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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Wendy nodded. "True. But anyone we do face won't have any restrictions against killing us. Or if they do... well, they might not let us go when they're done."

The woman shifted uneasily under Aurae's gaze. "I... I almost want to just go with you, for all that we just met. There isn't much to tie me here, and I like you... but where would you go?" She drifted back across the pool again, until she was sitting beside the half-demon, their hips gently touching.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae looked at Wendy curiously. "Well I was thinking of heading north towards Crolia. I think that is what it's called." Looking about the bath house a moment before leaning close so she could speak without being over heard. "I am not sure if it is my demon side or not, but I have often dreamt of carving out a small kingdom for myself." Settling into the tub to relax. "I will need much more then just warriors to achieve such a goal." Gently trying to take Wendy's hand. "Would you be willing to help me?"

Looking at Wendy to see what she thought. "The gold I won can be used to by some mercenaries, builders and such that I might need."
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Founding a kingdom?" Wendy looked stunned. "Well, I guess you don't do things halfway."

The human woman stared intently at Aurae for a moment. "Huh. You're really serious. Well, I guess you weren't kidding about an adventure... but Crolia? Even Badaria is really too civilized to just found a kingdom in. Anyway, you'd have to be insane to want to live there. It's so cold!"

She seemed to think about it some more. "And someone already founded a kingdom on the ruins of Celesis, in the jungle... I suppose Anudor? The desert?"

From the next bath over came a derisive snort.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae gave Wendy a smile. "Of course. It could be interesting." Listening to her explain about Anudor. "Hm... Could, though maybe it would be good to settle the edge of the desert and the land of Badaria. That way we have farmland to grow food and sand for sandstone and glass to sell as exports." Looking to see what Wendy thought.

Frowning as she heard the snort from the woman in the other tub. Ignoring the other woman for the moment as she looked at Wendy. "Would you like to help me?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Well... I can see you've put some thought into this..."

There was another snort from the other tub, this time followed by the woman - her eyes still closed - speaking. "You'd get paid more and fucked less just fighting here every day." She paused for a moment. "Well, you would, at any rate. I seem to be slipping a bit. Third time in a row I've ended the match on my back..."

Wendy ignored the woman. "Maybe. It couldn't really hurt just to go take a look, I suppose. If it doesn't work I could run to Crolia or something..."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae nodded. "I have." Giving Wendy a smile. Turning to look over over at the other woman. "It isn't about earning money. But creating a safe haven for myself and others. A place to call home and my own." Looking over at the gladiator curiously, her eyes watching her face closely. "Though I will need help and coin for such a task. And will likely need a few more wins in the arena. Are you perhaps willing to help me in either purpose?"

Looking back to Wendy with a smile. Reaching over to try and pull the other woman against her bosom in a hug. "So Wendy? Will you join me to help build such a place?"
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Ha." There was no humor in the woman's voice. "Teaming up in the melee is a fool's game. Oh, we'd almost surely win, if we did it right. And people would cheer. And then the second time we went in, it would be ten against two. And they'd cheer that even harder. If we somehow didn't lose, we'd just be barred from competition. Or maybe they'd just sneak in a few real champions or high level demons to show us our place. However it went, it wouldn't be worth it in the long run."

She continued. "Now, if you mean one of the team events... sure, I suppose. I mean, you did better than I did, today. But not so much better that we didn't both get a cream filling." There was an air of humor about the statement, but it sounded forced.

Wendy sighed, and bit her lip. "I..." Aurae could feel one of the human's legs slip between her own, and saw the woman's nipples harden as her sex pressed against the half-demon's thigh, while the leg brushing her own privates undoubtedly had a similar effect. "I could see myself going with you... it still sounds dangerous, but I suppose Acheron isn't exactly a funhouse either..."

Wendy's leg moved slightly, in a way that removed any doubt that its placement was accidental, and she pulled in tighter to her partner. Darting a quick glance at the next tub, where the woman's eyes were still closed.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae nodded as she heard about the team fights. "It is what I meant. I don't fancy being beat on or screwed by a dozen people. What about joining us in creatng a small kingdom of our own?" She looked back to Wendy and smiled as she felt a leg slip between her own.

"I would protect you from things that would seek to harm you."
Smiling as her movements revealed her purpose. "Come with me Wendy. I would love the company. Especially on cold nights." Her own thigh moving to rub Wendy's groin. Her hands reaching up to lightly cup and squeeze the human's bosom. Leaning in with a smile as she whispered into Wendy's ear. "Did watching me get banded by tentacles get you all hot and bothered? Or did it make you jealous it was not you doing it to me?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"No offense, but even if I hadn't just met you, I'd still think it was a fool's errand. The sort of folks you're likely to meet out on your own might not be as good fighters as here in the arena, but they're a lot more likely to gang up on you. I haven't seen any sign that you could take out a dozen brigands, and I'm not the kind of girl who would enjoy wearing a collar."

Back in her own tub, Aurae felt the human writhe under her touch, obviously working hard to smother a moan, but she didn't pull away. Instead, one hand found the half-demon's cock, and a finger ran down the underside of it, stroking gently. "Maybe," she said, cautiously, "But I rather think sharing a tub with you helped. And..."

Wendy bit her lip. "Well, the thought of you in charge was kinda..." she smiled, and stroked a little harder, shifting until the tip of Aurae's member was pressing against her belly.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae gave the other warrior a nod, before turning her attention to the wiggling woman in her lap. Feeling her gently stroking her with a finger brought a smile to her lips, and a slight twitch from below as it slowly grew harder. "I didn't hear any complaints as you slipped inside." Her thumbs and index finger moving to gently rub and roll the human's erect nipples. While the rest of her hands continued their gentle groping.

"Hot?" Smiling at Wendy as she stroked her shaft harder. Her member soon at full hardness as it poked into the human's belly. Whispering into Wendy's ear as her thigh rubbed between the human's legs. "Hoping I pick you up, bend you over and take you? Or tying you up so you can't move while I ravish you?" Her tail moving to gently rub between Wendy's soft bum cheeks.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The squirming human was clearly finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything other than Aurae. She shifted slightly, and the half-demon felt the young woman's lower lips part around her shaft. She was breathing in quick, shallow breaths that verged on gasps, and her grip on Aurae's shoulder grew almost painfully tight.

At first she didn't respond to the half-demon's suggestions, but when she felt the tail slip between her ass cheeks, stroking gently at her rear entrance, her eyes went wide and she gasped before visibly getting control of herself. She was flushed red, but looked more hungry than embarrassed. Wendy moved again, pulling herself up into a kiss. A soft hand found Aurae's cock again, and a moment later she could feel her head parting the human's lower lips, sending a shock of pleasure through Aurae, and a shiver through her partner. After a breathless moment she pulled away from the kiss and whispered back into Aurae's ear. "Well, I don't see any rope, but you seem pretty strong..."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae smiled at Wendy as she squirmed in her lap. Her hip wiggling slightly to rub her shaft against the human's shaft. Gasping in delight as she felt the head slip inside Wendy.

Aurae giggled at the surprised expression Wendy made as her tail rubbed between the human's soft butt cheeks. She smiled as Wendy lifted up and kiss her. The half-demon happily returning the kiss hungrily. Her soft lips eagerly kissing the human back, as her hands continued to gently fondle and tease Wendy's breasts and nipples. Moaning into the kiss as she felt herself slip into the human.

Aurae gave Wendy a smile as she broke the kiss. Giving a soft giggle at her words and speaking softly ssso that only the human could hear. "Who says you need a rope?" Grinning widely as her one wing moved a piece of Wendy's clothes closer. Her tail darting out to pick it up and return it to her hands. Taking Wendy's bra with a grin, she gave the human a few slow and short thrusts into her to distract her. She then took the bra and quickly bound Wendy's hands behind her back. Her hips taking on s slow and short thrusting rhythem.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

A shocked look came over Wendy's face as her hands were pushed behind her back, the bra quickly tieing them together easily while the human woman continued slowly rolling her hips in what was now an extremely distracting way. Once her hands were securely tied, she tensed her arms against her bonds and struggled briefly. Then she grinned at Aurae. "I suppose I'm at your mercy, now. Though I don't think you can really threaten to fuck me..."

She rolled her hips a little harder, the demon's member slipping further in then before, and sending a little shock of pleasure through both women, emphasising the fact that Wendy had already mounted the half-demon before her hands had been tied. Then she pushed up, dismounting, and turned around, bending over, showing a pussy just above the water, and her ass spread above it, her hands hanging loose from their bonds. The young woman almost fell over, but the water seemed to help her keep her balance in what would otherwise be a precarious position.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae smiled as she watched Wendy struggle briefly. Her hands continueing to fondle and tease the human's breasts. "Though perhaps I can make you beg for it?" Giving a soft moan as Wendy pulled herself off of her shaft.

Seeing Wendy bend over and present herself made Aurae's smile grow. Moving closer she grabbed Wendy's hips firmly with her hands. Leaning down and lightly kissing and licking her dripping opening. Her tongue slowly lapping at her petals she tasted the human's juices. Lightly kissing her way down to nibble gently on her small nub. Her spaded tail moving to gently press and wiggle against Wendy's other entrance. Her tail thrusting into her rear and squirming about her insides.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"You could try~" Wendy teased, hearing her partner moan just from dismounting. She let out pleased noises as Aurae's tongue replaced her cock, and was quickly dripping with something other than water. Then the half-demon's tail found her other entrance, and Wendy let out a gasp, tensing against her improvised bonds again, before briefly giggling.

The girl pushed back a little harder against Aurae's tongue, and when she spoke again it was in a breathless tone, struggling to hide her arousal. "If you want to play dirty..."

An incredibly odd sensation ran through Aurae's body, and she couldn't help but shudder. And suddenly the almost painful arousal of her hardon increased. Glancing down would explain why. A second cock nestled just above her natural one, identical and just a hard and throbbing with need. Wendy was looking back over her shoulder, grinning, and wiggling her ass, twin holes almost perfectly lining up with Aurae's twin cocks.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae smiled at Wendy. Licking and sucking on the human's lips and hard nub. Her tail thrusting into Wendy's rear, the tip wiggling and rubbing her tunnel. Feeling something strange happening in her groin and shuddering from the odd arousal. Her tail shaking and wiggling about wildly a few moments.

Pulling back a bit to look down and gasping in surprise as she saw another hard shaft standing out above her other one. "Wow...." Her hands moving down to gently grab her new tool, making sure it was real. Looking back to Wendy with a small grin. "Neat trick. Though you still need to tell me what you want." Her grin getting bigger as she once more leaned back down to Wendy's groin. Her tongue licking at her folds and lightly pressing into her warm tunnel. Her tail quickly resuming it's thrusting into the human's rear.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Wendy strained against her improvised bonds again, squirming futility under the twin attentions of Aurae's tongue and tail. The human woman's breathing was getting strained, interrupted by periodic moans of arousal. More seconds passed, and Wendy was panting and pushing back against the twin intrusions, clearly on the edge of orgasm. Meanwhile, the half-demon's hand gripped her second cock, sending a shock of sensation through her, making both members even more painfully erect. It certainly felt real, and there was pre beading at both tips by now.

The human woman wasn't facing Aurae anymore, and was clearly fighting her arousal with everything she had. And losing. "Oh fuck me..."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae continued to tease and pleasure Wendy, pulling back and leaving her on the edge. "Only if you beg." Smiling at the woman as she stood up and grabbed Wendy's hips firmly Holding them in place. "Unless you don't want these?" Smiling as she lightly brushed her shafts against Wendy's bottom and thrusting lightly against her. Pulling her shafts back before Wendy could impale herself on them.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The young woman's reaction to the brush was automatic and passionate, but Aurae was just barely able to pull back before sinking the twin tools into the matching holes. This drew another moan, and after a second futile thrust, Wendy drew a shaky breath and said "I want them... I want them so much... please...?"

She was still bent over in front of the half-demon, her breasts touching the surface of the water, her pussy and ass just above it. She strained again against the improvised bonds on her hands, and nearly tipped over before steadying herself... "Please... I'm so close..." Aurae's twin cocks were both as hard as they'd ever been, throbbing painfully with every heartbeat with an almost desperate need.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae smiled at Wendy as she heard her ask for her attention. Whispering into the humans ear as she lightly brushed against her. "Was that so hard?" Leaning down she lightly pressed her bosom against Wendy's back, her nipples poking into the bound woman. With a small nibble to Wendy's ear as she whispered again. "Scream for me."

Gently removing her tail and placing both of her shafts atthe human's entrances. Grabbing a hold of Wendy's breasts and fondling them and using them as hand holds. Gently and very slowly sliding into the human woman. Pulling back out and thrusting back into her a few moments later. Her pace of thrusting quickly growing faster as she gave i to the unfamiliar and intense need of her two twitching shafts.