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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"I have no idea~" Sarah said, drawing her sword and giving it a few slow swings, familiarizing herself with the weapon and finding it suited to her rather well. It was fast and sharp, much like herself and she liked it very much. As if reading their minds, Their dinner was served upstairs in their rooms, being a kind of sweet smelling vegetable pie with a thick beef gravy and soft mead.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Going upstairs, Mino was almost overjoyed to find her dinner was upstairs waiting for her along with Sarahs, sitting at the bed and bringing the plate over, she looked at Sarah and smiled before starting to eat her dinner in her usual rapid and savoring manner.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah giggled as Mino attacked her food like an animal while she made a show of eating like a dainty princess. Finishing her meal, Sarah flopped onto the bed and thrashed around in the sheets before sticking all her limbs up and then just going limb. It was rather spazzy and funny to watch, leaving the sheet tangled around her, reminding Mino of when Ryan had actually tied her up with a sheet. Good Times.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Finishing her meal, Mino watched Sarah have a bit of fun on the bed before stopping and smiling, Mino giggled and jumped into bed beside Sarah, getting under the covers to cuddle with her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah eeped as Mino dove in after her and wound up snuggling under the covers. Hugging her tightly for a moment, Sarah sat up to strip before snuggling back in, and then sat back up to strip Mino as well so cuddling could be done properly, Sarah's body warm and especially huggable.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah seemd a bit unsatisfied with their current cuddling, so Sarah sat up and stripped both of them so they could fully experience each others bodies, Mino relishing the natural warmth of Sarah, even if her dick did occasionally brush against her slit, making her blush somewhat as she yawned and said "Night Sarah...."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Night Mino~" Sarah said, blushing slightly as well, her dick hard to ignore for both of them but somehow being managed fairly well by the pair. Waking up, Mino was awoken with a soft gasp as pleasure bolted through her body, Sarah's dick felt pushing into her moist folds without warning. It seemed that Sarah however was still asleep, and in the midst of a good dream, and gotten aroused, and her hard length had brushed against Mino's folds enough to slicken her. Which had only encouraged both girls to gently roll their hips in their sleep until Sarah had gotten lucky...
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Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino had a well earned rest, although her awakening was rude and unexpected, giving a small gasp as she woke up, she had been penetrated by Sarah who was still asleep and obviously aroused, yawning, Mino tried to go back to sleep for a bit, ignoring the arousal Sarah was giving her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Trying to go back to sleep was much much harder then it sounded in her mind as Sarah gave a soft moan and began rolling her hips, her member throbbing in Mino's folds as she wriggled her hips and forced it a little deeper. If Mino wanted to get any sleep at all, then it was going to have to be after getting this thick dick out of her quivering and wet folds as Sarah snuggled up tighter against her back, forcing herself a little deeper yet again, until, with a long sigh and a soft moan into her ear, Sarah slowly hilted herself completely, the pleasure immense on Mino's already primed body as she was completely filled, her inner walls rippling around the intrusion while Sarah managed to just continue sleeping, occasionally rolling her hips and drawing a moan or gasp from Mino.
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Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Trying to get back to sleep was like always easier said than done, squirming, Mino gave out a moan of pleasure as Sarah hilted herself in Mino, annoying her somewhat, squirming slightly she tried to get herself off of Sarah, so she could get up and look out the window to see what time of day it was.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 9
Sarah 18
I suppose Mino's not getting up quite yet XD
Just because I could hahaha

Trying to get away from Sarah and get her dick out of her as Sarah started to moan softly and very gently thrust was quite difficult as Mino found that the position she was in made it rather akward to even move. Sarah had long ago hugged her rather tightly in her sleep and was tightening her grip and grumbling in her sleep at the movement as she bucked a little harder. Was Sarah... Was Mino... Was she getting raped by Sarah in her sleep? It certainly seemed that way!
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Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was having no luck in trying to get herself out of this predicament, squirming again she realised that Sarah was raping her while asleep, she remembered this was a rare occurence before, called sleep sex or something, in any case Mino whimpered in pleasure and tried to stop her lewder personality from taking the reins, trying to squirm out of Sarahs grip and get her dick out of her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 8
Sarah 15

Having no luck again, Mino felt the beginnings of a climax start to build as Sarah continued thrusting into her folds, her thick length taking long deep strokes and Mino's own struggling only sending more pleasure through her as she felt Sarah's knot beginning to form. Squirming around a little, Sarah moaned into her ear and adjusted her grip, annoyingly pulling the blanket tightly across her lips by accident as well, muffling her as Mino moaned again and the very unlucky Mino felt the thick fabric slide between her lips.
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Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Minos squirming was serving no real purpose as she just couldnt get herself free, she felt her climax beginning to form as her body turned red with arousal and Sarah kept her in a tight death cuddle, accidentally gagging Mino in the process making her give out muffled cries of both pleasure and protest.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino nat 1
Sarah 19

Sarah, only continuing to thrust against the gagged and squirming Mino wriggled a little on top of her as well and Mino found that now her body was literally betraying her. As her muffled protests were completely ignored, Sarah's knot was only growing larger, starting to slowly pop in and out of her quivering folds, the slow pace causing a delicious pleasure to bolt up her spine as her gentle and unexpected rape continued, Sarah a heavy sleeper indeed as she mewled and moaned into Mino's ear as Mino finally shuddered, struggling hopelessly as she gave a muffled cry and came, her inner walls clamping down and milking Sarah's dick as the wolfgirl began thrusting a little harder, her knot swelling larger as the sleeping wolf girl slowly forced it into her folds, shuddering and arching against Mino as she came as well, Mino's womb suddenly flooded with heat, the wolfgirl cumming inside her with a whimper, her knot swelling inside her as she tied Mino and resumed sleeping, leaving Mino still hopelessly pinned, gagged, and impaled on Sarah's knot just as the sun began creeping through the window, her body still echoing with pleasure as the dick inside her continued to throb and her slit clamped and clenched around the knot buried inside her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was still stuck with Sarah ontop of her, her thrusts becoming more and more frequent until she felt Sarah warm up immensely and cum into her, knotting her dick inside Mino and leaving her unable to escape as Minos tongue lulled out of her mouth as the pleasure washed over her like a tidal wave, panting, Mino smiled and rolled so she was underneath Sarah, letting her have her fun with her, giggling and squealing with pleasure each time she thrusted and letting her lower lips take every drop of her cum, eventually making her dick swell as large as it could go and bloating Minos belly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Giving in to the situation and wriggling under her as she cried out into the blanket in pleasure, she eventually wound up with her body wedged under Sarah's, her legs wrapping gently around the wolfgirl as she bucked and writhed along with her thrusting. Her face was right next to Sarah's and she could make out the happy expression on her face and had to admit that the sight of the heavily breathing girl, in immense pleasure despite being asleep was kind of hot. This didn't really improve her overall position, what with Sarah still clinging to her and the blanket still wedged firmly in her mouth, so her squeels of delight and sultry moaned were still too quiet to wake her, which meant that Mino spent the rest of the morning with Sarah's throbbing dick inside her, her womb full of the wolfgirl's cum, and her inner walls continuing to clamp and clench around the thick knot that left them hopelessly trapped together, cumming several more times over the next hour or so, the constant pleasure meaning that Sarah's dick never deflated since Mino, her lewd mindset in control never calmed down.

Waking slowly, Sarah gave a soft gasp and moaned, bucking her hips slightly and shuddering, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she shook against Mino, the pleasure finally registering in her conscious mind. Looking at Mino, and seeing her state, the blanket soaked with Mino's drool, she eeped and pulled it from her mouth, still panting softly and squirming against her. "I... are.... Did I... I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" She seemed to be panicking because of what had presumably happened, but still couldn't free herself from mino's folds, whimpering against her as she waited for her knot to deflate so she could wriggle free, apologising repeatedly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually Sarah woke up and seemed to be in a startled panic trying to pull out of Mino but failing, Mino giggled and said "Hey stop taking my job~!" in a mischevious tone, pulling Sarah back down so they were face to face, Mino said in a lustful tone"You did a really nice job even though you were sleepin`~", pulling Sarah into a loving french as she bucked her hips to feel Sarahs warm shaft thrust further into her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah widened her eyes, a little suprised, but returned the kiss regardless, moaning into Mino's mouth as their tongues danced at the sensation of her length pushing further into Mino's folds, any attempt to dislodge herself completely forgotten as she let the pleasure have it's way and resumed her steady thrusting, the increased speed and power now that she was awake sending Mino's already sensitive folds quivering again as the pleasure and her own arousal spiked to new levels entirely. No longer ashamed of what had happened given Mino's apparent attitude about it, Sarah was only too happy to start pounding into Mino before taking her collar off on a sudden whim, and threading the leather thing around Mino's neck, tightening it. "Well then if I did such a good job, then I'm just gonna keep doing it~" She teased, before resuming her hard, fast thrusts, approaching yet another orgasm even as some of her seed had leaked out in her attempt to free herself earlier. And there was still more to give...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Returning the kiss, Sarah accepted Minos wishes now as she thrust into Mino repeatedly now, happy to orgasm into her endlessly while Mino moaned and cried out in pleasure reaching several orgasms of her own, eventually she put her own collar back onto Mino, making her giggle and sit up, leaning against the back of the bed so Sarah could pin her hands to the back of the bed, giggling, Mino said in a flirtatious tone "Oh no ive been a naughty slave~", happy to take Sarahs each and every thrust and whim with ecstatic glee.