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My First L4D Montage


Nov 13, 2008
Reputation score
Here it is, my L4D footage on youtube
Re: My First L4D Montage

lolmusic. But freakin awesome montage.

Re: My First L4D Montage

Hi, Neko! I didn't know you'd come over to the new forum yet!

Love the montage, and the music is just perfect! XD

I've never been able to play those Resident Evil type games though, I just get freaked out way too easily.
Re: My First L4D Montage

Haha, me and you both bro. I cant play the haunted house mansion in Time Splitters 3 without freaking out and wasting all my ammo.
Re: My First L4D Montage

Is it normal to feel all warm and fuzzy inside after watching that?
Re: My First L4D Montage

I applaud the Hunter's ninja leetness in the last frameset!
Re: My First L4D Montage

Yes, its ok to feel warm of fuzzy after killing humans or zombies(humans only when you are a zombie)
Re: My First L4D Montage

Why isnt it okay to feel warm and fuzzy after killing a human when you're human? *hides dead bodies under the floorboards*
Re: My First L4D Montage

Cute music, fun video.

I like it :)

Now if only I can get a server thats on the same planet when playing..
Re: My First L4D Montage

The music made me die a little bit inside, though the footage was good.
Re: My First L4D Montage

Nice video. Really makes me want to play it but I get like one more person willing to throw down 37 bucks and I can buy the four pack. Let's face it, I'm a cheap bastard, if I can get the same product for less, then why the hell not.