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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

There actually is a Cait Sith, and the furry is quite strong in this one as mentioned.

(Does RJ's job for him despite not even being in this game.)
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Seems there is a new monster out, Cait Sith (or cat shit as I keep calling it by accident), which appears to be quite furry. Not sure if want.

From what I've heard that's actually really close to the proper pronunciation. 'Kate sheath' basically.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Gotta love the Celts. "Kate Shee" is a little closer to the pronunciation.

It's stuff like this that reminds me of an argument I had with my cousin about a tv crush.

"I-o-a-n G-r-u-f-f-u-d-d. How do you get "Yowan Griffith" out of that?"
"He's Welsh! Shut up!"
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I was under the impression harems are a normal thing around here, whether one tries to get one or no.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

More powerful or successful mamono do often seek to collect multiple lovers. So harems of men happen there (And often the men are slaves taken from either Order villages/cities, or from other Mamono). Many powerful mamono are often tyrants who take what they want because they can. Though any that actually become a problem to the world at large (Key Example: Anubis' History), are killed. So those that just take a bunch of men only earn so many enemies.

On the other side of the coin, weaker mamono are often never going to find one man to hold and to love(or just fuck/rape), so a harem of mamono happens when weaker mamono resign to just sharing one man, especially if they need to actually do that to live. So a man in Hell is likely to be passed around a lot, though the 'love' bit is far more unlikely, because men are largely just considered food.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

She(Copper) is acting guardian to a group of five men who are trying to make it in a female dominant world. In addition, she is supported by a Merrow who may or may not be a potential rapist, but will never say it out right.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

So, hell hounds, what are they like exactly?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

They're beast women with a simple disposition. They're like dogs (hence hound, which is part of the name) so they have the same degree of capability for intelligence and loyalty as other such creatures. Hellhounds among their kin, however, are more intelligent and physically powerful. They're still quite simple despite being smarter and their thought process is never too complex. Fire comes from their eyes and tail, and contact with it doesn't hurt them, meaning that they're naturally immune to high temperatures. However, absolute extreme temperatures(molten lava) can still hurt them a little although they can survive it far better than most any other race. They have an extreme sense of smell and hearing, to the point that if an elf falls from a tree as quietly as possible, a hellhound can hear it happen and the exact direction up to a couple hundred feet away. Normal noises she can hear up to a mile away with 100% accuracy. So they're very good hunters. They're hard to control however, as they each possess a temper problem and a ever constant sexual desire to dominate. Despite this, Hell's demons makes useful allies out of them.

They have the capacity to mate with any gender, so they'll attack either on sight if the mood takes them. In addition, Hellhounds are capable of simple magic, usually fire of some kind. And they're demons as well, so they need to feed just like everyone else.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Meet the

A distant cousin of the , yet another mamono that is a physical item given life.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Creepy one, looks almost like one of those grief seeds from Madoka.

I think I'd like to play one now.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

She(Copper) is acting guardian to a group of five men who are trying to make it in a female dominant world. In addition, she is supported by a Merrow who may or may not be a potential rapist, but will never say it out right.

Az approves of that description *chuckle* and so do I. And, well, let's just say she likes Francis, but she'd probably be afraid to leave at least half the boys alone with her for any length of time.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Dem yuki-onna. But yay more kobolds!