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Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"It wasn't us. We..." She begins, replying mater off factly, but cutting off as her attention shifts inwards. "Another ship has jumped in. Wraith Hive ship. A large one, in orbit above us. Fighter craft have been launched to the surface and are hitting the facility." She informs, relaying everything that Ayla was telling her.

"I repeat, a Wraith Hive ship, motives unknown. Requesting advisement." Ayla transmits to allied fleet command at the same time. She knew enough to estimate that she was in a dangerous position here. If this thing did turn out to be hostile, she would need to make evasive manoeuvres soon. Most likely meaning either diving into the atmosphere where the larger ship would be significantly slowed, or doing the opposite and hugging the Aurora as close to the leviathan as possible, in order to get inside the blind spots of it's main guns. In the meantime she diverts virtually the entirety of the ships energy suply to defences, boosting the AT field to maximum and hardening the hull. She had no interest in being blown out of the sky by a single unannounced volley.

<"What's happening up there? The new fighter craft are attacking the first lot, and firing on the facility. I don't know what to shoot any more."> Sinnve reports, suddenly concerned for her sisters safety. Ayla adding the information on the Dart's targets so far to her message also.

<"Hold fire and stay safe for now. I'll... let you know as soon as I know."> Which is exactly what Sinnve does. Thankfully her golems ability to make rapid sliding dashes in any direction when needed, made evading direct fire strafing runs relatively easy. And anything stopping to hover and fire on her wouldn't last long enough to take aim. Trying not to draw any further attention for now, she simply works to keep track of the unexpected craft and stay out of their line of fire.

"Should we continue? We have our own concerns." Ellisia enquires below ground, ready to pursue the teams initial goals regardless of the confusion outside.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Talok opened his mouth to reply, then his head shot up sharply as if he had noticed something.

"Several Wraith have made planet side, but they seem ... odd. They may not be aware of me, it is difficult enough to sense them. I do not like this one bit, but it may provide a distraction for us. Nirrti's remaining Jaffa will likely divert to attack the better known attacking force, so if we move carefully enough, we may be able to slip past their lines. The two forces likely will occupy each other for a while, so we may be able to shut down the facility shield and beam out. We move, but stealthy."

Sinnve found that the darts took a couple of pot shots at her, but lost interest in her as she moved out of the battle zone. In fact, they completely ignored her as they smashed through the remaining gliders in mere moments, beams activating as a large number of soldiers transported out of the darts. From where she was, she couldn't see them very well, but each solider definitely moved more fluidly than any wraith she had met. Then again, she had only met Talok so that wasn't much to go on.

Ayla got a reply from one of the Alveran ships, though she couldn't tell who was sending.

"We have no confirmation of a friendly hive anywhere remotely close to this position. Chances are it's a rebel hive, and this could be a culling run. The weapons fire may have drawn them out. Assume defensive position, but do not engage target alone. Repeat, do not attempt to engage the hive alone, we will move to intercept and assist momentarily."

By now, the hive had noticed the Aurora, and it had moved into a position to blast it with weapons fire, and while it's weapons were fully charged, it had yet to open fire on them. Ayla had the distinct impression either the hive was waiting for her to make a move, scanning them, or trying to determine if they were a suitable meal and worth their time. A pre-emptive scan by one of her crewmen revealed something very surprising. The hive registered MULTIPLE power sources, as well as some systems that showed up as Ori and Draque in nature. The power readings coming off the hive were close to quadruple anything ever seen before from any hive, even one allied with them. To make matters worse, it seemed this hive had shields raised too. Suddenly a flash alerted her to something else. The hive was trying to open a communications channel with them!

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

((I've been reading the Stargate wiki a little lately to be able to keep up with certain phrases and lore. Just discovered that "The Aurora" is already a named ship that had it's own plot in Stargate. Heh...))

Ellisia nods. "Very well. Let's make the best of it. Lead on Talok." The Etherian trio moving on with them.

"Understood." Ayla replies plainly to the Alveran ship, becoming somewhat apprehensive about the looming threat and trying to consider the best course of action. The charged weapons not helping, although they hadn't fired yet. She was ready to send the Aurora into a spin and a rapidly declining orbit at any moment, and the mental ping informing her of a comms request almost made her do so as a knee jerk react. Opening the comms channel, she keeps her introduction as minimal as possible, and allows the Wraith to speak whatever they cared to say. "You speak with the E.S.S Aurora. I am listening."

Down on the surface Sinnve was reporting the sudden number of extra troops arriving on the scene, and stuck hanging around unsure of what to do. "We've got a large number of new ugly troops arriving up here now. I'm uh... Holding for orders." She informs the team inside. Her golem looking out of place in the besieged courtyard, as she simply watches the Wraith troops go about their business unless instructed otherwise. Any that might have took an interest in her would get little reaction, as the small arms fire simply wasn't a threat to her defence field. All the same she loomed amongst them as they beamed in all around. Sinnve only moving for the Darts, if any still intended to take shots at her despite their brethren now being on the ground.

(( Unless he attended to installing that tracking unit personally, Sinnve wouldn't have met even Talok actually, beyond the communications here. I hope he can excuse her unwitting comments about his race, assuming he's not the sensitive type. : P

And for a few notes/reminders on the Aurora that might help:-

Currently Ayla and Vern are actually the only two people aboard the ship. The ship not requiring a standard crew. Vern isn't even needed until the craft takes damage.
Since the Aurora doesn't use conventional power sources or electrical energy, it would likely actually appear to be powered down, or perhaps running a partial stealth system of some kind. The only regular system to register would be the coms unit.
Also, no life biological signs would actually be detected either, due to the interior of the ship actually being suspended in subspace or "out of phase".
And one other small, minor notable thing that comes to mind, would be that the ship would register as having abnormally high mass/density for a craft of it's size.))
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"First Nirrti, now Wraith," Ian mutters under his breath. He seems to have cooled down considerably, but the mention of the new problem looks to have keyed him up once again, putting him on alert, even if there's no chance of the rebel Wraith getting to them anytime soon. "Well, ya heard the lady. Let's get while the gettin' is good."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

The image of a person flashed onto the screens, and at once Ayla could tell this was no ordinary wraith, hell he didn't even really LOOK like a wraith except for the eyes. Something clearly was amiss here. When he spoke, he had the wraith type of voice as well, but other than those two things, he could have passed for human.

"Well... I must say you are an interesting sight. You aren't Alveran, and you aren't a human ship. What is your interest here, surely this planet doesn't have anything of worth to you?"

Ayla might get the impression this person wasn't entirely sure what to make of her or her ship, and that it bothered him. She also might have the feeling he was fishing for information, and that something here was worth HIS interest. The question was, what?

The darts seemingly didn't care about Sinnve or her golem, ignoring her for the time being as she apparently didn't pose a threat to them. She watched as the troops on the ground cut through some of Nirrti's guards, and began to push into the facility.

Talok nodded, and began to move, pausing only when they had to dodge a group of Jaffa or to glance at their map. In short order, they were standing outside of a room with large doors, to which Talok nodded.

"This is it. Strange .... The doors are partially open already. There may be a trap then."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ayla makes her response.

"This vessel and it's crew are servants of Etheria, currently operating in owed service to the Alliance. The facility below houses prisoners we would see freed, as well as a figure that the Alliance seeks to enact justice upon. A mission that is already under way. Before our people on the surface inevitably encounter each other and clash, I would ask the same of your own intentions."

Ellisia voices thoughtfully, turning her gaze to both Thanus and Marik. Thanus moves ahead in the group to accompany whoever would be first through the door. Aiming to provide enough protection to allow the team time to pull back in the case that a hail of weapon fire came upon them. Marik moves to the other side of the door, simply to listen. Focusing his enhanced senses to listen out for any movement, discussion, or other tell tale signs. It was difficult with the battle going on in the rest of the facility, but with good focus he should be able to distinguish the room from background noise. He would inform everyone of anything he detects, and make ready to move in at the back of the formation, much like the last fight.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

And given they've got Ian with them, they can even open the door from a distance, in case someone is waiting to ambush them on the other side. Likely, with the abilities the three men possess, there's a good chance that if there is something nasty waiting on the other side of the door, it's not going to get the element of surprise, that's for sure.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

As Thanus listened, he could hear what sounded like a body dragging across the floor, but it sounded as if it were moving itself, not by someone else. Then, it sounded like whoever it was got onto their feet, and slowly began coming to the door. When Ian opened it from afar, Thanus had all of three seconds to digest what he saw.

A staggering woman with red hair, was coming towards him. She seemed unwell, probably one of the prisoners from her ragged, tired look. However, she clearly had some fight left in her, and she immediately mistook him for one of Nirrti's Jaffa, and from behind her back she swung a metal pole, aiming right for his head!

There was a long silence before Ayla got a reply.

"Interesting. You must be the ones from the planet the Ori wanted so badly, yet had nothing of value to them. Regardless, that is for another time. My intention is to seize this facility, the device known to be here may provide an opportunity to eradicate a disease popping up among our kind. Preferablly, I would seize the owner of this compound as well, as she knows how to operate it fully. I believe you call her Nirrti. However, as I believe this is who you also seek, I am sure I can figure the device out on my own. I will contact my troops on the surface and instruct them to attack only Nirrti's Jaffa. If they encounter your people, then let us pray they aren't in a crossfire where accidents can occur."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

(It was Marik doing the noteworthy listening stuff, but matters not, anyway.)

Thanus on his part appears, at first, to react slowly. He immediately raises his hand to defend from the swung blow, but does so oddly timed, and to the more skilled fighters of the group it would be obvious that the interception was too late to make it if he intended to block or deflect. More over he doesn't shift his general stance an inch. As the metal pole swings down, it is suddenly stopped violently as if it had just hit a steel wall, only a few inches from the large mans head, and bounces back with a rippling effect flash of light. Thanus' "intercepting" hand then quickly continues it's motion, and easily catches the heavy pole before it could recoil back any further back and hurt the woman. "Be calm. We're not here to hurt you." He speaks, in suitably deep but smooth voice, and gentle tone.

Should the woman recoil and attempt to flee, or do anything else, he would take her by the arm with his other hand and hold her, as gently as possible without her escaping or worsening things.

"I am very glad that this will be able to proceed peacefully then. I shall advise my people likewise. And the target individual is indeed Nirrti. I will inform the allied fleet of her relevance to you, but what will ultimately be done with her is neither in my knowledge or power to say." Ayla replies, relaying the relevant information to both ground team and allied fleet.

Among the ground team, Ellisia would take a single step towards where Talok and Ian would be standing, and speak quietly regarding the information just coming in from above.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ian's attention is on the situation at the door, but given that it seems to be well in hand, almost literally, he allows his attention to drift as Ellisia draws closer.

"Well, if that don't complicate matters, eh?" he says with a frown. "Powers only know what he's aftah. He'd just best hope his folks listen when he tells 'em to stay outta our way."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

The woman just stood there for a moment, blinking at the man she'd tried to behead. He could almost see the mental cogs turning in her mind, processing the fact he'd just stopped her attack with hardly any effort, processing his words and finally processing the fact he clearly wasn't a gou'ald. Of course, that was when her eyes drifted over and spotted Talok, then Ian.

She said something, a croaked word that might have been "Ian", and the promptly pitched forward into Thanus as her legs gave out.

Based on the description he had to work with, he could guess who she was, though for some in the room, they could tell even in her disheveled appearance that it was in fact Vanessa.

The speaker thought for a moment before replying.

"As I said, we can function without her help, I will defer to your people on her fate. I must close this channel now if I am to pass word to my own people, we shall be in touch."

With that the channel closed, presumably for him to contact his own people.

On the surface in the mean time, Talok looked puzzled.

((I am operating on Elissia telling him everything in the message here, if that's not the case I'll have to edit this next part.))

"A disease that they need this facility for? There has been a small outbreak among human populations of a disease in the Pegasus Galaxy, but I know of nothing that has been affecting wraith. Tell Ayla to proceed carefully, I suspect this might either be a ploy for a weapon creation by the rebels themselves, or perhaps they truly want to solve this disease going through the humans. Even if that is the case, they are only doing so to preserve their food supply. They clearly aren't from our council, if they were, Julia would have already gotten us the news out, they wouldn't show up unannounced like this. I would recommend we vacate this place soon, I don't trust this other wraith, especially since I can't clearly connect to any of their minds and sense them."

Topside, Ayla was getting close to the exact same message from one of the Alveran ships.

"Here to ... We have heard nothing about a disease affecting wraith whatsoever. There has been one in the Pegasus Galaxy affecting humans, but that's been relatively minor. I do not like this one bit, I'm not sure this wraith should be completely trusted. However, I will contact Peltas Five and speak with Julia, it is possible that something has changed so quickly they haven't had time to go through proper channels, but I doubt it. For now, we'll remain out of sensor sweeping of their hive, just to play the charade. I suspect he's a rebel leader, but I can't be certain of this, and regardless, it is best not to tip our hand of suspicion just yet, not while we still have the upper hand here. Primary focus is on the mission, once that is completed, we shall go from there. In the meantime, can you get some passive sensor data off their hive? Rebel hives generally have added things that aren't normal to them, so we can use any blueprints we get to better judge what we are dealing with."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

((Going under the assumption that Ian didn't see her when she was in the room or else his reaction would have been *vastly* different.))

At the sound of his name, Ian's head comes around whiplash fast and he pushes past the others to get over to Thanus, or, more specifically, the woman in his arms.


He'll move to carefully take her from the Etherian, either holding her or supporting her, pending on her state of consciousness.

"Only you'd be brassy enough ta knock the block off yer rescuers." Though there's humor in his tone, anyone sensitive enough to it would pick up on the waves of relief coming off of him at not just finding her, but finding her alive. "C'mon, gal. Let's get you home."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Quickly passing the large metal pole away to Marik, Thanus catches the weary woman and supports her. "Easy now miss." He says quietly, making a passing check for any obvious injuries she might have. Hearing the name spoken, he passes a glance to Ian, and would naturally pass her into his care as he steps forward. Marik meanwhile places the pole on the ground to the side, and enters a short way into the room, surveying the place as he goes, but not straying out of the groups sight.

"Ayla is aware. And anything on their motives or identity would only be conjecture on my part, but you may be right." Ellisia replies to Talok. Also listening in to Ayla's communications as best she could and vice versa. It took a special kind of mind to multi task like this, and that was Ayla's speciality.

Ayla was already in the process of transmitting any sensor data she could get on the hive over to the allied fleet, even as the request came in. "Acknowledged and affirmative fleet. Transmission in progress." Highly diverse sensor systems were not one of the strengths of the Etherian vessel, but the readings she was able to provide were well detailed. Her transmitted data included an accurate 3D map of the exterior shape of the huge wraith craft, along with an approximate but fairly accurate reading of it's mass and density across the structure. General areas of varying high and lower densities being marked out and distinguishable. The sensor readings also revealed the multiple main power supplies, a rough gauge of their detectable energy levels, and a very basic display of power usage and supply across the ship, but not in enough detail to automatically identify any subsystems that weren't obvious anyway. Other sensor readings include basic visual and electromagnetic imagery, and a life signs reading of sorts. The life signs being perhaps abnormally precise for a passive sensor sweep of a shielded ship, but also more vague than normal. The reading gave no analysis of organic matter or processes detected, no brainwaves, nor heart beats, identification of body shapes, thermal patterns, or any of the other typical means that might be employed to conduct a life signs scan, but regardless of the lack of specific indicator data, the readings offered what claimed to be an accurate body count of the vessels sizeable crew, along with moderately precise positioning.

Sinvve meanwhile... huffed and remained lurking inside her stationary statue like golem. Not having had reason to move since instructed to cease fire. She listens in on any chatter that receives. She reminds herself how she is supposed to be thankful for the absence or avoidance of conflict, but nonetheless had been hoping for at least a little bit more opportunity to test her skills in real combat. She was present on a real battleground for once, where life and death was flowing by the minute, and she was stuck outside ordered to standby. It was frustrating for the young pilot. She makes sure to keep these current thoughts of hers hidden from Ayla, lest she get reminded again that she shouldn't be so eager or wanting regarding violence.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

A weary looking woman looked back to him, and she managed a weak smile at seeing his face. Through her fatigue, she managed to get out "there are a dozen others, still in cells under this room. We can't leave them behind, I told them we'd all ..."

And that was when her strength decided to give out on her, and she quietly passed out in his arms.

Talok was silent a moment, then placed a hand on Ian's shoulder.

"Go on ahead out with Thanus, Elissia and Marik, get her out of here. Camulus and I will bring more of his Jaffa down and we'll see to the others. I am glad we were able to help her, though she's not out of the woods just yet as you would say. Once back on the ship, we'll need to check her health, she doesn't look like she's been well kept after."

Ayla heard the Alveran commander let out a low whistle.

"That hive is almost twice the mass it should be for it's size. And some of those power readings you are picking up are more consistent with a DRAQUE ship than a Wraith Ship. I do believe this may be a rebel ship."

((I'm SO tempted to have one of the recurring things pop up and give Sinnve something to deal with lol. But I can't find a way to justify it, YET.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Unconscious or not, Ian murmurs into her hair, "We'll get 'em. Don't ya worry."

He nods at Talok's suggestion, though he shakes his head a bit. "Ya think you...Wraith and Gou'ald are the best ones ta be rescuin' folk? No offense, mates, but I'd at least take someone normal lookin' along with ya ta keep from spookin' folk. Maybe if Eli can spare one-a her boys? Or h'self."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Talok thought for a moment before nodding.

"Agreed, most of them may not have seen my species before, and they may not react well to a ton of Jaffa pouring in."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ellisia nods likewise and hums in agreement, "Mhmm. Understandable. In that case Marik will assist with freeing the captives for as long as required." Marik signals in affirmation. "And if it would benefit, our ship has a small medical facility capable of suspending the progression of virtually any injury or condition, until more comprehensive diagnosis or treatment can be arranged."

((And don't worry about Sinnve. I wasn't hinting that she needs more action or anything. Just RPing a bored young pilot expecting this to be her big action movie style début. : P

I'm actually almost disappointed that the Wraith ship didn't open fire on Ayla. Not because the Aurora would stand a chance fighting it alone or anything, but simply because the evasion and escape scene I'd imagined in preparation was pretty awesome. It involved lava and everything.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Talok nodded.

"That will help yes. Each of our ship has the facilities, but it would be best if everyone can get immediate attention. Vanessa is a tough person, but she looks like she's been put through ... I believe the ringer is your term Ian? Either way, given her toughness, if she's this run down, I think it is safe to guess the others will be just as bad off, if not more so. Let us move out, we'll meet back up on our ships later."

((Could still happen you know :p))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ellisia simply nods and is ready to move with the rest going back to the surface. Marik remains to go about helping to free the other prisoners, acting mainly as a first contact as much as possible, and explaining to the prisoners what is going on before letting the Jaffa escort them.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"That's one turn of th' phrase." Cradling Vanessa carefully in his arms, Ian will follow Talok and the others back up, given that things seem to be in hand here. He more likely keeps to the middle, making certain that there's someone to guard his front and watch his back while he carries Vanessa out. "What about th' others that're supposed ta be hangin' around here? From that othah hive?"
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