense Bianca loved it and there was nothing else happening...

Still blushing, Aya looked to her sister and quietly spoke to her, a little lust showing in her voice.
" Without anything happening at the moment I guess... I guess we could go to one of our rooms and wait..."

Aya then waited for a response as she sat there, looking at her sister.