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Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Kalicia might have sworn she'd seen her final moments when she fell into the water. However, some kind fate must have fancied her, and preventing her from meeting a watery death. As the next thing she knew, her senses coming back to her, she was on her side, far up along the beach line, the water sometimes touching her toes, and she was curled up into a ball, instinctively protecting her now quite swollen belly, the monster's children no doubt inside her...

Kalicia was laying along the beach line, slowly waking up from her daze, when she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach. She felt the eggs inside her moving, and it wasn't long before she felt them starting to want out. She felt a pain in her hips, and could only lessen it by opening her legs wide, and allow the eggs to leave her body. She moaned, and screamed in pleasure as she gave birth to the monster eggs. Having an orgasm as egg after egg pushed out of her, the size of her belly slowly going down, until she'd pushed out at least a dozen eggs, the waves along the beach, coming up, and taking them away...

Worn slightly from giving birth, Kalicia found herself on the beach of the supposed island she was traveling to. There were mountains to the West, far off in the distance, and the only places she really had a choice in going was either along the beach, or straight into the forest...
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

Kalicia gave a groan of wearyness as she rose slowly to her feet and began to stumble towards the forest she felt ever so much more at home within the trees and right now the first thing she wanted was to rest and get her wits about herself in the safety of foilage and so looked for a decent sized tree or group of bushes to hide herself amongst while she recovered.
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

Kalicia easily found a patch of bush to hide in, just the right spot so she can feel the warmth of the sun touch her skin as well. Some time passes, the sounds of small birds singing comforting her as she rested, before... They suddenly stopped.

All was silent for a time, and then Kalicia heard what sounded like two women talking.

"There's nothing here, either..." one noted.

"Well, this is the beach, the survivors from the report should be here... Maybe we're not looking hard enough?" the other wondered.

Then, the first one suddenly let out an announcement, "Hello! Is anyone out there! We're not monsters! We've been sent to escort you to our town! Is anyone there!"
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

*shifting over onto her hands and knees she crawled closer to the edge of the brush to peek out wanting to see who was yelling. Depenindg on if they really were people or not she might actually come out of hiding but for the moment she just wanted to see first.*
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

When Kalicia peaked out, she saw two centaur women looking about the area, searching for what she guessed were the survivors of the attack. They were both dressed in some kind of hunting garb, their top half, anyway, and they certainly seemed a lot more friendly than the menacing creature that impregnated her with those eggs...
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

These looked different but she wasnt sure yet if anything she could lose them in more cramped spaces of the woods if she had to and so for now she decided to see how nice they were and rose to her feet stepping from the brush "theres a town? do you have any water?"
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

The two centaurs gave a start as Kalicia suddenly appeared out of the bush. After her question, one reached for a water bottle hanging on her side, pulling it free, and offering it to Kalicia, "We have food, water, and shelter. You'd be a lot safer coming with us, human, there are a lot of dangerous monsters all over the island."
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

"all over the island all around the island...monsters everywhere these are just different." Her tail swayed about as she drank down the water offered and approached closer "i could use something to eat soooo...lead the way?"
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

The centaur who gave her the bottle nodded, "Good, don't worry, you're safe now." she told her, before turning to her cohort, "Well, we found one, so lets return home, mission accomplished, I suppose." she said hesitantly.

Her friend nodded, "Yes, we found a human... Or, she looks like a human, at least, so lets go back." She said, and with that, the three motioned back for the town.

Once there, Kalicia was greeted to a town full of centaurs like the ones who escorted her there, what appeared to be elf women, and even a few human men and women were about as well! Her centaur escorts turned to her once they were in the middle of town, and the apparent lead of the two spoke up, "Alright, human, our home is now your home, there is an Inn you may stay at," she said, pointing at a rather large building, larger than most of the building in the town, and easy to identify, "Please, take your time, and stay here as long as you like, we must go and report to our lead huntress, Beatrice, have a pleasant stay," the centaur told Kalicia, before turning, and walking off.
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

*listening to what they had to say she only spoke up as they were about to leave* "stop calling me human..i have a name and i'm not entirely a human...just for your information and all.." With that she walked along towards the inn tail flicking back and forth slightly agitated but she was gonna let it go for now as she looked for somewhere to settle and get something to eat*
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

Arriving inside the Inn, Kalicia is greeted with the sweet smell of food, and the seemingly kind patrons of the Inn. A neat, clean looking centaur, with short, blond hair smiles at Kalicia as she enters, "Welcome," she greeted Kalicia, "Is there anything I can get for you, human?"
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

"geeze..i dont care about being a half breed but damn must everyone refer to me as human? whatever i would appreciate something to eat...not the best of days so far." She approached a table to sit down at giving a huff and rubbing her hands over her face
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

The centaur shrugged, "I apologize, it's a habit almost all of us have here. Shall I call you by your name instead?" she asked.
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

She nodded her head and gave a half-smile "please..its Kalicia. I have a feeling i'll see much of you in the coming days..weeks..and longer. so what might your name be?" She sat up more in the chair to regard the centaur she was talking to.
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

The centaur nodded at her from the other side of the bar, "I'm Barbara, it's my pleasure, Kalicia. Now, what can I get you to eat? Fish? Mutton?" she asked.
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

Her tail gave a quick sway as she smiled to the Centaur her ears perking slightly "ooo i think i heard you say fish..I do think this kitten is in need of some fish for dinner!"
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

Barbara smiled, and nodded, going into the back for a time frame of a minute or two, before coming back out with a freshly grilled fish, and a bowl of milk, figuring that the cat girl would enjoy such things. "Here you are," she said, placing the two items on the table with a smile at Kalicia, "I'll be over by the bar if you need anything else. Just give me a holler." she said, "Enjoy your meal."
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

"ohhh thankyou so much. umm..i cant exactly pay at the moemnt though..mayhaps you might allow a tiny tab until i can find something to do to earn a little coin?"
She looked at the food and milk before her hungrily ready to dig into it
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

The centaur shook her head, smiling, "I know you're one of the shipwrecked humans that- oh!" she interrupted herself, before continuing after an apology, "I'm sorry, I forgot for a moment you don't like to be called that. Anyway, I know you're with the others that got shipwrecked, so don't worry about paying. All we ask in return is that you help out around the village. You should talk to Beatrice about that, she'll tell you what needs doing around our humble village." she explained.
Re: Mother of a monster (Kalicia)

*smiles and nods her head not complaingin about the simple slip of the tongue and after that she dug into the meal starting to work on it ferouciously* "mmmm this is so good...i'll make sure to go find here when i'm done with this. suggestions of where to find her?"