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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Um..." Wendy blushed, but after a moment continued. "I don't really know. I just figured out I could do it, a few years ago. I don't usually tell people - I mean, it doesn't really come up in conversation, right? But it's not really that big a deal in this city. And I've met a couple other women who can do it." She paused again, and glanced down at her feet before looking back at Aurae. "I guess yours is permanent, then?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She nodded with a smile."Yeah, had it even before being changed into a woman." She looked about the square before looking back to Wendy.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Oh." Wendy bit her lip. "You've never been here before, right?"

The young woman went on without really waiting for an answer. "This city wasn't alway Acheron. When I was born, it was Artmirst. Then the demons opened a portal from hell to... well, to right here. This fountain was built on the site of it. They invaded, driven by their queen." She gestured at the lone woman with the red eyes. "Those four went through the portal the other way, and killed her."

"I think there must have been something else going on, but somehow killing her freed the demons, took away their compulsion to kill and rape. At least as much as ordinary men. That's why they built this statue, and Acheron, and opened it to the world. I think." She glanced at Aurae and blushed, for some reason.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She looked about at the various statues. She managed to get out a no before Wendy continued on. Looking back to Wendy, she gave her a curious look at the blush. Sliding a bit closer to Wendy. "Did I do that?" Raising a hand to lightly brush her blushing cheek. Her lips curling up into a smile.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Sort of. Perhaps later you'll have a chance to do it properly." Wendy stood up. "Now, what do you want to do?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She chuckled. "Alright." Standing up beside her. "I haven't eaten anything in a day and a half, know any good places?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Oh! Um... well, sure. There's a couple choices over near the arena." Wendy gestured down the second major road that passed by the fountain. A ways down, Aurae could see a tall, round wall jutting up over the surrounding buildings. "We could grab something off a cart fairly cheap, or sit down if you're not in the mood for sausages or meat pies."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Sounds good to me. Lead the way." Giving her a smile as she gestured for her to take the lead. Looking over at the arena. "Do they hosts battles for prizes?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Oh yes." Wendy talked as they moved down the street. "Several a day. Duels, tournaments, melees... I've even heard they flood it sometimes for battles between ships. There's always something going on. And the winner always gets something, though I think it varies."

Soon enough they were in front of the Arena, and Wendy pointed out a cart with a short line. It advertised meat pies, at one Denarii each. When she got to the front of the line, the human girl ordered one and stepped to the side, pulling a single coin out of a pouch that looked about as empty as Aurae's own.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She handed the vendor a coin and took a meat pie.Taking a few short bites before speaking. "Do you want to go check it out? I am thinking of entering one of their games. I am in need of some coin." Continueing to eat her pie.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Um... sure. I don't go very often, but it can be fun sometimes. It's one denarius to watch." Wendy finished her pie and turned towards the entrance. There were probably more people going in or out than had lived in Aruae's entire village, but such was the scale of the building that it didn't seem more than moderately busy.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She finished her pie and followed Wendy. "Sure, let's go have a look." Looking about the arena for a desk or area to sign up for the arena events.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The entranceway wasn't quite as ornate as that to the palace, but it was built on the same sort of ideal - all high pillars and open spaces. A short ways in it came to a solid wall, though, with periodic narrow passages. All of them were blocked off. The one directly ahead was blocked by a few men in official-looking uniforms, with blunt weapons at their hip, though neither looked like they were in the habit of using them. Instead, they were accepting coins and allowing people to pass. Past them, Aura could see into the Arena, rows and rows of stone benches sloping upward towards the top of the wall. Hundreds of people, even in the section the half-demon could see. She couldn't see down to the floor itself, but something happened to make the people give off a cheer that almost shook the ground.

Off to one side there was another passage, this one smaller and seeming to slope down into a torchlit tunnel. Only one man stood at the entrance to this one, on a stool by a message board. One armored and armed man - not in any sort of uniform - gave the man a wave and walked past.

Wendy pointed towards the man. "If you want to see what matches you could enter, that's the place. Though, um... people don't usually die if they lose, but the winner is allowed to, um... have their way with the loser, if they want. They don't exactly advertise that, but you ought to know."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

As she looked to the man and the board, she frowned when she heard about part of the cost of losing. "I see..... Though I do need the money. What do you think, should I enter a few fights? I was trained by my mother who was a knight of the White Rose." Approaching the man who let people in, but holding back so her and Wendy could talk. "Do you have any combat training?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Well, if you think you can win, it's decent money. I... I took a self defense class or two - a girl living alone really has to, in this city - but that's not exactly combat training, no." She paused. "Do you still want to enter? Watching isn't that expensive. I suppose it's technically free to anyone who fights. They let you stay after you lose, if you're able."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She nodded. "I do. I should be alright for a couple fights. Wish me luck." Goving Wendy a smile.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Well... good luck! Which one are you going to do?"

The message board, on closer inspection, would show all the upcoming fights. There were only two more that day with open spots. The first was a general melee and the second was a small individual tournament. Both had a prize of only 50 denarii for the winner, with the second place in the tournament being awarded 10 denarii. A number of other events, already filled or taking place over the next few days, offered significantly larger prizes. The man standing nearby raised a questioning eyebrow when Aurae approached, but didn't say anything.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Not sure yet." She looked to the man after reading the event board. Speaking to the man. "Can you tell me about the last two events?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The man grunted. "Both twelve man events. Any form of weapon, magic, and innate power is allowed. You use our equipment if you want weapons or armor. 50 denarii for winning either the melee or the tournament. 10 for second place in the tourney. No leaving the arena or intentionally killing an opponent, or you forfeit your prize. Random seeds for the tournament, first four get byes." It sounded like something he'd said many times before.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

"Can I sign up for the melee?" Looking at the man and Wnedy. Wondering what the other woman thought.