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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"It has it's ups and downs" Gabrielle said nodding, "but people will inherently not trust you, and they usually come with draw backs, like raping your friends. Still, it's not impossible. From what Charlotte told me, you've already been a monster girl before, an Alraune if i'm not mistaken..."

Sitting on the bed and leaning back a little to show off her body for Mino, Gabrielle sighed and flopped back, relaxing. "Well, if you enjoy working like this, then we'll just consider it your rent" She teased, giggling at the thought.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino laughed and flopped beside her, saying "Yeah, i didnt like being a alraune though, too immobile...do you think you can turn me into a monster girl~?" Mino asked, smiling "Or do you know anyone that can do that?" she asked again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"I can... Although it depends on what you want" Gabrielle said, looking at Mino with a raised eyebrow. "Tell me and i'll say whether it's doable~" She said, grinning. "It's rare to find a human that wants to join the extended family so to speak."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino went deep into thought for a moment, blinking and saying "I Dunno, what ones can i pick from~?", curious on what selections were available to her if she wanted to become a monster girl and make one of her favorite things even better.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle thought about it for a moment, looking at Mino. "I could eventually turn you into a succubus, but that would take time. A slime is impossible sadly, no queens around.. Hrm... Any of the beast girls is quite possible, and even quick, an Arachne could be managed, but you don't strike me as the serial rapist type. A Stalker is always possible, or a shadow, and then there's a dryad, like an alraune, but not tied down to a giant flower, nor as strong. I think that's about it. and a few require a little work." She finally finished. There were other options likely available, but many required specialised living environments, such as nymphs needing water etc etc.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino looked slightly sad in that most of the options would take a while, but she did seem interested in the beast girls saying "What beast girls can i pick from?" in interest.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle laughed lightly and snuggled Mino, kissing her cheek. "You are just so cute~!" She said, her body pressed tightly against Mino's as she laughed a little more. "Ahh Charlotte was right, you are just adorable and lovable. Lets see, I know that a wolf girl, an okami like Sarah is quite possible, as is a cat, or a rabbit, foxes, but note that is not a kitsune, if you wanted to be a kitsune you would need to do a ton of work and get koyuke to help you and to the best of my knowledge that's it."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino sighed and kept hugging Gabrielle, giggling and rolling around with her as she said "Anything about vampires~? I had a interesting idea if i could be one of those~" Mino said in a teasing manner, hoping to arouse Gabrielles curiousness.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"The only way to become a vampire, is with the help of another vampire, but that's doable... Why? What was the idea?" Gabrielle asked, starting to furiously tickle Mino.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Starting to giggle and laugh as Gabrielle tickled at her, Mino managed to get out "C-Cant t-tell you~~! Secret!" however after a bit more persuading by keeping her pinned while tickling her she lapsed and said "Okay okay~! I w-wanted to be a f-futa vampire t-to see p-peoples reactions~~! I-im curious about h-having a dick too!" she admitted, laughing more and more as Gabrielle continued her tickle torture.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle stopped tickling and looked at Mino for a moment. "A Futa Vampire? You know there's a spell that will let you just grow a dick right?" She asked, chuckling. "Or stuff like that pod there, though that one will make you cum your brains out as well, it's a fun one. But if that's what you want, I can call someone in the morning." She said smiling, and then the tickling began anew for a few moments.

Standing up after being done tormenting mino in that rediculous fashion, Gabrielle grinned and walked over to a small chest in the corner, kicking it with her foot to open it before muttering something, her hands forming strange signs.

Looking at Mino now, Gabrielle raised her hands, and out of the box floated several leather restraints, gags, toys, a length of rope, and a small glowing green egg that was visibly moving. "So. Shall we play tag? Or should I tuck you in for the night~" Gabrielle said smiling like a cat. Mino was pretty sure that whatever happened, she was going to sleep tonight... Entertained unless she expressly forbid it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding in response to Gabrielle calling someone for Mino, she sat up and noticed Gabrielle perform some kind of magic trick to get some kinky materials out a chest, she asked if they wanted to play tag, Mino smiled much like a cat as well and nodded answering "Yes please~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle was thrilled, smiling widely. "Hooray! No one ever plays this with me! Okay!" She said, floating half of the supplies over to Mino, who know figured they were temporarily alive and under her control. "First one to fully restrain or get the other to surrender wins~ You need to at least take away someone's hands to win, so best of luck! Let me know when you're ready~" She said, taking an odd stance at the other side of the room, her own supplies spinning lazily around.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smirking, Mino took a ready stance and said "Ready~", her main plan being "Make it up as we go along"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

This is simple, first to 5 hits wins, loser spends all night not getting much sleep.

Gabrielle 3
Mino 20
Gabrielle is betrayed by her own toy! Restrained 1

Mino 15
Gabrielle 20 -1 19
Gabrielle inchworms a dodge.

Gabrielle, smirking and ready to play made the first move, a leather strap sailing towards Mino with the intent to hug entirely too tightly. However, these toys seemed to have slight minds of their own and rather then attacking Mino, the thing turned on Gabrielle instead, making the succubus give out a loud eep as she fell over, the strap having seized her ankle and bound it to her thigh behind her. From her position on the ground, Mino tried to capitolise, sending another towards her, which obeyed her, but Gabrielle managed to scoot out of the way, looking completely rediculous as the strap came to rest back under Mino's control.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Giggling as Gabrielle was caught out by her own toy, Mino tried to capitalise and bind her tighter, but she somehow managed to dodge in her bound state, making Mino pout a little bit.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle 18
Mino Nat 1
Crit Mino Bound 2/3 Gag 0/1 Rope unused Vibrators unused
Mino 19
Gabrielle 6
Crit Gabrielle bound 2/3 Gagged. Rope unused Vibrators unused.

Wow, both ladies have a talent for this game o_O

Gabrielle, trying to save some face threw her own straps again, the black lengths of leather flying through the air to snare Mino's ankles, only to bind them both like Gabrielle's had been which of course resulted in Mino falling onto the floor as well. However the triumphant smirk was wiped right off of her face when mino countered, her own straps coming into play with far more effect then last time, Gabrielle losing her other leg so the two were now identically bound. But Gabrielle got a surprise as a big blue ball gag caught her off guard and locked around her face, making the succubus give something between a muffled shout and a giggle as she wriggled around
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino and Gabrielle eventually ended up in the exact same position as Mino squirmed about, thankfully getting a gag on gabrielle to tip it in her favor, Mino then tried commanding the vibrators to get into Gabrielle this time.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 16
Gabrielle 10
Bound 2/3, Gagged, Vibes 1/2 Rope unused
Gabrielle 8
Mino 3
Bound 2/3 Gagged, Vibes 0/2 Rope unused

Mino's attack worked just fine, having the joy of watching the furiously buzzing toy zip along the ground to trail up the bound woman's thigh before burying itself in her folds, Gabrielle arching her back and gasping into her gag before giving muffled moans even as she attacked in her own way, a ball gag of Mino's very own, bright red this time burying itself in her mouth. There wasn't much left to this fight, and it looked like the newcomer was going to take the victory.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino seemed to be winning, even as she herself was gagged like Gabrielle was, squirming about she hoped that her rope would finally bind Gabrielles hands...