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ACT [ mizu elf ] 水の妖精 Dream Experiments - Railgun Girl 空想実験 最強電撃娘 RE152943 RJ152943


Jungle Girl
Mar 18, 2012
Reputation score
Just figured I'd inquire as to why no one is talking about this decent looking gem yet.

Looks pretty right up there with Giselle and Pandemonium, which were both pretty damn good imo.


One day, I dream about the perfect idol, Mik*to, and I start to run after her.
My sexual fantasy is pushing her onto the bed romantically. I do this.
Who knew she was so god damned strong! The shock from her is powerful enough to knock me out.
She is worthy to be called a "railgun girl" and it only makes me want her more.
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Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

Keeping tabs on this solely because it has Railgun.

Preview images look pretty good. The guy seems to have put some effort into making the map as well.
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

well its out so its just the waiting game now.
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

Oh men! Mikoto!
I'm gonna love this game! <3

Does this game had genre of loli?
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

Does not have the loli tag on it, so no?
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

so, i just unlock the first gallery with the knight guy, i go check on that, but i don't know if its possible to cum ?
after that i restart with the same guy and saw that i'm lvl 1 again...
so if you want the full gallery you have to finish the game in one go with the three character ?
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

And another game that looks promising but in the end its just an click click click click adventure in which you play 1 of 3 Male characters who can run and make a combo of 3 kill the same enemies over and over again to get in the end some animiations ...
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

I don't understand. Most of the buttons don't do anything even if you leave the default settings. Just click to move/attack, left mouse, and spacebar. Nothing else does anything even though the keyboard config says they should. Leveling does nothing. Your damage never seems to increase, and your max health stays 125. Is there a menu where you assign skill points from leveling or something like that? The game looks fairly nice, but the gameplay is atrocious.

Edit: Apparently C brings up the upgrades menu even though its not mentioned at all in keybindings. So sloppy.

Edit 2: Cheat engine works with it very easily. Skill points, str, vit, and agi are all easy to edit. HP regen was the only thing that I couldn't figure out, but its easy enough to handle that with raw skill points. It sure saves A LOT of boring grinding.
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Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

Anyone have a completed save for this? I see a savedata.bin, but I still had all of my gallery unlocks even when I renamed it to something else (and the game just created a new savedata.bin). Opening it in notepad didn't seem to do the trick as far as editing in everything, either.

EDIT: No luck figuring out which file is the save, but I think I've got everything unlocked. Total of 8 clothes items, 9 positions for the guy, 2 for the skeleton, and 2 for the blue thing.
Guide: Start with the guy and use Cheat Engine to find skill points and lock it, then bump everything up to 200 or so. That'll carry you through to unlocking all the way up to the tattered Maid costume. Maybe try to see if anything comes after that since my game crashed after I finished that stage.
Next, do the same with the other two characters but only going up to 50 or so for the stats since you'll only need to beat the first stage or second stage to unlock those animations. YOU'RE DONE probably
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Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

Taking a crack at removing the censor on this one but from initial attempts it's not going to do very much. Dicks are solid untextured colours beneath the mosaic, similar to Sword Hime (RJ137944). I found the shader pretty quickly, but I can't just kill the connection because then there's a pink ball on the girls' crotch (used with the mosaic shader to pretend it's censoring more than it really is). Figuring out a way to leave it intact but dial the pixelation down to 0. More on this later.

20 minutes later edit: Found the cell size for the pixelation of both the dick shader and the crotchball, set all values to 1, mosaic completely gone. Uploading the sharedassets2.assets file to MEGA now. You can perform the uncensoring yourself by opening sharedassets2.assets in a hex editor, ctrl-f'ing for "_CellSize" (there are two), and changing the values just after them, "0a d7 a3 3c 0a d7 a3 3c", into "0a ff 01 01 0a ff 01 01". If that didn't make any sense, then just use the MEGA when it's ready.

MEGA is ready:
It goes in the DreamExperiments_EN/DreamExperiments_EN_Data folder, I suggest making a copy of your original sharedassets2.assets file instead of replacing it, just in case I broke something and haven't noticed yet. The only thing I've tested with this is the gallery.
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Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

Just figured I'd inquire as to why no one is talking about this decent looking gem yet.

Looks pretty right up there with Giselle and Pandemonium, which were both pretty damn good imo.


Giselle I know, but which one was Pandemonium again?
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

can't get passed the opening screen after character selection. Game just crashes and does not respond.
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

thanks for the decensor.
It does not understand but which one does not really know what. XD
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

Very disappointed game :(

At first I thought I play as Railgun and game over rape. OK, I don't care much about game over or victory rape. But gameplay boring very fast and Railgun with zombie monster :confused: it's weird. She throwing some ball. Why don't she use electric shock. Only the Railgun model but other things not relate to Railgun at all :mad:

He should create something like street or school stage and you're invader. Make enemy as students that you have to knock them out and maybe add Kuroko as mid-boss or something :rolleyes:
Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

short guide
(used skull guy for this one not sure if it works on other characters.)
Stage 1 20 hp regen
stage 2 pure str
stage 3 30hp regen pure str
stage 4 40hp regen pure str
stage 5 50hp regen pure str(should be oneshotting and end atleast 150str)
stage 6 60hp regen pure agi
stage 7 100hp regen 100agi pure vit
stage 8 150hp regen 150vit 150str pure agi
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Re: Blitz Daughter! (3D Act)

short guide
(used skull guy for this one not sure if it works on other characters.)
Stage 1 20 hp regen
stage 2 pure str
stage 3 30hp regen pure str
stage 4 40hp regen pure str
stage 5 50hp regen pure str(should be oneshotting and end atleast 150str)
stage 6 60hp regen pure agi
stage 7 100hp regen 100agi pure vit
stage 8 150hp regen 150vit 150str pure agi

How many hour you take :confused:
And every stage are the same just enemy stat increase right? i played only 2 stages.