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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 10 2/6
ghost 7

Ghost 6
mino 13

Mino, panting with lust landed another hit, the ghosst and the cloak both looking close to ddefeat as the battle continued and managed to avoid another snatch. Attempt by the tendrils. Even as the battle continued, mino knew it would come down to the next attack...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Panting in arousal as she landed another hit, Mino knew that whoever landed the next hit would win the fight, pacing around the ghost, she would lunge when she thought the time was right, trying to drive the spear into the ghost.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 14
Ghost 13

With one last lunge, Mino rammed the spear straight into the center of the cloak, the tendrils coiling around it as it shook, and then died, the spirit howling at her in fury as it dissipated, its words unintelligable as it died along the the creature that it had decided to inhabit. This was a hard won victory, but it now left the map, and the watch, in her possession.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

With one more stab, Mino had managed to defeat the ghost trying to rape her, panting and catching her breath, Mino stood up and pushed the cloak off her spear, taking the maps direction, she left the room and continued up the staircase, checking the map again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Walking up the stairs, Mino was shown three doors, two on the left, one on the far right, and the map pointed to the one on the right. Although it was her choice to either head straight there, or check out the other rooms.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Deciding to look around the place a bit more, Mino decided to go to the doors on the left, picking the one closest to her and stepping inside.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Inside the door on the left, Mino found an old Piano in the back corner of the small room, and a large handmade and very expensive looking carpet that spanned most of the floor. With a drawing table and several dusty writing supplies in the other, Mino figured she had found some kind of recreational room for the household.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Finding a room that seemed to be a recreation room, Mino took note of quite a few drawing supplies in the room, supposing a artist used to live in this house, shrugging she turned and if nothing stopped her, left the room to go into the other door on the left side that she missed.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The second room was much larger then the first, and seemed to be a large bedroom with another carpet of a similar make. Unlike the last room, this one had 3 hidden corners in the back and a sloping ceiling that tapered almost to the floor, a massive stainglass window dominating the room. Mino could make out what appeared to be a chest in the back left corner, opposite the bed.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking around the new room she found, Mino was somewhat happy to find a chest in the corner of the room, walking over to it she opened it up to see what treasure awaited her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Carpet! 14
Mino 7
Ensnared 1!
Mino 4
Carpet 15

Mino never made it to the chest as she walked across the room, stepping onto the carpet, the carpet itself seemed to trip her up, a multitude of threads lashing out from it's center to wrap around her ankles as it started to buck and roll.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Walking along the room, Mino was tripped up and had her ankles grabbed by the carpet, surprisingly Mino didnt seem to notice this as she stood up and tried to continue on, unaware of the grappling carpet.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Carpet 19
Mino 2
Ensnared 3, Unable to attack until escaped. -3 to rolls

Mino, not realising the situation she was in was in dire straights when the entire carpet rolled under her and she fell flat across it's center. Without much of a chance to react, she immediately felt the carpet rolling into a tight bundle around her. Stuck, the spear pinned to her side, she was incapable of moving until she found a way out, and she could already feel more threads twining around her form...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Falling over again, Mino realised that this carpet was trying to get her in a tight grip, completely immobile and unable to attack she could only whimper and struggle against the tight wraps of the...living carpet.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 14
Carpet Nat 20
Ensnared 4
Carpet 17
Mino 16-4=12
Fight over ^-^; That was fast o_O

Mino, despite any struggling found that she was painfully outmatched this time as the carpet started to squeeze around her, threads twisting under her clothing and around her wrists, the carpet seeming to feed on fabric and the like as she felt her clothes literally unraveling from her body even as she moved, leaving her bare flesh to run against the soft texture of the carpet undulating against her body. Already hot under the collar from her encounter with the ghost down stairs, she couldn't stop it as the strange sensations started to push her over the edge. A thread twining around to tug her clit was the last little push she needed, sending the now nude Mino into a body wracking orgasm that forced her to buck and writhe within the confines of the carpet even as she could feel it binding her.

Unwinding slowly, Mino found she still couldn't move and as the carpet full unfurled, the true direness of her situation revealed itself. Bound tightly, spread eagle on the floor, Mino could only whimper and writhe, facing up, as she felt threads crawling over her neck and face, slipping past her lips to slowly fill her mouth with a steadily growing ball of fabrics, spreading her jaws as she was completely muffled and left there where she was. As the carpet stopped moving, Mino found it was anchored to the ground now, and that she was completely helpless bound to it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Struggling, Mino found out the hard way that this carpets grip was almost unbreakable and that it was literally eating her clothes, already aroused from the ghost from before, she was almost immediately brought to orgasm by a small thread tugging her clit, making her face turn bright red as her juices ran down her thighs, the carpet had unfurled from her, returning to a inanimate form, but Mino was tied to the ground, her legs spread along with her wrists and her mouth gagged, preventing her from screaming for help, she had to take a moment to calm down from what happened, still blushing as she looked around trying to supress her lewd mindset.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound where she was, and trying to calm down was working great, until she saw the door open. It was the wind right? With no open windows that was pretty wishful thinking. Panting, red faced where she was and still recovering, Mino was surprised when her body was immediately wracked with another orgasm, seemingly without cause as the pleasure bolted through her body. As if on cue with her sudden burst of bliss, the carpet seemed to animate a little again, 3 thin threads, crawling over her chest and hips to wrap around the bound girls clit and nipples tightly, every motion from her causing the threads to tug on the 3 extremely sensitive areas all at once, even as she could see a thread connecting them all slowly reaching for the ceiling. Powerless at the moment to do anything but watch, Mino, Annoyingly, felt another random orgasm rack her body again seemingly without cause. And then she heard footsteps on the stairs...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Watching the door suddenely open brought worry to Mino again as she tried to struggle, only to be brought to another orgasm at random, she watched a few threads ascend to the ceiling as three more coiled around her nipples and her clit, making even the slightest movement agonisingly pleasurable as her body was racked with another orgasm, mino finding it harder and harder to supress her lewd mindset, only able to supress it by telling herself its furniture, what else can it do?
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The threads, reaching the ceiling and wrapping around one of the beams, made mino's situation even more hopeless as a ghostly face of a woman appeared in the corner and winked at her, before snapping her fingers and bringing Mino to another orgasm as if through will alone. "We have a guest~ Do be a good hostess~" She said giggling before vanishing again. To think that whatever was ascending the stairs was going to be helpful was probably wishful thinking as a man wearing patched together leather armor walked in. Seeing Mino, the brown haired man sneered at her, before leaning out of the door. "Oi! Boss! I found some entertainment~" He shouted, making Mino realise that the carpet didn't have to do anything else as the man walked over and plucked the thread hanging from the ceiling like a guitar string, all three pulls on her clit and nipples making her shudder and moan in pleasure as the man leered down at her. As the other two men walked in, and saw the situation, they all started chuckling. "Well boys, lets not keep the lady waiting~" The apparent leader said, moving forward to take off his pants and move to kneel between Mino's spread legs, his shoulder pushing at the thread tugging on her most sensitive places as she felt the head of his length slide easily into her dripping folds. Prepared for whatever they wanted by the ghost, and the carpet, Mino's desperate slit tugged and pulled on the length now steadily thrusting into her as the man groaned, starting to thrust harder and faster while the other two waited there turn.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Realising that three other humans had found her in this vulnerable state, Mino gave out muffled cries of mercy as she tried to struggle out of the threads grip, only to reach another orgasm and receive another burst of pleasure as a man twanged on the thread hanging to the ceiling, stimulating her entire body as he kneeled down and penetrated her, making Mino give out a muffled moan and try to say "Mmph..~ N-Nrmh...stop...~"