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Moonshine in this eternal light


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Hello guys !

I’m here to begin a new CYOA (“Really? Are you joking, ass? – Hrm.”) as you surely already know.

I won’t really explain the whole world, for now: you’re gonna play a character and the five of them haven’t got the same knowledge of the world and the same story (each character will have a different story because they don’t begin in the same place and haven’t got the same behavior: one will destroy towns and realms, while one will make these people her slaves and another will become their queen).

For now, I’ll just let you to pick the characters. You just need to know that you can DIE! Not easily if you play well, yes, but you can still die (Lydia was defeated by an orc and he raped her for few days with his friends, after that, they leave her with only one arm and her face was destroy, she stood there for one more day and a bear who was passing by ate her). Yes: you will be able to lose some parts of yourself (eyes, arms, legs, head [yeah, you’ll die without head], else). About the sex, by such, you’ll have to choose which creature or guy can touch you, either you could have some bad surprises; although there will have some (maybe many), it won’t have, each updates, sex or rapes or stuff.

Characters: I won’t explain too much, as I want you to choose the character who suits the best to ya but, just for your acknowledge, they’re quite equal and the ones who seems the better and the more “fuckable” are able to die very easily (Athenry, for example, will be surely used as a “sex-toy” while she sould not ^^ !) But it’s your choice and I’ll try my best to have some fun with mortal danger (Lydia fucked with a spider? Unfortunately, the spider bites her and now, she lies in a pool of her saliva and blood because there was a hungry wolf => pick another character and try again.).

Slena is a thirty-seven years old warrior. She’s got mid-cut black hairs and deep blue eyes. Her pale skin is covered by many ugly scars. She fights since she’s sixteen years old and, by such, as she has fight all over this long life, she had been hurt more than once. If one day she was the most pretty and beautiful maid of her town, she has now to hide herself. She stands at 5’7” tall and 70kg – only muscles. However, she’s got springy C-cup breasts that she has to hide under her armor.

She’s very violent and is currently in jail. She used to wear a partial armor plate and to fight with a two-handed sword – that she stole it on a corpse. She never runs away, is stubborn and does not admit defeat. She is vicious, cunning and can kill or torture without remorse. She does not have faith in anything except in Death, who she thinks and claims that she’s Her herald.

In-game: she’s able to wear heavy armors and weapons – she currently has nothing to wear as she is in jail.

Current goal: kill almost everything and avenge herself (she is able to calm down if she has to, like in a capital with too many enemies).
Al-Fnan is thirty-two years old. She’s got an olive skin, with dark long ponytailed-hairs and black eyes. She stands at 5’5” tall, she has a lightly and curvy shape and has perky C-cup breasts. She trained to fight in the shantytown where she is born. Do not have problems, she had to hide knifes and when someone tried to rob or attack her, she cut his throat. After, she had to run and jump on the roofs. One day, she was sold to a rich merchant who treated her like a fool, a toy and a bodyguard. Now, she’s free in the lost, cold and magic realm of Moth.

She’s a warrior, very skilled in acrobatic actions. She’s beautiful and knows that, by such, she’s able to play with her body to have what she wants. She has got two metal gloves which have both four knifes on their back: where she’s born, they call that “tiger claws”. She’s not really intelligent but moves and thinks quickly and she is able to flee when it is needed. She trusts only in herself and her beauty and believes in luck.

In-game: she’s got two tiger claws as main weapons and four knifes as second ones, she hasn’t got any armor and is not used to any kind of protection but is really fast (will almost always have the initiative) and avoids easily.

Current goal: she is a fine warrior and wants to be the finest.
Blyss is nineteen years old. While she is a rogue, she has one of the kindest heart of the world, even if she is a robber and a killer. She is a 5’4” tall girl, has got long brown hairs, hazel eyes with tomboyish shapes – tiny A-cup breasts.

Poor, she begun to steal money in the people’s pockets but once she tried to rob a merchant, during the night. He caught her and beat her and she had to kill him. Loving the taste of the blood, she continued and, soon enough, joined a group, as an assassin. Today, she is pursued by another group who wants her death and she’s alone and frightened, as she doesn’t trust in anybody anymore.

In-game: she has got a crossbow, bolts, two knifes and a short sword, and a leather armor. She’s a virgin (the only one of the five).

Current goal: being nice with the poor people, making money and killing rich people.
Athenry is an old priestess – one hundred ninety nine years old – of Edamiel, a Beryl, a “daughter of the Light”. Edamiel is called the “spirit of the Void”. The only way for anyone to please Edamiel is to let his carnal desires take the lead. The ebony-haired woman – who actually looks like thirty or more –, with her D-cup breasts and her big butts, is the incarnation of the “slut”. She has walked for a long time through the world and knows secrets.

As an old woman, she’s weak and do not resist well to any illness or wounds but can endure any sexual torture. After so many years under the rules of Edamiel, the Beryl has finally given to her her Bless. By such, Athenry try more and more to satisfy her goddess and will follow this path until she’s received the last award …

In-game: one staff (which is a dildo too) and a long black dress, and an artifact (one bracelet which gives her some magic bonus). She’s a mage and follows the path of the Darkness (which not means that she’s a bad guy).

Current goal: to satisfy Edamiel.
Huma is a redhead young maid who seems like twenty-five years. She’s a pyromage : she loves to burn everything. With her C-cup and her big “ear-to-ear” smile, she could almost be a fine maid even if she’d need to control herself and do not put fire at her husband.

She hates every kind of authority and is not able to stay with anyone who is not a great mage – either he could end in a bowl, replacing a fried rabbit. As she’s quite disturbed, she has some problems to regenerate her magic powers. Once, she tried to kill a priest of Eriol – she did it without problems – but when she saw a statue or that “god”, she fell immediately in love. Eriol is the “Shajad” called the “angel of the Chaos” and Huma believes that she is the one, chosen to become Eriol’s wife.

In-game: one knife and a short red dress. She’s a mage and follows the path of the Fire.

Current goal: to seduce Eriol.
A. Choose Slena, the devil but powerful killer.

B. Choose Al-Fnan, the competent and skilled duelist.

C. Choose Blyss, the naive and young murderer.

D. Choose Athenry, the slutty naughty bitchy sorcerer.

E. Choose Huma, the dumb badass who puts fire averywhere.

For those who wants tips:

Slena ain’t really a good person (she’s made of steel and her heart is too much hurt to be flesh), so, she’ll follow this path of destruction but she’s certainly the more powerful and, in my point of view, the more interesting one. For now, she’ll begin in jail and there will be a kind of tutorial, for sure. => Devil.

Al-Fnan just want to travel and to be the better as she doesn’t have anything else to do; she’ll put fire to houses only if she needs it and won’t kill harmless people. She will begin in the same lost town where Slena is jailed; they can meet and be a group. => Neutral.

Blyss is the better one of all the five. She’ll follow this path as she comes from the same place as the people she helps. She’ll maybe be hard to begin with as she’s sued by another killers who want her skin. => Good.

Athenry is just a mage slut with big boobs. She’ll have the more sex scenes at first but as I fear that you’ll die soon with her :D … => Neutral/good.

Huma is a mage and a psycho. Mix that with fire magic and you’ll obtain … Chaos and death everywhere. Just know that you’ll have to try every victims either you’ll have a big bounty (as Slena who already has it). => Devil/chaos.

More tips (almost spoilers):

Magic is not easy to use and, unfortunately both Athenry and Huma cannot fight with weapons as the’ve got a Strenght under … under everything >_<!

The combats are quite disturbing when you don’t know the system but is really fine and nice when you try: when someone is attacked, at the melee, if he doesn’t counterattack, he won’t be able to do almost everything for this turn (Al-Fnan attacks before Slena: if Slena doesn’t counterattack, she’ll be too busy to block each Al-Fnan’s blows to do anything else, if she wins and counterattacks, she’ll be able to do anything, else she’s fucked and will continue to block for this turn).

I throw D100 for almost everything (either, it’s D10). When I throw a dice, I add the result with the character’s skills (Lydia try to kick the ass of a city guard: she gets 01 and add 100 [her attack skill with her sword], then, she’s got 101). For the crit, there’s bad and good crit: the bad ones are on 01, 02 and 03, the good ones, on 90+ and each good crit allow to the character another throw (Lydia had 101 but had 01 on the dice => bad crit, her sword has made a deep hole on the ground but the orc will kick her ass after that).

P.-S: If you've got any question, go ahead and ask. If I don't want to answer for now, i'll be polite ^^

P.P.-S: As i'm not english, if it's too bad, tell me. If you see faults, fouls, or anyting that is not correct, please PM-me :(.
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Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

I was expecting Illegal Alcohol Distilling: The Game.

Anyway, E. Fuck the police, and stuff.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

D. I dont need a reason.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

E. redhead ftw, plus burninationings!
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

D cause largest available breasts.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B bust size always matters but so does mind

Willing to flip to D if B isn't in the lead...
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Cause some (wo)men just want to watch the world burn..
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

E! But hopefully she gets massive bust expansions! An insane burning cow like heroine! >:p
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Because always having the chance to run away if the option's there is good.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

While none of these realy apeal to me, I'll go with C.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

I was expecting Illegal Alcohol Distilling: The Game.

I genuinely laughed out loud.

Anyway, I vote E, because who doesn't want to go all pyromanical occasionally.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Vote is closed ^^ ! E wins, it's the evil ginger !

By such, I will make two updates : the first one for the rules and everything you need to know about the current character - because now, you shall be the character, you will lead her and change her, like in any CYOA; the second one will be the beginning and be aware because Huma's beginning won't be easy - she's on the road and ... There will be a surprise ^^
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Huma, the Burner.

Str:2 => Strength determines all struggle and physical/ranged combat rolls and such.
Dex:3 => Dexterity determines all attack and block rolls, initiative and such.
Agi:2 => Agility determines all evasion, perception and stealth rolls, initiative and such.
Con:2 => Constitution determines fatigue and health points, and such.
Int :[9] => Intelligence determines intellectual and magic skills and rolls and such.
Pow :[9] => Power determines magic regeneration and magic resistance and such.
Wil :3 => Will determines mental strength and such.
Per :3 => Perception determines all senses and instinct and such.
App:5 => Appearance determines nothing except how much the character is beautiful (it does almost nothing except when you talk with other humans)

HP:25 => Health points.
Zeon:350 => Magic points.
MAP:60 => Magic Accumulation, which Zeon you can accumulate per round.
PP:40 => Pleasure points.
FP:2 => Fatigue: determined by Con, less than 4 does malus, is regained by sleep.
Mov:2 => Movement: determined by Con, which speed you can move during fights. Mov:2 = 4m/round – really slow.

Actions:1 => How many times you can do something per round. Huma can act once per turn.

Need words and signs => The character needs to talk and to move her hands to cast spells.
Magic weariness => The character will be tired when casting hard spells (more than 100 Zeon).
Magic gift => Can use and see magic.
Fire lover => Fire spells are easier to cast.
Magic regeneration => The character will regenerate magic more easily.

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Red dress => does nothing but cannot burn.
Knife => just a little knife to be used at melee range only (Huma can throw weapons but will hardly touch).
1 ration (food and water) => can be used as 2 rations but will not restore all HP/Zeon/FP.

Magic rules:
You have Zeon - usually called MP. Each spell has a cost - ex: 30 Zeon for Create fire. For that you need to use 30 Zeon.
Instead of other games where when you use MP, the spell is cast, here you need to use MAP - the accumulation of the magic. You have 60MAP, by such, you can load each turn a maximum of 60 Zeon and use them immediately. But, which is really important, is that you can load on more than one round - in two rounds, you will be able to use 120 Zeon, if you want to accumulate during three rounds without casting, you will have 180 Zeon to spend, etc.
Why is that really important ? Because there is a "Plus" section for each spell. Of course, you can wait to cast few spells at the same round, but you can also use only one spell - like Fireball, which is originally of 60 Zeon, so you can cast it once each turn - in a more powerful way: spend 5 more Zeon and apply once each time the "Plus" bonus - a Fireball with a cost of 120 Zeon will do 110 damages in a zone of 65m.

As you have only one action, you won't be able to use Fireball or such more than once per turn - unless you gain one more actions, but you'll need to gain 6 in both Agility and Dexterity. Some spells does not recquire any actions, as they are here to protect yourself - as Magic shield.

For the "Maintain" section, it means that you can - it is recommanded - maintain them for few rounds. The "1/10" or else means how much MAP it will use per turn after you have cast one - for exemple, Magic shield will cost you 6 MAP, that will be rounded to 10MAP/round, so you will be able to load only 50MAP during the turn. Some spells are "Daily": you can keep them for days and then, it will drain your magic regeneration and not your MAP.

Magic regeneration: it is equal to MAP, it regenerates your Zeon each day - with 60MAP, your will regain 60 Zeon at the end of the day. Daily spells are maintain with that - Create fire is used on a rock, by such, you need 3 Zeon to maintain it for the night, rounded to 5, so will regain only 55 Zeon in the place of your 60.

1: the "charges" are just an indicator of the power of the flames.
The "presence" is a kind of indicator of the power and the nature of the things : at level 1, you have 30 Presence and other peoples too, each level, you'll gain 5. Some creatures are more powerfull and have more - they will be immuned to some attacks, spells. Objets, walls, houses, rocks, trees, etc. are used to the same.

Did I forgot something ?

Ask questions if you have.
MP-me if there are mistakes.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

There was something about that forest, something strange, dark, sere. Many creatures were roaming around, inside the trees’ fence. It was a very dangerous place. However, there were some towns and villages though. The pale clouds hang oppressively low in the heavens, merely black. The weather is always like that in Moth: rainy or windy, often both, in winter or in the north, snowy, but never a man who lived in Moth saw a beautiful blue sky more than few hours and it is already uncommon.

You took the wrong road, a week ago, and you traveled through that endless forest in this country of eternal night since that day. It do not bother you so much, because you do not really care of whether or not there is a right path or not; the thing that really annoys you is that you should already have a bed and a bowl full of food while you are here, walking, thirsty and hungry. And you do not know how many miles are to go before you sleep. These woods are haunted by mortal dangers and you are not safe if you sleep deeply, alone, here.

Now, you are telling to yourself that you should have read more and studied maps and geography. The issue is that books always finish burned with you. So, you are walking on this endless road, without too much food or water in your bags.

From what you know that is the matter of Moth: no one comes here and no one comes out of here. There is not any human around. Who would live here, with the monsters? There is not any farm where you could buy rations. There is nothing, just trees and shadows in the dark and grim shades of the woods.

You walked for few miles while the light begun to fade away and the shadows, to rise. You did neither saw the moon, as she hid herself behind the clouds’ cloak, nor you saw the sun during the day, for the same reason. But you still see the shadows and darkness rising because it is their kingdom. But as you are walking besides them, you notice a strange beacon at the horizon, a red gleam which calls you.

You are Huma, a pyromage, you are a kind of psychopath who loves to burn everything she hates and who burns however everything she loves. If it is any kind of evil creature, you will kill it anyway; but perhaps it is any human and, who knows, they could help you. You have got nothing more to lose and you never really ran away before, why would you flee once you are going to die?

What do you want to do?
A. Approach to see what it is.
B. Run away inside the woods.
C. Run away, following the road.
D. Else.

Huma's stats:

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:
Red dress => immuned to fire damages and gives Huma 2AP against fire damages.
1 ration (food and water)
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A. Do unto others before they do unto you.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A, why run? We are fire incarnate!
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Cowards live longer.