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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Outside the room was a wooden banister overlooking the rest of the Inn, with several people all talking or drinking or just enjoying the breakfast that had been prepared for everyone, dwarves and humans alike and smelled like a lamb stew. heavy fair in the morning, but it smelled delicious anyway. Seeing her emerge, several waved and the innkeeper, an old dwarf with a very long white beard and a wrinkled, kind face ushered them down. "Come un get breakfast lassies, it's fresh~!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It was breakfast time now, Mino nodded and came down the stairs to find two seats for herself and Sarah, reverting to being introverted and shy from all these people here.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The innkeeper served both girls up heaping bowls of the stew as well as a sizable hunk of fresh cheese, a pitcher of mulled wine, and a loaf of fresh bread, smiling at them before simply saying "Good morning, Enjoy" and then wandering back to the counter, serving drinks to the dwarves and making pleasant talk to any who wanted as he continued to cook. It was nice, despite Mino's introverted attitude, because although she was around many people this morning, no one took particular notice of her for long apart from Sarah who was smiling all the while as she ate her breakfast.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

This was it, as soon as Mino saw the breakfast she had her face lit up like a six year old finding his first bike under the Christmas tree, sure enough Mino was devouring her breakfast as fast as possible and savouring every last crumb and taste of the feast set out before her, only pausing to either take a quick breather or to have a drink of her wine.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The wine itself was sweet and mild, and the meal was delicious, both girls managing to put it away in short order, which had the innkeeper laughing slightly. "Nice te know me cookin's appreciated. If ye lasses are still hungry, there's plenty more for ye" He said smiling widely.

Wandering over, he pulled up a chair and sat down. He was unusually comfortable to be around, even his face seemed kind, like everyone around was his family and it was his job to take care of them. "Hear yer new in town and heading out soon, is there anything ye thinkk you'll be needin? I'm happy te help." He said grinning, scratching his beard.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

With her mouth partly full, Mino shook her head, it was breakfast and she wanted to keep her stomach ready for lunch and dinner, the innkeeper asked if they needed any help, nodding, Mino swallowed and said "W-Well, do you know a-anywhere i can train? I-Is there anything interesting outside this t-town worth a look?" she asked, pondering what could be outside this town.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The innkeeper gave a short laugh. "Anythin interesting? Albion is a massive and sprawlin place with many a town and city both above and below ground missies, and as fer trainin, it depends on what you're lookin fer. If it's skill with that there Spear, then it's below ground with the dwarves for you or out to the capitol which ye be headin to shortly anyway. you can head to the dwarven encampments here by takin the tunnel outside, it's a short ride, and they'll happily let ye in with this." He said spinning a large silver coin on a necklace towards her on the table.

"Now, only thing about headin below the earth is that Dwarves be havin certain rules, and ye need to be followin em. Places ye shouldn't be goin and people ye need to listen to. It's nothin serious, they just be lookin out for yer safety, but sass won't get ye nowhere."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was told she could get more training with her spear if she went below ground to where the dwarves had a encampment, she asked "I-Is there anything just outside this town? Like forests or plains? I-Is it dangerous out there? A-And thanks..." she quickly corrected her mistake of not thanking the innkeeper for giving her the necklace, she then took it and examined it before putting it in her jeans pocket.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"O aye lass, it's plenty dangerous outside on your own, although as far as dangerous plants go, only deeper into the forests, and a strange kind of mushroom, though I wouldn't call that dangerous... just... Friendly. We have the occasional bandits, and the fey folk as well, though we don't always see eye to eye, they be friendly enough I suppose, live in the trees. O! And the leprechauns. Don't be answerin none o there riddles young one, lest you be certain ye know the answer. And the werefolk. Keep to themselves usually, but are not te be trifled with, they been gettin restless o late so stay indoors at night if ye ken. And no trouble at all, happy to help."

The coin showed a depiction of a hammer and an anvil heavily embossed on the front with several letters that Mino simple couldn't read. It was held on a braided leather strap and seemed to be important as far as the innkeeper was concerned, though he didn't say anything when she pocketed it. "Also, I think I know that spear, ye shouldn't need anything special, but yer friend is gonna need a weapon, and preferably made o silver. Also, and I cannae believe I fergot, there be plenty of the undead around at night, spectres, shades and the like. They control yer mind through yer eyes, so if ye see em, shut yer peepers tight and just keep walking."

Having apparently said all he thought was important, he pointed to a map against the far wall that was so large she could easily make it out from where she was. It showed not 1 or 2, but no less then 9 major cities, several outlying towns, roads, campsights, underground passageways, and dotted lines that were presumably underground roads and tunnels themselves. "Albion tis a big place, care ye don't get lost Lass' "
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was told that it only really became dangerous outside the city at night and that most of the monsters could easily be avoided in a simple manner, relieving her somewhat, she was told that it would be a good idea to find a weapon for Sarah which she nodded to, she was shown a map to Albion, she looked back at the innkeeper and asked "D-do you know any place where i can get or find free weapons or something...? I am k-kinda broke at the m-moment...", slightly embarrassed that after all this time she hadn't scrounged a cent from her adventuring.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Free? Very little in this world is free lass, you'll need to work for coin, or get lucky I suppose. Tell ye what, I've been specifically ordered to make sure ye have everything you need. Take that there coin down to the dwarves, tell them old Gestalt said to give the wolf lass a good knife for the hounds. Now understand, this blade is on loan, ye be bringin it back at some point, alright?" he said, although the look in his eyes said it wasn't overly important.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was told that she could bring that coin down to the dwarves and they would temporarily loan Sarah a knife for use in combat, Mino nodded and said "I-Ill give it back to them right before i d-depart for the capital, d-do you want the necklace back w-when i go back too?" Mino asked, making sure whether or not Gestalt wanted the necklace back before she left.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"No lass, keep it, and the knife, give that back before you leave Albion, ye can mail it by post if you wish." he clarified, laughing softly. Standing up, he wandered back over to the counter. "I ken only be thinkin of one more important thing ye take with you young one. And it's this" He said, handing her a compass of all things. "Like I said, Albion is a big place, do yer best not to get lost."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino was given a compass as well by Gestalt to insure she wouldnt get lost, nodding, she motioned for Sarah to follow her as she said "T-Thanks!" again, the two leaving the inn to find the tunnel to the dwarven encampment.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The town itself, now easier to see, was actually an established town, houses with 2 or 3 stories, people milling about to the market nearby. It seemed that just as the map suggested, Albion was far more developed then Ryan and Grace's home was, and a great deal larger. The tunnel she was looking for was off to the right, about 40 yards away under a large stone archway showing the same symbol as on the coin. Guarding it looked to be too of Grimmlock's men, standing there in shining armour at attention and holding large axes in front of a locked gate.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

She could see that the archway down to where the dwarves lived was guarded, she assumed she simply needed to show the necklace and she could pass, going over to the arch she said "U-Um hi...m-me and my f-friend n-need to come down here..." shakily and took out the necklace to show to the guards, expecting herself and Sarah to be let through to the encampment.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The guards watched her approaching, and only nodded as she showed the necklace, immediately stepping aside and opening the gate. "Traveler going down, Human and Okami, Guide requested" One of them called back. In short order, another dwarf, this one wearing a white and red robe strode forward and ushered them inside. "Welcome, I take it you're on specific business." His accent wasn't nearly as heavy as Gestalt or Grimmlock's had been, and he seemed to be about middle aged, his face adorned with a tremendous red beard. "My name is Shimmer, and I'll be guiding you around so we can avoid any trouble or misunderstanding. Do you mind my asking why it is you're heading down?" He asked completely politely as they walked into the tunnel which showed a sloping staircase and a glowing red light farther below.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino stepped over to Shimmer with Sarah and answered his question "I-im looking for a k-knife to loan to my f-friend, a-and i was wondering if you knew anyone t-that could help me train with my s-spear?" Mino asked in her usual shaky and shy manner.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"A knife huh? Well, if Gestalt sent you for a loan, then alright. As for training, it's much the same. Although you will have to tell me where you got that spear right now, it's been missing for years... Granted that only the person who actually finds it can wield it, we've been combing Albion for it ever since it went missing. Answer me that, and Ill take you both to the armoury for what you need." Shimmer seemed rather serious, and his eyes were now locked on the strange weapon that had mysteriously fallen into Mino's possession... There was far more to the weapon then Mino knew.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking at the spear, it seemed like everyone wanted to know how she got it, taking it off her holster she said "O-Oh this...? I F-found it in a a-abandoned house in the r-realm before this one...i cant r-remember the name...." she said, shrugging.