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Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

She waved them off;

"I'll be okay, this isn't the worst that's ever happened to me."

With one hand she waved vaguely behind Siphon.

"But you should probably tell those guys behind you that we don't want to party right now I mean unless you're into that sort of thing I'm not judging my head's just wicked sore I just can't get in the mood for a gangbang..."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

There was a sound that might have been a snort of surprise mixed in with amusement from the blonde woman, while Siphon did NOT seem amused in the slightest.

Sighing, he shook his head.

"That's not happening, ever. And those guys behind us, at least some of them are trying to kill us, I doubt very much they're interested in ... oh screw this shit."

There was a brief pause as he shifted positions, sitting down near her.

"This may hurt at first, but don't worry. We'll have you right in the head again ... well, in a few moments."

This was followed by something muttered in another language before he placed one hand on her forehead, and the other hesitated for a moment before placing down across her upper body and chest, pressing her against the tree she had leaned upon. Almost immediately, a blue aura surrounded the two of them, and she'd feel like her skin, and her bones were tingling slightly. It was an odd sensation to say the least, but after only a few moments, there was no mistaking it. She'd already started to feel a bit better, and with any luck, a bit more clear headed and less inclined to think about being gangbanged, or other such nonsense.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor said a single word to Ravage. "Hunt."

With that, the robotic panther darted into cover, somehow evading notice of the survivors, and began introducing stragglers to his galvo-conductor claws.

Victor, meanwhile, noticed the one who tried to shoot at Siphon. He began moving over to cover them and draw fire. Or at least lay down some suppression fire, so Siphon could play medic.
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Whoa...weird resonance frequency...Y'know, if..."

She began scrabbling at her pockets looking for something.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Aya was also providing cover, but for the moment, Victor had time to get near them.

Siphon meanwhile let loose a strange noise, followed by a sigh.

"Please ... stop ... moving. If I screw this healing up ... you're head might end up fused between your knees instead of ... between your shoulders where it ... belongs."

The sensation intensified, as did the glow around them. It was also about that time the T-Rex let loose another bellow, proceeding to chow down on yet another hapless Mirvik sod.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The electrical entity for the most part seemed intent on following the T-rex until the destructive strength of the tornado caught its attention. a more humanoid outline was definitely visible now and a twitch to the side of what could be its head as it regarded the tornado made it look in thought. Then in a pair of quick jumps that looked much akin to a lightning strike bouncing along the ground the entity moved into the path of the tornado and seemed to merge into it getting pulled up. Now as the tornado was directed along there were blue arcs of lightning within it and launching out at things that got within its proximity. A veritable lightning tornado winding its way about still at Sho's command.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

As Siphon attempts to repair Evelyn's concussion, he might become aware of a sort of buzzing on the edge of his consciousness.

It would quickly become obvious that most of the blood on her was not hers; the head injury that gave her the concussion, of course, was bleeding, but there was surprisingly little other damage...
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Sho, y'got incoming."

"Busy! This isn't as easy as...what the hell?" Given that she could spot the fact that the shape seemed human and, well, that dinosaur was hard to miss (almost literally. Might be hard to tear up Mirvik's forces without slamming into the overgrown iguana as well.) "I think something else came through that rift."

The fact that it was attracted to the tornado wasn't entirely lost on her. If it were energy, that was another concentration of it. It's also why she didn't release the winds when it bounded toward the funnel cloud...if it were energy, it's not like it was going to get hurt.

"Now things get interesting." Between the pull of the tornado, the strikes from the lightning, and the fact that they were getting savaged by a giant lizard, Mirvik's guys were really not having a good day at this point.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The buzzing definitely caught his, and Talvesh's attention. So too did the surprising lack of injuries considering the amount of blood there had been. Deciding to risk it, with Talvesh as backup, he opened his mind and began probing the source of the buzzing back, attempting to figure out if it were another entity, or some sort of additional damage to the woman's mind.

Meanwhile the T-Rex continued to chow down on Mirvik's forces, for the moment causing a large number of them to scatter right into the path of the electrical tornado...
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The buzzing coalesced into words; at first, however, neither of them would recognize the language. Eventually, the stream of sounds becomes discernable words:

"Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see.

TRANSMIT - initiate the Bel signal - RECEIVE - initiate the Styx syntax - SECRET, SECRET, I'VE GOT A SECRET - initiate the Kilroy prerogative - DOMO ARIGATO, MISTER ROBOTO - illuminate the AEGIS manifesto - WITNESS - the Pandora Initiative.

A brief flicker of confusion passed across Evelyn's face and she shook her head as though to clear it...
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

There was definite confusion through the minds of both Siphon and Talvesh, as both attempted to process what had been said. While Talvesh continued to work on it, Siphon attempted to link fully with whatever was speaking to them.

"I ... I don't understand what it is you're trying to say. Aegis Manifesto, and Pandora Initiative? What are you trying to say. Who are you, or what are you?"

In the meantime, Evelyn might feel the 'aura' around them alter slightly. On top of that, she might realize that the massive headache she'd had not too long ago had mysteriously vanished, as well as the cuts on her head felt like they were literally knitting themselves together. In moments, the sensation of the cuts and knitting were gone, and were she to put her hand over her head, she might be surprised to see the cuts had vanished completely. Yet still, something was keeping the aura around her and Siphon, the question might be what, and did she dare risk moving. Clearly something had gone on, something that wasn't entirely natural, or at least hadn't been aided by technology as best as she could see.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

As far as they could tell, there was no response to Siphon's attempt at communication for now.

Evelyn began to notice the fight raging in the distance.

"Oh, FUCK...Uh, I think probably what's going on over there is a bit more critical right now than whatever the hell you're trying to do..."

She began searching her pockets.

"What did I do with..."

Finally, she found what she was searching for: a golden Desert Eagle pistol. She dropped onto her right side and began to shoot tracer-type rounds at the minor horde of enemies charging toward them. Each expertly-fired round dropped a YORG (Ye Olde Random Gimp), but there were just too many of them coming...
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor suddenly spoke up as he's suppressing a group trying to charge the small group. "Heads up, we've got yorgs coming in behind! I can't turn fast enough."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The connection seeming to only be one way, Siphon had just 'disconnected' when Evelyn and Victor's warning came out.

Aya meanwhile was cursing, firing the energy pistol as best as she could, but there were simply too many of them.

"We're about to be over-run!"

Siphon meanwhile positioned himself on one knee, whipping around to view the foes coming opposite of Victor. Seeing their numbers, he growled slightly, and suddenly there felt like a small static charge around them, enough that the hairs on Evelyn's body would stand on end.

Thrusting his right hand forward and towards the charging enemies, Siphon unleashed a large shock blast. Or at least that's what Aya and Victor might THINK it was, and what Siphon was expecting. Instead of the ripple effect normally seen though, it had distortion to it, but a colorful blueish core of solid energy. As it released from his hand, Siphon couldn't help ease the tension of the past few minutes by yelling "HADOUKEN!"

The blast left his hands and struck very near the charging group of foes. The moment it touched them they were flung in various directions, each one's body singed as if it had been struck by lighting. By the time they hit the ground, they were most definitely dead, burnt to a crisp.

Aya blinked slightly, muttering "Jesus ... welcome back Siphon."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor was in the middle of turning to face the oncoming attackers from the rear, having mowed down the others, when Siphon unleashed his blast. His armor's optics dimmed, then the helmet split open revealing his cocked head. "Well, that's new. Normally, they're not crispy critters."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Whoa...old-school! But...isn't a hadouken supposed to be both hands...?"
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon just sort of stood there with a semi-stunned look on his face.

Aya meanwhile looked at Evelyn and laughed.

"Trust me, you don't want to see him do that with two hands if that's back for him. Last time he did that ... It took ten months for everyone's hair to grow back that was standing behind or near him."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Evelyn sighed, sat up, and reached up toward the hair bun at the back of her head.

"It would take me a bit longer..." she said, as her long hair spilled down onto the ground.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor shook his head at Aya's hair remark. "Yeah, because I don't get enough space marine jokes about my armor as is..."

He glanced back to his right at the survivors of the group he'd been shooting were trying to regroup. Victor released what appeared to be the Riot Cannon's firing control, and the gatling-style weapon on his right arm suddenly shifted into a different single cannon configuration. This "new" weapon was raised and fired at the stragglers, and the resulting blast finished them off.

((Yay, tsche-chu-chu-chu-tsche time.))
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

the troubled sky spitting lightning as the tornado swirls along eyes would reside within the tornado watching everything about it. A blast of energy destroying a group of those running about and fighting brought sight upon the small explosion and then to the one who unleashed it. Almost curiously a tendril of lightning arced out striking down mere feet from siphon.