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Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Mira: 27 vs. Trap: 15.

With the last of her fading strength, Mira managed to pull the suction cups off of her body and free herself!

Unfortunately, there was no chance to rest, for as soon as she got free, her gaze spotted ...

Enemy Patrol Spawn:

Level 1 Humanoid Plant: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Tentacle Bind (Physical).

Level 2 Slime Blob: Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Weak to Lightning: Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Initiative Roll:

Slime: 30 1st
Plant: 20 2nd
Mira: 7 Last

... two enemies already lunging for her!

Grapple Attempt (s):

Slime: 10 vs. Mira: 11 (Dodge)

Plant: 26 vs. Mira: 25 (Grabbed)

Mira is able to dodge the Slime, but only just. Unfortunately, she fails to realize that the plant can extend it's vine like tentacles out until it is too late, and the plant manages to snare her arms and waist, pulling her in!


1: Try to escape the tentacled embrace.

2: Plant/Vine sex?

((KP and her adrenaline lockout carry over into this fight, since it is considered the same 'battle'. Meaning she can't get an adrenaline boost here, and the KP earned from the trap counts towards the max battle cap.))


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(Well shit, Mira is not in a good place but she will fight with what little strength she has left.)

Mira finally managed to free herself from the trap, feeling spent but a smile crossed her lips as she freed herself. As the portal opened and her smile faded, the slime and tentacle plant emerged.

"Oh why can't I catch a break." She said with a sign as she moved to dodge the slime and moved to avoid the tentacles, only to misjudge the distance and get grabbed by the tentacles.

"Oh god get off me you filthy thing." She weakly attempted to resist as she struggled to get free.

-1. If she failed to get free and orgasms then she's going to submit until they let her rest and recover some. This is gonna have a second stipulation which is if she get's free and hits an enemy with an attack, which I assume your gonna give me another post should that happen then she's going to keep fighting them off. Side note if she does get free she should Shattering Wave Chain through the both of them.-
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 6 vs. Plant: 2.

Mira manages to free herself.

Grapple Attempts:

Slime: 3 vs. Mira: 9 (Dodge)
Plant: 14 vs. Mira: 1 (Grabbed!)

Mira is grabbed again!

Round 2:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 24 vs. Plant: 17.

Mira escapes again!

Grapple Attempts:

Slime: 28 vs. Mira: 24.
Plant: 7 vs. Mira: 22

This time the Slime gets Mira!

Round 3:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 2 vs. Slime: 29

Mira can't get away!

Penetration Attempt:

Slime: 8 vs. Mira: 25

Mira avoids getting the D.

Round 4:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 29 vs. Slime: 20.

Mira escapes!

Grapple Attempts:

Slime: 4 vs. Mira: 29
Plant: 9 vs. Mira: 28.

Mira dodges both!

Round 5:

Mira activates Shattering Wave and has only 1 MP left.

Attack Roll (for this we'll use the Slime Blob as the activation target):

Mira: 28, 11 vs. Slime: 14, 20.

Mira can only land 1 hit, for 55 damage on each target. The Slime has 245 HP left, while the plant has 545.


1: Attack using Weakening Blow, Cleave or Ferocious Strike?

2: Try to run away from the fight.

3: Other?


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira struggled as best she could to get free finally getting herself free of her would be rapists. She shifted and gripped her sword swinging with all her strength trying to kill the two monsters. Her blade swung out and connected while it was only once, she still felt hope surge in her body as she pushed onward attempting to take down the slime before it got a hold of her again.

"Stupid monsters go rape something else you perverted bastards!" Mira screamed as she sung out with her blade attempting to end this fight quickly, she needed to rest sooner or later but things finally looked like they were going in her way.

-1, good old Ferocious Strike hopefully she does not get countered to all hell.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((Going to assume she'd go for the lowest HP target to end it first since you didn't say which enemy.))

Attack Roll:

Mira: 27, 28, 27, 29 vs. Slime: 27, 8, 7, 11. (Ties go to the aggressor, in this case Mira.)

Mira barely managed to land her first hit, but after that the combo was easy to maintain. While none of her hits land critical, it doesn't matter as she does 280 damage, killing the Slime!

Grapple Attempt:

Plant: 1 vs. Mira: 8

Mira is able to duck under the reach of the Plant, as it aims too high.


1: Use some Plant be Gone!

2: Other?


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((Thank you I meant to put in slime as the target, I feel dumb for not saying so. Anyways onwards to shooting out some plant be gone))

Mira rushed the slime feeling herself surge with strength as she rapidly slashed and killed the slime, looking over at the plant monster. A smile creeping onto her lips, this place might not be her end, at least not today.

She rushed the plant swinging to take down her next opponent, things finally going back her way as she let out a battle cry which sounded more like a scream to anything else.

-1. plant be gone, second verse same as the first hopefully about as effective.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira rushed into attack her foe, and that proved to be a mistake. The plant simply reached out with it's tentacles and grabbed her in mid attack, quickly restraining her and pulling her towards it. It used her own forward momentum against her, sticking out a dick like tentacle, and literally made Mira's own movement penetrate her. Mira's body was suddenly invaded by the tentacle dick as her forward momentum carried her right into the dick waiting for her, and it effortlessly penetrated her, buried to the hilt! Then, rather than pinning her on the ground, it lifted her an inch or two off the ground, holding her in it's tentacles and began to rape her in mid air!

Mira suffers 40 pleasure and gains 60 KP from the sudden rape, and has 124 stamina left!

The Plant has 110 Stamina left.

The plant used it's turn to counter Mira.


1: Try to get free before it rapes you to an orgasm.

2: Other?


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira had little time to react as it grabbed her again and she pushed herself onto it's cock. With a moan her eyes shifted upwards slightly as it penetrated her.

"Oh god why does it have to feel so good." She moaned as she shook her head and struggled onward, attempting to free herself. This stupid thing would not rape her forever, at least not if she had anything to say about it.

-Struggle to get free then kill the monster-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 2 vs. Plant: 8.

Mira can't get free, although she makes a little headway.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 15 vs. Mira: 6.

Mira can't stop the plant from continuing to rape her, and suffers 40 Pleasure, and gains 40 KP.


1: Struggle some more.

2: Give in and allow your skill to kill it when you orgasm.


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

"No, no, no, no, no NO!" Mira slowly began to chant then scream at her rapist, she would not let this thing fuck her. "I will get free and I will finish you." She screamed again as she did her best to get herself free although her attempts were gaining her little ground at the moment and fear crept into her mind as she felt her orgasm building, but she could still keep it away.

She pushed the thought from her mind and concentrated on escape, she would not think about what would happen when she came again.

-1. Same as before she'll keep struggling until her next orgasm or the monster is dead which ever comes first.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 17 vs. Plant: 20.

The Plant refuses to listen to Mira, and keeps on raping her!

Special Skill:

Plant: 23 vs. Mira: 12.

The Plant uses it's tentacles to completely wrap Mira up, fully restraining her and ensuring she not only continues to be raped, but that she can't try to escape on her next turn! In fact, it even stuffs tentacles into her ass, and then into her mouth to silence her! Mira suffers 40 Pleasure and gains 40 KP. She has 44 Stamina left.

The Plant has 30 Stamina left until it shoots a load into her!

Round 2:

Mira can't try to escape!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 29 vs. Mira: 5.

The tentacles loosen a bit on Mira, allowing her to struggle, but she can't stop the plant from continuing to rape her. Mira suffers 40 pleasure and has 4 stamina left, but the worst part of it is that her rapist can no longer contain it's pleasure!

The plant finally reaches it's climax, and Mira can feel it shoot something inside of her, a fluid mixed with some kind of hard objects. It suddenly dawns on the woman that the plant is filling her with it's seeds, and impregnating her! Unfortunately, there is nothing she can do about it as the plant easily pumps her full of it's seed! Mira gains 190 KP as she is forcibly impregnated, filled and forced to swallow a load of it's fluids down her throat!. Mira is pregnant 20/20 turns!

The Plant has 140 Stamina now.

Round 3:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 4 vs. Plant: 9.

Mira can't escape the Plant and knows the end is coming if she can't resist!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 30 vs. Mira: 24 (Auto Crit Pleasure)

Mira's body convulses wildly as the Plant hits her most sensitive parts, increasing her pleasure and ultimately she can't hold back any more. Any scream of pleasure she might let out is muffled by the tentacles in her mouth, but that doesn't stop her body from climaxing! An orgasm rips through Mira, crashing through her and taking over her mind. for a brief moment, all she can think about is how much pleasure she's in, and that she's having an orgasm! Mira suffers 80 pleasure, and orgasms wildly, gaining 130 KP. As she ends her orgasm, her skill activates and KILLS the Plant, denying her the 'chance' at experiencing another climax with it. Mira has 134 Stamina left, is in the adrenaline boost state for 8 turns, and is pregnant for 19 more turns.

Mira gains 300 XP.

Loot Phase:

Slime: Mana Potion.



1: Move along.

2: Rest (specify how long, IE: until she's at full stats, until she gives birth, etc.) (Can't be caught).


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

As Mira struggles wildly completely unable to resist her rapist, he penetrates her over and over forcing a tentacle into her mouth and one into her ass. The sensation is unlike anything she had ever felt before as she felt her next orgasm rush towards her.

'Don't cum you stupid body, fight back, get free.' Her mind races as she's bound and then the orgasm hits her. 'Fight.' floats through her mind as it hits her, 'Not fight, cum need more planty pleasure forever.' Her mind shatters as the orgasm hits her again, and another rushes to replace it almost moments later. The plant vaporizes as she feels her body activate an ability she did not know she had.

Mira laid on the ground pregnant, and panting in her afterglow.

"Oh good god, that felt more amazing then anything I have ever felt before. I'm sore all over but don't care. I should probably move onwards but I can't think straight still, I need a few moments to get myself back together, yeah that's it." Mira says to herself as she sits up and rests for a few moments, she feels like she needs it.

-Rest until at full stats then take the mana potion and move onwards. Not waiting for pregnancy unless the birthing happens before she hits full stats.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Laying there, Mira tried to rest off what had happened to her. It took a while (4 turns), but soon enough she was back to full strength! During that time, her pregnancy seemed to be coming along, as she could notice subtle changes in her body. She also noted that she still felt somewhat super charged from the last battle, as if her adrenaline were still pumping.

Deciding it was time to move on though, she grabbed the potion and moved out.

She found herself in a small wooded area once more after a short walk, and as she started through it ...

Companion Encounter:

Catherine Silvara: Catherine, or Cat as she prefers to be called is a stunningly sexy half Mathosian, half Elf woman who has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Cat has a special weakness to getting her dick sucked that she doesn't even know she has, and when captured and getting her dick sucked, Cat will be unable to fight the pleasure until she has an orgasm from it. Once she knows what to expect (after her orgasm), Cat will be able to fight back.

... she spotted what appeared to be a shrine. As she came into view of it, Cassidy appeared.

"You have found a Shrine of Evasion. Once activated, the next time you would be penetrated you escape and the attacker takes 2,500 damage. If you want to fight and take the shrine, you must defeat Ashlynn Spiderfriend and her pet Arachne. Good luck in your decision."

Before Mira could make a decision, another female voice called out to her.

"Hello! My god, are my eyes playing tricks on me, is that really another living person? What's your name?"

When Mira turned to look, she'd see the stunningly beautiful woman coming towards her a bit slowly, as if she were wary it might be some kind of trap.


1: Take the shrine with her help after introducing yourself.

2: Move along and forget the shrine, asking her to join you.


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira stood staring at the beautiful woman partially stunned by her for a moment.

"I wont lie I'm equally surprised by seeing someone or something that is not completely intent on fucking me senseless." She said with a chuckle as she stared at the shrine, it sounded useful, honestly probably too good to be true. Although this Ashlynn sounded like a tough character to face.

"What do you think about the shrine, do you want to help me take it down? I think we both get the bonus if we do?" Mira smiled towards her as she made her offer, it was refreshing to finally meet someone who was not trying to thrust something horrible between her legs or grow her a dick and suck her life out through it.

-Take the shrine with new buddies help. OOC note this does assume that as I'm at full stats I have my full assortment of MP and ideally the rape damage ability back. If not that's fine I still wanna try for the shrine the dice have to come back eventually.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Cat nodded.

"Yeah, it's useful believe me. I've fought shrine fights before, some of these buffs are just incredible. Worth having them for sure every chance you get. And yeah, outside of the group I was with when I first woke up ... well, you're the first thing I've met that hasn't tried to fuck me, suck me or otherwise rape me in ..."

She trailed off, seeming to think about it for a moment. Finally she shrugged.

"God, I don't know how long. At least a month."

((Note: She has 6,773 KP. I forgot to put that in last post.))

Deciding they would take on the shrine, the two women moved into position. Cat didn't react much when suddenly an energy barrier snapped into place, trapping them inside the battle area! Then again, if she'd been doing this a while, she'd probably gotten used to it already.

Enemy Spawn:

Ashlynn: HP: 5,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 55.

Level 2 Arachne: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 70. HP: 800. Weak vs. Fire. Special Ability: Sexual Domination.

Initiative Rolls:

Ashlynn: 21 (tie breaker: 22) 1st
Arachne: 2 (Last)
Mira: 21 (tie breaker: 5) 2nd
Cat: 7 (3rd)

Ashlynn tries to grab Mira, but the woman snaps out of her surprise just in time to get her weapon up and counter her! Mira deals 400 damage, and Ashlynn's attack is stopped! Ashlynn has 4,600 HP left.


1: Attack Ashlynn some more.

2: Take out the Arachne first.


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira felt an instant kinship with this woman, she too honestly could barely remember the times before she was raped three times at this point. Honestly it was just a blur she was happy to have a companion.

"Okay then lets take down this shrine and get us some buffs!" Mira said with a smile towards her new companion as the energy shield activated. Mira stared at it honestly confused for a few moments as their opponent appeared and attacked, luckily Cat was on her toes and struck at their foe. Mira shocked and back fighting again instantly pulled up her blade and swung into their foe, she would take her down quickly, if possible.

-1. Attack Ashlynn with all my might, hit her with weakening strike-
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Roll:

Mira: 20+5=25 vs. Ashylnn: 17.

Mira lands her hit, dealing 600 damage and placing Ashlynn in the weakened state for 3 turns. 2x Damage on any non shadow damage dealing skills! Ashlynn has 4,000 HP left.

Cat attempts to attack Ashlynn, but the woman reacts fast and counters her, and quickly takes Cat down! In seconds Cat is on the ground, and Ashlynn has used her mini vines to restrain her. As Cat struggles, Ashlynn imbues her with a dick, and then Cat's struggles abruptly cease as Ashlynn begins to give her a blowjob. Mira can see in Cat's eyes the sudden change, as the sensation is too much for her. Ashlynn evidently is hitting a good spot too, because Cat starts moaning and writhing in pleasure! Cat suffers 90 pleasure after her shield negates some of it, and gains 110 KP. Cat has 55 stamina left until she has an orgasm!

The Arachne attempts to take advantage of the situation, and tries to attack Mira as her attention shifts. Fortunately, Mira remembers there is another enemy on the field, and turns with her weapon at just the right time, countering the Arachne! Mira deals 400 damage to the Arachne, and leaves it with 400 HP.

Ashlynn spent her turn on the counter-rape already.


1: Finish off the Arachne.

2: Take a risk and try to free Cat before she climaxes. (Chance the Arachne can stop you).


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira stands before the shrine as it activates and their combat begins, smiling as she shifts her strategy some and attempt to weaken her foe first then pummel her senseless. . Her attack connects well weakening the rather beautiful woman, sadly she watches mostly stunned as her new companion is pinned down and raped in front of her, although she can also see that she is just like her before. That orgasm will be probably enough for cat to start righting back, first she needs the other enemy to be off the field.

"Time to take you down spider thing." She says with a smirk as she moves in on it to hit it with furious chain and take it down, weakening an enemy so weak already felt pointless. Might as well kill it and return to the main threat.

-1. Kill that Arachne make this fight two on one.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Roll:

Mira: 21 vs. Arachne: 27.


Cat is unwilling to resist her pleasure.

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 20 vs. Mira: 4.

The Arachne tackles Mira to the ground!

Ashlynn continues to suck Cat's dick, and hit the same vulnerable spot, causing Cat's body to wildly buck in pleasure as her climax approaches. Cat begins to whimper as her orgasm boils up, and finally, she can't keep it contained any longer. A scream of pure pleasure erupted from Cat's mouth, as she tossed her head back, crying out to the stars above as she spurted load after hot load into Ashlynn's mouth. Her 'lover' took all of it, continuing to suck Cat's dick even as she helplessly spurted! As the pleasure from her initial orgasm died down, Cat realized what was happening, and started trying to struggle. Unfortunately, Ashlynn was still oh so perfectly sucking her off, and Cat's struggles only caused her to moan in further pleasure, almost helping to continue her blowjob. Cat suffers 90 pleasure, and gains 170 KP. She has 110 Stamina left before she has another orgasm!


1: Get off me you damn bug!

2: See what kind of sex she has in mind.


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira watched as cat began to fight back again, sadly distracting her and letting her opponent counter her movement and grab her again. With a light curse she was pushed to the ground, luckily it was only that, she needed to struggle free and kill this thing then help her new friend. No way in hell was she going to let this thing fuck her stupid, no way.

-1. struggle free and if I get free chain this bastard down and then move to free Cat.-