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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Dominica grunted. "If you can charm the wizard, that would greatly simplify things. Otherwise... it's probably better not to split our efforts."

There were longer pauses between matches now. The next set of duelists came out, and took their places. The entire match took about ten seconds. One very good arrow and one blow of a battleaxe and the other team was still on the floor. Several more attendants than usual rushed out onto the field, and it looked like they were performing healing magics on the fallen duelists before they were even taken off the sands. The official waited for a signal from the healer before declaring the bowman and axe-wielder the winners.

"That was a pretty major upset." Aurae's partner signaled that it was time to get moving. "I'm not sure what to think of our foes this time. They're the number two seed. But I've never seen them fight, or even heard of them. So I'm not sure that's earned, or if they bribed someone, or if it was part of your idea that they might be trying to get as many man vs woman matches as possible, or just because they looked imposing. I guess we'll find out shortly."

They arrived in the locker room, and Dominica headed for the exit towards the Arena. "Are you ready?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae nodded. "I can certainly try charming him. Though no promises about whether it will take hold though." She watched the quick fight that happened next and frowned. "Still, let's hope we win, it is a fair bit of money." She followed her partner down to the locker room and nodded. "It would make sense for them to set it up that way. Some people get off on violence, and others rape. When you mix them, you can draw it both crowds for the money." She turned to her partner and stretched her arms and back. "As ready as I can be."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Out on the sands, things were much as before. Perhaps the crowd seemed a little louder, fuller, and Aurae and Dominica got a few more cheers and fewer jeers than their first time out, but it had all been so loud to begin with that it was hard to be sure.

Their opponents came out shortly, a su-ku-ta and a human, both in tight black leather. One held a dagger in a reverse grip, the other a shortsword. Both flourished their weapons a few times, earning a few extra cheers. They seemed energetic, both almost bouncing on the balls of their feet as the official prepared to signal the start of the fight.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae grimaced at the loud noise coming from the crowd as she made her way out onto the stands. "That is an odd pair." Gesturing at their combatants. Looking to her partner and giving her a grin. "I think this match will be alright. I feel our chances are good."

Advancing a little ways in front of Dominica, she placed her hands on her sword hilts. Entering into a defensive stance she signaled to the arena officials that she was ready.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

At the horn, the two men parted, one going left and the other right, splitting around Aurae and heading straight for Dominica in the back, forcing the half-demon to engage at most one. Aurae's partner started drawing in energy for a spell, but didn't call out her target.

Sorry for the short post, combat is going to be a bit tricky for the next week or three, while I'm away from my desk. Also PC gets initiative, so can't really have much anyway.

Aurae: 52 HP, 68 PP, 48 EP; fine
Dominica: fine

Swordsman: fine
Daggers: fine
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae frowned as the match started. Seeing them split up she turned her attention to the more dangerous of the two, the swordsman. "I will take the swordsman, you get the dagger weilder."

She made a dash towards the swordman, hoping to catch him off guard. She swiftly drew her dual blades to strike the man. Her swords flashing but staying close to her body to help stave off any return strikes.

That is alright.

She will fight defensively trading in 15 attack to add to her dodge. She also gets + 2 from Death from the draw for this round giving her 33 to hit and 54 dodge.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Attack (Aurae, left): 45 v 38 -> Hit
Damage (Aurae, left): 44-8 = 36

Attack (Aurae, right): 43 v 38 -> Hit
Damage (Aurae, right): 42-8 = 34
-> Swordsman goes down.

Daggers: Grapple vs Dominica -> Daggers wins.
(Dominica fails to act through the grapple.)

The moment Aurae turned to face one of the fighters, the other darted past her, towards her partner. Meanwhile, the swordsman instead turned to face Aurae, moving aggressively.

But the half-demon proved to be considerably more skilled, dodging each swing and thrust without difficulty, and then drawing her blades and swinging both in one motion. The swordsman stopped moving, falling to his knees with twin lines of blood running down his chest and dripping onto the sands. The wounds stopped bleeding almost immediately, insuring they wouldn't be fatal, but the man was already out of the fight. He collapsed into the sand.

Aurae turned just as his partner reached hers. She was had gathered power, and was about to unleash it on him... when he hit her with a flying tackle, rolling twice and coming out on top. His dagger darted for her chest, and Dominica let her spell go to grab it with both hands, halting it just before it punctured her robes. "Fucking..! Every time!"

Aurae: 52 HP, 68 PP, 48 EP; fine
Dominica: fine, grappled

Swordsman: KO'd
Daggers: Grappling Dominica
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae watched the swordman fall, waiting a moment to see if he would get back up. Feeling he was out, she turned to face her partner. "Get off of her!" Bring her swords as she rushed over to the grappling pair. Her swords flashing with all her might at the dagger wielder's back, hoping to avoid Dominica.

She will use her full attack. No defensive fighting this round.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Sorry about taking so long, I've been on vacation since before Thanksgiving. And on that subject... I'm going to be without a computer for about a week. After that I should be more-or-less back to a reasonable schedule. Until people start arriving for christmas...

Attack (Aurae): 48+1 = 49 v 45 -> Hit
Damage (Aurae): 3,1+27 = 31 - 4 = 27
Attack (Aurae): 48+8 = 56 v 45 -> Hit
Damage (Aurae): 3,6+27 = 36 - 4 = 32

Dagger guy... is KO'd. Not sure where I got those damage numbers the previous round, but this time I also did the armor correctly, or he would have survived. :p

The dagger-wielding duelist ignored Aurae's commands, unsurprisingly, but her partner heard them as well. And while she was basically helpless in the man's arms - he'd already managed to shift her robes enough to expose both her breasts and her pussy, in just a few seconds - she did manage to turn enough to see Aurae and her defeated opponent.

When Aurae came in to finish him off, Dominica shifted suddenly, pushing him to one side off of her. It wasn't enough to get free, but it was enough for the half-demon to get two clean blows. The shock made him let go of Dominica, and he took a knee to the groin immediately. Between the three hits, he was left curled up in a ball of pain on the sands.

"Phew. Those guys weren't as good as they should have been, with that seeding. And even so you were the one that took both out. Just don't think the semi's will be so easy, much what the finals."

The official looked to the women for confirmation that they were done, and Dominica returned a half-hearted dismissal. The horn sounded, the crowd cheered, and the pair were led off the field again, to do as they liked until their next bout.

Both are returned to pristine state after the duel. Not that they were hurt anyway.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae nodded as she helped her partner up. "Yeah, I know. I was never expecting this to be easy." Giving Dominica a grin anyway having them both gotten through the fight unscathed. She sheathed her blades and signaled to the offical as well. She followed their guide off the stands. Heading back up to watch the next fights before their own next match. "Just hope we can come out on top."

That is alright.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Back in the stands, Dominica and Aurae settled down just in time to see the start of the last quarterfinal match. On one side of the sand two near-identical human men stood, wearing matching dueling swords. On the other side, a burly man with a sword and shield stood next to a tall, heavily-built woman with a polearm.

At the signal to start, the two swordsmen darted in opposite directions, but their opponents spun and retreated, forcing both to come in reach of the man with the sword and shield, while his partner stood behind him.

Blows rained down, blade meeting blade or shield, while the defender only threw the occasional half-hearted riposte, obviously outmatched by either duelist, much what both together. But he was able to hold on for a few seconds, until the first blow of the polearm over his shoulder forced one man to retreat, looking for a way around the man with the shield, letting him focus on the other man. Even one on one it was obviously just a matter of time until he took a blow, but the long-reaching blade darted over there as well, forcing him back...

And letting the first duelist to get cornered, facing both of his opponents at once. He tried to defend against both, but was obviously better on attack than on defense, especially against the exotic weapon wielded by the woman. He went down in seconds.

Leaving his partner also facing unfavorable odds. The remaining duelist pushed forward towards the woman, going all-out on offense, and scoring one hit, then another. And then going down with the pommel of a sword to the back of his unprotected head.

The crowd cheered, but the winners didn't signal victory. They seemed to confer briefly, then walked over to the second foe to fall. In seconds he was naked, obviously regaining consciousness. While her partner held him down, the polearm-wielding woman unbuttoned her shirt, leaned forward, and started attending to his quickly-hardening cock. She used her hands, her tongue, and even briefly - to more cheers from the crowd - her ample breasts.

After a minute, she turned around, bent over, and exposed herself to him, slowly lowering her pussy towards his throbbing member... at which point her partner grabbed the cock, jerked it a few times, and then angled it so that when the fallen man came, it was all over his own belly. The woman laughed, mimed an 'oh well' gesture, and pulled her pants back up, to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Finally the winners signaled the round over.

Dominica leaned in to speak to Aurae. "Well. We'll be fighting those two in the semi's. But first there should be one more match featuring our 'friend' the demon."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae watched the battle closely. Blushing a bit when she saw the woman take advantage of the man. Turning to Domonica with a small nod. "Yeah, it would be good to study him so we know how to fight him when the time comes."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

There was another, longer break as the arena was cleaned and the semifinalists got ready. Then the demon and his partner walked out of their door to cheers, followed shortly by their opponents on the other side, to jeers and boos.

Neither side wasted time getting ready, it it was only seconds until the match started. The axe-wielding man charged the demon, while his partner shot an arrow at the wind mage. Which went wildly astray as soon as it got close, while sand suddenly whipped up in a spiral around him. For a moment he was hidden from sight, then a blast of sand shot across the arena towards the archer, who was knocked down.

With no support, it quickly became clear that the axeman was outmatched. He took one blow, a second, a third, and then went down for the count. The demon stalked across the sand until he stood over the archer, who was blasted down by another gust as he tried to sit up. He planted a sword against the man's chest, leaning gently on it until the archer screamed "I submit."

The demon replied too quietly to be heard, even before the crowd roared its approval of yet another victory by the clear favorites. The archer hesitated, until the demon started leaning on his sword a little more. Then suddenly he was face down on the sand, raising to his knees, lowering his face back to the ground. He didn't make any move to stop the demon as his pants were pulled down, as he lined up his cock...

The crowd cheered this humiliation nearly as well as the ones featuring women while the demon left no doubt in anyone's mind who had won the match, before finally signaling it over.

Dominica glanced at her partner, raising her eyebrows. "Well that was... at least different, I guess. You ready? We've got one more match to wind before we face... that."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She watched the fight with interest, looking for possible weaknesses. Watching the demon mount the archer was quite a shock. "Wow, didn't think that happened oftened." Turning to her partner she gave a nod. "As ready as can be." Giving her a smile as she made her way to her next match.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Dominica shrugged. "They tend to be a bit less picky about that sort of thing in Acheron than the rest of Badaria. The other sort is more popular with the crowd, but they cater to all sorts, here."

Soon enough the pair were on the sands of the arena again, the official waiting on them to give the signal to start the fight. Across from them were their foes. The man held a sword and a shield like he knew how to use them, flexing a bit but not flourishing. His eyes rolled over Aurae's body, then turned away dismissively, lingering longer on Dominica's curves. His partner was focused on the half-demon, though, gripping her polearm tightly and staring intently at Aurae's more demonic-looking features, particularly her wings.

Aurae: 52 HP, 68 PP, 48 EP; fine
Dominica: fine

Swordsman: Fine
Polearmwoman: Fine
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Once Aurae was out on the sands, she gave the official a nod. Once the match began, she approached the other two fighters, her focus turning onto the spear wielder staring at her. Her hands drifting down to her sword handles as she readied herself.

Focusing upon the woman with the spear, she called upon her natural powers to aid her. Hoping to charm and entrall the woman into helping them fight.

Defensive fighting, trading the full bonus over to dodge. Also using the succubus power Charm on the spear wielder.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Can't attack and use Charm on the same turn; both are standard actions.
Charm (Attack): 35 v 29 -> Hit
Charm (Resistance): 50 v 35 -> Success

Dominica (casting): Success!
Dominica (attack): 54 v 29 -> Hit
Dominica (damage): 30-5 = 25
Dominica (resistance): 46 v 35 -> Success!
Spear girl is stunned!

Swordguy (Attack): 64 v 59 -> Hit
Damage: 29-7 = 22

At the sound of the horn, the woman with the spear charged full out at Aurae, unsurprisingly. The half-demon cleanly dodged the thrust, and rather than returning the attack with one of her own, focused her will and natural talents on her opponent. The woman's pupils started to dilate, a faintly puzzled smile coming over her face as her guard started to lower. At which point a bolt of dark power scorched over Aurae's shoulder, and hit the woman full in the face. She collapsed to one knee, and while the succubus could still feel the faint hold over the spearwoman's mind, she could also see that she was too dazed to even hear any commands for at least a few seconds, much what respond to them.

The blade to the side was a much bigger shock, however, as the other foe came out of nowhere and sliced cleanly through her armor. He took a step back, raising his shield slightly, shifting his feet as he prepared to strike again.

Aurae: 30/52 HP; 68/68 PP; 42/48 EP
Dominica: fine

Speargirl: Injured, stunned, charmed
Swordguy: fine
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae grunted as she felt the blade meet her side. Spinning around she turned to face the man with the shield. Speaking to her partner, as she watched the man carefully. "I charmed her." Drawing her blades, she whirled them around as she moved towards the shieldmen, hoping to snake her blades around that shield. "Get him." Saying the words to both her partner and the spear woman.

Defensive fighting and trading 10 over to my dodge. Leaving her with 36 to hit and 49 dodge.
With +6 to attack and damage rolls, from Death from the Draw, she gets 42 to hit. Both attacks aimed at the shieldman.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Charmed is not Dominated. It's enough that she'd definitely go easy on you even without being asked, and if you approached her in the stands you might even have been able to make her change her tactics. You *might* even convince her to throw the match, if you had a good reason. But you can't make her change teams mid-fight; that's just beyond the scope of the power. I mean, 6 EP and an easy +20 to your resistance check to turn one enemy a turn, no limit? That'd just be OP. She's your friend, not your mind-slave.

And furthermore, what you asked her to do was enough against her own interests (as per the "charmed" effect) that she gets a recheck to break the Charm entirely, with a pretty hefty bonus.

Resistance check: 36 v 45 -> Aurae loses.
-> Spearwoman breaks the charm, and is immune to further charm attempts from Aurae for 8 hours.

Attack (Aurae, mainhand): 44+20 = 64 v 67 -> Miss!
Attack (Aurae, offhand): 44+20 = 64 v 67 -> Miss!

Casting (Dominica): Success!
Attack (Dominica): 50+6 = 56 v 64 -> Miss!

-> Swordguy forfeited his turn for full defense, as part of a cunning tactic to distract you while spearwoman attacked.

-> Spearwoman... breaks the charm, but doesn't get a turn this round.

A stream of violet lightning buzzed by the half-demon as she sized up her opponent... and deflected harmlessly off his shield, into the wall of the arena, just below the first row of the crowd. Aurae drew and swung both swords in one movement, taking advantage of his momentary focus on the dark magic, and forced him to take several steps back, but her unwillingness to put herself too far in danger stopped her from scoring any more than a glancing blow, easily turned aside by his leather armor.

But at least she'd managed to maneuver him so that his back was to his momentarily stunned partner. She looked at her spear, at his open back. Then mouthed "get him", looking puzzled. Then she looked, baffled at Aurae. She blinked. And her amiable, confused gaze shifted into anger and resolution. She tightened her grip on her spear, and took a step towards the woman who had briefly charmed her, looking intent. The swordsman shot her an impatient glare, and she waved him down, stepping back into place just behind his defenses, readying her spear to attack.

Aurae: 30/52 HP; 68/68 PP; 42/48 EP
Dominica: fine

Speargirl: Injured, immune to charm.
Swordguy: fine
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

I know, you explained so much earlier in the thread. I am going by the assumption that the power to charm is still quite new to her and she is still getting use to it's limits.

Aurae frowned as she saw the spear woman overcome her charm and take a posistion behind the shield user once more. She shifted her wieght to the balls of her feet asa she kept herself between them and her own partner. She shift her right sword to a defensive posistion and lashed out at the man with her right blade.

Defensive fighting, trading in 20 to her dodge. Giving her 59 dodge and 30 to hit. She is only making one attack this round.