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Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The man sighed, "I told...you my..." He held his chest slightly as he felt like he was having some kind of pain. "I told you my name was Leo...if I was you...I'd run..." With a loud roar of a lion coming from the lips of this golden haired male, a flash appears from the necklace and the already muscular male starts growing in muscles and height, going from six foot to seven foot easy. His muscles obviously growing some. Though whether he held the same strength is unknown, the male's golden hair moves to covering his whole body until he is covered in golden like fur with a reddish mane forming around his head. A few cracks of bones and his body changes into that of an over sized humanoid lion, walking on his hind paws. A tail brushes back and forth behind him and one very distinct feature is showed, his long erect genitalia dangling between his legs. The were lion stood in front of Nadia and let out another thunderous roar.
ENCOUNTER: Were Lion, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][168]}

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia stares in disbelief, she begins to run
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Pinned (Against The Ground)

Were Lion, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][168]}

When Nadia went running away she felt a furry brush against her leg and she tripped, and almost immediately she felt a heavy weight drop down but not hard onto her, just enough that she could felt the weight of the were lion against her body, pinning her to the ground. The lion's erection, obviously brushing against Nadia as well, which only assured her of what tthe lion was gonna plan to do.

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack}
(ouch...bad luck O_O'' on the run. XD)
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia begins to go berserk, she thrusts her hips as close as possible towards the ground and thrusts her head backwards in hopes of hitting the lion on the nose.

Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Being Raped (Penetrated)

Were Lion, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][168]}

Nadia connects her head with the chest of the were lion, the lion doesn't even budge as if her hit did nothing to him. It wasn't seconds after her little fit that she could feel the lion's monstorous member penetrate into vagina, the creature started to thrust at a animal like pace. It was obviously enjoying its victim.

{Give In(no loss of stamina/hp, risk of pregnancy/loss of exp} {Try To Escape Rape} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia screamed, as she felt her virginity give away to the were lion's cock. She tries to escape
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Used)

Were Lion, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][168]}

Nadia was able to time it just right when he pulled out to thrust back she escaped out from under him. He let out a thunderous lion roar, more so out of frustration of not even getting to let loose. He stared at Nadia and let off another roar, leaping towards Nadia to try to grab ahold of her again but this time the lion wasn't able to get a grip on her to pin her.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia, sobbing, runs
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Used)

Were Lion, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][168]}

Nadia started to run away but her exit was blocked by the were lion. He stood towering over her and let out a thunderous roar. He was determined to rape her and unluckly for Nadia she was unlucky on her escapes twice.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia stares, then she does something peculiar she jumps at lion aiming for its cock. As she does this she thinks *I can't let it rape, I won't let it rape me, this a beast, maybe if I pretend to give it a blowjob it will calm down and transform back into the man and let me pass* Grab hold of cock and bends her delicious lips towards it head and bites it.
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Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95-12=83/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Sore)

Were Lion, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][168-3=165]}

Nadia takes the were lion by shock as her lips press against the lion's cock, the lion leaned back as it felt the pleasure before her teeth bit into the cock. Almost instantly the were lion pulls back a claw and slams his heavy paw into her face, sending her falling backward and it let out another thunderous roar. Posed to strike again.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia runs to the left of the lion in hopes of dodging it's pounce and going through the exit.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][83/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Sore)

Nadia takes a weave and dodges the lion's voraocious leap, she was able to escape out of the room before the were lion could finish the deed. As she enters the next room she can hear slithering around under a chair and around somewhere she can't pinpoint.

{Wait} {Run} {Examine Chair]
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia stares around the room, she walks toward the chair and examines the chair and the room.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][83/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Sore)

Nadia goes to examine the chair and almost like on a cue of a horror movie, soon as she moved the chair a bit to examine what the slithering there was a small snake-like creature passed her face, when she turned around she could see that it was one of those snake-like creatures from earlier that she ran away from.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack]
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Seeing she picks up the chair to use as a weapon against creature.
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Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][83/95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Sore)

ENCOUNTER: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 2 {[Health:][22]}

Nadia picks up the chair as a weapon, swinging it towards the leaping snake-like creature but it swerved due to the chair slapping it just lightly. She wasn't able to put enough force on it to make it a hard enough blow to damage the snake. The angle was off, the snake landed down next to her and arched up like a cobra, waiting to strike again.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack]
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia hopes this works pulls a leg out from to chair to use as a bat to attack.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][155]}

Status: Free (Sore)

Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 2 {[Health:][DEAD]}

The tentacle creature takes a flying leap towards Nadia and like a baseball player hitting a home run, she swings it hard into the tentacle and the tentacle goes flying back into the wall, a small trail of slime going down the wall as the tentacle spawn slips down the wall, dead.
Gained 84 experience.
Level 1 >>> Level 2
Health 83/95 >>> Health 93/105
Stamina 135 >>> Stamina 155
8 stat points to distribute as you wish.

{Wait} {Move On]
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia decides to move on fast. That was the second time now and their could be more of those snake things.

+5 str +3 spd