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Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][54-17=37]}

Nadia kicks him hard in the crotch and the crazed human swings his fist towards her but she's far to quick for him and he misses by a long shot. He holds his crotch as he falls to the ground in pain.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia is now berserk. She attacks by kicking his hands that are holding his crotch.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][37-21=16]}

Nadia kicks him in the crotch harder, breaking the crazed humans hands tthat were guarding the only thing these crazed humans had left, their lust. The crazed human was in too much pain to even try to pin Nadia much less succeed. The man seemed literally defenseless in the spot he remained.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

With the threat apparently over, Nadia leaves from berserk mode, her breasts now hanging free, and leaking breast milk, from the raggety outer cloths which had fallen off from her jump. As her vision clears from red haze, she wonders what she has down. She cried out "Oh I'm so sorry" and collapses to the ground with tears streaming down her face.
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Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][16]}

Nadia starts to cry and apoligize but the crazed man just grunts and slowly stands up on shakey legs, it was obvious his member had been broken by the multiple kicks and it lunge towards Nadia anyways but missed her by yet another long shot. It might as well have been trying to rape the air. Though the man couldn't help but stare at her breasts, the man was obviously some sex crazed maniac.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}

(she sure does shift moods O_O On top of being the luckiest I think Nadia is the weirdest as well lol entertaining tho.)
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia decides to put the poor man out of his misery she bends down with her mouth and rips the last of his dick off. Attack
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD]}

Nadia successfully puts the man out of his misery, the tearing being the fatal blow to make the man fall out cold. Leaving Nadia in a room with a dead crazed man. Though she could feel herself gain something, even if it wasn't obvious what exactly that could be.
Gained 77 experience

{Wait} {Move On}

Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia leans down and kisses his rapidly cooling cheek and moves towards the exit moves toward the exit without raggedy shirt.
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Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Nadia enters the next room to see a man hanging from the cieling on a vine, he is wearing some kind of tarzan like get up. He has multiple scarring on his chest and one scar down his right eye, which seems to be partly shut due to the scarring, and his mouth has canine-like teeth. He seems to be unaware of Nadia as of current.

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack} {Speak To Him} {Hide} {Approach for a better view.}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia stares, Nadia remembering the last room and decides to crawl hide and approach cautiosly her breasts touch the cold floor.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Lycan, Medium Class, Level 1 {[Health:][75]}

Nadia slowly and cautiously approached the man but soon as she got within a certain distance of him, his head turned down to her and he let out a dog like snarl. He took an inhuman leapt off the vine and with a howl towards the ceiling. The body of the male turns swiftly with cracks of bones and the rapidly growing fur into a humanoid wolf, the snout quick to the sky and the claws dug deep into the ground. Its howl and pant can be heard yards away as it gets ready to stalk its new mate.

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia, whimpers, and gets and makes a run for.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Nadia rushes as fast as she can away from the lycanthropy it nearly scratches her back but before it could get to her she was out of the room it was in and it howled but soon as it got near the door, it backed away and Nadia nearly ran straight into another man who seemed to tower over her by at least a foot. "Hello little one, and who might you be?"

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack} {Anwser}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

As Nadia crouched bent knees and caught her breath* she answered him "I am trying to find out where I'm at, and where this place is." Her breasts were heaving up and down, and a little sweaty from all the running she has done in the last 2 hours she thinks. She felt a gurgle in her stomach and felt the need to go to the bathroom intensify.


(dammit I keep forgetting to finish it completely)
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Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The man shakes his head back and forth and sighs, "Let me try this again. I am Leo, and you are?" He said, implying that she was rude for not anwsering his question but he shrugged it off anyways. "You're in a dungeon, anyone who has ever been trapped here, remains here. I don't think theres ever been one case of someone escaping yet. Who knwos though, maybe you'll become lucky." He turned away from her but remained where he was, he was examining the room as if he was also trapped here.

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack} {Anwser}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

"Oh, sorry" she answers " My name is Nadia, and what do you mean no has escaped from this place, you call the dungeon?" She says becoming a little hysterical at the end. She notices him starring across the room, and another thought forms in her head, she asks " Why are you here and why are you so kind while, the other creatures and (a tear rolls down her face) the one human I encountered all tried to do nasty things to me?
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The man laughed and turned back to Nadia, "Why are you so polite, a bit rude in avoiding my question of your name, but never the less, polite. Which mind you, nice to meet you Nadia." The man said and shook his head. "I have no idea why I am here. Last thing I remember was being in my bed and having wild dreams and the next thing I know, boom in this place but I haven't encountered anything of interest. Besides one person who told me all about this place. Its like a torture dungeon."

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack} {Conversation/Ask/Talk}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

"A torture dungeon!" yelps Nadia Her expression has alarmed visibly, her knees cross, and she feels the need to go to the bathroom very badly. *Groans* "Hey, do yo-, do you know if there is a bathroom anywhere?" She asks visibly embarressed.

Converses also needs to go to the bathroom
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 1
Experience: 77/100
{[Health:][95]} {[Stamina:][135]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

The man shook his head, "Likely that there is none in such a place. Its not meant to hold hospitalities. Its meant for one thing and thats to break the people in it." He fiddled with a necklace on his neck that was shaped like a lion's head. He looked back at Nadia. "You'll most likely just end up having to use a corner, but please, don't do it in front of me." He laughed a bit and turned back to examining the room.

{Wait} {Move On} {Attack} {Other(talk, etc..)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia thanks the man and heads to the nearest corner keeping her back to the and pulling the raggedy skirt down to hide her genitals as she pooped in the corner. She then walked back over to the man to ask his name.

Goes to the bathroom and walks back to talk to man