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ACT Nanocrisis

Re: Nanocrisis

for dogs: just hold your look back button and keep running around shooting forward and down untill you see a dog's health appear ans start to deplete, at that moment stop and kill one while still looking back. if some dog comes from behind - quiclky turn and knock it over with gunfire, while continuing to shoot your main target.

the best way is to stand on the rightmost part of the screen and constantly shoot the dogs which come from the right of the screen. if a dog comes from the left - kill it with short bursts (noy allowing it to run at you) while still maintaining most of your gunfire on the right

this way i easily complete the stage without getting raped even once, which brings us to the question of my post:
does anyone use any strategies/limitations to make their game harder?
if so - mind sharing?
for dogs - i try to use lower level equipment or refrain from using the 'look back' button but then it all depends on chance and i still manage to not get raped sometimes :(

i guess it shows that nanocrisis is my fav game :D

yeah I got a few strategies/limitations:
first of all the best way to make the game 'harder' (minus the zombie mission that is WAY too easy even for the basics) is to limit your equipment to standard level 1 default. (the stuff you start with)
second don't 'cheat' or exit the area.

there you go, now its almost impossible to beat the testers, flies and dogs.
like I said the 'zombies' are far too easy to kill and are near impossible to lose against unless your an idiot and get raped deliberately.

anyone want to correct me?
oh and I don't ever use the look back button, it slows my reaction time and is just a hassle.
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Re: Nanocrisis

Can somebody please upload to MU or another site? Won't let me download due to capacity problems, and somehow whenever I try to download the new version, none of the updates ever show so it seems like I never even updated it.

Re: Nanocrisis

I often jump over the charging dogs to make it a little more challenging, they then pick up allot of speed and goes back and forth some 5 times so you wouldn't want to juggle with more than 2-3 dogs at a time. Tried to complete the game with only using kicks but a 10th of a second mistake on dogs and you are screwed, flies looked doable with top armor but was just way too boring.

As for gear the only thing you level the gun for is really to make things die faster and better armor you only need for the fly level since it's near impossible to get 100 kills before your hp drops to zero with the starting suit.

I hope there will be some smarter monster who use zombies as a shield so they get a reason for that annoyingly high hp.
Re: Nanocrisis

ok, what the hell version number is the latest one?

the inufactory says the latest update was NanoCrisis20100211 on 2010/02/11(Thu)15:11

and that cant be right.

what the hell is going on?
Re: Nanocrisis

ok, what the hell version number is the latest one?

the inufactory says the latest update was NanoCrisis20100211 on 2010/02/11(Thu)15:11

and that cant be right.

what the hell is going on?
Re: Nanocrisis

NanoCrisis20100224 is the latest, and it can be found on the top post of the authors blog. here
Re: Nanocrisis

Just wanting to make sure I'm not crazy, but some people mention (If I recall correctly) making use of the aim up and down function, but when I'm crouching, or aiming up or down while standing the fire button doesn't seem to work. I'm at a loss as to how to beat the dogs because of it.
Re: Nanocrisis

That's a problem with the device you're using, most likely your keyboard. The only fix is changing your control configuration until it works.
Re: Nanocrisis

Hrmmm....I'm using a laptop and just have the default controls set up right now. She does aim up and down and crouch fine, but the fire key doesn't work while doing any of those. Hrmm, any suggestions on how I should fiddle with my configuration?
Re: Nanocrisis

I don't really have any suggestions. Just switch your controls around in any way you can think of, while having your configuration still comfortable enough to play.
Re: Nanocrisis

Hrmmm....I'm using a laptop and just have the default controls set up right now. She does aim up and down and crouch fine, but the fire key doesn't work while doing any of those. Hrmm, any suggestions on how I should fiddle with my configuration?

I had a similar problem on my lappy until I switched to IJKL for the directional keys. (Up: I, Left: J, and so on) Might work for you.
Re: Nanocrisis

Could be that your keyboard only accepts a certain amount of simultaneous button presses.
Re: Nanocrisis

from the looks of things, he uploaded another update, but i believe it was just to kill a bug that people told him about, nothing new
Re: Nanocrisis

Right. It's just a bug fix. Evidently there is something that will get you caught in a sex loop where you can't escape. I didn't ever encounter it though.

The fix is simply an .exe file that you swap for the main executable.
Re: Nanocrisis

Right. It's just a bug fix. Evidently there is something that will get you caught in a sex loop where you can't escape. I didn't ever encounter it though.

The fix is simply an .exe file that you swap for the main executable.

It was the endless dog mating bug that was mentioned here a bunch of times, and on his site. Notta else, some info on changes to the mate/horniness system but that's about it.
Re: Nanocrisis

Right. It's just a bug fix. Evidently there is something that will get you caught in a sex loop where you can't escape. I didn't ever encounter it though.

The fix is simply an .exe file that you swap for the main executable.

I did. And I thought it was all part of the plan to force you to give up :/
Re: Nanocrisis

Guess I just got lucky or something...I never got unending rapes. One might have a go at her about 5 or 6 times and then pull out but never anything that seemed never-ending. *shrug* :confused:
Re: Nanocrisis

so, does the new topmost link on his blog with the version 20110224 contain the fix or no?
Re: Nanocrisis

so, does the new topmost link on his blog with the version 20110224 contain the fix or no?

cant tell, the site is down again...

could someone post the latest version here?