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Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The helmet on Victor's armor snaps back into place when the lightning strikes nearby. While the optics are still dark, a muffled groan might be heard through the helmet.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Evelyn made an odd squeakish noise and scrambled back against the tree.

Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Aya jumped back in surprise, while Siphon grunted in surprise, his eyes snapping to the sky.

"What ... in ... what in the hell? Something ... something is really weird and familiar about this, but I'm not sure why ..."

Aya meanwhile answered Evelyn.

"I've no idea, but I don't think whatever caused it wants to hurt us. If it did, we'd probably all be fried already."

Meanwhile Ariana would find herself downing targets at an easier, faster clip now that they were distracted and seeming to have forgotten about her. The Draque appeared to have shrouded again, perhaps to get a better attack point, but whatever the reason, she basically had her pick of targets while keeping Sho and Ian covered.

Also, in space, Alberik might be detecting the high magnetic burst from the anomaly that was open, as well as the strange energy readings coming from the other, unseen energy rift.

((This time I shan't forget you Shrike!))
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

After a moment, the armor's optics relit, the armor's right hand came up to the faceplate as if trying to steady the suit's head, and Victor spoke up. "Okay, now that the bloody bell choir's shut up, did I miss hearing anything important?"
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

And now I have lightning in a bottle. Huh.

Sho was doing her best to keep the others covered while Siphon and Aya took care of the person by the tree, using the wind to deter any of the enemy forces from approaching or getting a clear shot at them. As the numbers seemed to start to build again, she worked on changing her focus, only pausing when Siphon shot out the energy blast. Of course, that seemed to cause a reaction from the lightning being.

"I didn't do that!" she announced as one of the strikes pounded into the ground near her friends. "Whatever's in there seems to have a mind of its own." That being said, to avoid the risk of her friends getting struck, she'll push the tornado further away from them and more toward any more large groups of opposition.

Ian, meanwhile, was being mindful of the upgraded tornado and having fun tossing around the distracted men. He wasn't cruel enough to throw them into the path of the T-Rex, even if they were Wraith. Ari, though, might find herself with some skeet to shoot, though, now and again.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The entity's attention had been watching those for a moment until the tornado began to pull away from them getting further and the eyes within began to shift about rapidly. If Sho was paying attention the bright glowing eyes in the tornado would settle upon her. Something almost instinct maybe said she was the one moving the tornado away from the object of her curiosity. Lightning strikes began to seem more focused dotting a line of bolts between the tornado and Sho slowly striking nearer.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Well, that wasn't good. Granted, the strikes so far had been either at Mirvik's men or 'warning shots' toward their team, with the deliberate nature of the next set, especially coupled with the fact that they were headed for her didn't bode well.

"You can just quit hitching a ride if you don't like it," she half-mutters.

The wind in the tornado picks up, making the interior even less accommodating than it was, not to mention she 'pushes' it in the direction opposite herself while at the same time, devoting another gale to carrying her out of the direct range of the strikes. It was only a short 'hop' initially, mostly to help her maintain control of the tornado, but still slightly impressive that she could manage both.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The bolts striking one by one gave small electrical bursts like any lightning strike normally would until the last one striking perhaps 10 feet away from Sho's position. There would be no discharge like the others simply as the bolt hit it filled out a humanoid form. The entity was most definitely taking on a feminine shape the key part of a human woman showing through but it was entirely electrical still. Its eyes the brightest part of its being were locked on Sho as it took its first step towards her.

Approaching to within range that Sho might feel the buzz in the air of the electricity in this entity it would then cock its head to the side looking her over mostly her face and at the point is when the eyes changed. no more glowing energy they looked like human eyes now. Something changed then sparks started to sizzle from the beginnings of its toes as well as its fingertips starting to move back along the entity's limbs.

Skin was beginning to appear upon it wherever the sizzle of sparks had passed. The Skin left behind was extremely pale almost like a corpses but as more and more skin began forming on the creature blue zigzag lines appeared upon the skin like when someone might draw a lightning bolt's shape. This was not a fast process and it was taking a little bit of time just to form the creatures arms and legs but she continued to watch Sho with blue eyes. There was something familiar about them.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

((Sorry, my net went out last night and I didn't get it back until this afternoon. Stupid fraking *mutter mutter mutter*))

So long as the strikes kept their distance, Sho wouldn't retreat further, especially as the energy started to coalesce. This would likely be her first clue that there was definitely more to the entity that first observed.

The static didn't bother her and if there was ozone, she'd be familiar with that, too. Mirvik's forces might be getting a slight reprieve from the storm, since she starts concentrating more on the being than on directing the tornado. It's still swirling, though, so there's that keeping anyone and anything trying to get through at bay.

"Guys, you seeing this?"" If any on her squad weren't paying attention to the situation, they might want to, since she's smart enough not to draw focus away from the fight, even if they do seem to be kicking ass at the moment.

The entity might see it's motion mimicked in the other girl, a cock of the head to the side as she watches it begin to take a more definite shape. At the creation of the lightning bolts, her eyebrows shoot up and there's a "Holy shit. It can't--" more breathed into the comm than something that she might actually have wanted transmitted.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

((Whew, Christmas season over, lol.))

The woman took her time, keeping her shield up for the trio at the edge of the crater, picking off Mirvik's forces one at a time. "Odd how they don't surrender now that their leader is dead." She commented idly, her attention moving to the tornado and the being that seemed to have joined it, the lightning strikes making their way closer as the psychic braced herself and her shield. It never struck directly however, stopping some distance away and starting to resolve into a humanoid shape. "That's a new one, to say the least." She said, focusing on keeping her shield up and ready, just in case. "Hello out there?"
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

((None of my controlled chars are near you Shrike, so no reply from them as of yet, unless she put that over the comm, if so I'll edit.))

The others were most definitely seeing it, some sparing glances over between shots being fired.

Siphon meanwhile took a few steps in that direction, having heard Sho over the comm before suddenly freezing.

"No fucking way ... Is that ... Zale?"

He broke into a dead run, making for the area now. If it was her, there were a lot of unanswered questions, and lords only knew why now, or what had happened.

Aya meanwhile blinked before shaking her head.

"You might want to stay with us for now. Are you up to moving? And ... I don't think I caught your name?"

This of course was directed at Evelyn.

Meanwhile, Mirvik's men were busy trying to avoid being shot, while also trying to avoid becoming dino droppings or dino dinner.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Evelyn poked her head out from behind the tree.

"Oh...right...Evelyn. Evelyn Fisher, I mean. Is my name, I mean."

She seemed to be hunting for something behind the tree.

"Ah! There it is!"

Brandishing a U.S. military-issue assault rifle, Evelyn came around the tree again.

"Let's go."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The sparks that seemed like they were creating the skin continued traveling reaching hips and shoulders more of the extremely pale skin showing with the small blue lightning marks on it. Soon her entire torso had become solid and the sparks washed along her face finishing the body. A final shower of sparks came from the top of her head as lastly she finished her head of hair.

It would become quickly evident that while she was successful in creating skin and making a solid body there were no clothes to be seen and yet from the somewhat blank look on her face she didn't care at all. She opened her mouth to speak but at first all that was heard was like a burst of static. She furrowed her brow obviously knowing that wasn't what she was supposed to sound like. Her second attempt was more like a static filled radio.


After the second attempt at speaking she had a flash of anger pass over her face but it was very brief.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Suddenly naked on the battlefield wasn't exactly going to shock Sho. She was a girl. Saw girl parts regularly. Might be a distraction for the enemy soldiers, though.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think...yeah." Comes over the comm, especially once the other girl succeeds in pulling herself together. That might be the point that the tornado starts unraveling, this being a bit too much for Sho to keep it together.

"Yeah. Yeah, Zale. It's me. It's Sho." She nods, not caring that the voice doesn't sound right. Sounds like she needs time to get it down but that doesn't matter. Dozens of questions start to flood onto her tongue but she bites them back. Now is not the time for it. Not yet.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Evelyn's free hand shot to her mouth as a stifled "oops..." came out.

As she pulled her hand away and noticed the vaguely metallic black smear of her lipstick on her hand, her eyes widened in a combination of shock and horror.

"Baka! I forgot...Yob tvoyu mat!"

She ripped a strip off her torn pants and began frantically scrub the lipstick off.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

((That was directed at Zale, for the most part. No worries XD ))

Ariana just looked confused, for the most part. She had seen plenty of skin before as well, but she also realized most people didn't appreciate walking around naked. So she shrugged off her own trenchcoat and tossed it to Sho, motioning towards her newly arrived friend before extending the barrier she was maintaining further out to cover Zale from stray fire as well, the wall at a size now that needed most of her concentration. So she hunkered down and did just that, letting the others worry about the new arrival.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon came skidding to a halt as he got closer, realizing Zale was quite lacking in the clothing department. He'd wait until it seemed someone had put something over her before turning back, but in the meantime he'd speak.

"Welcome back Zale. Ya know, it might be a good thing to put some clothes on."

Aya meanwhile finally caught up, likely with Evelyn in tow. She stopped as well, blinking several times, left for the moment, speechless.

Meanwhile the T-Rex let out periodic bellows, continuing to chomp down on what was left of Mirvik's forces, who were still being shot at by the once more decloaked Draque.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor started towards the forming person, however had stopped and turned to watch for any stragglers attempting an attack from behind. Ravage showed up soon, facing him... Head cocked to the side, noticing the event behind Victor. "That's unusual, isn't it?"

"Apparently. And you'd better not have one of your episodes now."

Ravage dropped his head down with a sigh, shaking it. "You're not the only one who's tired of those... Of course, it's going to be difficult at the moment to correct the problem."

With that, Ravage turned around to help Victor cover the group.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)


Evelyn stopped suddenly.

"...A talking robot cat. Sure, why not?"

She dropped her chin and shook her head slowly.

"It's always 'weird'...Why is everything always...Why do I always get the crazy? What am I, a magnet for the Wide World of Weird or something...?!"
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