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RPG RPG Maker [ NamakuranaKura] [ なまくらな鞍 ] othErs (アザーズ) RE116930 RJ116930


Jungle Girl
Feb 15, 2013
Reputation score
Here is a new game i've brought yesterday.


I can't say much about the game yet, just that you boost your battlepartner with various sexual intercourses against the enemy.

RJ116930.zip (306.3 MB)

Have fun.
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Re: RJ116930 othErs

thx m8 looks like a fun game ^^
Re: RJ116930 othErs

CG seem good, to bad it doesnt work with aght if anyone figure out what the options of the mirror are, pls tell. :)

Also random question maps appear at certain locations, anyone know what they are ?
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Re: RJ116930 othErs

Thanks, been waiting for it since it was released.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

I played the demo of this, and it didn't look too bad.

No GoR, I think though. The art is pretty nice, and the music is also good. Not sure what the story is to it though.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

Thanks man, really awesome for you to share it!

Finally something to do over the weekend
Re: RJ116930 othErs

Produce menu (if click dush key can change to auto use or not)
this menu can use after sex to heroine in spaceship then use needle to her

in Direct choice 搾乳 will up pool, if hp 0 will stop up, also girl will port to slave room. 待機 = hp rege, heroine will back to room
if pool more can make more milk in spaceship's slave room, near all char has hscene when make milk with higher pool
number next to auto is how many milk u get

(from top to end)
agi up 100k? in fight
buy item (1 item only) 30% off or heal
power x 1.5 defence x 0.5
item recover effect x 2
easy preemptive attack no back attack
next fight $ x 1.5
all status x 1.2, can use in fight if effect gone
power little down but normal attack add hp absorb
exp x 1.5
3 times avoid trap
if lvl up after fight, will up 1 more lvl (if not lvl up after fight just use it only...)
60 step avoid fight

in fight better use skill, hero's gun skill if use over 50 or 70 maybe get new skill (sometime 1 skill has 2 extend skill), magic attack is 50 then 70
heroine lvl 3 H-skill need use purple book find in dungeon, heal skill and cure skill around 50 - 70 get extend skill, cure bad status skill if used a lot can lower mana cost

for theater's toilet key
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Re: RJ116930 othErs

Anyone else having issues with ITH pulling the wrong text from the game to be translated?
Re: RJ116930 othErs

Anyone else having issues with ITH pulling the wrong text from the game to be translated?
Always a problem with wolf rpg games. Sometimes using /x3 helps to find the right trigger
Re: RJ116930 othErs

Anyone know where to go after you got the (farmer?) girl from the 2nd town? there's a girl i can fight but she deals 1k dmg so i can't beat her.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

Anyone know where to go after you got the (farmer?) girl from the 2nd town? there's a girl i can fight but she deals 1k dmg so i can't beat her.

clear 2nd town, back to spaceship talk to girl get item for it
Re: RJ116930 othErs

etigoya could you make slightly more detailed walkthrough? I can't manage to text hook this game so I have no idea what's going on. I've cleared the boss of the theater and the blonde in the cave beneath. But I can't leave the town and don't know what to do next.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

Talk to the chick in the Theatre who gave you the skill with the UFO icon that lets you go to the... I guess we'll call it a space ship, that's as good an explanation as any. I don't mean go get the skill from her, I mean go talk to her a second time after you've done all those things you seem to have already done.
In case you forgot where she was like I did, she's on the left side of the theatre past where the first girl was; the one in the lab coat who summoned all the mice.
Just do yourself a favour and remember to grab that key in the chest behind the basement girl before you go to the second town.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

I may be some sort of moron, but the game has no text popping up for me. All menus and everything else that involves letters is just blank. Li'l help pretty please?
Re: RJ116930 othErs

See those two font files in your game's folder? You're going to need to copy those into C:\WINDOWS\fonts.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

Ok, I'm losing it. I got the girl in the theatre ( the one with the two rats, then, I went to a girl who was...trapped? ( where you have to 'avoid' spotlights ) I talked to her, she dissapeared. Then, I went in to the room behind the 1st girl, and there is a girl with glasses who does not want to come out of there.

I suppose I have to bring her something?

Also, I went into that cave, and got the second girl ( Also that key you mentionned ) + I gave her a shot in the spaceship, fucked both girls, milked both of em, and yet, I can't leave the town.

Wat do?

EDIT: Also, in that cave, there seem to be some Ice thingy wich I can't do anyting with.
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Re: RJ116930 othErs

I never did manage to convince the girl with glasses to leave that room either, but she was the last person I spoke to before I could leave town.
Hmm... alright, let's try this. There was a room behind the second girl with a button that I pressed some time before talking to the girl with the glasses the second time.
Second girl is the witch that summons the fire elementals on the right side of the theatre, whereas the girl in the basement was... honestly I thought she was third, but I'm starting to wonder. Etigoya's screencap places the witch 3rd, but the girl in the second slot is from the second town. And the girl from the basement is so absurdly far down the list I thought I was sequence breaking.
So if this doesn't work I'm just going to have to admit I'm an idiot who got lucky and otherwise doesn't know what he's talking about : /
Only other thing I can think of is you might be missing a flag from investigating the hole in the back of the theatre, or something like that. I'm not sure, but it seems like the sort of thing that would happen in a JRPG-styled game.

Fake Edit: I'm still in the second town, and I haven't figured out what to do with the ice cubes either.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

But that second girl just vanished for me... ( We are talking about that room where you are supposed to avoid what looks like lights, and once they touch you, you fight against 2 blue flames right? )

I'll look in the spaceship, maybe she's hidin' somewhere..

edit: Nah, I only got two girls in muh spaceship ( One is in a cell, the other one on some kinda throne, the cell being next the throne )
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Re: RJ116930 othErs

That vanishing girl is still in the left side of the theatre. You want to go to the right side where the bathrooms were. There's supposed to be a key on the left side of the theatre that opens up the right side. I remember you got the key for the bathroom stalls by solving a puzzle, but I can't remember if that key was also the one that opened up the door by the merchant or not.
Re: RJ116930 othErs

That vanishing girl is still in the left side of the theatre. You want to go to the right side where the bathrooms were. There's supposed to be a key on the left side of the theatre that opens up the right side. I remember you got the key for the bathroom stalls by solving a puzzle, but I can't remember if that key was also the one that opened up the door by the merchant or not.

Omg thanks. I've entered a room I couldn't enter before. Thanks!