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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

(Aurae spends the round on full defense)

Attack(Psion): hit
Damage(Psion): 72-5 = OHKO

Attack(Orc): 11+50 = 61 v 69 -> Miss

Attack(Half demon): 15+52 = 67 v 19 -> Hit
Damage(Half Demon): (4,4+28) = 36 - 5 = 31

Stealth (Rogue vs HalfDemon): 27+20 = 47 v 37 = 17+20 -> Rogue wins!
Attack (Rogue): auto-hit
Damage (Rogue): (3,3+18)*2 = 48 - 13 = 35

The robed man looked at Aurae, confused. Then he turned where she had pointed. The man had dropped his crossbow, apparently the moment he had fired, and was charging her with his axe. The Psion stepped between her and her attacker, raised a hand, and made a gesture. The charging man tripped, his axe flying from his hand. He didn't get up, and Aurae could see blood leaking from the man's ear.

The half-demon saw motion out of the corner of her eye. It was too late to avoid the attack, but she managed to get her sword between the heavy blade and herself, just barely deflecting it. In the background more blows were being exchanged, but Aurae was more focused on keeping herself whole than the fate of the other contenders.

The scream of horror from the other side of the arena cut through her concentration, though, as did the following cheer from the crowd.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 42/48 SP; Charmed a Psion.

Psion - badly injured, protective spell.
Orc woman - attacking Aurae with a polearm.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave a sigh as she turned towards the orc woman. Her wieght on her unwounded leg. "We could have worked togather to take that tentacle demon down... Oh well.."

She slide her feet along the ground a bit and turned herself away from the orc. With a grin, she place her hands on the hilts of her sword. "You asked for it." Her feet slid and then danced along the sand as she brought herself within range of the other woman. With a fluid spin she drew her weapons and created an arc of a flashing steel 'x' as her blades rang from their sheathes, as the orc was attacked.

Quick draw
Death from the Draw- add +6 to attack and damage rolls
and one attack from each sword.

Attack bonuses and penalties calculated below for both attacks.

Main Hand
To hit +52(+30 +12 +2 +6 +2+6-4)
Damage 2d6 +31 (+15 +8 +2 +4 +2+6-4)
Note: Attacks ignore ½ of armor AV (Grandmaster)

Off Hand
To hit +52(+30 +12 +2 +6 +2+6-4)
Damage 2d6 +31 (+15 +8 +2 +4 +2+6-4)
Note: Attacks ignore ½ of armor AV (Grandmaster)
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Attack(Aurae, mainhand): 54+3 = 57 v 39 -> Hit!
Damage(Aurae, mainhand): 6,1+33 = 40 - (5/2=3) = 37
Attack(Aurae, offhand): 54+20 = 74 v 39 -> Hit!
Damage(Aurae, offhand): 1,3+33 = 37 - (5/2=3) = 34

Orc woman is KO'd

Grapple (Psion vs Aurae): 28+17 = 45 v 41 = 11+30 -> Psion wins!

There was a sound of tearing cloth audible over the sounds of the crowd, followed by even louder cheering. But Aurae had bigger troubles to worry about. Now that she was focused on the Orc woman, the problem was clear. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she was practically frothing at the mouth, caught up in a bloodlust. She wasn't talking, and it didn't seem likely she would until either she or everyone else in the arena was unconscious.

Two identical blades, unfamiliar but well made, leapt to the half-demon's hands, and in the same movement she attacked. The striking felt odd - there was no penetration, but a feeling that more force was imparted than should have been the case if the woman's armor were strong enough to stop the edge. The second strike was to the side of the orc's head, and she was unconscious before she hit the ground in an awkward pile.

The defeat seemed to raise a small cheer from the crowd, but the better part of it was obviously more interested in the source of the feminine screams on the other side of the arena. With nobody actively attacking her, Aurae was finally able to see how the rest of the fight was going.

Most of the combatants lay still on the sand, only two pairs still upright. A mostly-human man with wings like Aurae's own took a blade to the gut, but twisted at the last moment to avoid the brunt of the force, and responded with the hilt of his blade to the su-ku-ta woman's forehead. She collapsed to her knees, and after an attempt to rise back to her feet, fell to the sand.

And near the center of the arena, the grey betentacled man held a pale woman aloft, teasing her breasts with one hand while the other cupped her chin. She struggled vainly against the tentacles securing her arms and legs and viciously bared her teeth at the one that hovered in front of her mouth. The man shrugged theatrically, and the tentacle dropped a few feet. The crowd cheered as it pushed between the woman's lower lips and immediately started thrusting, while a second did the same from behind. A half-pain half-pleasure scream sounded, and the crowd cheered its loudest yet. The tattered remains of what might once have been a black dress lay on the ground below the spectacle.

Someone grabbed Aurae from behind, spinning her around by one shoulder. She barely had time to see that it was the robed man she'd charmed before he was planting a passionate kiss on her lips, his hands wandering down her back and already getting a grip on her pants.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 42/48 SP; Grappled by her charmed Psion.

Psion - badly injured, charmed. And not given any orders at the moment, so he's pursuing his affection for Aurae.

Tentacled man - fucking necromancer.
Necromancer - submission hold, penetrated.
Male half-demon - badly injured, not currently engaged.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

As she rapped the orc in the side of her head with her sword, she was surprised at how easy she had dropped the other woman. As she stepped back from the orc, she lowered her weapons and put one away should she need her free hand. Hearing the scream she cringed as she turned to look at the tentacled demon and his prey. She felt slightly sick to her stomach as she saw the woman being violated.

"Okay, pal. I need your hel... Mfph." Her words getting cut off as the high elf spun her around and kissed her. She stiffened as she felt his tongue enter her mouth, and simply stared wide eyed a moment. As she as she felt his hand at the hem of her pants, she began to struggle trying to get out of his grasp. Moving her head away from his lips enough to talk. "Stop, I need your help or that man with the tentacles will hurt and abuse me. We can continue this later." Silently hoping his urge to protect her would overwhelm his desire. "I promise we will continue in private, once you help me to win this melee."

She will spend her turn struggling out of the elf's grasp, while trying to get him to help her fight the remaining two guys.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Resistance re-check (Aurae vs Psion): (15+8+8)+19 = 50 v 62 = 19+(25+18) -> Psion wins!

// He's perfectly happy to not attack Aurae, and even defend her against other attacks, but attacking *that guy* is currently not in his best interests, as he sees them. His bonus is from the buff he's maintaining, and I gave Aurae a +8 in addition to her apparent innocence bonus for promising to sleep with him later. Unfortunately, with his buff he has a pretty significant advantage over Aurae.

Grapple (Psion vs Aurae): Uncontested -> Aurae is no longer grappled

Attack (Psion): 30+7 = 37 v 52 -> miss
Attack (Half-demon): 52+16 = 68 v 53 -> Hit
Damage (Half-demon): 5,2+28 = 35 - 19 = 16
-> Psion is KO'd

Pregnancy (Necro): ???

The Psion blinked at Aurae for a moment, confused. She could feel his erection pressing against her hip, growing harder. The robed man glanced over his shoulder at the tentacle'd man. He shook his head, confused, and reluctantly released his grip on the half-demon's pants.

He turned to the rest of the battle, and reluctantly raised his hand... and pointed at the other half-demon, who was circling around the tentacle'd man and his victim. A razor-sharp blade of ethereal purple energy flew from his hand towards the sword-wielding man, who neatly sidestepped the attack, and turned to rush Aurae and her 'friend'.

He struck as he arrived, blade hitting the robed Psion's neck and throwing up a flash of purple energy as it hit his magical shield. When the light faded, he was flat on the sand, not moving except to breathe.

The winged man stood between Aurae and the spectacle, but she could hear the mutated man give a cry of pleasure and his victim squirmed and screamed with renewed vigor. The next sight she had of the pale woman, there was something white dripping from her still-struggling body. But there was yet another worry between her and her most terrible foe, as the winged man raised his sword and squared off against Aurae.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 42/48 SP;

Male half-demon - badly injured, engaged with Aurae

Tentacled man - fucking necromancer
Necromancer - submission hold, penetrated, dripping cum
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Stepping back, she was momentarily surprised that the half-demon charged her and the psion. Moving back quickly, she put some distance between herself and the half-demon after he had dropped the elf. Bouncing on the balls of her feet she prepared herself to block his attacks.

Looking at the half demon. "Look, neither of us will win unless we take out that thing." Pointing towards the tentacled demon. "Can't we work out some sort of deal? Even if you beat me, do you think you can beat him whilst alone and wounded?" Hoping the other half demon would see reason, and the biggest threat to winning the tournament.

She will focus solely on defense this turn while she tries to reason with the half-demon.

Full Defense
: Defend yourself, giving up all other actions in exchange for a +30 bonus to Dodge and Resistance and a +15 bonus to Perception for that round.

Dodge: 69 (37 +2 +30)
Resistance: 45 (15+30)
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Attack(Half-demon): 52+7 = 59 v 69 -> Miss!

The demon turned his head to the tentacled man and his continued violation of the formerly-robed woman, then back to Aurae, pursing his lips. Then he lashed out with his sword. "I have a better chance of beating you then 'we' do of beating him. And if I beat you, I get to fuck your pretty little ass a bit, then take home second prize to nurse my wounds with." Aurae easily sidestepped the thrust, but was too focused on defense while she tried to reason with the man that she wasn't able to immediately counterattack.

In the background, the woman's tone had changed. The pleasure was gone, now she just sounded tired and desperate.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She sighed. "Very well, have it your way. We could have worked that into the deal." She stepped into his strike, her own sword coming down to slice him. While her other hand drew her other sword and bringing it up in a slashing arc. Her feet carrying her past him and around to his back.

I got to save her soon, or she might not be able to help me.
Looking to the woman and the tentacles quickly before looking back to the demon.

Two attacks, with only one receiving the bonus from Death from the Draw

Quick draw
Death from the Draw- add +6 to attack and damage rolls

Attack bonuses and penalties calculated below for both attacks.

Main Hand
To hit +52(+30 +12 +2 +6 +2+6-4)
Damage 2d6 +31 (+15 +8 +2 +4 +2+6-4)
Note: Attacks ignore ½ of armor AV (Grandmaster)

Off Hand
To hit +46(+30 +12 +2 +6 +2-4)
Damage 2d6 +25 (+15 +8 +2 +4 +2-4)
Note: Attacks ignore ½ of armor AV (Grandmaster)
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Attack (Aurae, main): 52+6 = 58 v 62 -> Miss!
Attack (Aurae, off): 46+3 = 49 v 62 -> Miss!

Attack (Half-demon): 30+13 = 43 v 39 -> Hit!
-> Aurae is grappled

Pregnancy (Necro): ???

The speed with which Aurae's sword swung straight from its sheath seemed to startle her foe, but he nevertheless managed to sidestep it by a hair's breath. Her second blade was a little slower, and he easily deflected it with his own. "Deal? You don't have anything I want." He eyed her up and down. "Well, almost nothing."

Aurae glanced at the other half of the fight, eyes flicking away from her immediate foe for an instant. The tentacled man lifted his victim into the air over his head, and roared. More globs of white cum spat from the ends of his tentacles, and the liquid poured from the poor woman's pussy and asshole, splattering to the ground around him. The crowd roared. And before the half-demon could put her attention back where it belonged, her opponent was on top of her.

There was no doubt that he could have hit her, but that didn't seem to be his aim. Instead, he tackled her, landing on top of her as she hit the sand floor of the Arena. She felt him cup one of her breasts as his hand ran over her body to her arm, and a hardness against her thigh suggested what he had in mind next.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 42/48 SP; Grappled

Male half-demon - badly injured, grappling Aurae

Tentacled man - fucking necromancer
Necromancer - submission hold, penetrated, dripping cum
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She silently cursed at herself for getting distracted. Damn, I got too drawn up in trying to save that woman. Should have paid more attention. Feeling his hardness pressing against her, reminded her of the plant from the other day. The cupping of a breast brought out her anger at what he intended to do.

With a snarl she began to struggle, her free hand solashing up at his back and wings. While she tried to fight him off with her other hand, and bringing it to bear on the man. Her knees jerking up to try flip him off of her body.

Struggle free enough to hit him with both attacks.

Main Hand
Off Hand
To hit +46(+30 +12 +2 +6 +2-4)
Damage 2d6 +25 (+15 +8 +2 +4 +2-4)
Note: Attacks ignore ½ of armor AV (Grandmaster)

Off Hand
To hit +46(+30 +12 +2 +6 +2-4)
Damage 2d6 +25 (+15 +8 +2 +4 +2-4)
Note: Attacks ignore ½ of armor AV (Grandmaster)
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Grapple (Aurae vs Foe): 30+7 = 37 v 53 = 17+40-4 -> Foe wins

-> Aurae loses pants and panties

The man grabbed Aurae's hand on its way up towards him, and with humiliating ease slammed it back to the ground, knocking the sword from her grip. Her right hand was at least still holding a weapon, but that was pinned as well. The half-demon tried to knee her oponent in the groin and landed a solid hit on his thigh. He grimaced and shifted his stance.

Suddenly, the first-time gladiator found herself face-down on the sand, her right arm pinned under her body, her left arm unable to reach either sword. And then a cool breeze ran across her lower back, giving a moment's warning before the man pulled her pants and panties down past her knees in one sudden motion. There was a moment's pause. "Ah, hiding a little secret down there, I see. Pity it wasn't a little more skill with your swords, eh?"

And then one hand was pressing Aurae down into the sand, one was holding her naked hip, and something else was leaving a trail of damp across the half-demon's ass as it made its way towards its destination.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 42/48 SP; Grappled, exposed

Male half-demon - badly injured, grappling Aurae

Tentacled man - fucking necromancer
Necromancer - submission hold, penetrated, dripping cum
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She continued to fight and struggle as her sword went clattering out of her grasp. As she felt her knee connect with him she snarled, only to have it turn into a shriek as she was forced face first into the sand. She growled as she felt the demon pull down her pants and panties.

Struggling anew as she felt him trailing his member along her bottom, trying to free herself from his grasp. Turning to look at the demon while she struggled, she gave him a defiant look. Calling upon her her natural talents, she tried to charm him. Giving him a few quick and simple commands. "Stop. Let go. Get off." Silently praying her charm took effect.

She will Charm him.
She gets +8 to her charm from Apparent Innonence.
d20+38 (30 + 8) I think.
Whether it fails or not, she will still give him the commands "Stop. Let go. Get off."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae's base resistance is 15, not 30. Fortunately, she also has Superior Succubus and Apparent Innocence, for a total bonus of 20, not 8.

Charm(Aurae vs half-demon): 35+17 = 52 v 33 = 5+28 -> Aurae wins

Aurae felt the half-demon's member rub against her pussy while she was still struggling to turn enough to meet her would-be rapist's eyes. Finally she managed it, and sent a burst of mental power at him. He went crosseyed for a moment, looked confused, and shifted his cock up until it was pressing against her other entrance. His hips went back, and Aurae's commands reached him as he was starting his first thrust.

He hesitated for a second time, hand still on his victim's hips, cock rubbing at her anus, struggling with himself. Then the pressure was gone from her back, and for a moment both hands held her hips, brushing against her exposed ass and pussy before he got awkwardly to his feet.

That left Aurae on the ground with her pants around her ankles to see how the rest of the fight was going. Or rather, how it ended. The pale woman had gone completely limp while the tentacles continued their violation, no longer struggling or even moaning. Another spray of white fluid and she was tossed to the ground, where she lay still, cum dripping from her obscenely-gaping pussy. The betentacled man turned and for a moment his eyes met Aurae's. He smirked, and started walking towards her, sword held lazily to one side.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 36/48 SP; exposed

Male half-demon - badly injured, charmed

Tentacled man - coming
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

As she felt him rub against her entrance, she felt the charm take root. Quickly commanding him to stop and release her only to feel him hesitate as he pressed against her rear entrance. Despite herself, she couldn't help but give a pleased gasp as he pressed against her backdoor. She gave a relieved sigh as he released her and stood up.

Once free she quickly stood up and shimmied her panties and pants back on. Seeing the tentacled man approaching she grabbed her swords and prepared to fight. Speaking to the charmed half-demon while focused on the tentacled one. "You may not want to be naked while something with horny tentacles is approaching. Who knows if your bare little bottom is to his liking?" Posing the question to him, hoping not getting tentacle banged was in his best interest. "Do not attack me or try to bed me." Giving him one last command.

She will focus solely on defense this turn.

Full Defense
: Defend yourself, giving up all other actions in exchange for a +30 bonus to Dodge and Resistance and a +15 bonus to Perception for that round.

Dodge: 69 (37 +2 +30)
Resistance: 45 (15+30)
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Attack (tentacle guy): 66+17 = 83 v 72 -> Hit!
Damage (tentacle guy): (4,1+31) = 36 - (13/2->7) = 29
-> Half-demon man is knocked out.

After a moment's hesitation, the man pulled his own pants up, replying as he did so. "Well, you're right there. But I think he'd prefer pussy if he can get it." He frowned at this last bit, glancing at Aurae as she redressed, then at the oncoming attacker. He gripped his sword more tightly, and stepped between the two, his sword warily between himself and his attacker.

The betentacled man approached at a walk, his tentacles nearly hidden behind his back, his sword held lazily but familiarly in one hand, until he reached the half-demon. He spoke as he closed the last few feet, his voice raspy and broken. "She has done something to you, or you would be wiping your dick clean in her hair by now. She will pay for that as her sort pay for everything. With her cunt."

The half-demon's face contorted in anger, and he stepped forward, swinging his sword. And stopped, looking down at the foot of steel poking out of his chest. He fell backward, leaving a sword unnaturally clean of blood for one that had just gone through a man's chest. The tentacled man, unphased, turned to Aurae. "If you fight back, I will fuck you unconscious. You will awake in the evening to a belly already swollen with my bastard, if you were stupid enough not to prepare for your loss. Submit, and perhaps I will show mercy."

His sword was held lazily at his side, but the memory of how quickly it had moved before was fresh in the half-demon's mind.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 36/48 SP;

Tentacled man; uninjured, almost in melee range
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Seeing how quickly he dispatched the half-demon was a shock to her. She frowned as she looked at his many tentacles. With my leg wounded, I wont be capable of dodging all those tentacles, let alone them and his weapon or hand. With a quick glance about the arena she realized that she was the only other person remaining. I should cut my loses, I have already won second place. With a heavy sigh she realized either way he would take her, question was whether or not it was to be a painful experience.

She glanced to the crowd and then back to the tentacle demon. "Alright, you win. I surrender." She held up her swords for the crowd to see before tossing them in front of the tentacle demon's feet. Holding up her hands in surrender to Show the arena that the fight was over. "If you do decide to take me, could I ask one thing? Could we do it in private, away from all these prying eyes?" She calmly knelt, with a slight wince, to show the demon she submitted to him.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Grapple(Aurae vs Tentacle Guy): 30+6 = 36 v 68 = 10+58

The man glanced briefly at the rest of the field, then smiled at Aurae. He dropped his sword. Then, in a flash, his tentacles were on her. One coiled around each arm before she could react, another around both legs together, a fourth around her hips. The fifth bent her over, easily overwhelming the half-demon's strength, forcing her face into the sand while the tentacle around her hips kept her ass up. He walked around behind her, and she felt hands gripping her pants. Again. "No, I think not. Have to give the people a show..."

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 36/48 SP; grappled, unarmed

Tentacled man; uninjured, unarmed, grappling Aurae

Note: I'll start doing a couple rounds a post if things don't change substantially between rounds. Or if Aurae actually submits, I'll just play it out until he finishes with her.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She didn't resist when the tentacles wrapped around her body. She let the tentacles force her to her knees and then face down in the sand. She took a moment to gaze at the demon to see whether he was comely or not. As she felt his hands grab at her pants, she gave him a little wiggle of her hips to aid him. "No point in resisting at this point is there? May as well enjoy it right?" Giving a quick glance to see how far his sword and hers' were. Well, no use fighting it. Wait..... Perhaps I might be able to still come out as number one.

Using her tail, she slipped it in under her waistband and helped him remove her trousers and panties. He could see that she was starting to grow wet and hard in anticipation. Her arms testing to see how much slack he gave her before trying to gently rub and tease the tentacles holding her arms. "This would be easier if I wasn't restranied......" Her tail moving to coil and wrap about the tentacle holding her down. The tail slowly sliding up and down it sensually. Just got to hold out until I can strike.

Okay, though she wont resist him, she hasn't given up either. :p She will try and get him off first while waiting to turn things around so she can win the melee. She will also see if she can reach a weapon, for future use.

Foreplay deals 2d4 +13 (+7+6)
Penetrative sex deals 2d8 +16 (+10+6)

She takes 5pp extra when she is pleasured
She gives 6pp extra when she pleasures another
Also she gains corruption 1.5 times faster in case he can give her corruption.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae's clothing is removed without contest

Grapple(Aurae vs tentacle): 30+20 = 50 v 63 = 5+58 -> Sorry, no critical successes in DG. Aruae loses.

Aurae is in a submission hold

Aurae could see one her her swords just out of arm's reach - if her arms had been free to move - and knew the other one was no more than a foot or two further away. She couldn't see her opponent's sword, but he'd tossed it behind himself before stepping up to her, putting it further than her own weapons.

With no struggle - even a little help - from the half-demon, she found herself again stripped from the waist down in seconds. It was obvious that the tentacled man was hard, but when she felt identical pressure against both her pussy and her ass, a quick glance back confirmed that it was tentacles, not his cock, about to be thrust into her.

He hesitated at Aurae's last remark. Suddenly, the tentacles holding her all coiled a little tighter, and her face was pushed more firmly into the sand, though still not deeply enough to block her mouth. One loop even managed to hook over her tail, pinning it to her thigh. "Not going to happen, little slut. Maybe I won't fuck you unconscious - if you play nice..." at this, a the man's final free tentacle was suddenly hovering in front of her mouth, a drop of pre falling from its bulbous tip to the sands below "But there's going to be no doubt who won this little melee."

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 36/48 SP; grappled, unarmed, submission hold

Tentacled man; uninjured, unarmed, grappling Aurae

"A character or creature who is within a Submission Hold cannot attempt any action except for escaping or those actions that explicitly say that they can be used while in a submission hold. The same rule applies to characters with the Bound status."

I'll additionally note that I will give Aurae at least the opportunity to escape the submission hold when tentacle guy cums on a turn when Aurae doesn't, since she can't out-grapple him under ordinary circumstances.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Damn, just have to wait. For now just got to play along. As she felt pressure against both, she couldn't help but let out a soft moan. Her hips wiggling back towards the demon, clearly trying to impale herself on him. Glancing back she gave a slight frown, realizing it was only tentacles.

She let out a soft gasp as the tentacled coiled about her harder. As her face hit the sand, she turned it to so her cheek lay on the sand. She gave a surprised gasp as she saw the tentacle placed in front of her face. "What would signel victory more, you raping me or me submitting?" As if to make her point, she gently lapped at the tip hovering in front of her lips. Giving it a soft kiss on the tip, her arm struggling torwards the tentacle infront of her face. "At least one hand so I can stroke this one?" Opening her mouth and licking the tentacle to indicate it, waiting for it's inevitable thrust.

So I guess trying to lick or tease him for pleasure wont count then? If they don't count, just consider it fluff.
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