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Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"I already told you, you dimwit human!" she shouted in scolding, "Causing Heaven problems is our business, it's what we do. In fact, the sole reason we're here is to further our goals by getting as much spiritual power as we can. And then you show up, and give to us what would have taken months to obtain. Opening a portal to a protected dimension is not a business for the squeamish. And when we do it, it's a big deal. So when we open that portal, we're not just gonna sit around, and wave farewell."

She clicked her scythe hard against the ground, "DO YOU GET IT!?" she shouted in question.

"Oh, and about Roxy," the Baphomet added, "My original plan, after finding out about you, was to kill her." she grinned at Zoltan, "You don't have a problem with that, right? It's our own thing we have going. Any demon who bows before a human, no matter what the reason, is considered a lesser species, beneath that human. So it's like stepping on an ant, only MUCH more satisfying." she cackled evilly.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan would shake his head as he then clarifies since she missed the point of what he had asked or probably in her mind, "the stupid human stupidly just didn't word it properly like the dumbass he was." Zoltan would then raise a finger in a polite rebuttal "Well, actually first of off the question was asking for you to elaborate on what exactly you would be after in Heaven beyond the typical 'Raise Hell in Heaven' notions. Im asking for an elaboration from you. Surely someone of your calibur would not set her sights so low." Zoltan felt it best to feed that immense ego that was ten times bigger then her body.

He would go on further on the notion of Roxy "I would rather not have you kill Roxy. I would find it a crueler punishment to let her suffer that indignity then to simply put her out of her misery don't you think?" Zoltan would relax for the moment as he thought it best not to let the Baphomet learn that he actually cared significantly for Roxy's well being. It would give her far too much leverage on the matter. "Consider it a small boon as repayment for the 'show' I gave your coven and a fitting punishment for the succubus in one swift stroke." Hopefully the Baphomet would come around to this without getting the notion that Roxy was a bigger bargaining chip then he was letting on.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

She reached her scythe out, as it would suddenly extend, and hook around Zoltan's neck, forcing him to lean over, and come down to her height, while the 'eye' of the scythe glared at him with a red glow, threatening. "Let me be perfectly, absolutely clear with you, because you don't seem to understand. In your little world, you think you're my equal, or even more than what I am. I can see that much from the look on your face." she shook her head, "It doesn't work that way."

Holding her scythe, she pulled him down further, careful not to draw blood, "I don't have to explain myself to you. I'm doing you a favor, do you get that?" She giggles, "Of course you do, you're not dumb, are you? No, of course you're not. So, that means you'll be smart, and do your best to not test my patience with you," she tells him, putting emphasis on her warning.

She leans back, letting Zoltan go, and grabbing a mug and taking a mouthful before setting it back, "So mind your own business, before I make your business mine. And you wouldn't like that, I promise you. As for Roxy," she waves her hand in dismissal, "You're an idiot if you think I'm gonna buy that little excuse you made to try and spare her. I at least hope you didn't think you were the first fool to try something like that. However, I don't care one way or another whether the stupid angel sucker lives or dies. So you can keep her, if you really care about her that much. Just don't piss me off again, or I'll reconsider allowing you to walk as a free man."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan decides to play along with this though in his mind he would peg her for this. "O-Of course miss, I had been warned you were strong and I do not dare seek to anger you." Zoltan said letting terror grip at his heart his confidence slip from him for something rare of him. "I apologize for my presumptions I was merely curious as to what you wanted to do up there. That was all. I thought that we were allies of a common ground but I see that I was wrong. Completely." Zoltan was prostrating himself trying to quell that temper of hers which would be used later for some machination but it definitely would not be direct. Submission to him was another form of defiance. "Stay your hands m'lady and let me go about my own ways and leave my servants be." Zoltan said practically begging her now and when she did he looked on with a sense of overwhelming gratitude as he would keep his eyes averted from her. He was terrified that she might be unwilling to yield to such a request and kill Roxy. "Let me see my servant. I would like to go and see her m'lady before the time is at hand."

(Edited for.... whatever reason.)
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

The Baphomet twisted her lips, her threatening aura vanishing as Zoltan began apologizing. Not wanting to hear more after the first two sentences, she drew her scythe back, and lightly bonked him on the head with it, "Alright, alright!" she said twice over, encouraging him to desist. "I get it. As long as you realize we aren't friends, or even allies, as well as not to test my power, then you get to walk away, free as a bird. I just didn't want you getting any bright ideas during the battle, and end up in my way somehow, whether you were trying to help me or not."

Taking the scythe up, and resting it on it's butt, the demonic eye the floated in the middle of the ornate curve looked far more relaxed. It's eye was half closed as an example of her lack of tension. "Roxy's perfectly fine, by the way. I was honestly leaving her execution up to you, since I thought she was an annoyance to you as well. But if you found some use for the angel addict, then it's none of my business what you do with her. However," she raised a finger, "I'll give you fair warning... This is strictly me doing you a small favor. Once we go beyond the portal, I better not see you again. My harem will not hesitate to attack you as well as the angels once the attack begins. So whatever you plan to do, you would be wise to get it done before we reach you."

She plopped down, chuckling, "And god help you if you encounter me again!" she laughed, waving Zoltan off. "Roxy's outside, strapped to a sacrificial poll. Just go tell them you would rather keep her, and my witches will free her, unharmed."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Submission is not always what it seemed and this act definitely worked. For now he had to get to heaven and unfortunately this was the only way. At the very least it gave him the chance to get to heaven along with Roxy and that was a victory however small for him. He said nothing going immediately to fetch Roxy from where she was as he approached the sacrifice pole. He would move on quickly so as to avoid Roxy being killed before he got there. He took the time to catch his breath as he said through intakes of air "Release her... from the poles." He said as he then adds "I want her... alive." His eyes looked on over to make sure she was alright. For now he couldn't do much in this moment.

In the meantime as they removed the shackles his thoughts were inward as he looked on with a concerned look his eyes focused on Roxy. He was trying to figure out what to do with this situation as it seemed turning on Roxy's suggestion made the situation far worse by making two problems to put right. With heaven potentially already compromised the situation looked much darker. His goals seemed much more difficult to reach. Somehow he had to match move for move the machinations of fate and defy the tyrannous stars of his seemingly cruel destinies.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Instead of getting ready for an execution, the witches seemed to be playing about with Zoltan's collected spirit energy. The main participant actually seemed to be his golem, who cheerfully chased after the floating orb of blue light, trying to catch it as the witches tossed it with their staffs. Meanwhile, Roxy hung from the pole with a glum look on her face. And she remained just as glum when the witches offhandedly cut her down at his request, hardly thinking anything of it.

She shrugged, looking a little cramped from being bound up like that. "And I want my pride back..." Roxy pouted with depression.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan would approach Roxy checking on her to see if she was alright. "You'll get it back in due time. In the meantime we'd best get ready to go." Zoltan said as he was eager to get things going. More importantly this was resonating within himself for some time. Her pride shattered and his own injured. He'd recover and he would hope that whatever went on within Heaven would be undone. If Naznia was truly turning things into another hell then there would be a huge problem waiting for the lot of them when they go in. Hell the way it could become worse is that Naznia and this Baphomet might team up.

However he had to wonder about the hubris between them now... It might be easy to turn them upon each other and then pick up the scraps when they are spent and exhausted fighting amongst one another. It would certainly be a potential outcome and by far one of the best to resolve the situation. But how would it be able to be managed and arranged? Clearly he was no threat between them... but they were to each other. Perhaps it would be much more simpler to simply let things unfold as they happen. Whatever the Baphomet planned would probably conflict with what Naznia wants. He hoped that was the case at least if not then the potential for them joining up was possible and could even be a worst case scenario. So much could be speculated on however and nothing was truly set in stone until they got into Heaven. His energy should be enough at the least.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Waving Zoltan off as he neared her, Roxy assured him she was fine. "I'm just a little stiff," she assured him, placing a hand on her hip to comfort herself. She sighed, gesturing with an arm at the ritual circle, "I sure hope I get it back. Once I get my angel, her sweet spirit will fill me with that pep I need," she giggled.

Suddenly, Roxy frowned, looking at something behind Zoltan. "Well... Look at who it is," she said aloud, as the little, blond golem walked up behind Zoltan, head tilted up to look, and smile at him. The dark symbols that were on her body had vanished, the name on her arm, no longer the Baphomet's name, but Zoltan's name once more.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan looked down at the golem with a slight smile upon his face. Looks like the golem he had built had been returned but he had to wonder if this was also meant for the Baphomet to spy on him again. He wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice so he was going to make sure that when they had a private moment when they got there that he was going to make sure to give this a very through examination. But for now that was getting ahead of him. They still had to get to heaven and he was still waiting patiently for that portal. Roxy on the other hand seemed to be not as shaken up as he thought. Well maybe it was to be expected that she not care whether her bound one was a benevolent one or not so long as they shared the same methods.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Gathering in their circle as Zoltan waited, the golem happily stayed at his side. Meanwhile, Roxy suddenly appeared grim, folding her arms as she stared at the occult symbol that the girl's gathered around to begin their chanting. "Thinking about it... I realize I've been meaning to ask you this..." She turned her head, her devilish eyes looking to him with a neutral expression, waiting to see his reaction. "... How do you intend to gift me an angel to satisfy my sexual cravings?" she asked cautiously. Obviously, she was uncertain how Zoltan, someone who seemed so ready to save an angel, would abduct one of the divine, sinless monsters to suffer a demon's torture.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan opens his mouth but found no words at the moment and then begins to ponder that question. He honestly didn't know at the very moment on how that would come about. He was effectively winging it at this point "I'm not planning for that. I was figuring to improvise when we get there. See what can be done or not." Zoltan said with a shrug of his shoulders as he said. "But I think you are going to have plenty of your fill with brainwashed and captured ones if she's up there doing what she is doing." Might not be a good enough answer but it was the best logical one he could think of and to be honest he wasn't certain of that answer himself. Not until he saw the situation.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Roxy shrugged, "I suppose you have a point. We don't truly know what she's done to wreck the place while we've been trying to follow her. Oh-" she raised a finger, "As well, try not to let the Baphomet's invasion bother you. Unlike what human religion teaches, there is not only 'one' kingdom in heaven. Each realm is mostly identical to the one closest to it. As a matter of fact, when we step through the portal, we should be on a mountain, very similar to this one. Of course, in place of all this wildlife-" she gestures with a wave of her hand over the many trees and rivers down below at the foot of the mountain, "-there will no doubt be a castle."

Interrupting Roxy's explanation of what the next world will be like, a small witch walked up to them, clicking her skull staff on the ground a few times to get their attention. "Hey-hey!" she announced herself, "Portal's nearly ready! You'd better get in the occult circle quick, before the rest of us jump in, and use up all the power you gave us!" she announced to them in a hurry.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan however was not put at ease by that notion. Not only was he letting a whole mess of problems into heaven on top of Naznia being corrupted and causing havoc in Heaven, there wasn't much that could be done about it. He gave a sight in his own thoughts as he looked to Roxy. When the witch came up and warned them the portal was about to open Zoltan decided to get ready to enter as quickly as possible. "Guess thats where we go first..?" He said in response to the castle

As they waited Zoltan had a slight though running through his head. If a portal opens up on their side as well Heaven would probably be well alerted of something large coming through. So it was highly likely they were preparing for whomever came through... assuming Naznia did not do anything to this part of heaven yet. Stepping into the circle he would remain quiet. "Hopefully this is all worth it." He said to Roxy in a quiet whisper.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Roxy shakes her head, "Don't worry," she whispers back, "The witches will only help us, because it'd be nearly impossible to sneak in on our own. With them distracting the angels, we'll be able to slip in, and find Naznia. Thankfully, she has part of my soul inside her, so I'll know right where she is."

"It's open!" shouted the young voice of a witch. From the center of the occult symbol on the ground, a circular void began to shape on the ground, slowly getting larger, enough to fit a whole tent through, until it reached the border of the white line that shaped the symbol. Patting Zoltan on the back, Roxy ran past him, making a small jump, falling into the portal. Following after her, the golem dove into the void as if it were water, arms first, shooting down into the void at an even higher speed than Roxy. They continued to fall through what seemed like limitless space, until the thick, purple colored sea of gas clouds hid them.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

He figures that jumping into the portal as soon as possible would be the best way to go about this. So he does just that following right after Roxy and his golem. He was hoping to have something go right for once but who knows what was on the other side just waiting for them. A sickening distortion followed by a loss of vertigo coming through the portal and his vision twisted and turned until it cleared up once he was on the other side of the portal. He would behold his new surroundings and what had transpired whilst Naznia had arrived here.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

A portal opening on a barren cliff upon the side of a mountain, suddenly beheld the red headed Roxy, flying up, and out of the sphere shaped portal, where she opened her wings, and landed safely on the ground. Next, the golem casually flew up out of the portal, and landed hard on her feet, upon the soft rock. Then, finally, Zoltan flew out of the portal last, with the portal closing right behind him. Not suffering from any great fall, he'd land with a slight thud, only enough to barely bend his knees, before he'd stand straight upon a nearly exact duplicate of the mountain he was just on previously, though now, without witches and demons upon it.

The land below, while very similar, appeared far less wild than the forest that the other mountain overlooked. Just from looking at it, the many open spaces, places to walk, one didn't need a clearing or path to find their way. And each of the trees appeared full of life, with no signs of decay. The grass below their branches did not suffer from leaves falling upon them, and suffocating them. What's more, the previously rocky mountain felt almost as if Zoltan could remove his footwear, and enjoy the soft rock to the fullest. And to his right, down south, the ocean shined, and glimmered in the sunlight. But it did not appear dark, like ocean water. Even from where he stood, it seemed as if he could still see through the water, as if it was pure enough to drink.

However, the greatest view of all, one that both the golem and Roxy had their eyes set on, was the massive castle in the distance, a one mile walk away. Made with white stone, the glorious foundation, built without any traditional box formation, displayed many towers, and miniature sections that sheltered houses. It appeared nearly exactly as the wonderful place good people go to when they die, but with lush soil under the castle, and not clouds.

There was something upsetting this peace, however. Women dressed in white gowns from afar spoke in raised voices, many manning the walls of the tower, holding majestic bows brimming with holy magic in their hands.

"They're definitely riled up..." Roxy commented.

The golem giggled, "They're not looking at us."

Roxy looked to the blond golem with a raised brow, "... How can you see that far?"

The golem looked back at the demoness with a continued grin, "My father made my eyes." she informed her, seeing that fit as explanation enough.

Still, Roxy folded her arms with a sigh, shaking her head in dismissal, "Whatever the reason... They definitely know they've got unwelcome visitors..." she deducted, before letting out a lecherous hum, "Just look at all of them... There's no such thing as an ugly angel... I'd gladly fuck any of them... Or all of them." she laughed.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"All the same we obviously can't stick around or they will. We should get down into the woodlands. And we need to decide where to head first. I have to wonder how the heck we will find Naznia now." Zoltan contemplates this as they would move about down towards the woods so as to get away from the open location of the angels line of sight. After all if the Golem could see that far then surely those angels could potentially see them from the castle. Hearing what Roxy said about the angels would make him sigh "I take it you haven't forgotten your own yearnings. I swear I never heard of a picky Succubus" He teased her as he then contemplates what to do about Roxy's wish for angel sex.

"I had thought perhaps to use a touch of magic to use you Roxy to perhaps find her." His logic was because her venom was how she turned Naznia into a demon in the first place so maybe they shared a spiritual or supernatural connection. Might work but it might not but there wouldn't be any momentum if they just stood there doing nothing. In the meantime he would rub his hands together to warm them up as he would figure the angels were hunting for the strongest thing to come out of that portal and that probably was the Baphomet.

Once down into the woods he takes a look around to make sure they weren't being observed or such and he would look to Roxy. "One other question that eggs my mind is what to do when we find Naznia. She still have my orbs that allowed my tower to act as an amplifier for my own powers." He sighed for a moment "... Wait a second. If she still has them then I could track them with my own magic since I made those damn things!" Zoltan slaps his own forehead. "Geeze I'm losing the ability to think logically sometimes" Course if she ditched them or destroyed them then that would do no good. Still it was worth a shot.

Zoltan would walk over to the golem "I want you to help me find something that also has master's signature of mana. Specifically three orbs about the size of a human head." He would use the golem in the sense of a hunting dog. She would track the orbs down and perhaps find Naznia in the process... no doubt she was using them as a way to gain an edge on her former brethren.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Roxy frowned at Zoltan, putting her hands on her hips at his teasing of her particular standards. "I only hear envy from a man speaking of beasts who see good in all things. Perhaps not beasts to act on good intentions, but we see the good in all, all the same." retorted Roxy. Then, everyone's attention would be drawn to a massive amount of portals opening, the entire army of the witches walking out from them, led by the Baphomet at the front, causing the entire kingdom to go into high alarm. Almost immediately, arrows charged by magic flew from the walls, damaging the shields the witch's cast. It was not a matter of killing them, but a matter of battling with their magical abilities. As the archers began their assault, soon after, several balls of holy white fire flew from within, hurling towards the witch's numbers. As they worked together to rid themselves of the catapult fire, the arrows nicked a couple witches who were caught in a bad way.

"It seems the battle has begun in an instant." commented Roxy.

Looking to Zoltan as he gave his instructions, the golem closed her eyes, the air around her seeming to shimmer, before she suddenly went upright, eyes wide. "Signature found." she announced, before turning, and pointing to a small island, looking like a rather cozy prison, which was connected directly to the castle itself. "There," she announced.

Spreading her wings, Roxy appeared ready to take flight, while a small group of angels flew from the castle walls, armed with bows, headed straight for them. "We've got company." she announced, "They must think we're some kind of flanking party."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"Always so cheeky are you not Roxy?" He said with a smile as they moved on and it was then they turned about hearing the portal open up one again and then the sounds of battle. And thats when the angels came flying about towards them. The golem thankfully gave them a proper direction and that was where Zoltan was headed. Since they were headed towards the forests to begin with and had started upon that route Zoltan figured it was the best bet if they didn't wanna get feathered to death with the angels arrows. He didn't care about the battle at this point highly confident that the angels would win against the baphomet and the coven.

"We've got no time for them. Move through the trees and try and make them give up. At the very least the trees will force them not to use the bows. We have to go after Naznia." Zoltan would move as quickly as he could trying to cast his magic whilst running to give him the ability to fly once more. He didn't want to fly about since it was too obviously visible but now the situation changed. They were already spotted and they wanted to make sure they got away. Taking the golem up in his arms once he could fly he flew about through the trees using branches to spring about on his feet to minimize the use of his wings. "Keen as I am on getting there I didn't intend on being an actual guest there either!" Zoltan did not check to see if they were being followed still trying to get into the thicker brush of the forests.