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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana nodded. "Yes, but if you feed again too early, you'll become gorged and tired. Although not a bad thing, it wouldn't do you any good right now. So before we go any farther, this is where you are sleeping." She said pointing to a massive stone sarcophagus. "Mainly because you and I are the only people strong enough to move the lids, and you're not strong enough to fight suddenly after being woken up. I'd rather not have your death on my hands when it's so easily fixable. Sarah has agreed to stay by your side no matter what, though she has no interest in the gift herself. And as for your new strength... that we'll handle after the sun sets, there are things you need to experience to understand."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was shown to her new bed, a pure stone sacrophogus, slightly taken aback she asked after Lisana explained "I-Is it as comforatable as it looks or...?" to see whether it would be softer than it looked, she wasnt very fond of sleeping on some cold stone...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The interior of the stone was actually carefully padded with silk and gooosedown, being both incredibly soft and comfortable, seeing Lisana grin, before breaking out into laughter, she gestured at herself. "You really think I would neglect personal comfort? You're insane. But come now, you must have several questions, or none at all. If not then we can head upstairs and you can see Sarah.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino gave a small phew of relief as the insides of it were padded for her comfort, she didnt really have anymore questions, just one more, she asked "How long does it usually take to f-feed? I-Id like to know if i n-need to do it discreetly..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Considering most normal people would call you a freakish monster, not trust you, and probably try and kill you if you fed openly, Yes, you should feed discreetly, and if you're trying to not kill your meal, then it takes a few minutes. If you just rip them open like a sack of grain then it can be done in scant seconds. Come on then." She said, gesturing for Mino to follow as she was led upstairs. Waiting for them, was Roderick, and now Sarah, wearing a maid outfit to match Roderick's suit. "She was unusually receptive to this idea..." Lisana said stifling a giggle.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino was told it would take a few minutes if she wanted to do it quietely, thankfully she only needed to feed twice a day though, brought up the next floor now, she saw sarah...in a maid outfit of all things, Mino blushed slightly and giggled as Sarah smiled, she hugged her and rubbed her back, happy she wasnt holding anything against her for earlier.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah giggled and hugged Mino as well, grinning as she pulled back. "So now I'm your maid! apparently Roderick is going to teach me how to take care of you while you sleep, O! do you like the outfit?" She asked, twirling a little, her tail wagging excitedly, ears perked up for the answer.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino giggled and nodded as Sarah asked what she thought of her outfit, saying "I like it!" in a much more confident and happy tone than normal, hugging the wolf girl again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah couldn't help but be excited by everything, kissing Mino gently before backing away and assuming a very serious face much like Roderick's, Lisana laughing loudly at the display and even managing to coax a smile out of the stoic man. "Well Misses, I must see to Sarah, if you'll excuse me." He said snagging the collar of her outfit and pulling her to a different part of the house, leaving Mino alone again with Lisana. "We have several hours, anything you'd like to do?" She asked curiously.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was now left to do whatever she pleased with Lisana for a few hours, looking around, Mino asked "C-Can i have my clothing b-back at least?", blushing slightly from the fact she was still stark naked infront of her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana chuckled and took a step towards the stairs heading further up. "And what if I told you no~" She said teasingly before darting up to the second floor, laughing the whole way.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was surprised and gave a huff of annoyance as she chased after Lisana saying "INEEDTHEMIGETSHYWITHOUTTHEM!" in a way that tried sounding intimidating but came across as adorably shy instead.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lisana only laughed louder as she continued to run away, darting into a room down the hall. "So CUTE~" She called out, thinking it was all hilarious and adorable at the same time.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Darting into a room, Mino was too slow to catch up and thus she had to stop, looking around and trying to figure out where Lisana had went, giving out a annoyed huff and trying to say "D-Dont make me force you out!" to try and act intimidating again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Entering the room, Lisana made her appearance by bursting out of a closet full of several inappropriate outfits, but certainly none of Mino's, wearing a dress that was cut entirely too low, and stopped just barely below her ass, laughing. "What are you gonna do? Tickle me?" She teased, still laughing.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bursting out of a closet, Mino seemed still annoyed as she said "S-Show me where m-my clothes a-are or ill m-make you regret it!" still trying desperately to sound intimidating but to ultimately no avail.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

And then Lisana was behind her, moving faster then mino even thought was possible, shoving her headlong into the closet before closing the door, the snick of a lock heard as Lisana kept laughing. "Now now~ it's time for an outfit to choose you dear~" She said, grinning as she waited on the bed, the clothing seeming to move a little behind her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Pushed into the closet, Mino realised she had been tricked, making her give a sarcastic huff in annoyance as she was forced to pick a article of clothing, which she thoroughly looked over before picking one.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Actually Mino had been tricked twice, because right next to a dress very much like the one Lisana was wearing, were her old clothes freshly cleaned and pressed, the sound of Lisana laughing on the bed still sounding in her ears. "Come on, I'm not that mean, but seriously, look at the clothing now with your new eyes. Each thread and stitch, the feel of silk now... Ahhh, so many things taken for granted that you can enjoy on a level most people never even dream of. I came the first time I touched 1000 thread count sheets."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino thankfully found her clothes in the closet, pressed and cleaned now from earlier, putting them back on, Mino knocked on the door of the closet, saying "P-Please let me out now..."