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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Attack (Aurae): 43 v 67 -> Miss

Casting (Dominica): Success
Attack (Dominica): 47 v 67 -> Miss

Swordguy gives up his attack for another round of full defense.

Attack (Spearwoman): 68 v 59 -> Hit!
Damage (Spearwoman): 38-7 = 31
-> Aurae is down for the count!

Faced with two opponents at once, the half-demon shifted to a more defensive stance, lashing out only carefully, when she could do it without exposing herself. The man easily deflected the tentative blow with his shield, and hopped to one side to dodge another bolt of greasy energy from Dominica, who was starting to look frustrated.

"Whatever you did, it didn't work! I'm going to finish her off before- Oh empty night!" Before the necromancer could even finish her warning, the spearwoman made a long thrust over her partner's shoulder, and quickly withdrew her spear. Which was now tipped with red, and dripping something.

A few seconds later, Aurae collapsed to the sand, unable to continue fighting. Magic coursed through her, sealing the wounds and stabilizing her, but it was too late for this fight, at least.

Aurae: KO'd.
Dominica: Okay

Spear Gal: Hurt.
Sword guy: Fine.

I'll give you a chance to respond... and then we'll find out if Dominica can save you. :p
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave a soft sigh as their attacks failed. She gave a small nod before turning back to their opponents. Seeing the spear thrust towards her, she tried to bring her blade down to deflect it. Though she was a bit to slow in reacting and she felt it stab into. After a moment she fell to the ground dazed, not entirely sure what went wrong on their end. She looked up and hoped either Dominica could either get her back into the fight or take them both out.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Casting(Dominica): Success
Attack(Dominica): 70 v 29 -> Hit
Damage(Dominica): (4,3+10)*2 = 34 - 5 = 29
-> Spear Gal is KO'd

Attack (Swordguy): 47 v 37 -> Hit
Damage (Swordguy): (4,2+19) = 25 - 5 = 20

Casting(Dominica): Success
Attack(Dominica): 62 v 57 -> Hit!
Damage(Dominica): (1,1+10)*2 = 24 - 5 = 19
Resistance check (Dominica vs Swordguy): 43 v 23 -> Dominica wins!
-> Swordguy gets 1x Weakened + Paralyzed

Resistance (Swordguy): 36 v 30 -> Success!
Attack (Swordguy): 46 v 37 -> Hit!
Damage (Swordguy): 1,2+19 = 22-5 = 17

Casting(Dominica): 24 v 20 -> Success!
Attack(Dominica): 66 v 23 -> Hit!
Damage(Dominica): (2,2+10)*2 = 28 - 5 = 23
Resistance check (Dominica vs Swordguy): 43 v 38 -> Dominica wins!

Resistance (Swordguy): 27 v 40 -> Failure!

Casting(Dominica): Failure!

Resistance (Swordguy): Failure!

Casting(Dominica): Success!
Attack(Dominica): Hit!
Damage(Dominica): More than 7!

Almost as soon as Dominica managed to look up from the sands, she saw the spearwoman fall to another bolt of dark energy, while the man with the sword and shield leapt over the half-demon's fallen body.

She didn't have the energy to turn and look at the last few seconds of the battle. She could only hear the discharge of magic, then the scream as Dominica took a wound. The cheering of the crowd to "finish her". The groan. And the thud of a body hitting the sand.

Almost immediately there was the horn signaling the end of the round, and a huge cheer for the victors. Then someone was standing beside Aurae, and energy poured back into her body as her wounds healed a bit more. She was helped to her feet to see Dominica, even paler than usual, and holding her hand over a partially-healed wound, but smiling. "We won! Just... barely, but we're in the finals."

She hobbled her way back to the medics, who quickly healed the two back to full, leaving them refreshed. Once they cleared out, the necromancer turned to Aurae, looking serious. "That was the last semifinal match. We've only got a few minutes until the finals. Any brilliant ideas, now's the time."

Dominica pulls through with exactly 5 health left. Both duelists are returned to full HP/PP/EP for the final match.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae waited with a baited breath as the fight raged just out of her sight. Hearing the body thumping and hearing the horn she really wished she knew what was happening. Seeing Dominica as she was helped up, she gave a sigh of relief, and gave her partner a smile. After they were healed and proceeded up with Dominica she frowned. "The only plan I can think of relies on you beating the wind mage. If I charm the big guy, and coax him after me to get me, he should leave you alone while you fight the mage. I will try to hold out while you do so. Any thoughts or plans?" Still frowning as she regarded Dominica.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Dominica considered for a moment. "Not really. If there was some quick and easy way to beat them, they wouldn't be in the semifinal." She paused again, then shrugged. "Yours is as good a plan as any. And doesn't involve me pissing off that demon, which is nice. He isn't kind to those who cut him."

On that pleasant note, an official poked her head into the room, motioning the two fighters to come out. In seconds, they were stepping onto the sands, to their biggest cheers yet. Which was followed, moments later, by an even louder cheer for their opponents, who stretched and basked in the adulation as they took their positions.

The demon lazily eyed both his foes, then set himself opposite Aurae before signaling ready, his sword still in its sheathe. The wind mage gave a cat call towards Dominica before standing at the ready behind his partner.

The official turned to Dominica, looking for the signal that she was ready.

Everyone's at full health/EP/PP after the healing.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae nodded to her partner as she was led down stairs. Once out on the sands she moved a little ways from Dominica, her attention focused upon the large demon. She signaled that she was ready. She danced to the side increasing the distance from Dominica while beckoning the bog guy too her. "Guess it is you and me then." Looking up at his size, she wondered if fighting him was a good idea. After a moment she took up a defensive stance as she spoke to him. "So, should we fight each other or try to see who lasts longer under the sheets?" Waiting for the big guys response.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The demon laughed, his voice raspy and broken. "We will fight. But if you think what I do to you after you lose will have anything to do with your pleasure, you are very much mistaken."

At which point the horn sounded, any further words were lost to the roar of the crowd, and the match started. The demon remained focused on Aurae, stalking towards her without hesitation or fear. There was an almost eager grin on his face, and one hand rested on the pommel of his sheathed sword as he approached his half-human opposite.

His partner, meanwhile, seemed equally happy to focus on Dominica. Neither of them tried to banter - the increased distance and the continuing noise from the crowd made it difficult in any case - but both were drawing in arcane energies, readying attacks.

Everyone still fine!
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae continued to back away from the soon to be duel mages. She placed her hands upon her blades as she lowered herself down into a defensive stance. After a moment she reached out with her mind in an attempt to try and charm the large demon. Hoping it would take hold, and if she did lose to him, he would keep focused upon her till Domonica did.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Charm: 35+15 = 50 v 53 = 20+33 -> Half-Demon wins!

Casting (Dominica): Success!
Attack (Dominica): 34+4 = 38 v 37 -> Hit!
Damage (Dominica): (3,4+10)*2 = 34
Stun (Dominica): Success!

(The su-ku-ta loses his turn to stun)

Attack (Demon): Hit.
Damage (Demon): 5,5+43 = 53 - 5/2 = 50

Aurae made the familiar mental effort to reach out and Charm her demonic opponent. She felt his mind, felt his attraction towards her, the way he was looking at her body through her armor, and squeezed in the way that would bend him to her will. It was like squeezing a rock. The demon smiled, and continued approaching. "You think I have never taken a succubus before?"

The sand of the arena floor stirred suddenly, lifting into the air in odd patterns. None moved about the demon, but it was moving towards Aurae from several different directions, such that she would be unable to look away, or shield her eyes effectively. And then, before the sand actually reached her, a bolt of light-sucking dark energy flowed through the arena's air and struck the su-ku-ta mage. All the sand immediately dropped back to the ground.

The demon's blade moved faster than Aurae could react. Faster than she could even trace with her eyes. One moment he stood five feet from her, one hand balanced on the hilt of his thin sword. The next, he stood in a ready position, blood dripping from his blade. The first sign that the blood was hers was the trickle of blood flowing down her belly. The second was the trickle of blood flowing down her back.

The wound closed immediately, but the closing seemed to take a lot of Aurae, as if she had lost a lot more blood than it seemed she actually had.

Aurae: 2/52 HP 68 PP 42/48 EP; Critically injured.
Dominica: fine

Wind Mage: Badly injured, stunned.
Demon: Fine. Not charmed.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae grunted a moment as she felt the strength suddenly leave her body. After a moment she fell to a knee as she glanced up at the massive half-demon. Drawing her blades, she readied herself for another attack from the massive guy, waiting for her partner to come to her aid.

Going fully defensive this round, and gaining 30 to dodge for 69 dodge. No other actions this turn.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Casting (Dominica): Success
Attack (Dominica): Hit
Damage (Dominica): Enough
Resistance (Dominica vs Wind Cat): irrelevant.
-> Wind Guy is KO'd.

Attack(Demon): Miss

"Oh my, did that hurt? It's as if you think I haven't seen you fight just as often as you've watched me!" His blade flicked again, but this time a little less recklessly. Nevertheless, even standing ready for it Aurae barely deflected the thrust short of her skin. A second flick of his blade, a second near-hit. A third, forcing Aurae to take a few steps back to avoid the followthrough. The demon smiled, and unfurled his wings, showing off for the crowd before closing the distance between them again. The brief separation was enough to give Aurae a wider view of her opponent. And particularly to notice that he was sporting a large erection that he hadn't had before they started fighting.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the arena, another bolt of arcane energy flashed across the sands, and the su-ku-ta mage got his hands up just in time to have it pass harmlessly through both and strike him in the chest. He gritted his teeth, then stopped. His eyes opened wide, went somewhat unsteady... and he fell forward, limply to the sands. The crowd gasped, then cheered, the change in sound noticeable where the constant roaring had faded into the background.

Aurae: 2/52 HP 68 PP 42/48 EP; Critically injured.
Dominica: fine

Wind Mage: KO'd
Demon: Fine. Hard.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae kept backing up slowly from the giant half demon. Deciding to save her strength to defend herself, she stayed quiet. Glaring at the demon she beckoned him after her. Her swords moving in front of her to prepare for another of his strikes, as she lowered herself to make her a harder target to hit. She hoped the wizard was down and that her partner would come to her aid. She also promised herself that she would learn at least a few magic tricks seeing how helpful they could be in battle.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Casting (Dominica): Success
Attack (Dominica): Hit!
Damage (Dominica): (4,1+10)*2 - 18 = 12 (and here's where aurae's armor-piercing ability would have come in useful...)
Resistance (Dominica vs Demon): 14 v 20 -> Demon wins (both have the same resistance, just rolling base d20's)

Attack (Demon): Hit. (natural 20!)
Damage (Demon): More'n 2...
-> Aurae is KO'd

Round 2!:

Casting (Dominica): Success
Attack (Dominica): Hit!
Damage (Dominica): (3,4+10)*2 - 18 = 16
Resistance (Dominica vs Demon): 6 v 9 -> demon wins

Attack (Demon): Hit.
Damage (Demon): (5,1)+33 - 3 = 36

Round 3!:

Casting (Dominica): Success
Attack (Dominica): Hit!
Damage (Dominica): (2,2+10)*2 - 18 = 10
Resistance (Dominica vs Demon): 6 v 12 -> demon wins

Attack (Demon): Hit
Damage (Demon): ... enough.

Pregnancy (Dominica): ???

The demon advanced quickly, not fooling around anymore. His first thrust came with unbelievable speed. Even fully prepared, it was be impossible for Aurae to dodge. The blade was inches from her skin when the bolt of light-eating energy zipped across her shoulder, striking the demon full in the chest.

The strike faltered, her huge opponent faltering. But only for a moment. He lined up another blow, and this time Aurae knew where it was going. She ducked low... and felt the pommel of her opponents sword clip the back of her head. She tasted sand in her mouth before she realized what was happening, and lacked the strength even to roll over and watch the rest of the fight.

It was hard to make things out over the crowd noise and the ringing in her head, but just at the edge of perception Aurae could hear the occational grunt or curse of the demon. Then the feminine scream. And then the moans. The final grunt.

The crowd exploded in cheers. And then strong, masculine hands grabbed Aurae's hips, lifting her rear into the air. Her pants and panties were pulled down to her knees, exposing her - ass, pussy, and cock - to the air of the arena. To the crowd. And to the demon. "Don't worry. Even if you never win yourself, perhaps I'll give you a son with a little more talent..." As he spoke, a sudden, warm pressure made itself known, pushing against the half-demon's cunt.

Aurae: 0/52 HP 68 PP 42/48 EP; KO'd. Being raped.
Dominica: KO'd, raped.

Wind Mage: KO'd
Demon: injured, raping Aurae.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae grimaced as she tried to deflect the demon's blow. She sighed in relief as a bolt of magic struck the large demon. She continued to block as she backed away from him. She barely felt his next strike as her head collided with his weapon's pommel. She cursed mentally as she felt her body collapse to the sands. Hearing a brief fight and then a few moan and a grunt she knew they had lost the fight. Feeling the demon remove her pants and position only confirmed it.Not having much strength she resigned herself to what what about to happen. "Be gentle..... Please....."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The demon laughed, and pushed in. The cock entered smoothly, already wet, but the girth stretched the half-demon's relatively inexperienced cunt uncomfortably. He stopped for a moment, with his cock inside her, and spoke again. "Much tighter than your friend. I'd give you to my partner, if he was still conscious. Maybe he'll wake up."

Then, without waiting for a response, he started fucking the beaten duelist. He thrust in and out, almost his full length every time, with a harsh rhythm that didn't even try to account for Aurae's pleasure. After a couple seconds, the demon's right hand started landing on her ass cheek with each deep thrust. At first, just tapping. Then harder, a light slap. Before he finished, each open-handed strike could have been enough to make her cry out even without the accompanying thrust.

The orgasm came without warning. One second the demon was pumping along with the same rapid pace he'd started with, the next she felt the first spurt of hot cum spill into her passage. The slap to her right asscheek that would have otherwise come was instead a harsh grip on both sides, and the demon thrust deeper than before, until he bottomed out against Aurae's womb, spilling the rest of his seed as deep as possible.

He pulled out, and cheers accompanied Aurae's journey into unconsciousness.

She awoke in the same room she had after her last loss, only this time nobody was standing over her. The wounds were all gone, and she felt mostly refreshed. But there was still a little ache between her thighs, and a noticeable soreness on the right side of her butt.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae could only relax and bite her lip as the large demon began to breed her in earnest. Her tight tunnel gripping the demon's intruder tightly unintentionally. Any pleasure she may have gotten from him was short lived as he began to slap her rump with each thrust. Her mouth soon opening up to let out a loud cry of pain as his hand collided sharply with her rump. Her hands dug into the sand as she was helpless against the large demon pounded. She was almost thankful when he finally erupted into her and she collapsed in exhaustion and pain.

Waking with a start she frowned as she looked up at the ceiling and frowned. The realization she had lost dawning upon her quickly in her wakened state. Sitting up, she was surprised to see that she was alone in the room. Chewing her lip she glanced about the room curiously to see where she had wound up after her loss.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Looking about the room, Aurae discovered that it was the same room she'd woken up in after her last fight - or at least indistinguishable. Her major wounds were gone, but she was naked, the torn remains of her former attire in a pile at her feet.

She also discovered that she wasn't quite alone. A second cot held Dominica. She was also naked, still apparently unconscious or asleep, a few scraps of tattered cloth balled carelessly at her feet. And a few partially-dried trails of cum down each thigh.

Which brought the half-demon back to herself. The memory of her rape made the half-dried white stains running down from her cunt fairly expected, but an examination of her butt showed - in addition to a faded bruise on one cheek - more cum leading to her asshole.

Finally, in one corner, head tilted back and snoring gently, there was Wendy.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae sighed as she felt the various signs of what had happened to her upon the sands. Frowning she gathered up what scraps she could of her attire to make her somewhat decent before stepping softly towards Wendy. Bending down in front of the human and giving her kind look as she reached out to gently shake her awake.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The remains of the half-demon's armor and clothing proved too badly damaged to make anything decent - in addition to the damage it had taken in the fight, there were clean cuts through every strap. The only way it would cover a person is if they held it in place. Fortunately, on the wall hung a pair of rough brown dresses... one of which had the appropriate alterations for wings. It didn't fit very well, and there was no bra or panties included, but it would at least cover her until she could make other arrangements.

Wendy woke immediately at Aurae's touch. The young human immediately thrust out a small bag into her friend's hands. "Here, your half of the winnings. How are you?" She turned away slightly, embarrassed. "I mean... I stopped watching when you fell, but I saw what he did to the others he beat, but... what are you going to do now?"

You get 50d and 4 XP for second place.

As a competitor you're free to use the Arena facilities for the rest of the day. And of course there's still Dominica unconscious on another bed.