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Motherfucking WIZARDS!


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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So as a result of some derpery, I've decided to run a completely non-serious game about wizards of world-shattering power. You want to turn a mountain upside down? Can do. Fight extra-dimensional horrors that came about as a result of a miscalculation? Happens every Tuesday(as defined by the calendar of Th'Oth who didn't even have a concept of week. May or may not coincide with actual Tuesdays). Blow things up? Better be careful, you might spill someone's tea(and we don't want to repeat the last time THAT happened).

The setting is very loosely based on the Mage's Guild threads that occasionally happen on /tg/(check the archive, suptg has at least a few, I believe fools archives all /tg/ threads) and using rules cobbled together from Don't Rest Your Head and my twisted imagination.

The game will be run via IRC and most likely every other saturday, depending on schedules of the people involved.

Rules and stuff

Since the game is based on Don't Rest Your Head, you don't have to worry about rules or anything when creating the character(although you should probably read them anyway because I'm bad at explaining things)

Character sheet and explanations below

Name and title: Self explanatory. The title should be something suitable for a wizard of your calibre, and is probably related to your specialty.

Current discipline: You start with three
Current augmentation: Ranging from 0 to 6, you start with 0.
Responses: Fight or flight, choose three times.

Speciality: This is functionally equivalent to madness talent. Within the realm of your speciality, you can do almost anything. These shouldn't be TOO broad. Conjuration is too broad; summoning demons/hookers/space owls is fine. Being a mighty wizard, you can also cast a wide range of other spells, it's when things start getting too esoteric that you'll need to rely on specialization.
Aptitude: This is the equivalent of an exhaustion talent. It's something mundane or not so mundane you're good at. Not necessarily related to your specialization.

What's on the surface: What's the first impression people get when they meet you. Includes your appearance.
What's beneath: What kind of person you really are and any particularly important secrets.
Why did you become a wizard: Self explanatory.
Who are you feuding with: A description of someone you really hate and who returns the feeling. Include also how the feud is taking place: This can be anything from clashing armies to cutting remarks during the faculty meetings.
Who are your allies: Obviously you're aligned with the other PCs, but who else is willing to lend you his support - and who you'll support in turn(unless you're a backstabbing bastard)

Other notes:

OOC notes:

Discipline dice: You get three of these and you roll them every time.

Augmentation dice: These represent various active magical effects hovering about you. They might have a wide range of side-effects ranging from mild taste of silver to all plantlife within you withering and dying. The problem is that they're hard to turn off. Basically exhaustion dice.

Magic dice: These represent the amount of magical effort you're bringing to bear. That isn't to say you can't use any magic without relying on magic dice(for example, anything you could do by mundane means and other fairly trivial things - casting a fireball, for example) but if you want to use serious magic(blowing up buildings, creating golems, turning an entire village into zombies, making anyone entering the fighter's guild through the main entrance turn into a busty elf), you'd better be willing to throw several of these in. Basically work the same as madness dice, meaning every time you do something, you get to choose how many you throw in - anything between 0 and 6. If you throw enough magic dice into your roll, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, the spell still goes off, only the precise effects vary.

Crashing: You got 6 augmentation dice and augmentation just dominated? Something goes terribly wrong and the temporary effects fire about randomly. You might grow two new arms, your current arms might turn into tentacles(very inconvenient if you need fingers right away), you might grow dozens of eyestalks or your leg might explode. You might even die. Whatever it is, it's seriously inconvenient and very hard to reverse.

Responses and permanent "madness": Responses work more or less the same as they do in DRYH. Permanent magic dice means you do everything with magic, all the time. Losing last discipline die means something horrible happened to you and you cease existing as a PC. You might rip a hole into reality and fall out, disappearing and leaving everyone else to deal with the hole. You might get eaten by a cosmic horror, which decides that it really likes the taste of wizards. You might become a cosmic horror. Either way, it's something seriously inconvenient to the other players and your next character.

EDIT: If you're not interested in finding and reading the entire system, is a fairly good summary of the mechanics.
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Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Count me in.

"We're ancient wizards, m'dear! We violate the laws of physics, causality, reality and good taste daily. Why should morality be spared?" -Geiron Thulscheft, Ambassador to the Outer Beings and Ancients-of-Days
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Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

God damn it. As much as I'd LOVE to play this, saturdays are going to be problematic for me outside of vacations due to uni.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Sounds like fun. You can count me in. :D
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Added what I have of chargen and how the rules differ from DRYH so far.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

My character.

Name and title: The Venerable Lord Angus Fletcher, Assistant Head of Applied Pyromancy

Current discipline: 3
Current augmentation: 0
Responses: Fight, Fight, Flight

Speciality: Applied Pyromancy
Aptitude: Alchemy

What's on the surface: Angus is about 5'6", wears long robes of red, and has a white beard and mustache that drags behind him when at full length. He also wears exceptionally large and thick glasses which look rather clouded to outward observers, and is sometimes seen wearing a straw hat when not within the guild halls, as well as a leather satchel slung across his chest and over his should that holds numerous books. General first impressions are that he's a really old and doddering wizard.
What's beneath: Angus typically believes that throwing a fireball at someone THEN asking questions is the best way to handle problems. He also has a secret interest in Aquamancy.
Why did you become a wizard: Angus has always loved fire. When he learned there were ways to conjure it from nothing, he immediately began studying magic. Several centuries later, he's still in love making things burn and developing new spells to accomplish this.
Who are you feuding with: Ubermass the Terrible, PT Instructor: Angus hates PT, and often makes snide remarks about anything Ubermass says. Doesn't actually get into physical or magical conflict with him.
Who are your allies: Trogdor, Head of Applied Pyromancy.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Name and title: Keeper of the Frozen Flame Rathuris. Previously the minotaurs Frozen Guardian.

Current discipline: 3
Current augmentation: 0.
Responses: Fight or flight, choose three times.

Speciality: Cryomancy. With Coldfire being his focus.
Aptitude: Sword fighting

What's on the surface:
He was a minotaur before being cursed. After making a snide remark that only a dog of a man would find Kiara's attitude attractive, he was cursed into a large wolf like monster.

Standing at 8' 3'', he is covered from head to clawed toe in pristine white fur. 2 large horns curve forward with a deep blood red colour from the side of his head. His face resembles that of a feral wolf except the 2 front top canines are bigger then normal just reaching the bottom of his chin. His eyes are a rich shade of violet with flecks of sky blue, in the dark his eyes glow a deep lavender.

His body is lean and lightly muscled from running and swimming, his hands end in sharp claws and each hand only has 3 fingers and one thumb. The skin and fur on his hands and forearms was heavily burned at some point in the past. The healed burns causing the fur to have taken on the permanent colour of ash and blood. His legs are digitigrade and end in sharp claws as well. He as a large prehensile tail that rests on the floor when he is standing still. His body is comfortable with running and walking like a man or a beast.

His hands and forearm are wrapped in bandages. He wears the battered remains of a once knightly armour. A large tattered cloak the colour of blood, usually hangs from his shoulders.

What's beneath: A loyal and steadfast person. Alsways choosing to side with his people and friends before anything else. He will generally do what ever he can for them, even above his own safety. He also has an odd fear of children.
Why did you become a wizard: To protect the mountain home of his village and kind.
Who are you feuding with: Kiara Mistress of Curses
Who are your allies: None

OOC notes: I hope being a race other then human is alright to start off as.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Hrrrg. I may or may not be staring at Ars Magica currently, and thusly assuming that errbody will be playing as like, some asshole in their demesne/fief, far the hell away from everyone else. That's incorrect, isn't it.

I'm flopping between a shapeshifter/alterations type and a life and death-y/verdant farmlandy+necromancy type, but I'm unsure of the latter's allowability.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Well, everyone will be a member of the mages guild, so you're expected to be at the guild house at least some of the time even if you do have a base elsewhere.

As for your character, the latter sounds a bit too unfocused and a bit too druid-y.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

*builds necroplanter for Ars Magica game instead, then*

Name and title: Rosalynd, of Wydeplainne; 'The Destrier Extraordinaire'; 'Rounsey Rosy'; Transmutation Master Rosalynd

Current discipline: 3
Current augmentation: 0
Responses: Fight, flight, flight

Specialty: Alterations (organic)

What's on the surface: . Enjoys animal husbandry! By which I mean putting wingsandthings on horsesandthings. And by andthings I mean everything.


Why did you become a wizard: Aptitude, mostly! The other half was wanting an edge up in the ranching business. Being able to turn a horse into a giant slab of muscle that eats less and runs faster for longer and also was a bird was quite helpful in this.

Who are you feuding with: , Heads of a huge kingdom-wide mercantile guild. They like to try to undercut my horse sales and whatnot with low-cost, poorly-bred, poorly trained substitutes.

Who are your allies: The Royal Cavalry. Best horses in the kingdom, discounts for bulk purchases, special orders, modifications, accessories, all available! Fighting the airbears again? No problem, I got wings, I got bear-spray-spit-glands! Temporary rushjobs available - for more permanent modification, please allow three to four weeks of potion-assisted overhauling! Buy 3 horseshoes, get the fourth free, WITH install!

Other notes: I should probably note down that she also likes to shapechange, mostly because that's my fetish. I am totally definitely not going to have alllllll the futa funtimes with this.

OOC notes: Oh god I am so sorry.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

How's this for a character?

Name and title: Fea'Orcian. The Dark healer (Commonly known title), Corrupter of Nature(Known by dryads and tree huggers), Animator of bones (Known by from necromancers), Purging Dark one (Pixie given title).

Current discipline: 3
Current augmentation: 0
Responses: Flight, Fight, Flight.

Speciality: Corruption of living things.
Aptitude: Healing.

What's on the surface: At first look this man is a rather young, friendly, and kind appearing person. Blond flowing locks cascading down his face and bound into a ponytail behind his head. Bright blue eyes and high cheekbones. Slightly feminine in appearance, but more so noble in looks. Lean and up to 5'11 in height.

His clothes usually fit the area he is in. From commoners clothes when he's out and about in public. From his mage attire while at the guild. To a necromancers robes when he's visiting a coven of one of them when they are in need of aid. To an outfit that had been blessed with fae magicks and give him a rather unusual and mystical look.

What's beneath: Oh, did you catch that smirk while he was healing you? Did he take your daughters virginity and then leave her pregnant and without the child's father? In truth he's a sinner that loves to indulge in pleasure of anykind. Greed, lust, pride? Yep! Got all them~

Why did you become a wizard: It was less of a choice and how he grew into it. Captured and kidnapped by fae, more importantly pixies, he was raised among them and taught their rather darker version of mischief and basic magicks among them. In fact it even got rather intense when one of them got the idea that he should give them children and at the age of sixteen he somehow found himself shrunken and in a orgy of a sort. It was when he was eighteen that he finally chose to leave the land he lived in and learn more from the world. Perhaps it was luck, or maybe even a misfortune, but he was found by a necromancer that specialized in healing and slowly changing the aspects of the living into a more darker tone. Slowly heal a bed ridden girl into a well succubus? Twist a forest into something that demons would find homily? Turn a village into 'living' zombies that follow his will? All learned! And so much more. Shame he killed the man after learning all he could from him. But it had to be done! Couldn't have someone knowing all his skills still living.

Who are you feuding with: 'Pure' elves, fairies, dryads and other such beings. He knows quite well how fearful they are of change and the darker version of his 'family'. And is quite happy to corrupt them into something similar to show them that it isn't a bad thing and something that should be embraced! Of course turning a grove dark is usually the easiest way to change the faeries and dryads. Elves were much harder so they're his clear nemesis.

Who are your allies: Fae of a certain type~ Visiting them for pleasure, healing and aid against their 'light' enemies he had gotten rather close to many of them. Though he isn't quite sure if any of them did something to him since he hasn't seemed to age for a while. He is also allies with necromancers. But unknown to 'them' he can quite easily turn his healing hand into one that deals death, and he does so when they start getting too close to his own area of expertise. Branching out from corpses and what not. Of course they all believe its those bastard 'heros' that are to blame for those deaths~ The fact that their bodies seems to have been 'purified' to stop them from being revived just adds to that. Ahhh, the advantages of healing magic~

Other notes: He was raised by fae and is 'touched' by them. Making it so that to most creatures he is seen as one of them and ages similar to them as well. Perhaps someday he may even turn into one. But for now his blood is still mostly human.

He received fae crafted and blessed clothes that acts a both armour and a magical resistant attire. Quite useful in a duel between other magic users.

He has familiars usually consist of floating eyes that allow him to scan areas, see from several angles, scout, and even transfer his magic through them and into an area. Always useful when he wants to slowly change and area without risking setting into the land. And its rather easy to get new ones as well! All he needs is a corpse with eyes.

OOC notes: Will likely add things here later one.
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Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

How's this for a character?

Name and title: Fea'Orcian. The Dark healer (Commonly known title), Corrupter of Nature(Known by dryads and tree huggers), Animator of bones (Known by from necromancers), Purging Dark one (Pixie given title).

Current discipline: 3
Current augmentation: 0
Responses: Flight, Fight, Flight.

Speciality: Corruption of living things and bringing live to anything that lacks it.
Aptitude: Healing.

What's on the surface: At first look this man is a rather young, friendly, and kind appearing person. Blond flowing locks cascading down his face and bound into a ponytail behind his head. Bright blue eyes and high cheekbones. Slightly feminine in appearance, but more so noble in looks. Lean and up to 5'11 in height.

His clothes usually fit the area he is in. From commoners clothes when he's out and about in public. From his mage attire while at the guild. To a necromancers robes when he's visiting a coven of one of them when they are in need of aid. To an outfit that had been blessed with fae magicks and give him a rather unusual and mystical look.

What's beneath: Oh, did you catch that smirk while he was healing you? Did he take your daughters virginity and then leave her pregnant and without the child's father? In truth he's a sinner that loves to indulge in pleasure of anykind. Greed, lust, pride? Yep! Got all them~

Why did you become a wizard: It was less of a choice and how he grew into it. Captured and kidnapped by fae, more importantly pixies, he was raised among them and taught their rather darker version of mischief and basic magicks among them. In fact it even got rather intense when one of them got the idea that he should give them children and at the age of sixteen he somehow found himself shrunken and in a orgy of a sort. It was when he was eighteen that he finally chose to leave the land he lived in and learn more from the world. Perhaps it was luck, or maybe even a misfortune, but he was found by a necromancer that specialized in healing and slowly changing the aspects of the living into a more darker tone. Shame he killed the man after learning all he could from him. But it had to be done! Couldn't have someone knowing all his skills still living.

Who are you feuding with: 'Pure' elves, fairies, dryads and other such beings. He knows quite well how fearful they are of change and the darker version of his 'family'. And is quite happy to corrupt them into something similar to show them that it isn't a bad thing and something that should be embraced! Of course turning a grove dark is usually the easiest way to change the faeries and dryads. Elves were much harder so they're his clear nemesis.

Who are your allies: Fae of a certain type~ Visiting them for pleasure, healing and aid against their 'light' enemies he had gotten rather close to many of them. Though he isn't quite sure if any of them did something to him since he hasn't seemed to age for a while. He is also allies with necromancers. But unknown to 'them' he can quite easily turn his healing hand into one that deals death, and he does so when they start getting too close to his own area of expertise. Of course they all believe its those bastard 'heros' that are to blame for those deaths~ The fact that their bodies seems to have been 'purified' to stop them from being revived just adds to that. Ahhh, the advantages of healing magic~

Other notes: He was raised by fae and is 'touched' by them. Making it so that to most creatures he is seen as one of them and ages similar to them as well. Perhaps someday he may even turn into one. But for now his blood is still mostly human.

He received fae crafted and blessed clothes that acts a both armour and a magical resistant attire. Quite useful in a duel between other magic users.

He has familiars usually consist of floating eyes that allow him to scan areas, see from several angles, scout, and even transfer his magic through them and into an area. Always useful when he wants to slowly change and area without risking setting into the land. And its rather easy to get new ones as well! All he needs is a corpse with eyes.

OOC notes: Will likely add things here later one.

Speciality should be EITHER corruption OR necromancy, not both.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

I'll edit it then

Edited. Anything else of note that I should add?
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Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Oh, right. This thing. How does playing saturdays starting at GMT 1900 work for everyone?
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Sure. Sounds good to me.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Possibly problematic on my end, but can try.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

I think I should be able to get a few posts in.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

Posts? I'm p. sure it's going to be on IRC. You know, chat.
Re: Motherfucking WIZARDS!

And then real life took over for a while. Sorry.

I thought it was going to be a rp like most of this section?