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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Sure." He pulled something out from a pocket, and tossed it to Aurae. It was a wooden token about the size of her palm, with "afternoon melee" on one side, and "ten" on the other. The man gestured at the passage behind him. "Second door on the right."

"Oh! That's only in about half an hour. I'd better hurry if I want a seat... good luck!" She hesitated for a second, lips pursed, then ran up and planted a kiss on the half-demon's cheek, before turning towards the main entrance.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She smiled as she held her cheek, watching Wendy walk away for a minute. "Alright." She the proceeded through and down the tunnel to the indicated door.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The door opened on a small chamber, with nothing in it but a lantern and a pair of saloon-style door. Closing the door behind her, Aurae would continue through these into a larger room. This room had about twenty acloves, most of them empty, with stools and hangers. Three of them were occupied by other women.

The first was a short, pale elf, wearing a loose-fitting black dress, the bottom artfully shredded into streamers half a dozen layers thick about a pair of shapely legs. The second's ears and tail suggested she was at least part su-ku-ta, and she was sheathing and unsheathing a pair of long daggers, twirling them around and occasionally cursing as she dropped one. She wore a leather tunic, virtually identical to the ones that hung along one side of the far wall. The third was clearly an orc, who was standing along the other side of the far wall in a pair of incongruous pink panties, examining a selection of weapons that seemed to span just about everything Aurae had heard of, from crossbows to pikes to a dozen varieties of sword.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave a quick look around the room. She approached the woman in the black dress. "Hello. Mind if I ask you a few questions?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The woman looked Aurae up and down. "You that new?" She sighed in a put-upon way. Up closer, Aurae could see that she was wearing black - or at least extremely dark - lipstick. "Fine, ask away. I suppose I have time to kill..."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave a nod. "Yes I am new. Are we are allowed to use any magic or weapons? Are we allowed to team up with others for a bit? Any tips for a newbie?" Giving the woman a smile.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Pretty much. You can use any of the weapons up against the wall. They've got some sort of enchantment that makes it harder to actually kill someone with them. It's until submission, not until death, so anything specifically to kill is frowned upon, especially with magic. Teaming up is usually fine as long as you give a good show even when there's nobody else left. There's only one winner."

The woman in black bit her lip, then sighed again. "Generally the girls don't attack each other at first, if we're outnumbered. Makes a bit of a better show."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Nodding to herself. "Alright so take out the men first. What about armour, are we allowed to use our own?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Are you for real?" The woman paused for a fraction of a second. "No, don't answer that. You can generally use your own, as long as it isn't heavily enchanted. Or you can use some of what's provided. It isn't that great, and one size most certainly does not fit all."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Okay, thanks for the help." She placed her swords and whip in an alcove before walking along the weapon racks to find two long swords.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Long swords seemed to be one of the more popular weapons; there were about half a dozen virtually identical blades on the wall. The swords looked like fairly normal metal, and the edges felt sharp, if not quite razor-edged.

After a minute, a woman in an official-looking robe came in. "The match is about to begin. Make your way out to the Arena floor. The fighting will start when the horn sounds. Good luck to all of you." She gestured at one of the doors, which the other woman started moving towards, and remained standing beside it.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She nodded and grabbed two longswords. As she belted them on to her hips, she made her way over to the door. Speaking to the woman in the black dress. "So men first?"
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The woman grabbed Aurae's shoulder before she went through the door, and glared at the young woman who had announced that the match was about to start. "This is an individual melee, attack everyone. Just if you have a choice of attacking a man first or a woman... attack the one that's more likely to end up raping you if he wins."

The door led to a short hallway, with two other doors. One opposite the one the women had entered by, and one at the far end of the hallway, with bright sunlight leaking in around its edge. The women were heading for the far door, and as the first reached it and threw it opened, Aurae got her first sight of the sand floor of the Arena.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Alight." Giving a nod as she followed. Her hands ensuring her swords were loose in their scabards.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The arena itself was a circle of sand fifty yards across, surrounded by high walls of the same blood-red stone as the walls of the city. The sun shown brightly overhead, and above the wall were rows and rows of seating, and easily thousands of people. As Aurae and the other women came out there was a mix of cheering and cat-calls, fading to even louder cheering as the men started filing out from the same door a few seconds later.

A total of twelve people stood on the floor of the Arena, and they started drifting apart, forming a circle with their backs almost to the wall.

The women were the same as before. The high elf in the black dress, the su-ku-ta in leather with a pair of long knives, and the orc - now also in leather - holding a poleaxe. There were also eight men, none of which Aurae had seen before.

Three looked basically human. One had a longsword, one held an axe, with a cocked crossbow hanging at one hip, and one in grey robes. Two others wore similar robes, a su-ku-ta and a high elf. Another high elf in leather armor held a bow, with a sword sheathed at his hip. The final two looked the most intimidating, at least so far. The first had wings and a tail similar to Aurae's, almost certainly another half-demon, holding a sword and a shield. The final man had ash-grey skin, and seemed to emit a foul aura, almost like shadows surrounding him even in the full noon light. He stood in the center of the arena for a moment, drawing his sword and extending what seemed to be half a dozen grey tentacles longer than his arms to enormous cheers from the crowd. He blew a kiss to the woman in the black dress, who spat a curse at him before turning and walking to the complete opposite side of the arena.

This left the three other women spread out almost equally in the circle, with only Aura left to pick a spot.

I'll let you pick one person you'd like to start near, or opposite. Not going to bother with an exact order because things are going to get chaotic immediately anyway.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She looked about at the men thinking. The robed men must be magic users... Hm... Perhaps I should start there and leave the tentacle half-breed thing for last. Shuddering with slight revulsion as she glanced at the grey man with tentacles. She picked a spot btween two men, making sure one of them was a person wearing a robe.

Her feet shifted as she got into a ready stance. Her body relaxing as she moved her balance to the balls of her feet. Checking her swords once more as she waited for the signal to spring into action.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Sorry that took so long, had to write like 10 character sheets. >.>

Aurae moved to a spot between the high elf in the robe and the human with the axe. A few seconds later all the contestants were in place, eyeing one another as they waited for the signal to begin. The robed elf glanced Aurae up and down, eyes lingering on her breasts longer than her weapons or demonic features, then turned to face the orc on his other side. The human leered at her and gave a low whistle.

He opened his mouth as if to speak, but was interrupted by first a trumpet, and then a roar from the crowd louder than any the half-demon had heard yet. The man glanced over his shoulder, but the man to his right had turned the other way. He took a step towards Aurae.

52 HP, 68 PP, 48 SP;

everywhere, all full health
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Woah." Covering her ears a moment as the crowd roared. She smiled as she noticed the other combatants beginning to move. With a bounce she began a headlong rush towards the robed high elf.

As she ran she gave a quick peek behind her to make sure the man with the axe moved away. Her thoughts quickly calming as she focus on the elf and observering his hands as she neared. With a flap of her wings, she launched herself into the air, as she came down at the elf.

Her fists flashing out from her sides as she feinted a couple punches at him. She closed her eyes a moment and attempted to turn the feigned punched into a grab so she could charm the elf.

That's alright.

Just a charm spell, the punches were just fluff. Not sure what to calculate for it, but I know it gets +8 from her apparent innocence
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Charm: R+1d20 v 1d20 + R. Aurae gets an additional +8 from apparent innocence. If she wins, the target gains the Charmed status:

Charmed: The character temporarily believes that the creature that used this ability is their friend. They cannot take any action that would result in harm to that creature, and must protect them against harm for as long as this effect remains present. They must go along with whatever the creature asks of them, but actions that are strictly against the character's normal interests will cause them to make another Resistance check to throw off the effect, possibly with a bonus. This effect lasts for 8 hours or until dispelled or successfully resisted, but if the same creature attempts to charm the character again in that time, the character automatically loses the Resistance check and has the effect’s duration restarted.

Charm (Aurae vs High Elf Psion): 15+8+10 = 33 v 26 = 1+25 -> Success!

Attack (orc): hit
Damage (orc): 50-19 = 31

Attack (Axe man, crossbow vs Aurae): 30+16 = 46 v 39 -> Hit
Damage (crossbow): (3,3,4)+10 = 20 - 7 = 13

Stealth (su-ku-ta v swordmook): su-ku-ta wins
Damage (su-ku-ta): 56-5 = 51

Casting (necro): success
Attack (necro): Miss!

Aurae moved instantly as the melee started, and quickly closed distance with the robed elf, while he was still gathering his energies for his own opening move. With his back turned he could hardly resist as she grabbed him, and she felt his will buckle as she brought the weight of her Charm to bear. A fraction of a second later his hand moved in an oddly precise gesture, and a purple aura covered him from head to toe.

And a fraction of a second after that, a heavy axe blade took him between the shoulderblades. A flash of purple light went up, and surprisingly the man managed to get back to his feet, but he was shaking and clearly barely able to do so. The half-demon saw his eyes go wide, not looking at the orc woman who had just managed a blow that in other circumstances might have cut him in half, but over Aurae's shoulder.

He shouted something, and Aurae turned in time to see that the axe-wielding human hadn't tried to chase her. Instead, he'd drawn his crossbow. The bolt hissed through the air and hit aurae in the upper thigh, going straight through her armor. It hurt like hell, but there was surprisingly little blood. At least so far.

Elsewhere, it was becoming clear that the melee wasn't going to last very long. Five men were already down, and with the robed man both badly injured and charmed by Aurae, it seemed that the women now had the advantage.

39/52 HP, 68 PP, 42/48 SP; Charmed a Psion.

A human with a crossbow and an axe is attacking from a short distance.

The psion has some sort of protective spell on himself, and is badly injured.

The orc woman is still coming at him with her polearm.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She winced in pain as he leg nearly buckled from the impact of the bolt. Biting her lip slightly she limped behind the orc and psion. Her body crouching down to make self a smaller target. Speaking to the orc as her hands tended to her wound. her hands deftly breaking the shaft and head, but leaving the bolt in her leg for the moment to stop blood loss.

"The mage is charmed and will do as I say. Plus we will need all the help we can get to take out that tentacle thing." She gently laid a hand on the mage and spoke in a soft voice. "Help me by attacking him." Rubbing him softly before pointing to the man with the crossbow.

She will spend the round defending herself.
For +30 to dodge +15 Resistance +15 Perception